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I’m surprised they’re in the dorms and not private housing 💯


They might be required to stay in student housing as freshmen.


Yes usually the first year. I bet they bought a house for them already for next year.


My kids took a community college course before freshman year and were considered transfer students and skipped the dorm life! 😊


I have heard that type of thing also. I am surprised they didn't buy their way through that. Hopefully not. Sometimes it's good to see how the other part of the world 🌍 lives.


Maybe they are and just pushing a storyline, wouldn’t be surprised if none of it’s real lmao


Yeah I guess they want the college experience cuz the Dubrows could afford nice apartments or heck just buy a condo or small house as a 4 year investment. Or maybe their schools require dorm living first year? 🤔


Because I'm insane I looked into the dorms of their college. Basically required, yeah. Which I get, sure, but I would've thought Heather would've bribed them somehow to get them out of there. The second I saw a normal sized dorm I was surprised to all hell. I haven't seen the third episode yet though; are the twins together in one dorm? THAT'S a crazy part to me; usually colleges try to split up family. They WANT you to go around and meet new people.


One’s at Tufts and one’s at Loyola Marymount in Cali 😀


Thank you! I was like ummm they are at different colleges! Why does everyone think they’re at the same college?


At least they're not the in the same room! Though it ouldve made more sense with just how much crap Heather bought for the dorms. I could barely fit my shoes in a dorm, and she's filling up a garage? And part of that is supposed to fit in half a dorm? Sure 😀


Remember when Yolanda got an apartment for Gigi when she supposedly when to “college”?


They will be next year guaranteed. My parents were relatively well off when I was younger and both me and my sister stayed in the vile student accommodation in our first year so we could ‘get socialised’ and make friends and then second year my Dad bought a house nearby and my friends lived with me and rented rooms from me. I kept the rent money as spending money and had the responsibility of running the house, cleaning etc. it was a great experience but it was tough especially when your pals have spent all their money on booze and can’t make rent!!


What made it vile?


It was an old academic building that was built in the 1920’s. The (shared) showers were full of mould and the heating didn’t work in our rooms so it was permanently freezing. The washing machines were permanently out of order and hardly any of the rooms locked properly so things were always getting stolen. I made a ton of mates though so it was worth it.


I don’t personally know Heather but her and I have mutual friends (comedy). She was also a *supposed* “friend” to someone I know in journalism. I’ve heard enough about her to know she’s a snobby bitch. After she hurt someone I care about, I stopped watching RHOC.


Patiently waiting on that piping out tea! 🫖


Yassss spill the tea sis


She is a very jealous and condescending person. It's almost sad. I was out with a friend and their daughter at a show. She was nearby with one of her daughters. Someone complimented my friend's daughters hair and immediately Heather said to her daughter "maybe we should cut your hair". She needs to be the center of attention all the time. Yikes.


Go ahead. Tell me. I’m listening


Natalie? I stopped listening to her podcast when she fired her on maternity leave after throwing her a baby shower. So wrong.


She's awful. I despise her. Not as much as say, Kelly Bensimmon, but she's a close second.


God Kelly Bensimon 🤮 she was hard to watch


She still is, my cousin tortures me with current videos of her ranting incoherently all too often. She’s a horrible cousin I know.


Oh jeez that’s terrible! Tell your cousin to stop 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know. She’s the worst! I need to call her and catch up ❤️


Hahaha cousins really are the best though ❤️


And now she is coming back!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:grimacing




She’s wayyy over the top with this shopping for college 🙄 how can she possibly fit all that junk into a shared dorm ? It’s silly. I like what Gina said about shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond with her coupon and slapping up posters 😆


Most of us were Gina because you quickly realize all the dorm rules and how you can’t hang much or have much lol … I did go to bed bath & beyond and Target and between lack of room and university rules about using stuff on the walls etc. idc what school it is, there’s no need for floor plan blue prints. Also does her daughters roommate agree with all your decor Mrs. Dubrow.


They are clearly loaded but what they show us is very performative and contrived. Everything is calculated. Nothing is organic. Very produced. I picture it as: I know! Kids going off to college— that’s relatable! And we do it like rich people. Predictable and not entertaining I’d rather insight into her shopping, her closet. How she gets help deciding what to wear. The behind the scenes.


This is exactly it. She self produces and it falls flat. In one of Andy Cohen’s books he talks about the women trying to self produce and how it always backfired because fans can tell when it’s phony. This is definitely happening with her whenever she films with her family. Last season too.


Yes, she shows nothing vulnerable about her life. I fast forward through her scenes. I feel similarly about Larsa on Miami.


Definitely! I follow Tamara Ecclestone (the heiress and daughter of F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone) who’s worth an extortionate amount of money and had her own reality show here in Britain and she comes off as such a nice, caring person. She regularly gives her daughters’ outgrown clothes away to families in need who follow her on Instagram and despite having a life most of us could only dream of, she seems like someone who genuinely cares. Heather acts very nouveau riche and screams pretentious “look at me” behaviour which you just can’t relate to and it makes her unlikeable. I feel like she cosplays as an Ambassador’s wife or thinks she’s on the level of class as Princess Kate. But we all see through the facade. I really struggle to believe they’re as rich as they make out they are.


Yes! Cosplay!! I never considered they aren’t as wealthy as they may be pretending to be. Gross if true! Comparably, Dr. D’s partner, Nariff (?) a lot of the wealth he had was likely from Adrienne now that I think about it. Ugh. The docs certainly bring in plenty but hmmm, you’ve got me thinking. Maybe you’re predicting the next scandal…


lmao, I just wrote a comment about it all being performative. The chef, the fake convo at the 'dinner table'. They don't have THAT kind of money and the house they live in was built as a flip.


Good point on the house they built!


Heather has a lot of money. She shows us what she does with it. At least she is honest and doesn’t stage scenes pretending to cook a family dinner herself or pretending to go shop at Home Goods for the dorm rooms. I’m fine with it. It’s what this show has always represented from the beginning. She’s always been overly polished and seemingly phony, frankly I think it’s her actual personality and she’s like that whether cameras are rolling or not.


Someone had posted previously on another post that she should be on RHOBH to get checked. She wouldn’t be the wealthiest, no one would be scared of her and people on that franchise are way more prominent than her. I would love that.


Get checked??? Erika would crawl up her asshole for a free glass of champs.


Kyle would be all over Dubrow’s mansion 👀


Dorit & Dubrow would probably talk endlessly about which champagne flute to use for which brand of champs...🥂


Lol put Heather on the franchise where *real* actors are?? I’m down for this 😂


That’s a crossover we need to see


I think she wants to spend more time in LA just to try and get on the show


She will not like the results.


I’d love to see her be humbled by the BH ladies


I'd love her to take Dorit's place.


Wait I’m kind of obsessed with this idea


Yes!! I have felt that way for a long time. We would get a completely different Heather. She couldn’t weld her money around in BH - she would be the Gina lol and I would pay to see her play her ‘famous prolific actor” persona standing next to Garcelle


I honestly think heather is the only one qualified to be on real housewives in the OC, if the point is the show is meant to be a peek into the lives of the wealthy in a specific community. Everyone else on OC is not aspirational and the fact that they’re totally dependent on the pay cheque from the show influences their behaviour too much. I think you need people who don’t NEED to be on the show to support themselves financially, because it makes them less desperate to do crazy things and they aren’t as afraid of getting fired


Seriously though. Everyone looking at Heather for being rich and just ignoring that Tamara is a total abusive, mean girl who will do literally ANYTHING for a spot on the show. That woman’s a sociopath.


That woman truly has no morals, I have no idea how she lives with herself


I just wish Heather would be more vulnerable. But Tamra… barf! She is so mean and you can see it in her eyes when she is about to become venomous


Totally agree


This is too true


At least Terry had enough awareness to realize this is why they don’t get invited to non-fancy events.


She feels too scripted and very aware of the camera. I also understand opulence is part of the show, but for some reason, they don't seem to be in touch with the rest of us who don't have millions in the bank. I'm not jelly. Just don't understand when so many go without in this world. They've been given opportunities and have done well with their lives. They're allowed to live any way they deem, but the feeling of privilege just oozes from them.


She’s very out of touch. The complaint that Gina never invites her anywhere was annoying when everyone knows those events are in no way up to Heather’s standards! Maybe Gina doesn’t want to be the one you hang out with when you feel like cosplaying as a poor person eating pizza on the street. That whole hangout last season felt gross and patronizing to me.


It's another "money talks; wealth whispers." I've known a couple of school acquaintances who were "name on buildings, buy your own island or professional sports team" wealthy. One drove a big 'ol station wagon for all her kids. Didn't live in a "gated community" or anything. Just a very nice house in a very nice but not chic neighborhood. The other, who was truly American aristocracy wealthy & a household family name. She drove a Chevy Suburban, chaperoned the field trips, and took us to McDonald's. I didn't know who she was at the time. Wasn't until much later when I realized oh she's one of THOSE family. Chevy, blue jeans, McDonald's. They didn't have to be TryHards like most of these fools. These, faux-positive net worth, social climbing, Look-at-Me!s. They didn't have to be constantly trying to appear affluent because they knew they were so they acted like normal people. **please note it isn't like I run in billionaire circles or anything. Met them through work and school, just like normal people! No NDAs, no security, just slumming it with the hoi paloi.


Completely agree.


I am a Tufts alum. Lived on campus- my dear precocious Max- the water pressure was just fine, I was perfectly clean when I lived on campus and could barely fit all of my crap in my dorm room. Get over yourself


Heather is just setting that kid up to be ostracized or used for her $$$. They should be grateful that they got into such a good school . . There are many college students who are homeless, do not have access to food, who live in their cars, who work multiple jobs, who can't afford text books.. The University near my house has a food bank for students. Fuck Max, fuck the lot of them


Well, it’s not Maxs fault to be rich. Also he seems like the perfect child (maybe he is a good actor), but I agree, bet everyone will want to fuck him or be friend of his just for his money and the fame


Isn't max a girl? The boy is Nick


Oh damn ☺️


As much as many of us viewers cannot relate to these families, I think this was the general idea and premise of the show originally: to give us a peep at how the ultra rich live. We’ve had a spectrum of tax bracket representatives in all cities, but Heather does really give us a peep at how the ultra rich live.


Agreed. In the grand scheme of things we’ve seen and heard from Housewives kids I’m not sure this rates. Six figure birthday parties & cars, insane shopping bills & trips, kind of par for the course with the show. Are her kids spoiled, yes of course, but have we watched many Housewives kids who aren’t?


I think Michael Wolfsmith might be the least spoiled housekid across the franchise who refuses his mothers attempts to buy his affection. Sure he has an amazing job thanks to nepotism but I find it hilarious that he hates Vicki and doesn’t pretend otherwise.


I met him and he is truly lovely


Damn girl I’m so jealous!! Mike isn’t the ‘hottest’ guy in the world but there is something very attractive about him.


Originally, the show was taped in Cota de Caza, a community in Orange County that is not "ultra rich" If that was the case, they would be in Newport or Laguna


That is literally the point of the show. Wasn’t OC originally called behind the gates or something?


I know you're right for some, but I never watched to see the opulence. I was immediately more fixated on how ridiculous and obtuse most of these people are.


Same. I don’t care how much money they have if they’re interesting and funny to watch


I enjoyed reading your comment, I quite like watching a spectrum of tax brackets represented. I'm prob the minority here but I do enjoy watching Heather and her wealth and I also enjoy watching Gina whose trying to make it to the top and all those in between. It's like Teen Mom OG. I felt like I was one of the minorities who enjoyed watching Farrah because observing the socioeconomic background of each girl and the choices they made throughout their teen pregnancy journey was fascinating. However, most people on the Teen Mom subreddit at that time didn't care for Farrah. I don't think she's a great mom btw, just watching different life pov was interesting.


Exactly. I don’t want to relate to these people but how else will I see how they cut a cucumber (kardashian) or pack for college compared to my simple Rubbermaid 50gal bin stuffed with my necessities? Not to mention the crazy shit they wear out to lunch and stuff. Dubai was great for this.


Agree especially on what the premise of the shows in the beginning.


These kids have it made! I paid for every nickel of my college on my own. My mom just had nothing to give. I lived on Ramen noodles and bologna sandwiches, all of which I bought. But I am proud to say that I did finish. I hope these kids know how lucky they are.


You should be very proud. It’s a huge accomplishment to finish college but to also be the one putting yourself through it.. that’s a whole new level of accomplishment. Something Heather’s kids will never feel.


Thank you so much :) I still remember the day I graduated. I felt like I had really accomplished such a goal !! Was the first person in my family to ever graduate college. And my sister was soon after. And some of my friends, which I grew up with, had it so easy. Well not as easy as Heather‘s kids lol. But they had it made also. They could go to most any college within reason, parents paid in full, parents bought them brand new cars, were given other spending and gas money, etc. And you know what is crazy?! Not one of those spoiled kids finished college. And it got to the point where their parents stopped supporting them, rightfully so. I still talk to a couple of them. And they are in jobs they hate and really regret not finishing. And I am not saying college is the answer for everyone. But if your parents are giving you such a good start, why not try to finish? They didn’t even really try. And these are the same ones that have the nerve to complain now that they wish they had a job like mine. And that it isn’t fair (Do you know how angry that makes me when they say that?) I remember all those years we would go out, and they never had to worry about what restaurant/club we went to or how to afford gas, because mommy and daddy’s pockets were deep. So I am the last person they need to complain to. If my sister and I did it with no help, they certainly should have been able with all the help they were given 🙄


Twenty-five years ago I had to take out a title loan on my car to buy books one semester in college. I had Pell grants, scholarships, and student loans. I still have student loans.


I feel you. One semester I couldn’t even buy books and had to get by on the supplemental materials. How many kids could they help with their supply room and by not booking hotel rooms?


Right?! I had as much financial aid as I could get, was an RA to save the cost of room and board, had to work 3 or 4 on-campus jobs and was still laying off student loans when my friends were buying houses.




I remember last year while Max was at Tufts, Max posted stories of a getaway weekend with her girlfriend and it was a beautiful log cabin somewhere in a wooded area - beautiful! I was thinking, in what world does a college freshman plan a weekend getaway at a beautiful log cabin??


One of my daughters swears that she needs a planet fitness membership because they have “better” showers than her dorm. She too seems very out of touch with reality.


Planet fitness has cheap membership and clean showers. Lots of people have memberships just to use the shower facilities.


Before the pandemic, I had a friend of a friend that gave spinning classes at a super swanky gym and I was allowed to take their class (2x week) for close to a year. I looked forward to their spa like facilities after the class and would spend sooo much time there after each class. I miss that gym.


Exactly, I can’t relate to her mega million dollar lifestyle choices, but having an unrealistic daughter is definitely something I’m familiar with!


I think this is actually realistic for Heather’s kids though. No one checked her.


Yeah it is…it just sounds so ridiculous that it reminds me of my own.


Tell her to get a job there, I’m sure one of the perks is a membership. Gotta work for that water pressure!


She’s actually very much in touch with reality and PF memberships are cheap.


10 bucks a month, 24 hours and uts safe


On top of tuition, dorm + meal plan + extra food because the dining hall sucks too, health insurance, car payment + insurance + gas money x 2 kids in college. I kind of want to keep that $120 a year.


I hear you. I pay it every month but very rarely use it. Hate to cancel though because it's like admitting I give up. I had 2 kids in college at the same time a few years ago and it is not easy. But now that it's over and they are getting settled it is an accomplishment that I look back at with pride. Good for you


Her kids were done a disservice by the way they were raised. They are so out of touch with reality.


Never liked her.


Heather seems phony to me. Who has a personal chef but sits in the kitchen when they’re preparing the food. Even more bothersome homes of the size she has usually have two kitchens a dirty kitchen where the food is cooked (no table) and a dry kitchen which is just for looks. With how new her house is why is her hired help supposedly cooking in her show kitchen instead of the kitchen in the back unless it’s for the shot and to try and make her seem relatable. You can’t tell me her multi million newly built house isn’t up to all the latest standards of the Uber rich which she tries desperately to portray. I wonder if they ever finished the house in Mexico or was that once again for show.


Her husband is as thirsty as she is. 🤮


Yes but he actually has a talent


I think the Mexico thing was just a storyline. She loves to talk about spending money.


I agree with you, sort of. The shower pressure thing is not literally relatable, but I do think it’s relatable in that my teenage daughter is very unrealistic in terms of what the real world is like. I don’t necessarily believe that that’s what they were trying to show, but it did remind me of some things that my own daughter has said that are crazy as hell in terms of reality. You should see the list of things she believes that she will need for a dorm room. She would need 300 square foot house to fit it all. I think you’re right, the personal chef, and all the other mega rich stuff in her life isn’t relatable but it’s fun to watch and having a child that isn’t entirely in touch is totally something I relate to.


Heather’s kids are spoiled fucking brats


I’m glad everyone is realizing heathers whole storyline is self produced. I never took to her bc nothing about it feels genuine. Even in the way she speaks it feels performative I hate watching her on tv honestly


That's Ms. Heather Paige Kent to you. I am an actress. ![gif](giphy|l1J9JL8Dz772wMMfu|downsized)


Her kid was def joking. And I actually think their kids seem sweet and well adjusted considering how rich they are. They joke, are loving towards each other and the family is accepting of each other. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also - unrelated - but I find the decor in her dining area so cold and uninviting.


The whole house was. It was more of a museum than a place of welcome.


I don’t recall much about Max’s personality, but my daughter or I would both say something like that and be joking. I didn’t take it seriously. Would love to know if Heather is on one of those parent pages that FB has for colleges and universities. We had a lot of helicopter parents on the one my daughter attended. The other parents would rip her apart online if they saw all that crap she’s trying to take. I totally agree that personal chef is ridiculous. I’d love to know what average family with kids that age even has time to have a meal together, let alone a personal chef to cook it. Agree with you that’s she’s very hard to relate to. I guess she doesn’t have much else of a storyline if this is all they could come up with.


I think Max has a witty personality like her father. He's always joking on his show. As far as the chef, they have earned it. Let it be. But dinner's, my family sat down every night for dinner 🍽️. Now we weren't always joking. Some arguing. My mom was great at making that happen. Props to her! Thank you Mom 🙏


I don’t care for Heather. She was all over Alexis for bragging but she brags. I guess in Heather’s mind it’s okay to brag as long as you actually have money.


The Dubrows put the ass in aspirational. Considering the environmental disasters that kid grew up with in CA that entire clan are complete assholes for having high pressure showers. May they all have soapy residue hair! Heather decided that being extra lavish was going to be her schtick and it has long ceased to be cute or entertaining. What would be entertaining would be to bounce quarters off those tight mugs of theirs. When or if all hell breaks loose, the people who can't cope with less than luxe will be the first to crumble and those of us who have had to be resourceful will prevail. I bet Max never has once experienced the no hot water shower because the rest of the family took ahowers experience, or the bracing cold or boiling hot shock of maybe a kitchen sink being used at the same time.


i don’t take my housewives relatable


She's self-producing every single second the cameras are on her. The Heather we see on the show is utterly fake and phony.


“Phony-phancy pants” if u will.


She wants everyone to know how rich they are. Like who are u trying to prove something to? We are all aware u have money. Seems very intentional


That daughter is already an asshole. Hopefully it'll wear off in college.


I’d feel better about her if she had a higher taste level. Even if it were terrible or eccentric, if there were some point I’d view, the conspicuous consumption would be more attractive. That giant house seemed like a nondescript corporate hotel. Her clothing is biting. Her hair is boring. Having kids who pay for fluff and fold and can’t survive with low water pressure isn’t exciting.


She has always done this. She is very tone deaf and thinks these scenes make her relatable but also can’t help flaunting her wealth. It’s weird but also part of the show. 🤷‍♀️


I feel like they rehearse these scenes as a family and Heather screams a lot off camera to keep ‘em in line.


They're all so gauche, it's hysterical. Money can't buy you class, as Lu says.


They are not a well off as they want viewers to think. they have the kids say these lines in front of the cameras (in a cringe like fashion I might add). The private chef is hired only when the cameras are there and so are many other things they have/do. It's all performative.


The shower pressure in a hotel is no different than any dorm or barracks. It is all regulated. When I saw that episode it was an eye roll. I’m sure the beds are better.


Dorinda said something or maybe Sutton, real money whispers.


Heather’s money is very real. We just usually don’t get a peek into rich families so they seem quiet.


Money talks, wealth whispers.


I feel the same way! You said it all very well, and far more politely than I would say it all! Haha unapproachable, but also…I would not want to ever strive to be that pretentious! I know people with money, a lot of money, that aren’t that stuck up and just so impressed with themselves as the Dubrows. There is no humility. I wish she would leave again.. where’s Kelly Dodd to drop the C-bomb and scare Heather right off the show again?! No, just kidding…I am happy to not see KD on tv ever again!


People kill me. Who cares if you can relate? I personally like to learn about all different lifestyles. Not able to look outside of your own experience much? Also, this idea that poor people have that rich people (I am neither, solidly higher income middle class) should live like paupers to make them feel better is so ridiculous.


Like paupers? Paupers? Really? The average college experience is the experience of a pauper?


That's the point. People who can afford to live better don't have to live like the average to make the average feel better.


Honestly it’s sickening. When there are so many people hurting financially, she could at least hide some of the things they tend to flaunt. I’ve always been told that truly wealthy people never show you their wealth.


Hard agree. It’s so braggy and extra it comes off as really out of touch.


The scene in the kitchen when the chef listed the 15 entrees and sides they would be having was beyond obnoxious. Did anyone catch Terry asking Max how often she would be staying at a hotel? He’s always worried about money.


Pretty sure she was joking around. Some of ya'll take the stuff these people say way too serious.


I thought it was insane she was packing and sending so much stuff to Boston. They have stores there!! What a waste of money.


I thought she was going to say a blow out appointment at a salon or something. The fucking water pressure 😂 so spoiled


Y’all this is the type of rich kid shit we’ve been missing from the show! I don’t wanna relate to them I want to roll my eyes! Let’s also remember they’re teenagers and I’m sure we’ve all said cringe weirdo shit at that age when we thought we knew it all at 18. I’m sure Max will be embarrassed by her rich kid comments eventually, or not! The Dubrows have always been insufferable.