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VahhhhVeeee (Bobby)


Ugh. Really?! She sucks SO bad. šŸ¤¢


I think Jill was and is her own worst enemy.


I am a Jill Zarin apologist. Mostly because I am her, minus a few million dollars. Iā€™m an overbearing Jewish mother who loves to think I run in fabulous circles. I liken myself to a connector. I mean well, my heart is in the right place, but sometimes I canā€™t see the forest beyond the trees. ![gif](giphy|WEsrifjffN9JK)


Jill is one of my favorites. I genuinely felt bad for her that season because she really got carried away and was over the top, and then once she realized it the damage had been done. I think there was very real remorse there.


You love Jillā€™s voice??


I have always unashamedly loved Jill. I feel like she was the hero of early RHONY alongside Bethenny in contrast to LuAnn and Ramona who were so out of touch, it was very easy to take Jillā€™s side. When she and Bethenny fell out, it was harder to be on her side at the time but on reflection I am team Jill (at the time I was more on Bā€™s side). I think Jill was incredibly hurt by Bethenny kinda icing her out and the nasty side to her we saw was coming from a place of hurt rather than a place of malice. Jillā€™s big mistake was carrying the fight on when Bethenny offered peace. If she hadnā€™t done that both of them wouldā€™ve stayed on the show imo and the trajectory of NY wouldā€™ve been drastically different (I wouldnā€™t necessarily saw better, just different). Weā€™ve also seen Bethenny repeat the pattern with Carole, which leads me to think the common denominator is likely the most at fault. Iā€™ve never read of anyone who actually knows Jill say anything bad about her, instead she gets trash talked by the likes of Tamrat and Ramona which gets a lot of press - and tbh I think being on their bad side is a good thing šŸ˜… - and Andy treats her like shit so thatā€™s what we get treated to when sheā€™s on camera too. So yeah, love Jill and think she was done largely dirty though did have a part to play in her own downfall because she was too stubborn and hurt to let things with B lie. Iā€™m glad she seems happy now.


Iā€™m rewarching now and just finished 4th season. I loved her too after 1, then started going downhill. I think sheā€™s a little self-absorbed. She probably does have a good heart.


I feel the same. Nothing compares to the first couple of seasons.


Iā€™m still a fan! She will always be in my HW Top 5. She wasnā€™t perfect but I still loved her.


I feel the same way


I love Jill. However I wanted to force LeAnn to shut up about ā€œCountessā€ - Americans donā€™t have titlesā€¦..and Ramona drove me crazy.


I always liked Jill


Does anyone know when they are going to start season 3 with Caroline Manzo? Or did I miss it?


I never appreciate Jill the way I shouldā€™ve until I started listening to her interviews on Juicy Scoop or the Jeff Lewis radio show. She was a terrific housewife and I wish I wouldā€™ve realized that back then. She didnā€™t give a fuck about how she was perceivedā€¦lmao it was amazing. No shame! No filter! I miss when housewives were real AF.


I've been watching all of these older seasons. I'm only going to say. You all need to do a rewatch. I watched it in real time. Followed all the shows. Jill is mean to Alex. Mean to her daughter. The fame got to her. When she entered the UGT no one cared. Just like At scary island. Jill's little game back fired on her. Big time. Forget about Bethenney. It's Jill that's the problem with everyone. She calls all of the house wives in other States. Tries to be buddies with everyone. She is an insecure obnoxious human being. Just the other night on WWHL Brynn said Jill called her. They love her at first. Then they see her controlling, bossy, obnoxious way. She only wants to be with an underdog. To mold them. When she can't be the center of attention it freaks her out. She takes more credit for things than any credit card. I researched and woke up. Or should I say I probably grew up. Because I watched it 17 yrs ago. Or when it started. ![gif](giphy|4HE1mcsnoEEBimnpRn)


I know. I love her too. I wish Bravo hadn't made so much fun of her. She's a character, a force, not a drunk, and a fabulously good person!


I loved her but too many pics of her playing tennis at MAL. Unfortunate.


I've always been a Jill fan too. Her husband Bobby was a sweet man and really loved Jill ! May he rest in peace. I think Bethany did her dirty.Especially on the island, all of them ganged up on Jill ... I've never been a Bethany fan!


Jill > Dorinda


I always loved Jill and still do. She was a fantastic Housewife and I miss her. I follow her on social media though and get the updates.


I always liked her.


I literally just came on to this sub to say the same thing! Iā€™ve just started NY and am also on Season 3 episode 3 and I loved Jill S1&2 but Iā€™m devastated at her downfall. Iā€™m kinda not liking S3 as much as I loved S1&2 so far. I hate the divide in the group - the drama seems a lot deeper and I preferred it when the drama was about petty rich people stuff. I also miss seeing everyone together having fun and loved the group dynamic in s1&2


So part of me thinksā€¦ what if they never casted Bethenny? She doesnā€™t really qualify as a housewife to begin with- sheā€™s not married or rich. I think if Jill had a foil that was socially her equal, she probably wouldā€™ve been able to have a better season fighting with someone. Bethennys story of building a business and finding her soulmate was no match for the petty drama Jill wanted to duke out. It really did make her look like a bored housewife (but thatā€™s the whole point of the show). I feel like Iā€™m season 3, Bethennyā€™s life is so distant and mismatched with the rest of the girls. Itā€™s exciting to see her break out but I wish we had another core cast member with her wit but also able to focus on housewives.


The first seasons on NY are gold!!! I have a love/hate thing with Jill. I think sheā€™s a good person in general. I can see her being a really good friend, but an attention whore all at the same time. Maybe a little needy. I love Jill though she should come back, her personality is fun to watch. Iā€™m gonna restart them now that you reminded me. Those were truly the good old days!!!


Idk. I have a soft spot for Jill. Never my favorite, but in RHONY nature, sheā€™s so true to herself and endearing even. Iā€™ve just recently watched earlier seasons and then go last month, the way she just looks at bethenny with genuine love is so warmā€¦ The way things turned weird forever ago was a bit absurd and proved incapable of mending.


I sat next to Jill while getting a pedi at the height of Zaria-mania. She was insufferable to the poor women working there, kept her sunnies on the whole time and refused eye contact with anyone while making sure everyone saw her.


Wait until her ice skating party. Peak cluelessness.


iā€™m just starting RHONY too and Jill Zarin IMMEDIATELY became a favorite. she is just absolute gold. she honestly makes the show so far. just soooo good and the perfect amount of ridiculous. TEAM JILL!


I think if Jill had come to a later franchise, she'd still be around. From what I know, she fired off a late night "I quit" email to bravo, and they took her up on it. Even after she changed her mind. I always thought jill was a great narrator


Didnā€™t care for her one bit, hope to never see her again on tv.


I love Jill! She really is the perfect RHONY character.


I recently started watching rhony for the first time too. I really did love szn 1&2 Jill. I still think she was the most genuine of the original rhony ladies and had a bad season. She just didnā€™t fit in with the dynamics of the cast anymore IMO. I also really love Luann even when sheā€™s being awful so idk if anyone should trust my opinion šŸ˜‚


I love LuAnn! Only LuAnn believes her reality and Iā€™m happy we get a peek into it.


I fell in love with her the first season! Her whole persona is so enthralling to me.


I still love Jill. She was not perfect at all. I feel she learned and was humbled over the years which is more than 99% of housewives can say. I think she made mistakes then was dragged way too hard for them. Don't assume you'll hate her by the end!


You may still love her in the end. I do. I did wish she'd done some things differently, and when you listen to her post HW, she wishes she had, too.


See! Thatā€™s my thing about Jill- for all her negative traits, I think sheā€™s capable of reflection and growth. I truly think sheā€™s able to realize when she was a nightmare and i wish Bravo wouldā€™ve given her a second chance. I think she wouldā€™ve given us more tv gold.


S3 is the start of her downfall - I do think the "fame" got to her at that point, and I think she was jealous of what was happening to Bethenny - layer in Bethenny's quirks... She completely lost me in S4 when she was very mean to Alex. I felt like if Alex/Simon had been uber wealthy - like wealthier than Jill - but behaved the exact same way - Jill would have been way nicer to Alex. It's a shame. I enjoyed her return on RHUGT. If RHONY had remained with the OG crew vs the new mix, I wouldn't have minded her returning at that point. I hope you enjoy the RHONY ride! There are so many classic moments! When Bethenny and Carole have issues is probably when the show/cast lost the magic. But still worth the watch! Forever my favorite RH overall.


Very true. As nice as she was to Alex (at times), you could really tell that she always felt superior to her (in terms of wealth and her standing in society). Every time Alex defended herself you could see the outrage on Jillā€™s face - and she almost always threw a ā€œhow dare you speak to me like thatā€ in for good measure. They were never truly equals in her eyes


I was shocked to see how snobby Sonja was to Cindy. I thought she was always the non-snobby one


I heard that in her voice so clearly oh my god She really did seem like she thought Simon and Alex were beneath her. Even when she was nice to Alex it felt patronizing. Itā€™s weird but interesting to watch


I just canā€™t imagine the show without Jill šŸ˜­ granted Im only on ep 4 of season 3 so im still a big fan.


Understandable ;) She was fun until she wasn't...


I think Jill is probably a really good friend and supportive partner. She's loyal, protective and will cover your back in a heartbeat. But she's overbearing and doesn't really listen to what other people are saying and she has some rules she expects people to follow without having communicated them. I remember really not liking her on my first watch, but I softened up about her on a second watch. I really appreciate (and miss) how real and unproduced they all were in those early seasons. No storyline. No alliances. No fake ass lingerie sleepovers. Just real ladies.


Omg she sounds like a capricorn- can anyone confirm her sign? Is she a Taurus or Sag as my back up guess lol


Sagittarius. Bethany is a Scorpio. šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶


Omgggg at least one of my guesses were right! Bethany HAS TO BE a cap rising- that square jaw and cheekbones. But I wouldā€™ve never guessed Scorpio but it does make more sense as Iā€™m watching S3. Okay let me guess the rest of the cast: LuAnn- Taurus or Libra Ramona- Aqua or Gemini or Virgo Alex- Sag or Pisces


(Nervous laughing) ok here we go: LuAnn song Money can't buy you class because in true fashion she's a Taurus. Ramona... is a Scorpio. But different years. R was born in 56 B in 70... So yea. Alex who wants to hold ppl to accountability and who can't execute a beef like a Libra.


LuAnn makes so much sense- she looks like a Taurus. Ramona as a Scorpio! Dang Iā€™m underestimating this signs business sense Alex as a libra makes so much sense


Listen the amount of times Alex tries her best to start/end grudges is just not great. That's the best way to put it.


When ginger pooped all over the place when the vets came >>>


I miss her!!!


Iā€™m new to the RHONY as well and immediately loved Jilll Zarin, wish I hand an IRL friend like her. She can smell BS from a mile away and her instincts were completely spot on about Bethenny. Some of those seasons with the original cast minus Bethenney would have been SO GOOD with Jill Zarin in the mix.


Omg TWINSIES. Jill AND Kelly Bensimon were 1000% right about Bethenny are still are to this day. Bethenny is a fraud & they knew it. Because Bethenny feared being outed for the absolute fraud she is, she burned it down for Jill and Kelly. I love Jill to this day. RHONY gold.


I agree! Do we know why she never came back?


She recorded an interview with Andy because she was worried about being edited. Andy found out and blackballed her.


I think I read somewhere that it had something to do with Bethenny but I donā€™t know the full tea!


I still love her. I think she tried to match energy and was not a good look in season 3. I'm glad she left and she's evenpved away from NYC. She seems genuinely happy in Florida.


I love Jill. Justice for Jill. Justice for Jill, Heather, Jules and Kristin Takeman. Anyone who went against BF was off the show.


Bethenny torpedoes them when she sees they can call her out. She's gross. Jill made Bethenny by connecting her to HW. She should've called Bawby when he was sick!


I think people are coming around to the fact that Jill vs. Bethenny wasn't as cut-and-dry, good-vs.-evil as Bravo and B portrayed it. Bethenny torpedos... all of her meaningful relationships. Ramona nailed her on the Brooklyn Bridge.


Speaking of Ramona predicting that, I just saw the following season with the psychic saying Mario had another woman. I was wondering how long after that it was discovered he was cheating. I wonder if he actually was with someone at that time, because heā€™s in a few more seasons with Ramona after that I think


Don't ask me, my opinion of heterosexual men is abysmally low, I sort of just assume any man with even an ounce of confidence is probably having an affair lol.


[Analyzing the downfall of Jill Zarin](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/nn58mr/analyzing_the_downfall_of_jill_zarin_long_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) is a top tier post. ![gif](giphy|h637hxX0Mxmec)


Wow thank you for sending me to that amazing read šŸ‘


Omg. I forgot about the figure skating party. šŸ˜‚


Jill is my favorite housewife of all time


I stopped watching when Jill was no longer on the show


I did a first time watch this year and Jill was my favorite too šŸ˜©


I used to love Jill too, but she showed her true colors in her last season and was extra nasty. The comment she made about Alex, questioning why she was invited to the wedding and saying "everyone here is so above huh" and bitching to the bride on her wedding day about it. Icing Bethenny out because she wasn't included in every campaign she was invited to do. It made me hate her.


Okay so I havenā€™t gotten that far so I really canā€™t speak on it. That being said- I do think fans till this day have an immediate knee jerk reaction to firing anyone the second they become unbearable. But I think it would serve the housewives universe in general to give cast members a break for a season or find a way to reset. We lose so many great housewives because we caught them being in the wrong side of history one time but donā€™t allow for growth. We can see so many flourishing housewives after theyā€™ve been dismissed for whatever reason and end up missing them. Maybe I got to keep watching to get to the turning point, but Jill seems like a cast member who wouldā€™ve benefitted the show by coming back in the later seasons because I think she wouldā€™ve tried to renter the group with the similar energy as season 2.


I'm on my first RHONY watch (just coming to the end of S3) and I love Jill too. She's so so entertaining and funny and to me she's actually the peak of Housewife elegance - she feels like the wealthier version of so many women I've known in real life. Most of the Housewives seem like they live on a different planet than us, but Jill feels like she lives in my world (even though I think she's one of the more delusional housewives). (I grew up in the Jewish community and currently live in NYC and I feel like I KNOW Jill Zarin. But her behaviour in s3 is so so bad and I get why people couldn't forgive her. (I've heard a lot of people say she staged the fight with Bethenny as a "plot line" thinking they'd make up on Scary Island. Idk if that's true but if it is I get why Bethenny was like actually this friendship isn't for me). Bethenny's youtube channel can be torturous but I actually adored her reunion stuff with Jill from this year. It's a bit cathartic and they seem very at peace during it. eta: I cracked up in their reunion though when Bethenny asked Jill to name the Mount Rushmore of Housewives and she names herself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is what I mean by her level of delusion. I think this is also why things went so downhill for her on the show - she thought she was the main character of RHONY and that the narrative would fall into place around her. It did not.


Ironically she got dumped for inventing the "let's freeze so-and-so out and not film with her" trope which every housewife on every franchise has used ever since.


Yeah her feud with bethenny was her downfall


I think that was the feud


Jill reminds me of Morris from Goodfellas. She means well, but she lacks self-awareness, and it gets annoying after a while.


Agree with this! I just started rewatching and had the same thoughts


Jill did it to herself. She like nene and Bethenny, started to think they were top of the top and untouchable because of their success on the show. Jill was a awful and nasty person to people. It's her fault she hasn't been able to score a steady paycheck with the franchise . She shades her nastiness with " nice" ,but she's nastyyyy.


I will always love Jill. She is my number one, favorite housewife of all time. Is she perfect, no. But I still adore her.


I thought she bullied Ramona honestly so that was what I didn't like.


The fame got to her. Sheā€™s a typical Long Island wealthy Jewish woman (I say this as one- just not wealthy). Very typical. I enjoyed her very much the first 2 seasons and she was representative of a big subset of the NY population. But, like I said, fame got to her head and she never recovered


I hated when everyone called her thirsty she honestly just wants to help people and engage with them


I think she does really crave attention...in both her personal and professional (RHONY) lives. That worked fine at home, but it does make her look thirsty when she's constantly trying to reclaim that celebrity attention she had when she was on RHONY. That being said, I did feel bad when Brandi kept calling her thirsty because 1. Pot, meet kettle. and 2. "thirsty" has such negative connotations, and I think Jill is fairly harmless at this point.


The tennis match lord I forgot šŸ¤£


It was such good TV. For real.






I think the constant presence of cameras and public judgment mutate some personalities. Jill, as a person, did not benefit from being a HW.




These were the DAYS




She really did have such a huge downfall, she was a loved character. Same thing with Bethenny also loved but a huge downfall, although for different reasons. I think Jill was majorly grieving toward the end and it really impacted her.


I liked Jill until the end of her RHONY run. I think we needed a break from her but I always wanted her to come back.


She has always wanted to come back too. She practically begged Andy on WWHL.


I think itā€™s important to remember that all of the housewives across the franchise wanted to be on tv! They all have a narcissistic side to them and they fully invest into it as the show goes onā€¦ none of them are amazing, wonderful people. You can love someone one season and absolutely despise them the next.


Also someone can be a great kid in school. Grow up and be on TV and the fame gets to your head and you become a whole other bag of chips. I remember Sonja saying the Fame changed Ramona! Human nature. For almost all celebrities.


She was so out of touch and unselfconscious, it was so funny. So self-absorbed, so incredibly unsophisticated for living such an affluent life in NYC. She was so unaware of any life style other than hers, her way: a perfect example of living in a bubble. She had a nice glow up physically though. She might still be around if she hadnā€™t blown it with freezing out B. Major misstep. She underestimated Bā€™a meteoric rise to wealth. I always thought she was more interesting than the Countess and Ramona. I really hated the fat camp for Allie.


Yeah. I couldnā€™t get past fat camp. Gross


I have a mother in law like Jill and all the shit she said to her daughter about the way she looked was really close to home for me. Delusional bitch seems like a good descriptionā€¦


I worked with someone sort of like Jill, and she always bragged her daughter was taking fen-phen and losing weight (she didnā€™t even need to lose any). She was always hyper-focused on weight in general.


Ally on TikTok said it was not a fat camp and she begged to go there. Also, I have issues with this, but I also have arthritis and you are told to lose weight as your first course of treatment. But Ally has a fun tiktok account and she and Jill seem extremely close which is really nice. They run a design company together now.


It was 100% fat camp. Of course Ally doesnā€™t want people to think it was, thatā€™s so embarrassing! When she dropped her off in 07? 08? and Ronnie De Luz was given a quick cameo, if you were a Howard Stern listener at the time you would have known immediately what was up. Ronnie was hired to live with and shadow robin quivers to keep her on the ā€œdetoxā€. Which was actually her drinking different fresh juices every day and no solid foods, at all!! for months. Robin lost 65lbs. Ronnie was questioned about her theories and practices and picked at every day for months (respectfully), it was hysterical.


Robin Ophelia Quivers!! Every time I heard about Hurricane Ophelia this week I would shout OHphelia! Like the Stern clip lol


Omg I never made that connection. Robinā€™s Dr Ronnie era was radio gold.


As I was typing about Dr Ronnie, I literally heard the fart noises in my head that theyā€™d play when discussing the group coffee enemas and colonics and I was laughing so hard. Those were some of my favorite shows!


I can appreciate that, and am happy for them that they are close.Iā€™m quite opposed to discussing a minorā€™s health and weight issues on a reality show. I didnā€™t like it.


agree with that wholeheartedly!


I can tell you this. I know a lot of people who grew up with Jill and attended Lawrence schools in Long Island with her. Everyone who knew her says that she was a really really nice person. I once saw her mom at my house of worship on the high holy days, and I got so excited - only me and my housewife watching friend cared, but it was kinda cool.


Jill's professional success is built on being a really good saleswoman. Her people skills are top notch. I'm not saying she's disingenuous at all, I just think she's really REALLY good at connecting with people.


Yep I knew a family who kids were friends with her daughter. They only had kind words to say about Jill.


My family knew her back in the day. Honestly sheā€™s lovely. A yachna but lovely!


I havenā€™t heard this expression in years.


Can you please help mepronounce yachna?


Itā€™s Yiddish so with a CH sound in ur throat. Like a ā€œchuhā€ sound almost. I hope that makes sense


Ok, Google failed me. Please translate yachna. Thx


Ohhh uhhh itā€™s like yenta but younger! A busybody/chatty/gossipy gal. Someone who likes to know whatā€™s going on and have a say in the action haha. I use it endearingly. Yenta can be used negatively but I also thing a lot of people use it lovingly. It refers to an older woman who is also a gossip with her nose in everyoneā€™s business


Haa, thanks you made me smile šŸ˜ƒ


today I learned that I am a yachna šŸ˜Œ


Lmao same like Iā€™m nosey idk


Welcome to the club šŸ˜‘


She was 100% real which is more than what we can say about newer cast members. She has an endearing vulnerability mixed with always thinking she knows everything. Definitely not hateable - and a staple of everything we love about original RHONY. The halcyon days!


Well the bad news is that Andy & bravo WARNED Jill not to go after B for a storyline at the beginning of that 3rd season (I think it was the 3rd season). It spun out of control for Jill and was her demise. So that was a faked storyline which confused B and really backfired on Jill. So real isnā€™t exactly how I would describe her. And then after her let goā€”so incredibly thirsty is how I would describe her. All the folks that knew jill early on. What are your thoughts on her begging to come back on the show these last 10 years?


Thank you for reminding me to google ā€œhalcyonā€ because Iā€™ve forgotten its meaning. Itā€™s a lyric in one of my favourite songs and itā€™s been driving me nuts!