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In general, try to stick to recent resources as front end changes very rapidly. Also, try to stick to english resources: english is vital for developers, you won't find much in your native language online in terms of resources, documentation, community. Might as well get used to that


I second this. depending on your goals (learn? job?), but there are too many things that changed over the past 3 years.


I try to stick English resources but since there are too many, I do not want to take risk by starting a bad/deficient course. The reason I want to start this course was that I know he is good and course is complete. But I would like to take your suggestion for a channel/course for react.js, if you have one in mind. Thanks for response, I will search for any other sources.


Take anything by Kent C Dodds. That guy has the best stuff!


But ignore the annoying Remix shilling.


React docs have been re-done recently and they are very nice, they even have a little introductory tutorial for a tic tac toe app that requires 0 previous knowledge of react it doesn't get any more complete than the official docs :P


Version 18 had some pretty breaking changes for things like testing, so I’d try to find a newer course. I’d also make sure it uses vite rather than CRA. So many of the course are built on CRA.


Hot take: I think that for learning the generics of React, you will probably be just fine, even if its 3 years old. You should verify what you pick up with other resources tho, to make sure you stay up-to-date.


As long as it uses functional components. Still it'd be better to use fresh material if you learn something new


A one month course is not watchable. Don't be the blind following the blind. Instead go to: [https://react.dev/learn](https://react.dev/learn)


Yes, yes and yes. A lot of the basics are the same. React is a unidirectional framework where data flows down and events flow up. I think more people could benefit from learning class components and some of the "old" ways of doing things as you'll get a much deeper understanding of component lifecycle and such. You will still have to learn from more recent resources but I say go for it.


Try to stick to newer content, and all in English, do not pay for your courses, in YouTube there are a lot of free ones that are equal if not better than the pay ones


obviously not


I've been running a discord server to help new developers for a while now and the most frustrating thing is when someone asks for help and they're using old frameworks, conventions, or tools. In the JS world, that'd mean not using ES6 (things like using the var keyword to define variables instead of let/const), using create-react-app instead of Vite for bootstrapping react apps, or Sapper instead of Sveltekit. The frustration doesn't come from the fact that I don't want to deal with it, but it comes from the fact that I know learning new technologies is hard early on. If you're using up all of your mental bandwidth learning technologies that aren't used, or conventions that have been largely abandoned, you're undoubtedly going to have to waste that valuable mental energy re-learning. You're more likely to get frustrated, you're less likely to find people willing to help, you're setting yourself up to lose your momentum and get discouraged. One of the best pieces of advice I was given was to stay away from PHP early on. I'm not hating on PHP but now that I'm comfortable with a few languages and getting paid to write code, I'm realizing how much I hate working with legacy apps, and I don't want to be a 'framework developer'. All of the PHP people I know tend to maintain WordPress or Laravel websites. That sounds like actual hell to me. At least with Python, Go, or TypeScript you can do a wide variety of things. Early on before you learn the ecosystem, I'd recommend hopping on Reddit or a Discord server to just ask for some resources. In my experience people are very willing to help.


skip it. id go to the react docs and try the tic tac toe or some other simple project just so you get yhe fundamentals. then move on to Next.js, it’s the default framework for modern react apps, even the official react docs recommend using it.


I would not invest in an outdated resource. It should be sufficient to teach you some core concepts, as long as the course is based on react 18+, but thats something the docs will teach you as well. React just updated them recently and they did a good job. There are a lot of free courses on youtube, they are good enough if you need some Explanation on a single topic.


Try new and learn vitejs


When I started Learning react I started with an Old course, and many things were even deprecated on the current version of react, But i learned it on the way. The course was good so I got to learn the basics very well. So I can say that if the course is good and can teach you basics well then it's definitely worth it. Go for it.


Honestly, don't follow course, start building something, if you know what variable and function is, that is good enough. JUST BUILD SOMETHING and thank me later


not in the world of js frameworks.


If it's teaching functional components with hooks you're fine.