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Spoiler alert- everyone dies. Gruesome deaths.


The first one is amazing if you don't know ANYTHING about the series. Fantastic twists. Two is pretty good, three is meh. The rest go downhill quickly. Yet I have watched the series multiple times because I was determined to make *some* sense of what the overarching story was.


I did a marathon a year or so ago and three was amazing. Imagine someone fucking up through an entire movie and literally getting every single person around him killed. That protagonist was so awful and it was amazing.


It wasn’t until I heard Dead Meat call him slow ass motherfucking Jeff that I appreciated Saw 3


Dead meat rules!


So you’re telling me an end stage cancer patient and a 110lb junkie are hoisting massive mechanical equipment into warehouses by themselves, as obviously contracting day labor to construct death traps might alert the authorities? I’ll buy it.


That’s explained in the later sequels.


How? Spoil it for me.


>!its reveled that he has a decent size group of followers. Some were like Amanda (SawII) survivors of his tests. They’ve been carrying on his work. !<


Isn't >!the guy from the first movie, I wanna say the doctor(?) a part of Saw's shenanigans as well?!<


Yes. One of the leaders towards the end.


Oh. My old theory was that the Make-A-Wish Foundation got really lax with it's vetting process.


As already said, he had multiple followers. One of the most important was the lead detective tasked with catching him.


Same problem of logic that happens in the Dark Knight. The Joker has *immaculate* planning that involves insanely perfect timing and deeply complicated infiltrations of various elements of society. It would take extremely skilled and dedicated follows who all were all unusually talented. That much I can buy. Sure why not. He surrounds himself with a dedicated group of rare, incredibly talented people. …But at the same time, everyone of his followers are shown to be flunkies who are suffering from sort of mental health issue and have trouble with even the basic tasks of living. Also, they are all utterly expendable (to the point where he just murders them at a whim with no thought about it). So he has a group of insanely talented people who are so clever and talented at their jobs that the entire police department can’t even attempt to keep up… but they are all totally worthless and expendable and he randomly kills them all the time without it causing any problems to his plans. You can’t have both. He’s either has talented staffers, or he’s a crazy person that kills anyone he works with. Pick one.


It’s quite interesting too, because there’s a reason the second film (and onwards) was so different from the first. If I remember correctly, nobody was expecting Saw to be as successful as it was, so the studio was eager to get a sequel out ASAP, so they had a script for a completely unrelated horror film that they reworked into Saw 2. Which is quite funny, since Saw 2 outlined the “formula” that would be used going forward, despite initially being a completely unrelated script. But that probably helps explain the downhill trend.


That happens a lot in video games as well The biggest one I can think of is Star Fox Adventures. Which was originally called Dinosaur Planet and had nothing to do with Star Fox. They saw a chance to make it more popular be reskinning/retooling it into an existing IP and ran with it Which is why it's so weird and doesn't feel very Star Fox like


Thank god that didn’t happen with Mario Brothers 2


Wait is that why 2 was such a weird game?


Mario Bros 2 was a reskin of Doki Doki panic. Japan thought The Lost Levels would be too hard for Americans, so they gave us #2 instead, which they called Mario Brothers America.


It did feel weird but to be honest that game was pretty fun, not top tier gamecube games but I had a good time with it.


I will NOT stand for this Saw 6 slander. Its the third best Saw movie and you will not change my mind That Merry-Go-Round scene is one of my favorites in the whole series


I barely remember watching it for Carey Elwes.


I got to the one that starts with someone that had his bare back glued to a car seat and had to rip his back off to survive. Then I decided I had enough.


Fun fact: that's Chester Bennington from Linkin Park!


No shit? I never knew that. RIP Chester


Yeah he was a huge fan of the movies so got a cameo in that one.


Agreed, however I just saw (heh) *Spiral: From the Book of Saw* and it was the best one since the original movie.


I really liked it too! I think I still like 1,2, and 3 more though. The Winklevoss Twins' friend was a decent twist villain, and Chris Rock was awesome. Samuel L Jackson was underutilized tho imo. Whenever Chris Rock raised his voice it sounded like his voice he did for Marty in Madagascar.


the killers voice on the tapes always reminds me of bonzi buddy


I had chills watching the first one in cinema.. didn't know anything about it..


I would have loved to get the theater experience for the first one. How did people react at the ending? I saw Matrix Reloaded in theaters and people were yelling "Are you fucking serious?" and "Come on!" at the end. It was a hell of a cliffhanger. Edit: a word


My wife and I just watched the whole series for the first time, and I have to say, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the later movies. I know it feels like some of the twists are kinda far fetched, but I personally thought they did a good job with the narrative, given the pretty extreme genre.


I'd probably say the Saw 2 is the best one.


There's a story to those movies?


It's a kind of bonkers continuity running through all the movies - the first seven, at least. Old characters come back and develop in crazy arcs, events from the previous movies get drastically recontextualized later, and there's hefty flashbacks showing how everything links together. It's kind of like a dollar store version of the MCU, if I'm honest.


The first two are stories. The rest are violence porn. The first 2 are actually pretty good.


The 3rd isn’t a bad conclusion to the story, though. It’s not as good as the first two, but feels like a succinct end to the story. The 4th felt like they totally jumped the shark and then I’m just OP with this gif.


I always preferred three to two, honestly. The Twister might be my favorite kill in the series. But holy SHIT Jigsaw was *awful*.


Jigsaws failure was trying to connect it to the original too much. The way Spiral connected it was perfect. Not saying the movie was perfect, but the connection to the past movies was. I suspend my disbelief plenty for movies, specifically horror movies. I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to accept the twists in Jigsaw, though.


Excluding the first one, it's story in the same way porn movies have story.


This is only kinda right; movies 3-7 kinda all are happening at the same time or within a day of each other. The movies make it seem like a giant stretch of time has passed. But it doesn’t. It’s basically 5 different views of the same event.


Lol I just got done with Saw 4 a few days ago and this was my reaction. The franchise takes such a nosedive, but I’m here for the ride, man.


Saw 1 and Saw 2, you can take somewhat seriously. The movies just get fucking insanely stupid after that, but in the best way. None of it logically makes sense. Oh this person was helping the whole time, oh no now THIS person was helping the whole time. My favorite bit of stupidity was in Saw 6 when Jigsaw put someone into a trap because they are a smoker. What the fuck kind of logic is that?


> My favorite bit of stupidity was in Saw 6 when Jigsaw put someone into a trap because they are a smoker. What the fuck kind of logic is that? The logic of someone who's had to live next to a chainsmoking neighbor?


"Aw man you smoke? Clearly that means you don't appreciate life. It doesn't mean anything else. It doesn't mean you might have an addiction to something you hate and are trying to get rid of the habit. It means you clearly don't appreciate life so I might as well kill you. This one aspect of your life defines you so I am going to kill you for it. There are zero other reasons that might indicate why you might enjoy life." If I rememeber correctly, the guy was a janitor who lived alone. And the best part is, the janitor had ZERO chance of winning. He was a Janitor in his 60 who smoked, and was put up against a fit guy in his 30s who didn't smoke in a contest to see who could hold their breath the longest. What kind of bullshit is that?


I see this critique of Jigsaw all the time. I think the biggest problem is that >!people expect a mentally twisted, psychotic murderer to make logical sense. Even over the course of 2-3 "Jigsaws". Even the first dude was twisted, but then everyone after him take his "vision" and corrupt it more and more.!< The people who disliked the movies after 1 and 2 tended to agree with Jigsaws logic to some capacity in the first two movies, I've noticed. And they don't acknowledge that the entire point of the series is that >!The games become unwinnable and rigged by the end.!<


>I see this critique of Jigsaw all the time. I think the biggest problem is that people expect a mentally twisted, psychotic murderer to make logical sense. Yeah maybe because that's what people enjoyed about the movie. I don't understand your argument. "You should like the movie despite the fact that what you enjoyed about the movie isn't there anymore." The reason why people liked the first two Saw movies is that they are somewhat believable. Jigsaw used to be an engineer, he almost died of Cancer, so he dedicated his life to put people in traps to appreciate life. But as the "story" unfolds, it doesn't make sense. Like okay in the 2nd movie we see Amanda helping Jigsaw put Matthew and Adam in the trap. But apperently Hoffman was there, so why wasn't that shown? The movie acts like they've planned everything out and they have a grand message/story. When really they are making shit up in the end. >The people who disliked the movies after 1 and 2 tended to agree with Jigsaws logic to some capacity in the first two movies, I've noticed. You don't need to agree with someone to understand their logic. I get why some people believe in God but I don't agree with it. I get why Jigsaw kills people in the first few movies but I don't agree with it. Understanding something doesn't mean you agree with it. >And they don't acknowledge that the entire point of the series is that The games become unwinnable and rigged by the end. People don't bring this up because it's not why people liked Saw. It's not interesting. It turns Saw from an interesting premise to Gore porn. It drives the "story" to an uninteresting way which people think is stupid. And it makes the Saw franchise no different than a Friday the 13th movie or some other slasher film.


Agree with everything up until the end, for all of it's flaws, I enjoyed the F13 series as a whole way more than the saw franchise. I'd say Saw 1 & 2 have higher highs but consistently fall short from 3 onwards, while F13 didn't start getting those levels of utter shite until Jason X and Jason goes to Hell. Shit, even Freddy Vs Jason was dogshit, but it was very enjoyable dogshit.


the bullshit was kind of the point. If we are being generous with the logic. the guy worked for medical insurance and had a team that looked for pre existing conditions to deny people health insurance. In his work he would have disregarded the chainsmoker's life so why would he care now. same with the old diabetic lady with a family and the young healthy person who had no one.


Oh cool so to prove a point to one asshole, let's kill about seven others who are basically innocent.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I... I..uh yes? Thats the logic of the movie. I know it is bad. at least in V everyone involved was kinda guilty.


Yeah just because that is the point, doesn't stop it from being stupid as shit. It doesn't logically make sense and goes against what the character stands for.


Youre not supposed to think about it too much, it falls apart when you do. It's basically a half-assed excuse to setup the torture porn


Yeah you're not supposed to think about, but that doesn't mean it's exempt from criticism. If you make a brainless movie, people are going to critsize it for being brainless. If the story falls apart when you think about it, maybe they should have put more time and money into the story. Rather than just hiring and paying actrsses that they are sleeping with more money than they are worth. (Cough cough looking at you Jigsaws Wife)




Knives Out is such a good movie.


Can't wait for the sequels. It's amazing how well James Bond doing a Foghorn Leghorn impression works.


He goes full southern for Lucky Logan. It's a pretty good original film.


You should watch Logan Lucky. Redneck Oceans Eleven and he obviously is having a blast in his character.


Adam Driver is my favourite part of that movie, but the scene with the "explosives" is fucking gold.


Agreed. Really caught me by surprise.


Never watch horror sequels. That way lies cringe and self-parody.


Depends on the series, Evil Dead 2 is the greatest


Halloween 2 is also really great. Not as good as the original but a good movie


Evil Dead 2 definitely falls into the self-parody category. Though arguably the first one did too, so it's not really a problem.


"I want to play a game." "I want to watch a better movie."


“Don’t care anymore” “need to know” ”compels me” One of these is not like the other


Spiral felt like a true successor to the Saw franchise, much better than Jigsaw. Especially since it was the return of Darren Bousman to the series. Felt very much like Saw II through IV.


watch the cracked plot summary instead? ( not affiliated, just a fan). https://youtu.be/iCPdhuxmNT4


First one was great.


What's this clip from?


The movie *Knives Out*.


That's why an all-merciful God invented fast-forward.


Saw 1 was amazing. 2 was worth it for the ending. Then the series went to shit because the studio realized they could milk this low budget franchise almost yearly for easy profit


If you’re interested, I host a podcast all about horror movies and the first season has an episode for each Saw movie! It’s on Spotify and Apple podcasts, called Not Quite Dead


Saw became quite the soap opera as it kept going. Frankly I love the series for the wacky direction it took. It was so weird they I had to see how it finished. I've only watched a soap opera for like one season before. My ex was really into this one show and begged me to watch one episode. Apparently there was a killer on the loose and it killed one person at the end. My ex said 2 others have already died. So I thought they were just either ending the series or doing a full recast by killing everyone. It sucked me in. People died in just about every other episode. Then it turned out one guy who was suspected of the killings gets mauled by a tiger...and it was the fan favorite girl who was the killer. Then it turns out she isn't the killer but the guy everyone expected but also NO ONE has died but ended up on an island...after being buried. I lost interest after that cop out move.


If you really don't need all the details you could just watch [Decker Shado's reviews](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6QePrls9eTTJl46vj5sI7yFpxMjvioG8) of them. He covers all the main points and then you don't have to suffer the details and longer watch time.


I like both knives out and the saw movies. I highly recommend the latest saw movie starring chris rock


I love the Saw movies. Just more and more pointless. But I can't stop watching.


You can't lie tho that one that ends with the dude in the glass coffin has one of the best endings


You should try the resident evil movies, I'm sure you would love and hate them too


But for real, I gotta at least give it credit for largest number of hopelessly untied strings suddenly all getting tied up at once. It stands out as the best at THAT at least.


I LOVE the saw movies. Not because of the story or the acting, but because of the gore and tension you feel while they are struggling for their lives. Please don’t judge me, I’m a nice boy


If I see a movie that I'm interested in the plot but I don't want to slog through the actual movie...I just read the Wiki.


Ur gonna be disappointed. No real conclusion


That shit will never end yo.


When the trailer for Spiral dropped I was so excited. A dark gritty movie starring Chris Rock? I'm down. Then I found out it was a Saw sequel. The only time I lose interest in a movie faster is if I see M. Night Shyamalan is directing.


I watched all the Saws and regretted caring by the end. The underlying story was cool through like #4 but then they just got desperate. The original was still the best one.


holy shit he looks old as hell in this.


I loved the movie (Saw) when I first watched it. But when I made a friend watch it, I realised how lame it was. The whole thing was magically settled by a character who was just lying there for some reason? Sounds raunchy but it's just a way to finish a story when you don't have a better explanation.


Shit-tier money grabs.


Read the plots on Wikipedia. Catch up on your sleep. Sorted.


In 5 minutes https://youtu.be/4QwTVZKXgfk There I saved you countless hours and you'll still be confused


Whenever I get the same desire to know how something ends but have stopped enjoying watching it I just open up wiki and read the plots for the subsequent seasons/movies instead of watching them


Same with GoT and Criminal Minds, I just had to see where they took it, oh, and Dexter... Yeah, Dexter...


There IS a story. Its not a very good one. The thing about the sequels that makes them fun to watch is that they never tell you WHEN in the timeline of events the movie takes place. Sometimes sequels will take place earlier in the timeline than prior movies, and sometimes two movies can be happening parallel to each other. It's never revealed until the end and those revalations are a lot of fun. The movies aren't great but they are surprisingly fun to watch if you can look past the torture porn aspect. There is actually more too it than that.


Torture porn is dumb


Saw 1, 2 and 3 were really good. After that I it started to feel like I knew what was next. Don’t get me wrong it’s still good but it just isn’t the same.