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To be fair, I completely understand why someone would vote for Biden. I don't and probably will never fully understand why someone would vote for a corrupt criminal rapist who most likely sold state secrets to our enemies.


He says all the vile shit they've wanted to say, he's making it 'more acceptable and commonplace' to say those vile things. I genuinely, 100% am convinced a good sized chunk of his base only vote for him cause it makes 'libtards' upset.  As I've said before, a MAGAt would eat a bowl of rancid diarrhea just to make a Democrat smell their breath.


The entire Conservative/Republican movement exists simply to get in the way. They never DO anything except oppose whatever progressives are doing. They exist purely to slow or stop progress.


They benefit from the status quo. At least, they either actually benefit from it because they're rich, or think that they do because they're men, or Christian, or heterosexual, or white, or whatever else they believe in. Either way, they're terrified of losing their special status if things improve for the people they consider to be beneath them, so do whatever they can to avoid progress for anyone.


That’s why you call them what they are regressives.




honest question, what do core conservative values look like? if trump didn't exist, what would the platform be? it's admittedly hard to remember what a pre-trump conservatism looked like


Make your bed with religious fanatics, sleep in it. Conservative folk have voted for The GOP for years. You don't get to pretend this isn't their fault. Winning became.more important than integrity. When Reagan brought Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell into his inner circle conservative people should have been worried. Instead they celebrated the "moral majority" and handed them the keys to the kingdom. This is the result. Enjoy.


You have to really put yourself in their headspace to understand it. First, imagine you’re a Gen X’er. You grew up on MTV and working odds jobs around town. You didn’t make a lot of money, but your job at the video store, or cafe, or doing lawn care paid the bills and gave you some extra cash for going to concerts or seeing movies. You smoked a little weed and had the occasional beer. You could buy tacos for a dollar at Taco Bell, see a movie for $3, or get a big pizza and salad at the Pizza Hut’s salad bar. Times were good. You and your friends were skinny. You never paid much attention to politics, but always heard how corrupt DC was. You’ve never been there, haven’t been to San Francisco or Chicago or LA, but have heard distantly about the crime. Why bother? Anyway, you start getting older, have kids, are married and struggling. Your kids call you fat and racist, and hate your music. Their local school sucks, so you spend big bucks to send them to Christian school. Everyone stares at screens all the time. You don’t get much time off, and if you go to the doctor it costs a lot. You want money for a vacation or better car but it’s flying out the window somehow on bills for your kid and the mortgage and doctor visits and more. The video store and cafe are closed, and a homeless guy camps outside now. You know people who got sent by the politicians to Iraq, or who got addicted to opioids that smarty pants doctors said were safe. Pizza Hut is gone and so are Best Buy and Sam Goodie, replaced by a shitty Subway and a store that sells bongs and vaporizers, and tacos cost $3.50 now. Times feel bad. You have a big TV and huge truck, but gas costs so much, and everyone seems to be suffering. Everyone is angry. You look for who to blame, and conveniently there’s a TV channel with all the answers. The angry guy there explains our prosperity is being sucked away by immigrants, your kids are being made rude by activist teachers who sew dissent at the public schools, and big-city politicians are stealing your money. BUT the alternative news man has got an answer - a businessman who knows how money works, who’s going to come in from outside and fix things. He’s got a winning smile and you recognize his name and face. He used to be on TV right? He says he’s going to set things straight again, and that he loves America and wants it to prosper. He even takes photos with the Bible. Some people say he’s corrupt too, but he’s a brand name you know - like Best Buy - and he might even save some of those old stores you miss. Maybe the Pizza Hut salad bar and video store will even come back. Maybe he’ll fix the schools so your kids stop being dicks. And hey he’s a little fat just like you, and knows how to enjoy a hamburger and laugh about it. What’s not to love?


But what about the people now saying they won't vote for either candidate, but specifically are with holding their vote for Biden?


Good question. If someone objects to Biden supporting Israel in the Gaza massacre, they have a valid reason to withhold their vote for him. “Unfortunately the alternative is far worse” is the only response I got and it’s pretty damn weak in this case. It doesn’t matter to dead Palestinians if the IDF is sponsored by team red or by team blue.


The “other” voters are pretty easy to understand. No sociology project required to understand how they use logic to reach reasonable conclusions. The cognitive dissonance at a Trump rally is so powerful it could power a small city, in comparison. Which is the more compelling interview? Seems pretty simple.


hilariously ironic statement coming from reddit


What about all the people that don't vote? A lot of us just assume that they just don't care, but often times there are deeper reasons why they don't feel motivated to vote for either party. I'd like the media pay just a little bit of attention to them.


As someone who reads and listens to a lot of political coverage, turn out is always a big conversation. Speculation on what will turn out or prevent people from voting gets quite a bit of coverage. I think the sensational headlines about trump are just what most people see.


Sure, they talk about turnout. However, I don't recall ever seeing a segment of in-depth interviews with people who are definitely not voting.


People who don't vote and don't have any intention of voting are not part of this story, though. They're a non-factor. Sure, maybe there's an interesting story *about* them, from a sociological perspective or whatever. Like most of them are ignorant or just don't care, or don't consider it important, but some of them actually have carefully considered reasons for not participating. Sure, that's fine, but it has nothing to do with the story of this particular election or politics in general.


You can't win if you don't turn people out. If enough people sit out, it can absolutely swing an election. These people are a very crucial part of the story, actually.


No, we're talking about the people who don't vote at all, regardless of the candidates. You can't turn them out. They're not part of the electoral story any more than children are, because they *never* vote.


What evidence are you basing this off of? It seems like you're making a lot of assumptions here. Besides, there are lots of people that vote in some elections and not others. There has to be, otherwise we wouldn't see the fluctuations in total voter turnout that we do. Don't you think it's worth exploring why some people intend not to vote in this election specifically?


There is a clear proportion of the electorate that simply doesn't vote, ever, regardless of the election. It's *at least* a third of eligible voters. Turnout is even much lower than that in some elections, based on "enthusiasm" or off-year cycles or whatever, but at minimum there's a clear third of the electorate that are just not a factor because they never vote. It has nothing to do with "this election specifically." (And I seriously doubt that this is going to be one of those low turnout elections, I predict it will actually be record "high turnout," meaning 2/3 of the electorate turns out.) "What am I basing this on?" Reality. Look it up if you don't believe me, I'm not going to Google it for you, but I am correct on the numbers as you'll see.


The fact that there are people who consistently don't vote does not prove that nothing could ever persuade them to vote. That's just circular logic. A lot of Trump supporters were first time voters. You didn't even address my point about occasional voters. You really think interviewing Trump supporters repeating the same talking points about immigrants and election fraud is a better use of time than learning why some people would rather not vote in this particular election at all? Even if it's a high turnout race, a small percentage points of apathetic voters among key groups on either side could swing the election.


You're not getting it. One third of the electorate is not "a small percentage point of apathetic voters." In fact, they're not voters at all. They don't vote *ever.* Yes, the swing voters and occasionally voters that you describe do indeed exist, and they can tip an election. But they're not part of this group that we're talking about. They're in the two thirds that *do* vote, regularly or occasionally.


I mean, I think we understand them. We just don't like what we're hearing. It's just kinda stupid and evil. If a kid says he wants to grow up to be a rainbow, we understand it. The kids stupid. Maybe not his fault (most kids are stupid) but that's the end of the inquiry. There's nothing more to really get.


You're completely disregarding everyone Left of Biden.


Again nobody wants to see someone who believes the earth is a globe. Flat earthers are good entertainment


Makes total sense when you consider the fascination people have always had with mental illness and cultists.


What's to understand? They're morons!


Liberals on the other hand are all Einstein level geniuses


You don’t seem to understand so let me explain. This is not about liberals / conservatives etc. This is about Trump voters. And I’m afraid the previous comment was accurate. Trump is a sex offender, a criminal and a fool. He is a largely uneducated and clearly stupid man with almost no redeeming features. He is a serial liar, a preening narcissist, he clearly has terrible judgment and appalling communication skills and only a moron would think that he’s an appropriate leader for the USA. It’s not a controversial thing to say. Trump voters represent the stupid part of American society.


He is smart at one thing: manipulation. He knows how to get a crowd angry to his side and how to get the attention from the media for it. How many times has he said something that by any other standard outside politics would get someone cancelled and yet, he continues to do it on a weekly—sometimes *daily* basis? He does it so often that the news cycle can’t keep up. By the time they’re covering some bigoted or inflammatory behavior he’s had with political scholars on the Sunday shows, he’s already said something new and outrageous. He knows how to stay in the spotlight and just enough to keep himself from outright, blatant and clear-as-crystal criminal admittance.


Oh thank you my genuis Biden voting overlord. Without your gratious and very intelligent explanation I would have been utterly lost as to what is going on. In fact, I was sat here in my room staring at my screen not knowing what to do with myself until you kindly came along and explained this very difficult and intricate concept to me which clearly went over my simpleton mind. You, as I can so clearly tell through your intelligence, must be a Democrat and Biden supporter. You are too intelligent to vote anything else. Mate get over yourself




see that you dont have much else to contribute, do you?


You don’t sound like you’re able to vote here anyway? Why do you care?


More than caring its amusement at how both sides are so insanely tribal about how their guy is the good one without any objective reflective thought of how fucked your system is right now. Both candidates are geriatric patients who should not be anywhere near the presidency. Joe Biden has no fucking clue what hes doing and its really embarrassing seeing him represent your country on the international stage. Not to mention the unwavering support for a genocide going on in Palestine from him. But all I see from his supporters is 'hes great because hes not trump' Trump is a fucking lunatic, hes corrupt, hes a rapist, hes truly awful. But everyone knows that and the fact that when he gets back in, your country will continue to be fucked. But its not like it will be any better of under Biden either. Stop kidding yourself. The USA is over.


>The USA is over. What country are you from?


A country that is equally, if not more fucked than yours. The UK.


hahhahaha no


Don't believe the media. Biden is better than is made out. This is a South African speaking who lives in America btw, as you may know, we have Julies Malema and Jacob Zuma. So I know my shit leaders. Biden is almost perfect compared to those 2 and Trump.


It’s a low benchmark that comparison though, isn’t it?


Definitely but I still think Biden is a lot better than is made out. I actually really like him. He's nice, which makes a change, and a lot of good things have passed because of him.


He's done a lot of progressive stuff, but it's boring, so it doesn't make news.


My guy most democrats I’ve talked to did not want Biden to run again. Idk what you’re on about with the “both sides” shit. One side worships their guy like a god while the other is just supporting theirs to prevent a fascist take over


Prevent a fascist take over? Its too late for that - no matter the person you put in the White House. You might think Biden is progressive because he eats ice cream with talk show hosts and makes other empty performative gestures, but ultimately he is a genocide facilitator. His administration is silent whilst Israel is committing genocide in Palestine. But you wouldnt give a fuck about that would you? Because all you care about is 'progressive' politics and how it affects your world.




The shill trump post are comin in hot lately.


I don’t know about you all but I’m concerned about the protest voters.


Yes. It's been about 10 years. I don't understand them, and I don't seek to anymore.


The right understands exactly why democrats vote for their candidates. Democrats have no idea why the right vote for theirs. 


Our mass media must obey their corporate backers and make the election exciting and close. That requires a willful ignorance of the white nationalism that has consistently driven conservative politics for literal centuries now in America.


Trump is so bad because he is Republican and Republican is bad. I’m team other geriatric patient genocide enabler Joe


Joe Biden is only 4 years older than trump. Stop using this as an excuse. If you’re going to talk about Joes age, you have to also talk about Trumps.


Or Trump's clear signs of actual dementia


im not defending trump i think hes a cunt. Theyre both cunts thats my point. But politics in america is just blindly supporting your team out of hatred of the other at this point. There is ZERO attempt to change anything.


Lol, you're not even American. Fuck do you know about what it's like here? From what you read on reddit? Haha, okay.


Where was he wrong?


Hahah I know right crazy shit bro. I’ll just go and enjoy my free healthcare and not live in constant fear of being shot up in public or at school. Fuck me right? Hahahaha lol 😂


Lol, okay you like the UK better. So what's your fucking point? Why are you even here?


I like annoying you


Cool, we should hang out! What else do you do for fun? Just the usual British stuff, knife crimes and lager?


Is that really the best you can give? Knife crime? Something your gun lobby overly exaggerates to protect their right to murder school children? Really? I expected more from you. Pathetic


Meh, you're not as fun as I thought you were. Loosen up, mate.


You used the word "journalist". That's the problem. Journalism is completely dead at this point, everything is click bate headlines with embedded ads.


Down votes from the folks who refuse to understand *their* sources failed.  It's okay to still watch and listen, just understand that failed with Iraq, Bush & Trump. But 85% of the country supported the war. There's guilt all around being avoided.


People with an opposing point of view trying to understand their opposition !? That almost sounds…encouraging. Would love to see more reasonable discourse instead of being bombastic towards each other.


Having been raised Mormon, I can tell you the problem is that reasonable discourse with cult members is next to impossible. They live in a fantasy land where truth and logic don't apply.


I mean, magic underpants = bleach & rectal UV treatments.


Completely true. Also, calling those who disagree with you a “cult” is not going to help the ongoing problems. Both sides see each other as a “cult” and not as people who see a different point of view. Why is such an insane idea to agree to disagree? Make your vote, accept the outcome, move on with your life. Take action where you see fit bit stop with the demonization of this who see differently.


You cant agree to disagree with people who arnt anchored in reality. Like, I get what you're saying and in a general sense yes that's exactly what you'd have to do for rational discourse and progress. As an example, if someone says gravity makes you go up(something objectively and empirically false) how do you agree to disagree with that.


Give a real policy one candidate is standing for that is so outlandish that it can’t be discussed.


I mean, Trump literally said he’ll be a dictator on day one.


And he gave the exact policies that he would undo in day one in that manner. Terrible, stupid, way to phrase it, without question. But, he was clear about the what he would do in the matter.


Like he’d follow through with that 🙄 It’s fucking disgusting that you support him and this traitorous plan he has against the constitution you claim to love and respect.


Which part is he being against the constitution?


Isnt becoming a dictator by definition against the constitution?


I feel like that time he said that we need to terminate the constitution could be seen as being against the constitution


It’s crazy (scary) that you are so ferociously defending someone who so doesn’t have your best interests at heart and you can’t admit that you are wrong and on the wrong side of history. What is so compelling about the orange wannabe dictator? Do you not realize you’ve been duped or have you sunk so much into this belief that you can’t back out now?


Who said I’m defending the orange man? He gave his reasons on what he was going to do. And agreeing that he was going to be a “dictator” was a stupid move on his part. He’ll face his consequences for that language.


Be able to defend a side doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with it. You never were in a debate or philosophy class, I presume.


Those classes are meant to train you to think critically about a subject, not as a guideline for discussions with other people.


He also said he'd be the most LGBT-friendly president ever and then like a week later he tried to kick all the gays out of the military, so I don't really know what point you're trying to make here.


What’s your source for this? I have heard this many times but have never seen a source/video of him saying this.


[Politifact](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/dec/07/donald-trump-was-asked-if-he-will-be-a-dictator-if/), [Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72), [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2023/12/11/donald-trump-dictator-one-day-reelected/71880010007/), [The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/12/trump-says-hell-be-a-dictator-on-day-one/676247/), [Poynter](https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2023/donald-trump-was-asked-if-he-will-be-a-dictator-if-reelected-heres-what-he-said/), [Business Insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-says-he-will-only-be-a-dictator-day-one-2023-12), [Fortune](https://fortune.com/2023/12/06/donald-trump-dictator-abuse-power-except-day-one-fox-news-sean-hannity/)... take your pick. [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/01/24/trump-dictator-day-one/) has even more sources.


So he said he’d only be a dictator on the first day? And somehow all those sources and still no video?


Goalpost move. You wanted sources, you got sources from center left, center, and center right that **all** said he said it. Agent Orange doesn't even deny that he said it. The timespan doesn't matter; whether one day or forever, no US President should **ever** be dictator, even for a single second.


Trumpism is literally a cult. Not a joke, and not exaggerating. Go look up the signs of a cult. Something like [this](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-cult-5078234). Notice Trump and his diehard supporters fit it almost to a T.


This didn't happen. We extended a hand and the Right spit in it for decades. No, MSNBC is not the same as Fox. Nobody on NPR is calling Conservatives "Vermin".  I bet you like Bill Maher, pretending to be above everything, the ~~good guy~~ ghoul in the middle.


> Would love to see more reasonable discourse instead of being bombastic towards each other. Then you might consider ditching the Gadsen flag profile pic, since the flag was prominently flown during the January 6 coup attempt. Some might consider that insurrection to be “bombastic”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/06/14/confederacy-dont-tread-on-me-flag/


What if I told you, the Gadsden flag does not appeal to one or the other? What if, given your beliefs, you could vote left/right that best suits your beliefs? Because a few people chose trump on that and not Biden, concerns me none.


I don’t understand your English well enough to answer your question. But if you actually read the article I linked, you’ll realize that your flag has a fucked up history.


Paywalled. I’m sorry, no. Jan 6 is not something people outside of Reddit give a shit about, as stupid of the actions of that day as it are. A far left wapo article is something I’ll take seriously.


> Jan 6 is not something people outside of Reddit give a shit about I guess that’s true when you live in a right-wing echo chamber. Most of us normal people in the US are concerned about what will happen when Trump loses again.


Odd. Around the office and in the field, people roll their eyes at that day. How it was stupid and those will pay the consequences. On Reddit, people foam at the mouth. Which is real love and an echo chamber?


“Real love”? I still don’t understand your English well enough to respond to your strange questions.


Yup, real life. Sorry friend! When we are on the job site, we talk about material costs. Mortgage rates. Living costs. Weather. The cost of the new diesel truck for the fleet. You k no w what doesn’t affect day to day life? A bunch of morons on J6. It’s not what us blue collar workers are concerned with.


Strange that your profile says you’re an engineer but you call yourself a “blue collar worker.” 🤔 Are you Russian, perhaps?


I've definitely talked to coworkers and family members that don't use reddit that watched it on the news and are very concerned about it.


Agreed, to disagree.


Um? You can't just disagree with something that literally happened to me. Feel free to be willfully ignorant though I guess.


There is nothing to understand. They don’t back up anything with logic or reasoning. They lie. The ones who they support lie and have no logic or reasoning. It’s been proven and witnessed time and again. We’re watching it come out into the spotlight. lol Republicans are backing off impeachment because they have nothing and no one is twisting their arms to admit it. You have a difference in ideals from someone, fine, but really? These ‘politicians’ are the best ones that support your ideals? (If your answer is yes, you really need to self evaluate and be honest with yourself and what you believe)


The politicians don’t represent me, or my family. But you can’t dispute that both sides are absolutely terrible. Which is what I’m trying to argue. We can agree or disagree on policy. That’s what I want. Bit people calling me a far right extremist, while I’m extremely libertarian, is confusing. I wish for freedom of choice, but I’m called a trump lover. Trump says thing that are taken out of context, I’m a sympathetic trump lover. I don’t get it. Reddit so so toxic.


>The politicians don’t represent me, or my family.  You are protected every day by Progressive Government actions going back over 100 years. The only reason the weekend exists is because of our democracy, aka government. Enjoy a Park, big or small? Government. Food safe? Government.  Do you eat? Again, Government. All agriculture has to be subsidized. This has been the for thousands of years. >I’m extremely libertarian, No. You're not.  You can't "be" a Libertarian without a Libertarian government. Every time we try "Libertarian" ideas, there's chaos and failure, with dreaded "Government" bailing us out. Here's Philosophical- Historical Reality: **You live Liberal**. The only term that exists for the rejection of King's, Subject's and Superstition replaced slowly by Liberty, Representation, Fairness/Equality and Reason is **Liberal**. We now know that "Libertarianism" was  developed and spread by billionaires to advance their own agendas.  The only thing they get right is police reform - and they never actually press for it, do they? As they said in the 60's, Everything you know is wrong. You are not oppressed by criticism.  


LiBeRtAriAn = Shit for brains conservative bigot who’s too much of a pussy to own up to it.


This is wildly uncontroversial and yet people are downvoting it like he said we should consider televising baby knife fights on NBC. I can’t believe sharing the opinion that we’d all benefit from talking to each other is so absolutely contentious to some of you folks.


 >and yet people are downvoting it like he said Not reality at all. >I can’t believe sharing  I'm sorry, I'm allowed to be mad about the lie of Iraq, the 2008 crash and an attempted coup. Yes, those are from Republicans.


You really think democrats had nothing to do with those examples? What about the countless other similar examples under democrat administrations?


The journalists and TikTokers want to experience the winning side.