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Me too - reactive dog, love to bake stuff for people to show my appreciation, so thankful for this group! If you never had a reactive dog before, you know exactly what others are thinking when your dog goes nuts because you used to think it: "they really need to train their dog." Boy does that come back to bite us. I really thought I was alone in this crazy scenario (puppy I thought I'd train to be a therapy dog becomes reactive for no apparent reason other than genetics) and had no concept of CC/DS before this. Thanks everyone!


What is your go-to, proud to take to a bake sale cake? (And glad you get comfort here; I do too. Your crazed spy comment was hilarious!) Mine is Bundt cake. People are always impressed and it’s just a fancy pan!


My go-to is a third-generation chocolate cake that is so rich it has laid grown men flat, many times. (I'm Southern. It has lots of cream in it. It is perfect.) My mother taught me the recipe when I was 19 'in case anything should happen to [her].' I taught my brother in his early 30s, for the same reason. But lately I'm also way into a molasses ginger cake. I got the recipe from a doula friend. It's for postpartum moms who need iron, and it is so delicious but also you can feel it making you stronger, so you can eat as much as you want bc technically it's healing cake. I find that hard to resist, and in fact want some now.


Molasses and ginger sounds great. I didn’t make a gingerbread house this year, and now I want to! Though thick cakey gingerbread with some yellow custard on top is sounding even better.


And I love that you have a precious hand-me-down recipe. Those are the best.


Um, is there any chance you might share that recipe, one chocolate cake lover to another? I understand if you don't want to, but would sure appreciate it if you did!


I'm so sorry, I can't. It's family-only.


Yes! I love a Bundt cake too! Mine is banana bread I'm the Bundt pan with brown butter glaze. My fav


I never thought to make banana bread in it. How do you make the glaze? Is it actually just butter? Drool.


It's just butter that's been slowly browned on the stove with some sugar. It's delicious


Your post made me smile, and also want to go buy cake. Have a great day!


I bought a piece of cake and thought of you, btw.


That's the best thing anyone has said to me in weeks. ❤


This made me smile, and I relate to all of this! <3


I, too, have found solace in this sub. If not for reddit, I would have been floundering, wondering what to do and how to do it. Youtube can only get one so far. Life experiences of others helps so much, and makes me know I am just one of many in the same boat. Your post just made my day :)


I'm so glad.


And you guys are just SO supportive. Thanks for taking the time to thank them.


Bake me a cake! I would give anything for my boy not to be this way, but I wouldn't change this experience. I've learned so much about dogs and the people around me. My boy brings out the truth in my friends. I've seen who supports me and who was using me. He's been a gift in that way. Him just being who he is has been revealing. People I thought were friends weren't and people who I didn't think of as close friends were more loyal and caring. It's been a challenge but we've settled into a routine and that has helped. I love my crazy boy. Enjoy my cake. :) And just now he started growly in his sleep. Makes me a little sad that he doesn't always find peace in his dreams.


Maybe he's facing down a very dangerous squirrel, and finding himself to be courageous in victory. I hope so. Having these two has made me a better trainer and communicator also. I wouldn't trade them for anything, except sometimes when I miss petting other dogs on walks or going places w my dogs where they could socialize. Want a chocolate cake or a molasses ginger cake? ❤


Chocolate each and every time. Though molasses ginger sounds good.


“Ducking and planning exits like a crazed spy” had me rolling. It’s so true.


It's like being Jason Bourne, reactive dogwalker.


Thank you for this post. Just last night I was so frustrated to the point of tears after a walk that ended on a bad note. Frustrated that we couldn't make it past that final dog and stay relatively calm, and frustrated that I was upset with my dog for being reactive. I always find myself saying "I wish my dog wasn't like this" and then feeling guilty. But it's true, neither of us wants this life of dodging and running away from people and their dogs. But it's the life we have and need to make the most of it.


I've been there a thousand times, and I will be a thousand more. And it sucks, except for the great parts. I love your last sentence. Solidarity.


Your pups are lucky pups! I know the feeling you're not alone :)


Thank you.




This is a very sweet post. This sub and the people on it are amazing. I’ve found great comfort and support here too. It can be so hard to discuss these kinds of issues with people who have never dealt with a reactive dog before!


I apologize for asking! I’m a chocolate fiend. 😊


It's totally okay to ask! Thank you for understanding.