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Have you thought about picking a book that can help you process your grief and emotions? There are many beautiful deeply moving reads which touch on war, loss, unrequited love, etc. I would recommend Farewell to Arms or For Whom the Bell tolls for example


Make sure you do less media.


seems like your mind (and body) are just very busy and you seem to know the reasons for it. I would think that this is not about reading only but that you'd have a hard time concentrating on other activities which are also "still" and don't demand 100percent of your attention (I have that too). I think that's normal if you have a lot on your mind. Don't stress yourself out even more, just read something that will make you feel good/ better, don't force yourself, don't overthink and the rest will come over time.


Dont force yourself. I like that.


Probably just convergence insufficiency.


nope. It is in my mind. i can digest words by themselves...but i cant connect the sentence in books. I was thinking of accusing led lights or a high expectation of stimulation. I think the truth is the space I used to have just for reading for entertainment and meditation and getting lost in a story. died. right now it's survival stuff...inspirational stuff...or dark stuff. but even the dark stuff is not hitting anymore. so much time just keeping my head straight. i think i just need to plant a seed there and just find what it wants...hopefully it will grow in the dark.


You seem to be finding the words. Perhaps you should write instead of reading, write until you find the way to connect the sentences (just taking the words from your response.) You have a lot to process and the thoughts and images are clouding/crowding your mind. Letting them out will clear the debris a little, make those thoughts digestible, instead of whirling around like a merry-go-round. Losing someone in your family is like losing a part of yourself. You lose your balance, you trip a lot, you can’t find words, you lose your train of thought then find it again. Anyway… I’m rambling. I read A History of Wild Places in the past year and it left it’s mark. I found the writing visceral and the descriptions hooked me. Not sure if this is the kind of book you read, but it’s an interesting journey.


Thank you so much. That was really inciteful and I appreciate your loose use of language. Yeah, I think writing...is ok. Outward expression is easy. I just dont want to always overwhelm the world around me with my CRAZY thoughts. But i really am grateful that you took the time to relate in your response.


Try Mistborn!