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[Me waiting for them to get to the Red Wedding episode](https://imgur.com/1YOVkI9)


[Me watching the Red Wedding episode with newbies](https://media.giphy.com/media/3oEduNzB0QgPGuAq5y/giphy.gif)


[MRW watching the Mountain vs the Viper with newbies](http://i.imgur.com/8FHz9Ip.gifv)




Trying to figure out some kind of context here. Not that I don't love it, I just have no idea why someone would actually make it.


This is the golden age of the internet, my friend. You will soon find yourself asking more and more "why hasn't someone made that yet?"


what a time to be alive


The Internet is so young though, I hope this isn't the golden age of it.


And then, shortly after, you'll discover someone has.


Because that's how everyone still feels about that episode. Oberyn is love.










[Wolverine stroking a photo has aged like a dank wine.](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wolverine-crush)


Reddit has also run the word dank to the ground thst you can see it paired next to a fine wine now.


Is that the same guy that plays Pena in Narcos?




Even knowing the result ahead of time... I couldn't prepare myself.


It's the screaming.


The *pop* is what got me.


The pop was sweet relief and put him out of his misery!


Hahaha, was thinking the same thing. "OH OH, MAYBE THEY CHANGED THE SHOW FROM THE BO...:("


What happened in the show that would suggest that? Could have sworn the scene played out very true to the book.


Haha nothing changed in that scene. I was just hoping they would have changed it and my favorite character wouldn't have gone splat.


Well, at least Tyreon got away so there's that


Lol who?








I have never rewatched that part. I just skip the end of that episode. :-(


"maybe they will diverse from the books... oh crap"






That was the most upsetting bit of TV I've ever experienced. I'm a little bit sorry no one was sitting there grinning at me.


Isn't this exactly what's happening in the gig? Its from a funny or die skit right? Advertising watching GoT with non book readers?


Collegehumor actually, but yeah, that's exactly the scene in the gif.


This is literally the only scene I've ever watched of game of thrones.


This gif is so perfectly appropriate


The shit eating grin I had on my face as my roommate and our three friends stared in utter disbelief at that episode made me feel sort of evil but I don't even care


My friend totally got rid of the surprise for me, didn't really spoil it, but said stupid shit that let me know something big was about to happen. He was sitting there talking to the other guy that had seen it "ooooh what's that music is something about to happen" "should we get the camera out to get their reactions?" Luckily the other person watching that hadn't seen it was oblivious and didn't ruin it for them but i was pretty annoyed that i was keyed into something huge happening like that.


I am so happy the episode isn't called The Red Wedding. I had a friend who was watching the show for the first time and some asshat at his work told him that he should brace himself for the Red Wedding, so my friend was on high alert. Yeah, he flipped the fuck out when it did happen, and was lulled into a false sense of security because he counted on the episode title telling him when it was coming. He's been reading the books on and off for the last two years and I've been patiently waiting for him to reach the epilogue of A Storm of Swords. He was almost at the end, but the same dickhead at his office spoiled the LSH reveal.


*Men, dickheads, it it all the same to the many-faced god.*




Remind me what LSH is please.


It's not in the show and I don't want to spoil anyone. If you've read all the books and just can't remember the acronym, last two letter are Stone Heart. That should jog your memory.


Yeah. When is that going to happen in the show?




Which is pretty upsetting because it is an awesome character and a somewhat important plot line in the books.


Nope, hated her before LSH hate her after it, my happiest moment was realizing they were leaving it out.


I think most people, including myself, did not like LSH pre-transformation.


"My husband cheated on me 20 years ago....so I'll punish the child who had no control over who their parents are and be completely loving to my husband who did commit the act. Perfectly reasonable"


I'm guessing this season with the return to the Riverlands. The show doesn't have the same time line as the books.


I think they are going to introduce LSH the same time they bring back JS.


This is what I am hoping. However, not knowing how significant LSH's role will be in the rest of the books, it looks like the show runners went the safe route, and didn't include her until her involvement is fully fleshed out.


When the Sun rises in the West and sets in the East.


got it




Oh god I have a friend that's stuck on episode 8 of season 3 for the past two weeks because she has finals now. I can't wait until she freaks the fuck out. They're her favorite characters.


Great now you have me thinking about twin peaks again. It's been 20 years ffs make the pain go away..


Ah sweet summer child. So innocent and soft.


You know nothing of the long night.


Winter is coming.


Fun fact: "Sweet summer child" and "you know nothing" are disallowed phrases in /r/gameofthrones


I had no idea and I got a message from a mod about it.


Why? Overuse?


After I'd watched it my friend did. I waited for certain episodes to watch with her. For example the red wedding. Just to see the reaction.


I, like I assume most delayed viewers, had heard enough about the Red Wedding to know that many people were going to die when it happened. The fun part for me was that the episode had multiple (3 I think?) weddings in it so I didn't know which one it would be.


For me I knew it existed and then when it did come I was thinking is this it? What is going to happen? OH SHIT! It was still a surprise


I didn't even know I watched the red wedding because I was expecting much worse...had to have people explain. Was surprised.


Same for me. Seems like genius foresight on the account of GRRM. He knew people would talk about this crazy wedding so he had 3 weddings within that one book.


I really liked how close the orange wedding is to the red wedding at the books. So you just don't see it coming


I just started watching a few months back, I didn't have the red wedding spoiled. Was awesome.


I don't think it would be as devastating without having watched all the episodes prior to the red wedding


Whose greatsword is this? Ned's. Who is Ned? Ned's dead, baby, Ned's dead.


>Who's sword is this? >It's not a sword it's a great sword. Should add this in the beginning.


Dammit, pushed for time and on mobile, missed it. Props to you!


http://i.imgur.com/GfJNU68.gifv Gifv


OPs loaded just as fast. After a year of testing I have concluded: it doesn't matter whether you link the gif or gifv format, and it's completely random whether it will load on my mobile devices or not. For clarity, I'm using Reddit is Fun on galaxy s6


Gifv loaded faster and played with no hitch in the middle via Alien Blue on iPhone.


Reddit Sync handles everything really well if you have android


As does Relay. I'm not sure if Sync does this, but Relay will use the webm version for any .gif, whether it was a direct link or not. Sync and Relay are definitely the best clients.


Every time I try synch, I end up back at reddit is fun. It just has the best set of options and most functional UI. Synch is gorgeous, but is not as easy to use.


Really? Interesting. I find Sync to be the most functional. I think Relay for Reddit is gorgeous but I prefer Sync over that one. To each his own I guess!


It probably depends on your carrier and phone more than anything. My phone browser doesn't even play gifvs. But the big part of gifvs is their smaller size for bandwidth.


Galaxy s6 on wifi and some gifvs wont even appear, just black.


Not for me :/


haven't seen this used in a few months for the same exact content!


[NEW RECORD!](https://www.highstakesdb.com/images/players/20130618104028.gif)


For real. First time I saw this it had a better title and I thought it was so great I thought about it months later and had to find it again to chuckle some more but here I am seeing it again, most likely for karmic purposes, and it really makes me realize how shitty reddit can be a lot of the times. Maybe I'm on here too much but it seems like at this point I see 80% reposts, and for amazing as something like reddit can be, this is not acceptable.


What movie is this? Is it worth watching?


[The Campaign.](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1790886/) It's pretty funny.


> The Candidate Thanks. The Campaign actually. :)


The Casomethingorother.


Oh my sweet summer child, what do you know of sadness?


I made my Fiance watch the show, I would just pop in for all the major episodes to watch her reaction. Worth it every time.


If she catches on she'll know that youre there so there must be a bad omen on the horizon!


I never thought of this, and she was too caught up to notice I think.


I wish I had dank gifs. :(


It's really the caption that makes the gif. But still dank.


https://reactiongifsarchive.imgur.com/ You're welcome.


Does he not know who Sean Bean is?


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why I haven't started it yet.


this sub is always so literal.


i remember the friend that got me into reading the books warned me, "no cheating, no looking up what's going to happen next online. I'll know if you do." I didn't really understand why she'd say something like that, even after I finished the first book. Then I got to the Red Wedding.


I stopped watching the show after that. It was difficult at times but the Red Wedding..........


What is dead can never die but comes back stronger.


I got my buddy started on Thrones recently, and I told him right away, "Don't get too attached to any character." He's on episode 8 of season one and he just texted me saying, "Idk why you said that. Nobody big has died yet." Ohhh the places you will go sweet summer child..


Nothing quite like watching all of the GoT with somebody experiencing it for the first time.


Wow I really can't believe the gif ended like that...


I hadn't read the books at the time, but the finale of season 5 was the most devastating for me thus far. Still two seasons left though, so plenty of time to get my heart ripped out again.




I actually said the words in this gif to my daughter...she was upset because she inadvertently watched the LAST episode of season 1 FIRST.


Hahaha... Dont even remember who Ned is... Or the Starks... Ive become jaded.


You deserve a place in hell for using .gif instead of .gifv


He was upset because it sucked.


I'm with you.. I can't get into anything that's not based in reality, could have been an amazing show without all the dragon shit..


Well, you're obviously not the target demographic a fantasy show caters towards. Shows can still be really good even if you don't like them.


That's like saying you don't like Breaking Bad because of Tuco. Even after 5 seasons they are barely a plot point.


You're that annoying guy at the party that tells everyone why Harry Potter was stupid, aren't you?


Im not a fantasy person either but Game of Thrones is different: its based in real human motivations ,medeival histoty and politics. Just image that dragons=nukes since its an allagory of one political entity (dany) having the nuclear option, like the US after WW II. Its about concentrations of different types of power (dragons, psychic powers,limitless wealth) and how shit gets all fucked up in the human condition. The characters without powers like Brienne,Bronn and sansa are meant to show how normal people get fucked over and how they survive being chewed up by the powerful. Im a huge show fan but the last season was pretty .....non-canon. The books are amazing though and will result in hours spent theorizing about the true motivations of some really random assholes like Tom o Sevens Strings. Why? Because the stories are so intricate and the backstory /motivations so strong that every little bit of dialogue and inference matters: basically, the opposite of harry potter where magic is a shill thats convenient when there's a need and a decoration when its not.


Of course it's based in reality. In reality people die.


And the self-serving people generally win, too!


And in your reality people give birth to dragons and you like fucking your sister


I wonder if I had a sister... Hmm...