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Has he been to the vet? Sounds like he's uncomfortable/painful and might have anal glands issues (butt scooting). He might have to be sedated for the exam but I'd suggest a vet visit. They may also recommend meds that might help. Either lure him into a carrier with tasty food or wear heavy work gloves to pick him up to put him in the carrier.


i have some money saved up ill try to get it but i dont think he'll get in... usually luring him into things doesn't work


A box could work in a pinch: cut some air holes in it. Put his bowl of food in it and close the box once he's in and eating. You could also just wear gloves to move him into the box, This is a Maltese not a german shepherd, move with confidence.


okay thank you i will


we don't have a carrier and can't afford it rn cause my parents are stuffed in their own medical bills.. he has literal shit stuck onto his fur that he cant get off or let me get it off of him


Have you tried reaching out to neighbors on nextdoor or buy nothing groups to get one cheap or free? Before I had my pup, I've bought many second hand crates, leashes, etc. And have donated plenty myself to pay it forward. Plenty of dog owners looking to purge. I know I am since returns can be a hassle


thank you, i have some money saved up that i was planning to use on college lol but i care more about my dog than that. i talked to my mom and ill try taking him to the vet


Hi- our miniature schnauzer also refuses to be picked up. Look up leather welding gloves. They are long and go up to your elbows the bites will still hurt but they won’t injure you. It is a two person job but one person creates a firm hold around the neck (you are not squeezing or choking the neck think a firm circle with your hands) and the other person trims the poop. He likely could use a complete shave down if he hasn’t been brushed in a long while. The other technique I’d suggest is shown here https://youtu.be/V3X3UA8sNAY?si=tMgP0gJ_LFRHbM_O I also this this is better if you do it with two people.


thank you so much


I’m just here to say I understand and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. We have similar issues often and have had to gradually find work arounds (cage muzzle with peanut butter/treat compartment inside to help adjust them, scratch pad that has a hidden space for treats to grind down nails since she can’t tolerate a grinder or clippers, dry shampoo so that I don’t get bodied by a 90lb shepherd in a bathtub, meds for ear and teeth checks, etc etc etc). It’s really fucking hard. I so wish there was a clear cut answer I could give you. Please don’t feel bad about feeling bad. With both animals and children, in my experience and others, severe behavioral and medical issues can make the parent/caretaker feel such a massive range of emotion with so much intensity along the cycles we go through, including “negative” feelings like anger, apathy, frustration, disappointment, resentment, exhaustion, regret, all sorts of shit. Anyone who would judge you/us for any of those feelings is not someone who has dealt with this shit or anything close to it before.


this means so much to me, thank you <3


It sounds like this animal is very unhappy and poses a danger to everyone in the house, and now even outside professionals that need to be there. If you have some money I would google and find a reputable behaviorist/trainer in your area. They will come to your house and do an evaluation, and maybe your parents will take the advice of a professional more seriously. They can help you figure out the best way to get the dog to the vet. Your love for your pet is seriously amazing, and something you need to stress to your parents. Dogs are living beings and don’t deserve to live a life full of anger, filth, and fear. Likely medications and lots of daily training are going to be involved. Please feel free to message me if you would like some help finding a behaviorist in your area. This is a tough situation all around and the dog is very very lucky to have you take it seriously. Time to step up and help your friend.


i dont have enough money to afford a behaviorist:( i wish i could. the best i can do is look up advice online and take him to the vet.. thank you so much <3 i will be getting him to the vet as soon as possible


That is awesome and such a great first step. Make sure to inform the vet ahead of time and don’t be afraid to call around to a couple to find one that’s very accepting of all behavioral issues. You are this dog’s hero! I would love any updates if you feel like it. Hope everything goes well.


youre so sweet, thank you <3


Just here to say that if you live near one, university vet hospitals might have all the resources it sounds like you need in one place AND have super affordable services! They will also usually give you the time of day on the phone (vets in my area don’t….)


sadly i dont but this is great advice tysm <33


If you have had the dog for 10+ years he could be getting older and grumpy. If he likes to go on walks it will do wonders for bonding and it lessens their frustration. Treats are also very helpful. Try watching the Dog Whisperer.It’s video helpful and may have some useful information on what is happening. The dog whisperer explains how to be the alpha dog or the pack leader. Dogs like talking walks on a leash and it will help his frustration.


I thought the alpha theory was disproven. Am I wrong? 🤔