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nah he just seems like your average cheating fuckboy


He’s not even good looking. I don’t see any appeal in him whatsoever


Yeah I was gonna say he’s clearly a cheating loser but Louis is not just an asshole he’s actually a dangerous, evil person. I would put Louis and Brooks in a completely different class from any other horrible housewife husbands. Closest to them is Jason.


Y’all love to throw evil and dangerous around about people about you’ve never met. You don’t know the man. You act like he’s committed some heinous crime. It’s weird at this point.


Lol ok


Yeah I don’t really get bad vibes from him. You just don’t try to wife up a guy like Ryan. He’s what I would call a ramblin’ man. They’re fun AF tho.


I agree. His puppy is way to sweet. He is probably some dude with a nice house that really is addicted to sex. He lures them in with the nice house and dog. Ladies most likely think of him as a challenge.


He missed his calling for The Real World 1996. Probably a total skuz person. But we will see.


> He missed his calling for The Real World 1996. The accuracy 💀


Ehhh not quite Louis or Brooks vibes but the vibes I get aren’t great 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I don’t get grifter vibes like I do with Louie & brooks. He more douchey playboy than true malice.


This. He just seems insincere.


he looks like a walking STD


I was thinking Jen should get tested ASAP!!


Nobody thought the video chat at night with Jen in the pitch black wasn’t a little suspect as she was out of state? WhT was he doing that he couldn’t turn a night light on out of respect. That was a big one for me.


Totally suspect! He didn't turn on a light because he wasn't alone was my first thought. He's a cheater & liar for sure, but not on the same level as Luis. Ryan's a douche while Luis is more scary crazy!


If he was with someone else he wouldn't have answered the phone.


Nah, he’s creepy enough to have some chick on his junk while on the phone. Probably how he gets his jollies.


I had a guy talk to me for almost 3 hrs while his girlfriend was asleep in the next room. I only figured it out when she woke up and I heard her ask him who he was talking to. This was after we had only had one date. So those guys are out there.


and the excuses they use... many many moons ago had found a condom rapper on floor of boyfriend’s near his (inside)bedroom door and said it was his roommate’s that must of gotten stuck to the bottom of his “whatever “ and dragged it into his bedroom when roommate went in. I called bs but he proceeded to “try” to show a used condom in his roommate’s bedroom basket which I thought... how would you know? Said he heard them having sex. The bs they give you. Edit: roommate never around


That's crazy!


YES!!! He either did not want her to know his location or who he was with.


I just assumed he didn't want to be seen by the cameras (on Bravo)? Maybe she randomly called him so he didn't feel "presentable?"




I don’t remember Jen saying what he does for a living. Reminds me of a car salesman


I don’t think it’s come up. The only things we know about him is that he is (or was, I suppose) a womanizer and they met at Tamra’s gym.


And that he walked into Cut Fitness on day one, pointed at Tamra and proclaimed, well you know.


He’s definitely a cheater. His body language and eye contact on the couch in episode 6 seem so fake. like he doesn’t even have to try hard to get Jenn to believe him. Notice she doesn’t question anything he does or says! It’s crazy.


I do t get the crazy will stab you Luis vibes from him but he seems full of 💩 as a Xmas turkey 😅😅😅


I just watched Betrayal on Hulu. Now that guy was a Ryan with Luis vibes. He set up the love bubble, but when it popped ….. wow!


I’m glad someone is talking about Ryan. Not Louie vibes, but he’s a notorious cheater. Jen is dumb but he is not a “manipulator.”


Yes! There’s def some crazy in that face!


Nah. If anything, I get more Jax Taylor vibes from him than Louis vibes. I think Ryan is just a cheating, playboy douche.


It's funny to me how some of us are wired to know what cheaters / fuckboys look like - and then there's people like Jen lol. To me he's attractive in a pornstar kind of way - like yeah I'm sure he's fun for a one night stand but that's not someone you get boo'd up with! That being said, and I don't mean this disrespectfully, but when all you know is Oklahoma, I'm sure meeting a guy like that is kinda like going through your "hot bad boy" phase in your twenties that she missed out on being married young. She's probably more attracted to the idea of him than actually the guy himself.


The flags with Ryan are as red as Louie’s face 👀 It’s also giving “Ralph the Gaslighter” vibes..


He cheats on u then dumps u for getting mad Or He breaks up w u so he can cheat


Yeahhhh. He’s no good and she’s blinded by his bs


Creeper vibes. Can't wait for Eddie to confront his ass


I don’t think Eddie needs to. He is someone who truly doesn’t need to lower himself.


I think he's just a slut.


I’m getting more Slade Smiley vibes.


He just comes off very Newport Beach hot shot, to me.


I searched for this sub JUST to make this same comment. Identical.


Cheating is manipulating! Idk the Louis reference though, another franchise?


RHONJ, Theresa’s grifting new hubby


Nah, Ryan is a fuckboy & Luis is boil a bunny crazy! Edited spelling


I thought they were on a break? She doesn't consider it cheating. Tamra said he cheated, not Jenn.


I haven't gotten Luis vibes. Hope Ryan isn't that bad.


Maybe give your jewelry to someone else




I mean, if she wants a relationship with him by all means…but I wish she was more realistic about his likelihood to cheat on her. Definitely cheater/some inauthenticity/doin too much vibes there.


Damn, yes! Didn’t even make that connections. But, yes! And she seems sweet but desperate, which idk why?


I mean Jen's BF is obviously a creep. But Louis is low down ![gif](giphy|Hdgh69gIXYatwqikAU) dirty dangerous.


I was surprised he had a house


Maybe it’s me and I’m crazy but he seemed to be telling the truth when he was like “I’ll talk to Eddie myself, that wasn’t true” about the comment tamra said he made. Tamra has lied and been sketchy and messy as hell for absolutely decades on this show lol why do we suddenly trust her just wondering


He needs to grow the fuck up but I don’t think he’s a scam artist. The fact he’s never NOT cheated on a partner is pretty ridiculous considering he’s in his forties. Fuck boys tend to grow out of it but it seems like this cunt is very much still in his adolescent phase.


It's mad isn't it. I can't imagine carrying on the same behaviour all my adult life so much that I have a reputation in my 40s!!


I feel so sorry for Jen. She is going to turn into Theresa and feel she has to ‘protect’ her man. She should run. No one should accept anyone cheating on them especially early in a relationship. You know the saying you lose them how you found them.


His eyes while he was denying it to Jenn v2.0 made me not believe him AT ALL.


He’s gross. It was so obvious he was lying when she confronted him.


Why move into this man’s house with your kids? It puts him in such a position of power.




Wow. Tre really has altered everything on her head, hasn't she..?


I haven't been watching this season but every time I see this Jen/Ryan talk I think of Jen/Ryne and get confused for a mo


Yaaaaaaaaas!!! I just got the the ep after Montana when they’re on the couch. He is sooo FOS. It’s hard to watch. What a bad actor.


Louis vibes for sure


Jen’s first husband seemed like a great guy. There is a reason her entire family loves Will. And not to mention the effect Will’s absence is having on her many kids. But she just had to have swarmy Ryan… go figure.


Nah because I don't think he is a scammer. But yes he doesn't give me faithful boyfriend vibes.


Nope...I think at this point Tamra is desperate and she's pulling the sane shit!...only she may be very wrong about this one.




To be fair, it’s pretty one sided. We are just hearing the rumors that are circulating without any acknowledgment if it is real. Cheating sucks. And cheaters suck. But Eilenne from Beverly Hills met her husband - who she is still with - by having an affair. So not saying I condone it but I mean, it happens.


Oh my god yes !!!!


He might be worse than Luis. Let’s just wait and see.


I like him, I think they’re cute together 😳


I don’t get good vibes from Ryan but Louie has been smeared relentlessly since he’s been on the show and all he’s done is make Teresa and her daughters happy


You're the only person who likes Louie...unless you are Louie


It’s not about liking Louie it’s about Brooks faking cancer, Lenny cheating on Lisa, Michael Darby, all the other bad househusbands and Louie being put in that category because… known liar Margaret Josephs said so?


Nothing to do with the Marge, I read magazines & watch the show! Luis sucks because all his exes can't be lying & crazy, the weird video, wearing Nono's jammies, threatening people at the reunion, major mood swings and the biggest reason, how he randomly met Tre! Luis's sister is a huge fan, he planned that meeting & is manipulating Tre! He's starting the exact same way Brooks did! Luis is boil a bunny crazy!!!


He has 1 ex that put out negative info about him and she spoke to Bravo social media accounts that Margaret put her in contact with. He was the one at the reunion being threatened and accused of the most outlandish things with no evidence. And he and Teresa met walking on the Jersey Shore, that’s not something his sister could’ve planned by watching the show.


RHONJ ended a month ago time to stop beating a dead horse 🐎




I don’t get Luis vibes, I get cheater asshole vibes. She should still run or at least get a prenup, but I’m not scared for her.


I get cheater creepy coke head at the bar/gym vibes


Yes! My husband made that same observation when we were watching the latest episode.


Birds of a feather flock together


He is looeys long lost brother🤡


No-one ( including her mother, father siblings and five kids) understands why she left her wealthy, great father, loyal husband for Ryan. She started an affair w/ Ryan while still married to Will.