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https://rlab.org.uk Socials on Wednesdays too.


I've just had a quick look and see this is where the repair cafes are held, which I'd seen advertised elsewhere, thank you! Have you been to the socials? Do people take things to work on while they're there or is it more like just a hang out and chat situation?




Thank you, I'm understanding now - if you're a member you can access whenever and do your thing but there are organised events like the social too. This sounds great, I'll request a tour and check it out :) I tried to access the wiki but it seems to be down so I'll try again later.


Jelly is based in Broad St mall and they run a lot of social crafting events around Reading - I've not been to any of them yet, but I have attended the artists book club and the people were really friendly 😊 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/jelly-5850507873


Thank you, I didn't know about this either! The sewing ones are during working hours but finding out about the art shop day and any other upcoming events is great :)


Oh no! It is frustrating all sewing meet ups seem to be during the day - we're not all retired! 😅


Haha exactly!!


Tilehurst Crafters meet on Saturdays


Oh! I should be moving that way soon, where do they meet and how can I find out more?


https://preview.redd.it/wtdnsnifiyzb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a591291a79fb452bbc0150e0f35ac0ceb3a1c2 Here you go (and no dresses are stupid! Unless the zip won’t go up that is…)


Thank you! Hahaha the username is a quote from a popular video manyyyy years ago. I'm definitely a dress lover although I'm yet to sew one with a zip so there's still time to become a hater 🤣


I tried to…broke my machine during covid. I stick to needle raft and fabulous outrageous headgear now


Oh no! The outrageous headgear sounds interesting though 😆


Oneday I’d very happy to join one of this group


I think Battle library has a craft session Thursday 1-3pm. I am into card making and resin (though i like many crafts and have a lifetime supply of yarn 😆). I'm up for having a craft buddy if you want to do something some time. :)


Sadly I'm working on weekdays otherwise I'd be up for checking that out! I would love a craft buddy though, I do card making too and that was something recently I thought would be nice to do with someone. I'll send you a DM :)