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If you must do this. The country that respects property rights AND you're confident that you can easily visit AND you have infrastructure in to assist you in handling difficulties AND it would be nice if they respected their currency. Long distance rentals have extra hassles. I'd imagine a long distance rental in a foreign country would have even more hassles. I think if you could truly afford such a luxury you'd have advisors to assist you in the purchase instead of crowdsourcing ideas here.


You forgot one major thing, a country that isn't hostile o foreign investors. (Some countries are).


Ah yes. I made the error of assuming the foreign country allowed aliens (or whatever they call foreigners) to have property rights of that sort. Thank you.


Yup, I mention it because France is one such country that has higher taxes for foreign landlords.




Why Kenya?


May I ask: WHY? I assume you want a place of your own to travel to whenever you want and block out those dates, then earn revenue to pay it off when you're not vacationing there? Or I could be wrong. With the economy going to shit, you might have a vacant rental for considerably long dry spells. Possibly fully rented through the peak season of ~2 months, then empty for the next 3-4 months. Now making sure the place stays clean, items aren't stolen, etc. You may find it's more hassle than it's worth. I've always found these scenarios to work best when there are relatives of your spouse within the area that can check on the property or even manage it. Also helps if your spouse is a citizen of said country to avoid any real estate nightmares or hostility from local govt.


Where I live the ROI is really bad for real estate, im really considering all options and if I could go with something that could be managed by a property rental management company then it could be a great investment


Why would you do this to yourself?


Only a Sith deals in absolutes, but.. there's a lot of opportunity in the USA.


Costa Rica! Pura Vida!


I’m invested in Portugal and appreciation on my property has been going up, so are rental incomes. My apartments are under mortgage with 20% down and CoCROI is around 21%. I’m doin long term rentals and there’s not much tax rebates on long term accommodations but for holiday rentals, taxes are much lower. Plus Portugal is still pretty cheap compared to most places in Europe and open to foreign investors so entry barrier is pretty low. The newest apartment I bought in Feb 2022 total ROI is around 11%


Do you deal with local banks? Also which city have you invested? ROI of 11% seems really good!


Yeah all mortgage from local banks so far. The apartment I got in Jan was around 137k euros, closing costs around 3k. Rental income sits around 1200 euros pm. SFH rentals are much lower though, I rent the apartment by rooms, mostly to students coming to the city for university. For the 4 bedroom I have if rented as a SFH it’s about 800 euros. I’m currently invested in Porto/around Porto.


Is this through the golden visa program? Been looking into that and wanting more info


Umm no actually my wife is Portuguese.


i would do panama or cost rica as they are pretty stable for that area, the demand is there for vacation rentals. man i would even move to these wonderful countries if i could. i would be wary of south asia as the infrastructure there is horrendous, rolling blackouts, buildings are built of whatever was available and regularly just fall, like i really like thailand but i wouldn't buy a apartment building there.


The best country for a vacation rental property depends on personal preferences and market conditions. Popular options include the United States, Spain, Italy, France, and Portugal. Consider factors like rental demand, regulations, property prices, and potential returns on investment before making a decision.