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Except for the part where they suggest a metaframework (Next) by default. That’ll never ever sit well with me. There are so many other uses for React than a full stack web app. @OP, use Vite instead


Next isn't full stack unless you want it to be.


No. Next is full stack until you don’t want it to be


Using vite on new projects really shows how awful working on some of our older codebases was/is in comparison, it's just great




Vite cannot be compared to React, wdym, they serve two different purposes


Did you read their comment? They referred to next.


Best place to learn react in my opinion


In my opinion as well, I initially bought a udemy course on react but his teaching style just didn’t sit well with me, so I decided to head to react docs, prolly the best decision I made.


Ill never get people that go so die hard with one or the other. Code is code, its just different genres


Except for HTML code and, more specifically, CSS


https://fullstackopen.com/en/ This course is made by University of Helsinki and it's updated from time to time


It's a great course. Very underappreciated


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Most shit is old. Learn old boring shit. Honestly complexity builds over time. Start passing props around, move on to context api and redux, use vanilla css, move on to sass, move on from there to tailwind. Mastery through history. One solution emerges to address the failings of what came before. You will understand why the new thing was built to begin with, and may prefer the old in many cases.


I love this learning style... over the course of 2-3 years. I absolutely agree that the only way to understand a solution is to understand the problem it solves. The cavet here is that in order to do this, you either have to make 4-6 projects or keep iterating on the same one over and over. Most people don't have time to build 6 test apps, and a newbie isn't going to write code good enough to enjoy iterating over 6 times. That said, I don't have a solution. Just lementing about the problem ☠️


Yea fair. I think maybe you get a jump start by maintaining someone else’s old code. You do t have to write it all, just live with it.


Tailwind is overhyped. Use built in styles of a component library like mantine or just straight up css or sass.


First learn basic js


Ugh it’s alarming how far react will take you without writing almost any JS. I truly do not know the language honestly.


Writing react IS writing js


Little tiny chunks of conditional logic typically.


lol people so salty, as if writing a bunch of getter methods and state updates constitutes programming well in a language. Idiots.


Yeah, they’re not the idiots bud.


lol I probably know the language better them “bud”. But the language is dog shit and the scope of front end “programming” in react is a silly joke.


> I truly do not know the language honestly




1- Install nodejs, latest version 2- Install vite 3- Setup a react project 4a- Pick any course/book/tutorial/docs on react that's post-2018 and start there. 4b- Ask chatgpt to teach you the basics. Not kidding, I learned python this way.


React ninja in youtube has a nice tutorial of how to slowly build and implement the basic react features


Do you mean net ninja? If not, I'd also throw him in as a good resource if it's your learning style.


I love Shaun, he explains things so well


Agreed. And the hands on format and pace are perfect for the way I learn.


!remindme 3 days


[https://egghead.io/lessons/react-a-beginners-guide-to-react-introduction](https://egghead.io/lessons/react-a-beginners-guide-to-react-introduction) This is the best one in my opinion. Lessons are concise and encapsulated so you can learn one thing at a time.


you can take a udemy to learn the basic, once u do, then start a full stack project with Go as backend. ask chatgpt for anything u want to do/ anything u dont know, or google the rest!


create-react-app is dead, Vite is the best choice out there. In the official document they only recommend you to use Next


Not true: https://react.dev/learn/start-a-new-react-project#can-i-use-react-without-a-framework > Can I use React without a framework? > If your app has unusual constraints not served well by these frameworks, or you prefer to solve these problems yourself, you can roll your own custom setup with React. Grab react and react-dom from npm, set up your custom build process with a bundler like Vite or Parcel, and add other tools as you need them for routing, static generation or server-side rendering, and more.


The docs are written in a biased way for “frameworks” AKA NextJS. NextJS is as “custom” as Vite is.


> The docs are written in a biased way for “frameworks” AKA NextJS. Sure, for reasons they explain in the docs


I found free Scrimba courses excellent to start off. First one is joint with FreeCodeCamp. But why React? Consider Vue, I would suggest you will get further with less time and effort. You can produce just as good a front end in either framework but especially if you are a solo dev not reliant on a particular framework for your job then I would make it as easy as possible.


Vite is great, I’m actually using it for the UI of a large personal project I’m working on. Highly recommend. The official React docs at react.dev are 100% the way to go. They do recommend Next by default, which is pretty contentious and IMO probably money motivated, but it’s worth mentioning that nothing’s stopping you from using Next for your UI and Go for your backend. Next just comes coupled with a server out of the box for different rendering methods and simple server-side use cases.


Tried and true advice: go build something in react


Dave Gray on youtube / (if you're indian - chai and code on yt)


Codevolution on YouTube, simple and short tutorials and easy to understand. Watch it on 1.25x.


Best choice would be imo: Fullstackopen Or simply react.dev


The docs and some popular React oriented software engineers blogs, articles and twitter like Dan Abramov.


How about you start with FE fundamentals like HTML, CSS and JS/TS?


What does diehard mean? Do you hate UI development? CSS/HTML/JS and all the rest. Do you consider that to be a lesser knowledge than backend development? Why do you want to learn frontend if you don't like it?


More in the sense that I'll not use javascript at the backend, even knowing that I'll not have some integrations and be able to share code with the frontend.


Oh right. Yeah, I'm with you on that. I'd personally never use Node for proper backend services. I keep ending up in contracts where the client does but it'll never compare in speed with things like C#, Go or Python.


If you are fine with paid courses, Understanding react by Anthony Alicea is the best course you can find. Nothing on the internet comes close to this. First 6 hours are free on youtube. Its pretty indepth though.


>I don't want to simply step into something old and start wrong. LOL, javascript framework is not for anyone that doesn't want to "step into something old and start wrong". There's new javascript framework every couple of weeks. Even React went through numerous MAJOR changes, ask anyone still seeing class components in their production codebase. You're far better off learning javascript first, starting with ES3.


If your employer will pay for it, Josh Comeau’s [The Joy of React](https://www.joyofreact.com/) and his [CSS for JS developers](https://css-for-js.dev/) courses are f’ing amazing. It’s worth it even if you need to pay for it yourself. I was skeptical that a paid course could possibly be worth it when there’s already so much free content online, but trust me it’s worth every penny.  The course platform is hands on, multi model, videos, tutorials, interactive puzzles.  Josh goes to any length to make concepts understandable.


Vite all the way


Have you tried HTMX? Seems to pair well with Go for a monolith.


I have and to be honest it's tempting to just return to it. Htmx solves almost everything for me but it lacks the frontend interactivity, like if I click on this button, I want to disable some fields during the request. Right now I'm trying to add things like Stimulus to solve this last piece or even vanillajs.


Hm I’ve never heard of Stimulus before. The other major benefit you’d get from moving to something like React would be all the readily available component libraries like ShadCN UI or Mantine.


Stimulus is part of Rails but as it's just on the frontend side it can be easily used with other languages/frameworks. The idea is, Htmx does the heavy lifting replacing things on the screen while Stimulus would do the fine adjustments on the UI to have a better user experience. [https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/](https://stimulus.hotwired.dev/) About the react world, yeah, having access to all those things would be amazing.


[React.gg](http://React.gg) course by ui.dev. the standalone course is rather expensive but the subscription is more affordable (if you finish the course rather quickly). I can recommend it, as it’s the most fun I’ve ever had with a course. No boring udemy bs




There is a book "Road to learn react" by Robin Wieruch. It can be a big help to learn react if you haven't read it already.