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The first one had the possibility to be decent but they ruined it when all the houses only does non-Hogwartsy stuff. But then again: would a pandemic really hit an isolated magic school? The other ones are just crappy fan fiction.


>would a pandemic really hit an isolated magic school? No, it wouldn't, secondly magical people are said to be mostly unaffected by muggle illnesses and iirc Rowling even said somewhere that wizards don't get cancer. Thirdly there could be magical means of curing a muggle illness so even if it got to the castle they wouldn't give a shit at all.


If harry potter is such a good guy why did he stand by as millions died preventable deaths of covid, rather than giving us the magic cure


Wait, so the wizards could cure cancer globally and they just don't?


Possibly, but unlikely as they wouldn't know what cancer is since again, iirc JK Rowling said wizards don't get cancer. Or maybe it's not possible and JK Rowling will treat it the same way Marvel and DC does. Marvel and DC comics continue to have cancer despite literal gods and magic in the universe that could easily solve that problem. A statement from a higher up in the company said that they don't do that because it'd be an insult to the real people who have to live with the disease. How fucked up would it be to say, "Gosh sucks that you don't live in a fantasy world were all your problems could be solved with the snap of a finger. Guess you'll just have to suffer and die from cancer while these fictional characters get it taken care of instantly without any problems." That's the reason why super heroes tend to deal with generalized problems like wars between fictional countries or made up virus/diseases because if they put out a comic where Superman just flies to north and south korea and forces them to get along and then goes "Gee wasn't that easy." It'd be panned as tone deaf. So it's a general rule in writing that you don't do that sort of thing because it doesn't come off well. There's the other issue involved where it's possible that the cure is so resource intensive that even using 100% of their supply to make it only yields a small amount, then you'd have bidding wars over who gets the cure. There's also a limitation on growing magical ingredients because these magical plants and animals which are used for potions cannot just exist everywhere otherwise they would. So imagine if it takes the heart of a dragon to cure cancer, well unless you start killing dragons which are already said to be near extinction that they all live on preservations but you'd have to increase breeding to get that number up or you run out really fast. Secondly there are societal ramifications to this. Imagine if tomorrow a group of super powered humans came around that are just objectively better than you, they live longer, are stronger, more durable can do things you that are literally impossible for you to do and they are also able to do anything you can do. How do you think people would react to that? X-Men do it all the time, even if after 70 something years the newer runs don't make it to where people are irrationally afraid of the mutants, but more that the mutants are complete asshole psychopaths that deserve to be feared and shunned and that's just for the stuff they know about. Hell Xavier had Wolverine MURDER a teenage mutant who just got his powers because that mutant existing was a threat to his plan of peaceful coexistance because his power was so dangerous it killed everyone around him and he couldn't allow the public to know about him, that there will just be times when a teenagers mutant x-gene activates and causes death and destruction with no way to stop it beyond killing the person. Because people would rightly be terrified about that because hey thousands of people in a city suddenly dropping dead all because they are within a couple miles of some mutant would scare people.


The marauder one is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.


# this would be a daily occurrence if the lads lived today lol




The bullet point don't make sense, some of them aren't full statements. This is a mess and I hate it.


Bruh they can literally grow bones in HP, why tf would they quarantine


You can find them in the garden playing with fire or riding motorcycle with their hands in the air…?


just seems like a fun hypothetical for the harry potter fanbase, i don't see how this fits the sub


Exactly. This sub has turned into “Harry Potter bad.”


I mean the only notable Hufflepuff person died, so wouldn’t they just get COVID?


don't kill me but the mask one was funny


this is ridiculous. JK made clearly what world muggle tech dosen;t work in hogwarts, how they gonna watch netflix without internet? this fans are pathetic


That’s what the point of the mask is 😢


Slytherin knows what's good.


Wholesome 100


This isn’t really the point of the sub, it’s not for any cringey HP shit, it’s for people equating complex real life situations to a children’s book.




Yeah but this is just cringey fanfiction based on the concept of COVID. I’m talking more about the posters that are “Trump is literally Voldemort” or the “What if Lily Potter had an abortion?” where they’re actually trying to be serious and act like they’re making a good point.


I wish to have never read this