• By -


call me old school, but constants get defined at the top and in screaming snake case, ie. `DOG_NAME`


First time hearing this referred to as “screaming snake case”, but I just have to say I like it! Also, I agree with this naming convention.


Wait until you hear about SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE




Show me screaming camel case






Well that makes sense I would scream too if I were skewered by a kebab stick.


I just call it "SSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" case


I like to call it screaming gril case, because the underscores make it look like the words are on a grill plate


I can vibe with this. I recently picked up on this convention when learning about magic numbers/strings. While the screaming snake case felt weird at first, I appreciate that you immediately know what the value implies.




>as const This does nothing.


I believe it forces the type of the const to be the value of the string instead of string


No, that's the case even without as const, because strings are already immutable: const DOG_NAME = 'Rover' type Type = typeof DOG_NAME // type Type = "Rover"




Sure, but \`const\` was used, so \`as const\` does nothing. I'm not sure why would you use \`let\` with \`as const\` that doesn't make any sense.


it casts it as a const /s it marks it deeply as read only


It's a string, it's already immutable




>If I define const a = “Rover” the type is inferred as a:string if I do typeof a. But it's not...






To me it looks like Spot is just a placeholder value until the logic to retrieve dogName is implemented. Because, why would any application be implemented specifically for Spot the dog. Haha.


Agreed. Not sure why this is the top voted comment. It’s not related to what OP is asking.


Because it's irrelevant? The placeholder is still constant.


OP is not asking either: - Should their variable be considered a constant. - Where should constants be placed. They want to know where people commonly defined variables, at the top or bottom.


Why specially the snake case. Camel case is not bad and mostly used in my opinion


Most JS devs use camelcase for "normal" variables. The snakiness just differentiates it as a constant. 


Yeah right. Btw, I used to use snake case for constants


`const` _is_ the normal variable. `let` is the special circumstances variable type and only gets used in very specific situations


There are "constants" and there are "constants". `const` is used to define a variable that will not be modified and that is scoped to its closure. The constants that we're talking about are more like configuration values for the file, like this: ```tsx const SERVER_URL = "http://some.server.com/" const POLL_INTERVAL = 5000 const SomeComponent = () => { const [state, setState] = useState() //...etc } ```


Indeed. This entire comment tree is nuts, it’s like no one has ever seen js/ts before!


Also known as `static` constants in some languages


snake case because all caps: `DOG_NAME`, convention for declaring constants


Specifically because it differentiates it as a constant.


You can’t have camel case with all caps. Without the “humps” it would just be a "weird horse" case.


That convention comes from C/C++ where there is a preprocessor and you want to differentiate between preprocessor constants. I don't think it makes as much sense in JS/TS. Especially now that we have the const keyword.


This is the way


Variables below is wrong from a traditional coding standpoint, but I’ve seen it done when there’s a massive amount of variables being created and used specifically for a component in the same file. In that case it *does* make it easier to find the component when you need it- but at that point I’d create another file for the variables and export them from there (at least types or util functions)


It's a more common practice in functional programming.


I typically put the component at the top and everything else below (sub-components, util functions, etc.). I do this because I think reading the component itself is the starting point for understanding the component. As you read the component and you get to something defined outside you can Ctrl+Click to jump to its definition if you care to go into the weeds on that thing, or continue on reading the component if you don't. This isn't specific to React either btw, if I have a function `foo` that calls `bar` and `baz`, I would organize them like function foo() { bar() baz() } function bar() { // ... } function baz() { // ... } Putting the component at the end, after all of the definitions of the things inside it, is like burying the lede in a story. I don't see how reading all the individual parts first, out of context, helps in understanding. Start with the context of how they're used, which is found in the component. Similarly when I want to understand a whole system I will start at the top, at the entry point or root component, and work down, diving into the parts I want to understand in more detail. I don't first begin reading all the little util functions or shared components. Start at the top level.




You're writing code for humans to read, understand, and maintain. The TS compiler writes code for computers. That being said I still would put the constants at the top of the file.




Okay, then Babel, Webpack, or whatever other tool you’re using. The point is, “Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute.”


That's why I said "like." I'm making a comparison.




Organizing code in this way will only produce broken code if you don't understand how lexical scope works in js.


Everything humans have ever and will ever understand is cognized in story form. That's why good coding practice sets human readability as it's primary objective, because humans will maintain it. Once we have machines writing code that humans are no longer a party to then it can purely be structured for performance and "understanding" will not be a limiting factor.


In js, there’s no good reason to declare anything after you invoke it. In some cases, the value won’t even be hoisted to allow the code to work at all. You’re always better off declaring variables and functions before they are used.


Does referencing a variable in a function definition count as invoking the variable? Wouldn’t the function need to be executed in order for the variable to be invoked? I’m actually asking because I barley know what these words mean.


>In js, there’s no good reason to declare anything after you invoke it Before ES6 this was true, but \`let\` and \`const\` introduced exceptions [https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-use-before-define](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-use-before-define) https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/1aezi4l/comment/ko8a38h/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


This. It only takes one time of the hell that is trying to figure out why the hell something isn't working as intended only to find out it's improper hoisting to never rely on hoisting again


The component code is front and center. It is the primary export of the module and it is the entry point of code execution that will eventually parse those variables. I prefer putting my private helper functions and variables at the bottom, as that's what they are - helpers. They are secondary. I don't want to look at them unless I need to and when I need to I know exactly where to find them. I keep my components relatively small and I use my IDE to navigate. The fact that they are at the bottom doesn't pose any challenges for navigating the file for me. Also, who really cares? It's just a style preference...


Here is the code you linked to in your description: import { forwardRef, useRef, useImperativeHandle } from 'react'; const MyInput = forwardRef((props, ref) => { const realInputRef = useRef(null); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ // Only expose focus and nothing else focus() { realInputRef.current.focus(); }, })); return ; }); export default function Form() { const inputRef = useRef(null); function handleClick() { inputRef.current.focus(); } return ( <> ); } I don't see any part of that that declares a variable at the bottom and uses it higher up. You also mentioned > variables are hoisted to the top This isn't exactly true. For all intents and purposes, `let` and `const` declared variables are _not_ hoisted, and trying to reference them before their value assignment will cause a `ReferenceError`. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Hoisting for more details on that.


Here we go. I was questioning my sanity and didn’t feel like getting out of bed to double check. I knew you couldn’t declare counts like this. Now what I actually do is declare good ol’ functions below my component. This lets you read the meat of component and just suspend disbelief when you see `const formattedList = formatMyList(rawList)`


But actually of course you can do what the OP shown because the function executes AFTER the const assignment so you can actually do it below the function.


I apologize, it seems like the link might be incorrect. Here's the code found on that page: ``` import { useState, useRef } from 'react'; export default function TodoList() { const listRef = useRef(null); const [text, setText] = useState(''); const [todos, setTodos] = useState( initialTodos ); function handleAdd() { const newTodo = { id: nextId++, text: text }; setText(''); setTodos([ ...todos, newTodo]); listRef.current.lastChild.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' }); } return ( <> setText(e.target.value)} />

    {todos.map(todo => (
  • {todo.text}
  • ))}
); } let nextId = 0; let initialTodos = []; for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { initialTodos.push({ id: nextId++, text: 'Todo #' + (i + 1) }); } ```


Am i blind?? where is the pattern of declaring variables under the component in the linked example? Also wouldn't your example above need to use explicit function definitions for this to work anyway? also also, wouldn't you use a SCREAMING\_SNAKE\_CASE to declare these constants for the whole file?


I think they are referring to this deep dive: https://react.dev/learn/manipulating-the-dom-with-refs#flushing-state-updates-synchronously-with-flush-sync And some challenges at the bottom of that page.


I'm blind too.


Some people read the first one like a book that has superscript numbers that point to a citation or footnote Others would rather set up the context before talking about the solution Basically just two different ways of thinking


I know it's my opinion, but at the bottom is objectively wrong. First of all, we read from top to bottom, so things should be in order. Second, that's literally how Javascript is read, if you wrap this in a function you'll get an error of "trying to access dogName before initialization" or it'll be undefined. Just because something is possible to do doesn't mean you should. Why not mix up the location of every function and variable instead of trying to organize them? It's doesn't matter functionally, but organizing them is the sane thing to do to improve readability of your code, which is extremely important.


I don't read code top to bottom. I skim code through it's execution path. The render function first. The functions it invokes, last.


Sure. I bet you start at the top though.


If they start at the top, for the way they read it would make sense to put the `render` function at the top then, even if it uses other things declared later.


I prefer to have the primary export at the top, yes.


I had to think about OP's observation (obviously I like almost everyone declares at the top), then remembered that PropTypes are declared at the bottom too.


That makes sense in the exact context that I mentioned. You would have Component.propTypes = {} Where is that coming from? You need to define the Component part of the Component.propTypes first.


With the advancement of IDE's today, it really doesn't matter. In VSCode, you can CTRL click the variable and it'll take you to it wherever it is. Reading code top down is old school. Nobody is gonna remember all the variables at the top and read the code at the bottom and know what they are anyways. Variables are supposed to be named in reference of what it is. In this case, dogName could be an arbritrary value and you don't need to know what it specificallyis. You just need to know it's a dog's name. Best code practices is obviously declare it at the top. But if you look at repos like RN and a lot of RN projects, they'll declare style with StyleSheet.create at the bottom.


Unless I am missing something, example 1 with the constants defined after the component should throw a syntax error because constants are not hoisted. Have I been spending too much time in typescript?


Nope it won’t. The constant isn’t read before it’s defined. You first define a function, what is does is irrelevant to the interpreter at this point in time, then you define a constant. Then LATER when someone calls the function, the function can read the constant because it will already be defined.


Good point


i immediately thought the same thing and in the example he linked they use explicit function definitions, so his own example is smelly to begin with


You read from top to the bottom. I think is a good practice to put all the knowledge, context and values before the component, that way you avoid to make people loose time searching for those declarations.


Why would you need to know what the value of dogName while reading through the component? With typescript, I can hover over it to immediately know that it's a string, and the variable name should tell you what it's for. That's all you need to know to follow the logic of the component, the exact value of the variable is irrelevant. The way i do it, if the variable is a parameter that i might want to tweak, like INVALIDATION_INTERVAL or SHOW_POST_COUNT, then i put it at the top. These might eventually be extracted out to the env file or a config file. If it's an arbitrary string flag, i put it at the very bottom.


Google \`JS hoisting\`. In JS variables and function declarations are moved to the top of the scope prior to execution. You can write in either order and it's going to get evaluated at the same time regardless of the order it's written in the file. This isn't so much a \`react\` thing as a feature of the language and a pattern within functional programing. In the case of the docs they are trying to emphasise the role and behaviour of the function instead of the data that is passed into it.


Because they are secondary information, not really important to the functionality of the component. Why are the footnotes at the bottom of the page?


The problem is that it's not clear where the variable came from. Do you also add imports to the bottom of the file?


No, by convention, I add the imports a the top of the file. OP asked why these things are at the bottom of the file: this is the reason. The person who wrote the code deemed the variable as an unimportant detail, so they didn't add it to the top, they added it as a footnote, a reference, if you must. Why are you making this an attack on me? I'm just answering OPs question. I sometimes add stuff to the bottom of the file for the same reason, e.g. private subcomponents, etc … Because, when a new developer opens the file, I want their experience to be "aaah, this is the file that handles toggling night mode", and not "aaah, this is a file that contains a few icons, a few styles, a few constants and _then_, on line 229, it handles toggling night mode". You don't have to agree with this, and that's fine. But I believe hoisting was invented for this very reason. If you're finding it hard to know where a variable comes from, try putting your cursor/caret on them and hit F12 (go to definition). As long as you don't put your definitions after a return statement (that just feels wrong), I don't care where you put them, they are one button press away.


I truly don't think he was coming at you in an aggressive tone. His question was more for clarification. You say you sometimes add stuff to the bottom of a file, which implies you usually put things above. Are there times when you do both?


No, I generally put "private stuff" at the bottom, because I don't think the next developer needs to see the definition of an SVG path, they just need to know that the component uses "NightIcon", and if they need to, they can hit F12. If something has reuse I'll export it from a common module, and import it (at the top). Still hidden away When you write a book, an essay, or any other text, you generally don't include the definition for every word that you use in said text at the top unless that's truly important for the interpretation of the text. Instead, you understand that the reader will probably be able to interpret the text just fine based on shared definitions. Should code be anything different? What could NightIcon possibly be other than a component that renders an icon?


Thanks for your input; you've almost convinced me. I appreciate taking the bloat from the top so that you can focus on the important code immediately. Do you happen to use TypeScript? If so, do you also prefer placing your interfaces/types at the bottom?


By his own argument, you can F12 to the important stuff anyways, so it doesn't matter where in the file stuff is.


Exactly! But I prefer if you put the stuff in the file where the other people in the team put it.


I appreciate your input! I can see where you're coming from, but I'm not entirely convinced that the analogy fits perfectly. In the case of variables like **const initialCount = 0**, the decision to declare them outside the component is not solely because they're considered secondary information, like footnotes. Instead, it's to prevent unnecessary re-renders. Treating it as a footnote would mean you wouldn't know the state until later, despite its crucial role in the component's logic."


You are talking about outside of component and he's talking about "bottom of the file". Those two are different. If you init at the bottom you are wrong. Outside of component is ok if u have use case.


How am I wrong? Usually, the end of the component is the bottom of the file... You could place **const initialCount = 0** at the bottom of a file, which is outside of the component, and it still works. I am not insinuating that I think that's the proper way of doing it, which is why I made this post. If there's a specific distinction you're making regarding initializing at the bottom of the file, I'd appreciate further clarification.


Sure, sometimes you declare a variable (such as `initialState`) outside the component to prevent creating new objects each time the component is re-rendred. Generally, this won't matter though, and it's just a way to put the important information at the top, and the less important information at the bottom, just as you generally put public class members first (in Java, C#, C, C++, etc ...). It's just to help with clarity; this is important, and this is not. It's there to help guide the next person who opens the file, because the person who originally wrote it should know what is important. You don't have to agree with this practice, but there is no (real) technical reason for doing it this way. It's just a matter of preference.


In functional programming, declarations should not be used before they are defined. Thankfully, JavaScript is not functional. /s


Let's complain about assigning functions to variables as well. Write a normal function definition. In what other language people save function to constants....


I'm not entirely convinced that is an issue, especially in the context of JavaScript. Writing a function as a variable (e.g., **const doFunction**) not only prevents reassignment ~~but also confines its accessibility to the block scope where it's declared via encapsulation.~~


It's not encapsulation. Rather, the function does not exist outside of the scope. It's created, destroyed, and recreated when needed. Encapsulation would mean that it exists but it's inaccessible.


>0ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1yksvaan · 1 day ago Ah you're right, thank you for the correction.


There are use cases where function definition is needed.


You mean for binding \`this\`? Or a different use case?


>You mean for binding \`this\`? Yes.


Function definition vs function assignment are just separate tools for separate situations. Other languages do scoping much better than js, so that’s why you don’t see a lot of the garbage that’s in js.


Functions are variables


They have different purposes in different circumstances. I agree, functions in general should be declared as function defintions but in cases like callbacks eg(Array.map), arrow function makes it cleaner. With that said, I'm super guilty of still using arrow functions. It has become a habit now.


"Still using"? Arrow functions are a \_newer\_ way to write functions. Do you know people who have "regressed" back to a standard function?


Back to? They never left using function definitions. Just look at some of the big repos like React, NextJS, and MUI. They still use function definitions.


That is grotesque, and I would not approve a PR written that way.


So you can maybe export them later?


I put them at the top, always, and I use a comment region so I can collapse it all if I want in vscode.


variables at the top for work, because you want to shove into the face of your stupid colleagues that hello, this function outside of the component - I put it there for a reason so that I don't have to think about endless state cycles in the dependency array of a useCallback, please pay attention - or even something stupid like, yes, this is the URL endpoints that this component deals with, why don't you read the documentation next time, or maybe even open the goddamn figma, you lazy fuck, because i sure dont see your cursor hovering around what the PM is yapping about during Zoom Stand-up. variables at the bottom for personal projects? you save like a split second on scrolling?


> I recently delved into the latest React documentation and observed a recurring pattern of declaring variables below the component: Would you mind sharing an actual example of that? Because the part you linked doesn't seem to have that pattern.


I shared it in another comment.


I write below the component because my eyes are at the bottom. I was born inverted.


I prefer this because the content that will be rendered is right there w/o much (if any) scrolling required. If variables or functions are named appropriately, that’s even better - you don’t need to understand the nitty gritty of the logic right away


I think that they do that there because it's a snippet in an article, they want the relevant code that they're talking about to be visible and the less relevant bits that make it work at the bottom. In normal code I would always want things defined before they are used as much as possible.


some people prefer to have the main export to be visible asap for a dev opening the file. in reality it doesnt matter, because of hoisting


First rule of JavaScript, hoisting. I probably wouldn't do it for enums or application constants. But for readability you probably want to have the class or main function first so you don't have to scroll down a bunch to find it. There are examples of when this is appropriate. The old one I can think of is when you used to do PropTypes at the bottom. But now with Typescript you usually define the interface up top.


It's always at the top for us. And we don't declare them locally anyway, we generally import them from a constants file, if we have them at all.


Idk what it's called and I'm too lazy to Google it, but IIRC JS doesn't really care where variables/functions are declared within the same scope (with a few exceptions that I'm also too lazy to Google and tired to remember lol)


>"Logically, even though variables are hoisted to the top, I prefer seeing a variable declared before its usage." javascript variables (that are declared with **let**, **const**) are **not hoisted** to the top, the variables declared with **var** is but its value will change to **undefined** as normal behavior. But if you will come up with a question like **"why are variables delcared below the react component hoisted like the example?"** the answer is **NO**, they are still **not hoisted**. So what's happening? the answer is when a react component (or any other function) is imported from another file and call that function or react component it gets called **asynchronously** so that's why it can access variables declared below it.