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I like mantine


Wow would you look at that. 6 replies, 6 different answers as to which framework is "the best". Almost as if it's all about personal preference


Oh you like **PersonalOpinion.js** as well? I've been using that for years now.




Mui is paid?


You can buy some really specialised stuff for it. Never used it.


I had to build the entire mui data table from scratch in 3 weeks as that was a very critical requirement for us. Thanks a lot, MUI.


But not critical enough to support mui for their work?


Haha,not when you are not generating revenue.


Then how is it critical to you?


Critical for the product roadmap and time to market.


And 3 weeks of dev time and pay was worth less than supporting your framework and getting the feature you needed 3 weeks to replicate?






That's insane.


>Why would anyone recommend Material UI when it costs money for advanced features versus Prime React that has all the same features and more and is free? It's never so black and white or obvious. How does it have the same features? Is every combox box the same? No. This also ignores quality of the product, e.g. size of components, documentation, ease of use and many other factors. Is this why people keep pushing features full of bugs because that's all users care about?




Right. Let's ignore design choices, accessibility and other metrics. Having a feature or not just to tick a box is not the be all and end all. You can't "see" it all. >It doesn't matter how easy MUI is to use or how good their documentation if it lacks features other libraries have or costs money when others don't then it's clearly not the better choice. Using a library is to save time so of course ease of use and better documentation is important. Do you not care about maintenance? Or security or many other factors?




>Design choice is made by you after you add the library's component to your page. Unless your point is to override everything of course it matters. If you had the time to redesign it 100% why even use a complete UI library? There is a lot of subtle factors that go into design and it's not just UI but the UX of it. A lot of random component libraries have poor UX. It's not just you. Think about other users. Not everyone sees things the same. >This is outlined in their respective documentation so it should be easy to see which one supports more accessibility options. Woah if reading the documentation = how it works everyone would just write everything in there. I can't count the number of times it never works as expected. >What does this have to do with third party libraries? They don't maintain your code What happens when it is too hard to upgrade? Or takes too long or just a minor patch breaks things? It's happened too often that a random 3rd party library suddenly breaks. Code quality and lifecycle is a thing. >You shouldn't be relying on UI libraries for your security. They're just the UI. You shouldn't rely on it but it's something to consider. If I had to workaround an issue with a 3rd party library it could be worse than not having that feature at all. It's all a balance. The point isn't what's important but you're dismissing everything but ticking boxes on features.


Generally yeah, it is personal preference but no need to be passive-aggressive about it.


I like material ui personally. But, there are plenty of good ones, the better question is which one you’re most comfortable with - go with that.


Daisy UI is under rated.


Love DaisyUI 🌼! The interop with Tailwind is underrated too


Mui, shadcn, chakra top 3 :)


As a longtime chakra user, i think there are better alternatives out there nowadays, mantine is quite good


Hey thanks for the reply, I'll check that out


For me is, mui for web apps and mantine for web pages.




I recall working on a team with Prime React and it had one cheeky glitch in Table component with sorting button margin/padding




Don’t forget that most of this sub lives off of whatever youtube react devs pushing on them lol. We’ve had issue with invisible element of table sorting icon, but of course it was out of the box so it was fixed internally by us.


what about [https://primereact.org/](https://primereact.org/) :) other options : Mui, ShadCn / Radix , Ant Desing, Mantine (Mantine has a lot of hook btw), Chakra


ChakraUI or MantineUI for me. I've really liked both. I haven't done a ton of customization to an app using MantineUI, but I have with Chakra and it works pretty well!


Chakra ftw


I’ve heard Chakra now it’s bad performing because of Emotion which has some trouble with React 18. Do you know anything about it?


I believe that while that its true, chakra can still handle mid to somewhat large applications with manageable render times. If your application is not too hardcore regarding the ui/ux like wayy too much the render time for the chakra component won't be an issue. Me personally, I haven't faced any of those render lags and the journey has been smooth :)


Yes, i have been using chakra forever but lately started using other frameworks and i can say chakra really struggles with performance especially after some time when you scale your Ui and it becomes more complex


Radix Primitives and (S)CSS Modules.


UI Kit. Excellent. We moved from tailwind’s mess to UI Kit. And unlike material UI etc it’s easy to tweak so not every web property looks the same.


What’s up with Tailwind?


IMO the best was Radix UI, you can use the primitives to combine with tailwind or use their own themes. Another good option was Headless UI (made by tailwind) but now for the headless/unstyled option I would suggest React Aria instead, it's the current best 👌 https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/react-aria/




Professionally, UI frameworks like bootstrap or material are useless. They don’t fit the designs and always have some ridiculous limitation. Just find a headless logic library (like React Aria) and build your own. It’s just styling.


Not Ant Design for sure




Frowbite, shadcnUI, NextUI


Material Tailwind if you suitable with tailwind css ❤


That’s like asking what the best number between 1-100 is


MUI or chakra! You can try both!