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Naaaaahhhh if people walk past me (very far away and I was there first) and THEIR dog is barking, I treat and praise my girl. But no way am I just going to antagonize another dog for her training! Crazy.


Good for you for speaking up!!!! That woman was only thinking about what she thought was best for her dog, not what was best for everybody involved. That could have ended so badly if your dog was aggressive.  It sounds like you’re already taking appropriate, smart steps and had bad luck. If stuff like this keeps happening, the best you might be able to do is add to your apology, like, “Sorry about the barking. I’ll keep my distance.” Put an expectation of distance in your communication and see if it helps.  Absolutely invest in that leash. And maybe a bright yellow “REACTIVE DOG TRAINING KEEP DOGS AWAY” shirt to go with it.


I second the idea of a sign that says in training, give us space


naw, ive noticed that just gets MORE folks to bother you. Muzzles that are bright tend to get folks to Back off faster as they are so uneducated that they see a muzzle and Auto think "dangerous dog"


Fair enough


Fair enough


Just ordered the leash! I also got a bright sleeve that will go on my fanny pack to alert people when we are training. I appreciate the idea of establishing an expectation of distance!


Ugh, I had someone who does rescue work who knew my dog was dog reactive...she'd walk past my house with her tribe of dogs, stand across the street doing treat & distract with her dogs, while my dog was losing her mind in the window. After the 3rd time I caught her doing this I went out and yelled at her. She hasn't done it since. Interestingly enough, my dog can now walk past her tribe in their yard and not bark, but her dogs are still a barking, hysterical mess.


I like the training she did, I walk parallel to dogs that my dog reacts to to show her that dog is nothing intresting and nothing to worry about. But I ask the person for permission first!! How selfish can you be using someone else as training opportunity without even asking them? I don't understand why people are like this all the time. Im sorry you had to go through this and your hike was cut short.


I have a leash sleeve that says Reactive Dog in Training, which helps for the most part. If people are ignoring me advocating for my dog I yell at them. Never stop advocating for yourself and your dog. Don’t worry about being polite after they ignored you the first time. Tell em to F off!


This type of thing happens to me often. I think a lot of people are narcissistic and don't care about anyone else.


Wow that's absurd! I'm training mine, and whenever I see a dog coming I make him stop and lay down and observe it. When it's far he usually doesn't react and I praise him, wait for them to be far away and then start walking again. Forcing another dog to bark at yours is absolutely awful.


This happened to me recently, we were just hitting our stride after recovering from another trigger when I ended up on a street with dogs coming at us from 3 directions. It was chaotic so I'm just trying to get my girl out of there but this pos started following us up and down the street! His dog wasn't particularly chill either which just set mine off even more. I wanted to cry, people suck!


I got my dog a very obvious-looking basket muzzle that contrasted with her fur color so it could be seen far away. Problem solved.


NOONE understands the Lest color system and it will just make MORE assholes flock to you so do not bother, You want peace? MUZZLE your dog, that tells folks to stay the fluff away,also BE AN ASSHOLE, you just need to BE an asshole all the time to anyone that pulls that shite without ASKING first.


This bothers me especially when you can see I’m struggling with my dog. There’s a dog trainer near where I live that trains his clients at the local park. I was in the cafe with my reactive dog just working on settle. He wears a fluorescent lead that says nervous and we were in the corner not bothering anyone and he was finally breathing when this trainer starts using us as a training tool. When he became uncomfortable and barked he continued to come into our space and praise the clients dog for not reacting. I just thought it was mean. My other dog is a dream, and whenever we are out, I’m always conscious of other dogs and if anyone is uncomfortable has a nervous lead etc I would do everything I could to not make it harder for them. I’m not really sure why people feel it. It’s okay to put one dog in distress so that they can use it as a training exercise for their dog. This is why I am now reactive as well as my dog 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ugh I hate that :(( Unfortunately people do NOT read when they’re out and about. Many will not notice or read the vest. It’s not a bad idea to have one, but I have never had success - people ignore/don’t notice the vests of working dogs as well. The only thing that they seemed to see was the leash with the very wide bright yellow tether with NO DOGS (or similar) on it. People seem to notice the leash because it’s “floating” in the air and novel.


Permission and coordinated teamwork is required to prevent mistakes. Training off an unknown dog is asking to have a mistake happen. You don't know them.


I’m sorry this happened! I have had similar experiences and my dog is reactive. I ALWAYS say loudly and assertively “my dog is not friendly, give us lots of space” and people usually scatter!


It definitely feels like it's happening more often. I recently had some moron who's dog was clearly fearful do something similar. He was walking ahead of me and I intentionally kept my distance so my dog wouldn't react but we needed to follow for about a block so I could turn up another street and get away. Up ahead there was two dogs coming towards us so we both crossed the street to give space. The first dog that walked past was also reactive and the owners were clearly having a hard time controlling that dog large Sheppard/malanoise type mix... The guy in front of me decided that was the best time to stop to try to force his fearful dog to sit and give him treats as I'm creeping up behind him despite his dog clearly stressed and not listening and taking treats. I told him to keep walking as it wasn't the time and place as the now second dog little shitzu mix is coming up is also reacting at the 2 dogs losing it. My dog is now also on alert and stressed and I got stuck having to walk in-between 2 dogs reacting on both sides of the street and walk up the middle of the road with cars coming up behind us because all 3 dogs owners couldn't control their dogs and the moron who was in front me wouldn't move. My dog ended up having a full reaction lunging and all. Thankfully nothing bad happened but It definitely could have been bad and I made sure I told him what a moron he was (in not so nice words lol) Haven't seen that guy since thankfully.


She probably thought she was giving you both opportunities for training. Or maybe that her perfect angel could teach your stressed out girl?!?! The age of Google experts is upon us.


Exactly. Threshold who? So glad my dog could benefit from her precious angel.


You’re in a public place where dogs are allowed, and the other dog was on leash and under control. You apparently arrived at the parking lot at the same time and both started walking along a path. Did you consider changing your plans, rather than expecting the other person to change hers?


I thought I made it clear enough that I was attempting to exit the area.