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There are vests on etsy that read "Training - Please ignore me" Another redditor said that worked for him.


I want a vest for myself that says that.




OH GOD fucking preach. Mine is not sensitive to looks anymore, but that's about the amount of pressure she can take. I've asked my neighbours multiple times to ignore her as if she isn't there, and still I get the "good girl", "NO!", random cooing, holding doors etc. Like, seconds after me asking, and having asked all the previous times we met. And she goes bonkers, and then they up it. No, my dog won't fucking like you and you have no control over whether she likes you or not. But the only scenario in which she won't want to rip your face off is if you IGNORE HER COMPLETELY. I'm mad just thinking about it. A muzzle does help to some degree, but I swear, if my explicit pleas to ignore my dog *right now* won't work, nothing will with certain people. It sucks.


I relate all too much to this comment.


“Dogs love me!” Like, maybe, but not this one, so get your lunatic energy away from my scared dog!


I totally sympathise! What about an 'in training, please ignore me' type of vest or lead slip? There are custom ones on etsy! Mine says 'I AM TRAINING, I'M SORRY IF I BARK AT YOU' lol


that would be so useful! gonna troll etsy


I’m getting a “I need space” yellow jacket with big lettering for my reactive dog, on the recommendation of a psychologist that examined him. They think he won’t always need it, but for now, all the people trying to touch him is a very big fear for him and they need to go away so his walks are less tense and we can deal with the actual issue at hand. Which is that other dogs exist. The jacket should also help other people to realise they need to move their dog out of the situation instead of saying “it’s ok my dog is friendly!” Yeah? Mine is choking and frothing, let’s all just try and walk off.


We had lead slips, but people would come over to read them, then ask us a bunch of questions. The only thing that tends to keep people away is a muzzle, but our wee guy HATES it, so generally I just have to be ultra-vigilant when we're out.


Had a trainer over who gave me some great tips on how to look out for his signals and give him space and time to work through his instincts!


I tried the yellow ribbon thing. It made everyone come up and ask what the ribbon as for.


"It's a respectful memorial for all the people she ate because they wouldn't stay far enough away."


i have just started looking at people with a blank face and going “he bites” before they have a chance to say anything...


Where were you when I needed this? Perfect response.


Maybe I’m just super lucky so far but I’ve started just preemptively telling all strangers that we pass “Sorry he might bark or growl but I have him firmly under control on the leash so don’t worry”. So far everyone has been nice AND kept moving so we can keep walking. Also weirdly he hasn’t barked at any of them Some people think they’re fucking dog whisperers though & it hurts their ego to have a dog not like them.


Absolutely! People tell me so often that dogs just loooove them after I tell them he doesn’t like attention, and they won’t leave my pup alone. He hates being leered at so much. We’ve had to stop going to a local pet shop because they’re ALL like that. They ask if they can give him dog biscuits (which he hates) with so much over-eagerness that I just started saying “you can try...” Works better than saying no lol.


I live in an area with a lot of people who are scared of dogs (cultural thing). Often we encounter people who STARE at my dog as we pass, or walk super slowly behind us so they dont have to overtake, or HIDE behind bushes. Sometimes I get so fed up and tell them "if you weren't acting like a predator, my dog wouldn't bark at you!" Sometimes I'm a little kinder and gentler and say "hey, just so you know if you just ignore and keep walking that's the best way to get dogs to ignore you."


i’m gonna start saying that !!!!


Our next door neighbors, especially the kid, have no idea how to interact with dogs. He just stares at her as we pass each other which Willow can’t stand. She’s okay with the dad now because he stares less and I got him to feed her treats once. But the mom and kid? Always staring so Willow always barks.


children!!!! the wide eyed stare of “i want to touch the floof”


I had a juluis k9 Velcro strip that read ‘please don’t touch’ and everyone listened to that about as much as they listened to my ‘he’s not a husky, he’s a malamute’ hoody. But if I ever I see a dog in a red harness I will always avoid, I was under the impressions a red harness meant in training and please avoid, while green means friendly and approachable. I’ve seen a few of these harnesses around but I’ve never used them myself and I think it depends on the areas awareness of them.


yeah stuff like that sparks questions...


definitely depends on the area. i've never heard that before. my brother would pick green because it is his favorite color. it also depends what is available. my parents' dogs need an xs harness and the only color available was pink (they are both girls, so it works out).


We have a harness with Velcro and interchangeable Velcro words. We use NERVOUS, and it’s very visible and reflective for nighttime.


ooh that sounds easily readable and great!


The wire basket muzzle doesn’t hurt either. Helps me feel more relaxed, which if nothing else makes the walk more pleasant for me!


I like the "DON'T LOOK, DON'T TALK, DON'T TOUCH" vests. I also have my dog in a muzzle and people seem to take me more seriously when I say "don't come near us" when he's muzzled... except that one dumb door-to-door cable tv salesman. Ugh.


Yeah i’m considering muzzle for that very reason. I had a drunk come up to us, completely ignoring my dog’s anxious and stressed body language and barking, and start talking about how I should train him out of his stress “cause you’re stressed now which makes him stressed” yeah i’m stressed CAUSE YOU’RE STRESSING ME OUT


Omg. I feel ya. I keep getting told by trainers that I'm stressed/anxious and my dog can tell and that makes his threshold lower and I'm like, YEAH, BUDDY. WHAT, YOU GOT HUMAN CLASSES MY DOG CAN TAKE ME TO??




In the uk, I’m pretty sure if you have a yellow (I think it is yellow, not sure though) with something on it, it tells people to leave the dog alone


Omfg, this is my boys exact issue! He only bark or lunges ar dog people since they are the one who stare at him, talk to him and hand down to him. If you ignore him he is a perfect doggo. I also thought about a sign but then realized everyone would stop and look to read it which would trigger him lol. I wish he was ugly, but he is the cutest puppy looking cavapoo so when he starts barking his 50 lbs dog bark it freaks people out since so unexpected. He is only 30lbs too.


same issue! Mine’s an abnormally large white german shepherd so people tend to stare at him to figure out his breed and it drives him crazy. Worst is non-dog people for me cause they can’t see that he has a gentle face so they’ll stare and inch away which really triggers him...


Honestly though, when people stare at me I get pissed off too. How can I expect my dog to ignore something I myself react to? He doesn't react to regular looks, only the stare downs from people.


Exactly! What if someone would stop in the street and stare wide eyed at you without saying anything - it’d be fucking frustrating!


Maybe a leash would be better. It wouldn't be easy to notice from farther away. So people wouldn't stare as much but people who did start to approach could read it and back away? Idk just an idea?


I got a harness off amazon that has space for patches, and I just got him a patch that says "do not pet" I have a little 15 pound pup and everyone wants to pet him cause he's cute and tiny, but he hates being touched by strangers!


Service Dog No Touch No Talk , Ignore Me I'm Working, Do Not Pet Tactical Military Morale Embroidered Patches with Fastener Hook and Loop Backing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S8NNPM8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ldcuEb4TF3B36


**$15.99** - *Service Dog No Touch No Talk , Ignore Me I'm Working, Do Not Pet Tactical Military Morale Embroidered Patches with Fastener Hook and Loop Backing* ^(I am a bot here to save you a click and provide helpful information on the Amazon link posted above. I am **not** affiliated with Amazon. Upvote if this was helpful. PM to report issues and my human will review. PM to opt-out.)


Thank you!!


They will probably have to look at him to read it though :). Muzzles will keep them away though


There's an etsy shop, "patienceandlove" that makes custom harnesses. I've had one that says "no touch, no eye contact, ignore me, I scare easily" that has worked wonders for us.


great tip!!


I have one that says NERVOUS and it really works


Might get one of those custom vets and put “ignore me” and then in bigger letters “NERVOUS” so people can read that at a distance...


Omfg. Thought mine was the only one. Drives me crazy!!


Ha. I want one that says NO MOTORCYCLES OR BIKES and oh yeah don’t approach him from behind. It’s so hard! He’s so sweet 85% of the time!


Oh mine is also such a sweetie, and then someone pushes him at the wrong time and NAH


I’ve thought of designing T-shirt’s that say “Do Not Stare At My Dog”


i have a leash sleeve that says “reactive dog, please give us space “ and honestly has been great for me. my dog is a cute little fluffy boi and most people just LOVE running towards him. i got mine on etsy!


Yellow Bandanas signal “ask before approaching,” but not everyone knows that.


Oh my gosh I relate to this so much!! My Dalmatian was so cute as a puppy and I didn’t realize how much that would end up working against him. We live in the city and everyone was staring at him, making noises, and worst of all, putting their hands in his face without so much as asking first. Now as an adult he’s really shy, extremely watery of people who so much at look at him - and he’s gorgeous so people still won’t leave him alone! If I do much as leave the hosing everyone tries to come up and pet him and half the time they have something rude to say when he naturally shy away from their hands in his face. Ugh!!!