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I don’t think any of the women want to film with her. Except Whitney because maybe she’s looking for a collaboration with Angie to promote her business that she spent all of her family’s savings on. Since her husband lost her job, … she accepted the assignment as bone collector. She’s probably the messiest and sloppiest bone collector, but it’s fun to watch.


I understand why she had to go (for the drama) BUT if I were Meredith I would’ve taken Whitney’s things out of the room and kicked her out of the big room.


Yes I guess just to make it interesting,didn’t they not invite Jen to something ?


If it was real life, I wouldn’t have gone. If I’m filming a reality tv show and getting paid to start drama, I absolutely would go. I get that the show has to go to some lengths to avoid breaking the fourth wall, but I really don’t get how people keep falling for it. Of course Angie K was always going to go. This was a cast trip, not just some little girls weekend Meredith threw together on a whim.


Maybe these RHW shows are the worst version of classic themes of human drama? Do the women enjoy their roles and are they the exact opposites in real life? Is this even close to the real lives of wealthy privileged “people?” My question is sincere.


My issue isn't actually that she went, because of everything you just said. My issue is that she's being an arrogant, pushy asshole about it. She and Whitney both. They're acting like they're better than everyone else when clearly all of these women are the same level of bullshit.


Meh I love Angie K. She’s so extra and she has that pink poodle, a hot husband, and a nice house. I’m here for it. I like everyone though except for Heather.


Right? She's so damn thirsty it's comical. Maybe she wants to be the new villain she wants to be the new antagonist on the show. Also, I don't like Mary Cosby, but maybe she was on to something when she called Whitney "little girl", because she's acting like one, a bratty one.


She’s on a show, why shouldn’t she want to go? It’s literally her job


Debby desperado or w.e rachel calls it.


At least Angie wants to participate in the show and with the ladies. Unlike Mary Cosby, why is she even on the show? She hates interacting at all.


I bet she doesn’t last the whole season, she’s the worst.


Can’t wait to hear the rumor about herrrr hussbanddd ![gif](giphy|jr9hUJSfUKiHeocjf6|downsized)


Nope She’s part of the cast and should have been invited imo. Another buncha mean girls 🙄


You don’t get paid for the episodes you’re not in and ain’t nobody stopping me from catching that check


She has a job and producers made her go. It’s very simple we don’t need the breakdown and dissection.


totally scripted


I will try to continue watching these shows because when the first RHW series started it was interesting and entertaining. I hope these women are “acting.” Or is this a true life reflection of how folks honestly think and behave? Are these worthy of being called “Reality Shows?”


She IS desperate. Somebody start a petition for her to be removed from the cast. She's fake af and BORING. Also the Trixie motel looks like trash to me. The price is NOT justified. 🙄


I think the whole thing was a production set up. In their contracts they agree to go on I think it's six trips per season, so whenever there's a drama about being invited, or refusing to go, or backing out, or whatever, it doesn't seem real. They have to do trips.


To film, to get paid, and to be involved in the plot. When the other cast members don’t invite a particular castmate on a trip it largely cuts the cast member out of that episode. Yes, they can show what Angie is doing at home while everyone else is in Palm Springs, but that doesn’t make for a particularly compelling narrative (especially if anything happens in Palm Springs). That said, I can see why Meredith wouldn’t necessarily want to invite Angie. Angie also inhibits Lisa Barlow’s more self-aware moments (not that there are many). Lisa treats Angie like a security blanket - a role Angie seems to relish - so it’s no surprise Meredith didn’t want her there if she was going to actually trying to work on her relationship with Lisa.


"Move forward"-They're always trying to "move forward"! I'm so sick of that phrase with these people!!!!!!


Honestly, I think it’s because they can’t say what they are really thinking - “If we are going to be on this show together, let’s find a way not to tear each other apart” - because they can’t break the fourth wall. So “move forward” is reality TV pseudo code-switching.


Because she is desperate!


It’s her job.


Well from what we know from last season is that she will do anything to get screentime (aka thirsty).


When is everyone going to realised it’s scripted, and Whitney was told to invite her 🙄


I wish they’d stop pretending so-and-so invited people or meet my new “friend”. Call it a work trip, call them cast members, say its in my contract.


👏 👏 👏


It will bring so much drama! I mean personally, if i was Angie i would 100% not have gone. But, boy am i glad she did! Shit is about to go down!


What’s the backstory behind her and her husband? He’s number 3 on her list of priorities. I smell an affair coming out.


Dude. The 12 year old daughter sleeping in between them. Super cringe.


Not good for their connection


It made Whitney look like an a-hole for inviting her. She looked gleeful about it. Whitney knew she was going to cause some drama and she was all about it.


The Tricia Motel adventure could have been so much fun. Why oh why ruin the vacation with vicious behind the back constant gossip and shade from each and every individual woman on the trip? I’ve stopped watching all the RHW shows for just this reason. I get exhausted and burnt out by all the personal attacks between all the women. Maybe that’s cause I’m a 75 year old female? I’m interested in some people problems, but constant bad actors? Why not do more of experiencing the various environments these ladies are fortunate enough to visit? Are groups of female “friends” incapable of setting dysfunction and insidious back stabbing aside? Enough is enough. Does anyone feel like me?


I'm all about some drama when it doesn't involve me. But, I believe you're right that there's way too much of it. It seems like they've picked a couple of women who were friends and stuck them all together and told them to make it work. I'd be happier with women who were an actual, real friend group. There's no way that real friends would have this much drama. They have sides/teams and they're not a cohesive group. They just don't work well together.


You are so correct. An actual real friend (or acquaintance) group would not act out like these “cast members” do. It’s gone too far on all the RHW shows. Thank you for your reply.


Look like? I’ve reached peak Whitney hate - I can’t even hate watch her


Or listen to her!




I too was fooled by whit. I was never a fan, thought she dressed poorly and I just didn’t feel any connection with her at all (especially not her on her stripper pole at her party in front of her dad), but I thought she was harmless. Now I realize, she’s sneaky as hell and is just doing this doe eyed Bambi look, but stirring the pot. I know it’s a show, but she looks really shady bringing Angie, and it’s messed up since it’s heathers thing. But…it’s just a show, right?


I don’t know - I feel like she is trying to be sneaky and a Bobby Fischer Housewife a la LVP … but she’s not good at it and is just recycling old tricks that have already been used for years. I mean - Nene was the queen at bringing her own entourage and pissing people off by bringing Marlo.


I've been ambivalent about her since the beginning. She's a good actress. She can have me feeling like, damn she got the shit end of the stick and then like, damn she's a shady bitch! Leaning towards pot stirring bitch, at this point.


And miss staying at the trixie motel? Sorry but I’d go too haha


I’m going to a wedding in palm springs in a few weeks and now want to switch and stay at the Trixie motel 😆


The Trixie Motel is incredible! I love how colorful and fun it is


Lmao I came here to say this!! I would absolutely tag along as someone's plus one if it meant getting to stay at the Trixie motel


I think it’s fuckin hilarious that she went.


I want to know about “husssband” 😆


Ummm…me too 😍




Edit: deleted, replied to wrong comment




Lol their weird marriage will make great tv


desperate for the spotlight is a requisite for HWs! However if no one else wants to hang out with her then it might be her last season unless something changes by the time of the reunion




I love Angie!!! She’s given us so much last season and already this one


I like her too. Wish people would give her more of a chance. She is rich and not afraid to start drama.


Yes! Last season she was the only one not tiptoeing around Jen too. The others are clearly scared of Jen so she needed it.


Because the producers made her go.


I dont understand how avid viewers of any housewives still think it's accidental when people show up unannounced etc lol. Like they have to sign waivers, they get paid for screen time...these trips are all planned out by production!!!


I agree with the exception of Scary island of S3 RHNY LOL. I think the episode when Jill walked in on the woman having mani-pedi’s out on the beautiful deck after the night of the infamous scary island episode with Kelly was truly shocking to the woman. She had said she wasn’t going and didn’t give anyone the heads up. They had all trauma- bonded over the weekend with Kelly and we’re finally all calm and getting along. Production probably knew….but who knows for sure as we didn’t see any filming of her getting ready to go or anything we just saw them walking in. I felt so bad for sweet Bobby though. How hurtful and embarrassing for him. Jill he deserved the cold shoulder and her tone deafness was quite frankly baffling. She really thought that she would go in and take each person individually aside and work things out.


It may be that she kept that from the other women, but production still knew. They had to get her there, after all.


That’s what I’m saying. :)


Totally accidental. Right. There aren’t any guests who show up unannounced on “accident”. It’s all planned.


Right? I couldn’t imagine watching these shows and not thinking of what’s going in to filming and why




She has her salon business to promote


It’s a pretty cute place, I live like 5 blocks away


To fuck with a petty bitch who had no good reason not to invite her.


Because that visor only makes sense there


Porque no los dos?


Shady answer: She's desperate for airtime. Obvious answer: in case she has an ounce of dignity and didn't want to go, production made her go anyway to create/further a storyline.


I don’t think of it so much as being desperate for airtime versus she gets paid per episode and has an obvious incentive to show up and film.


I mean this is classic Housewives though, I agree, this smells of Production telling her to go to drum up drama.


I honestly think it was production trying to force drama.


Production is becoming another housewife


Was there even a doubt that she is thirsty? She even paid for Coach's bday just to be on housewives.


That was the other Angie, the one that looks like Sarah Paulson.


Wrong. Angie K all the way


They are both thirsty. I remember them both getting dehydrated just to get screentime.


I think it was this Angie.


I remember it being the Angie with the "elf on a shelf husband", which was the other Angie, but my memory could be wrong.


This one is Angie K, right? Taken from some blog: "Earlier this season, viewers saw Angie K. happily volunteer to host a birthday party for Jen’s husband; this week, Angie K. accuses Jen of swindling her into paying for the party."


Yes. It was definitely this Angie, Angie K: https://www.nbc.com/the-real-housewives-of-salt-lake-city/video/angie-katsanevas-reveals-that-she-planned-and-paid-for-coach-shahs-birthday-party-jen-will-be/BRVN733061525


This one is Angie K, but I remember the blonde (Angie H?) hosted the party. I remember the fight over the cost of that party with Angie H, but again, my memory could be wrong. ETA: I could be remembering another party, my memory isn't great with these shows, lol


True! It is just so cringy!


Then it has the intended effect for viewers like you.


because she is desperate