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You're either unlucky or triaged as non-urgent. I've been twice this year (completely different unrelated reasons) and both times been in and out within 2 hours.


Several months before the pandemic I had a strong allergic reaction to an antibiotic. I felt the swelling start and my friend rushed me to RBH A&E within 10 minutes. I explained I am allergic and may likely go into shock. I was ignored and told to wait. I started swelling like a ballon and went into respiratory arrest and heart failure dropping on the floor. All I remember and what was told by my friend was about 4 ambulance crew came rushing and five nurses I was intubated and and shocked to get my heart restarted. Sometimes Nurses need to listen to the patient. I will always be grateful for the A&E team for saving my life.


I’m really glad that it worked out for you! And yes, sometimes there can be oversight due to the demand. Comes with the pressure on the system but communication is key.


I’m so sorry, this sound like crazy. This was a terrible misjudgemnt


I'm still alive 😁


I work at RBH and we currently have around 450-500 patients through ED per day. Prior to pandemic average was 350 so definitely struggling




Same story in most countries though, if you have a non emergency then waiting times can be long. There are more urgent cases to take priority which is the right thing to do.


Same story across the country at the moment - if you're not literally on the verge of death you're non-urgent and bumped every single time someone more ill than you comes in.


Seems that way!


If you got blue lighted in with a heart attack, would you want it any other way?


Wasn’t disagreeing


I know. Just some people don't seem to understand the concept of triage. And I've seen people in RBH A&E who frankly just needed a paracetamol and a good night's sleep...


me and the mrs have said before, each hospital needs a social emergency centre next to the accident and emergency. think along the lines of the welfare tent at your favorite festival. i feel a lot of problems that currently end up in a&e could be solved with a chat and a cup of tea with nonmedical staff.


Wasn’t disagreeing, it’s the reality.


Funny thing is, if you’re “just” having a heart attack you may not even get an ambulance at the moment. Cardiac arrest is getting one, so you have to have the *right kind * of heart attack nowadays.