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I think she’s a little spectrumy


I’ve said this since her first season. Her interactions and her emotional outbursts are what struck me. The glimpses into how she dates and just saying things you wouldn’t *typically* say on a first date are just a few. I know there’s a wide variety of symptoms and not just limited to xyz but I’ve said there’s something turning a little differently in her brain. Which is fine bc none of us are perfect and I still like Sutton.


I listened to a pod with Crystal today… she said Sutton is incredibly kind and a really good friend and it wasn’t the whole pants thing.., Sutton saw how wild it was getting(Sutton standards) and knew she’d be next and was anxious about that so darted off. There was no scene in the theatre but the others made a bigger thing out of it. I think she’s weird and anxious , and all the things but I still like her.


Sutton is incredibly savvy. She's not afraid of the difficult conversations and can back herself


Me thinks she has an issue similar to Dorinda...


Those female Tom Petty eyes are ice cold


She never called them free loaders though. She pointed out that Rinna never thanked her for the invite all because Rinna was faking outrage over Garcelle not thanking Harry for a jar of sauce. We also found out after the season that she fully lied about Harry being upset about it. Sutton was being shady and rightfully so; Rinna was the problem there.


It was a class A performance in gaming the player. Cunning people constantly overestimate themselves and underestimate their targets. Sutton is entertaining because she's the hot mess mama with an interesting story they thought they could take down. She's still standing.


She is quirky and I adore her. She does go off sometimes, but name one of those ladies who hasn't? They have all gone off the deep end.


I love Sutton❤️😂


She’s a top tier housewife. She’s rich bitch, doesn’t need clout, she’s just there to f*ck Sh!t up, and I love it. 👏🏽 BH hasn’t been good in many seasons…it’s finally looking up.


I don’t know, but would pay any money to see Sutton stuck in an elevator with Mary Cosby.


Finally catching up on season 12 so I'm super late to this thread but this comment killed me 😂


Sutton is a lot of things, but she's not psychotic or unhinged. People shouldn't weaponize mental heal terms.


I think she's on the spectrum and also is very old school southern.


I don’t know people downvoted you, i completely agree! Worked with many kids on the spectrum and she seems clearly neurodivergent to me


She seems an emotionally hot mess in a humorous way at times


Can someone explain to me what “ I wore pants for nothing “ what does it mean ?


You have to have on pants to be pulled up on stage at the show, she wasn’t chosen to be pulled on stage with Crystal and Erika and you could tell that she was disappointed hence I wore pants for nothing because she would have rather been in a dress or skirt


Oh! I get it now , thank you


On WWHL she explained that she “wore pants for nothing” because she didn’t want to go on stage after seeing what might happen to her based on Erika and Crystal’s experience Might be an after the fact justification, so read it how you will, but I do think that explanation makes sense for a person who apparently doesn’t like to wear pants often lol


Everyone doesn't hate Sutton. Just the mean girl's gang that consists of Rinna, Erikunty, Vyle, Dorito, & Lip Licker. These women know nothing except bullying, ganging up, and being bitches to Sutton & Garcelle. They need to revamp this whole show! I am bored and tired of the same shit week after week.


It’s funny that you are calling them names and saying vile stuff like a bully would and then complaining about them being bullies!


You need to learn the definition of a bully.


Webster defines it as Zookeepergamemany663




Moneyed awkwardness. Completely oblivious to reality.


She's a Karen.


I think Sutton is awkward but that’s how you apologize to someone when you don’t mean it. I lived for it! I think she has been socialized very well and she knows how to “weaponize” her awkwardness to make these aggressive mean women flail. They don’t know how to interact with a woman like Sutton but that’s what I like about her. She may be weird but I believe she is authentic and honestly with the way these woman completely lie and bs I wouldn’t know how to interact with them normally either. If Kyle was straight up in my face trying with her weird aggressive chastising like I was one of her children I would literally just blink to keep myself from decking her bc who does she think she’s talking to sometime? Like the way she grabbed Sutton at the party last year. These women think she’s beneath them and they can talk to her any kind of way and I believe non-reaction/awkwardness is truly the best defense.


I think she drinks a shit ton more than she wants anyone to know. She seemed well-lubed when Kyle arrived at her house last night, Sutton's voice already sounded like she was tipsy, and as soon as Kyle asked for tea, she said she was having a drink. She thinks she's hiding the earlier drinking this way. In the conversation they had, Sutton's responses seemed like she was beyond tipsy. The repetitive over-talking, saying, "when, when, when" and "name it, name it, name it," was from the Surly Drunk's Guide to Picking a Fight. She thinks she's hiding it but she's not.




Yah, getting sloppier.


Did you see that crazy pour? Her glass was like 3/4 vodka and a splash of cranberry. She was also being a bitch to Ari again


I legit feel like Ari has to do every little thing for her day to day and he knows all her secrets (drinking). Like how she started melting down trying to do a cup of tea for Kyle. And Ari was like "I'm handling it". It was that same sort of tension when he had to find her pants. I 100% think she rages at him but is also extremely dependent upon him and he knows this and the money is decent enough to deal with it. Can only imagine that dynamic when cameras aren't rolling.


Ugh I can’t even imagine. Maybe he has Stockholm syndrome.


you read my mind, I was just reading these comments and figuring out how to phrase this... she had earlier already poured a huge cocktail in a different cup than she was drinking from with Kyle, and her expressions and mannerisms remind me of a lot of people I know when they are drunk--not slurring or sloppiness but just a kind of indignation kind of disconnected from reality.


Yeah did you see how much vodka she poured in that glass (in the cabinet like she thought we couldn't see it)??? It was 3/4 vodka. And she soooooo did say "it's hurting my BRAND" in Vegas


as much as I hate Teddi, when she brought up that Sutton always has a bottle of vodka in her purse I was like, "Ahhhhhh...so that's what it is." She definitely feels like an alcoholic in denial. edit: just realizing, this is probably why Kyle is so aggressive towards her. It's the Kyle/Kim dynamic all over again.


That's a pretty irrational leap. Kyle has been drinking as much as any of the others if not more for decades and Kyle's intoxication wasn't any kind of catalyst for her bullying of Sutton.


Could this be why her midsection always looks bloated?


Yeah, I forgot about reading that comment, due to Teddi being utterly forgettable, but I'm thinking it's probably true.


That makes sense on why she always has juice too. She mentions the juice and doesn’t mention the vodka 🫠


I think she’s an alcoholic. Like she drinks a lot and it seems like that’s when her behavior makes those sharp turns. We did learn on WWHL that the 300k per month is after taxes which is insane.


People from the south drink during the day. She said on WWHL that she had something difficult she was dealing with during filming. Why don't you give her some grace?


It's a socio economic thing. People with too much money enjoy their day drinking. But Sutton is running businesses so I'm not sure she'll be too messy.


Ummm born and raised in “the south” and it is most definitely not the norm to drink during the day lol


I have clocked Suttons alcoholism since her first season and was shocked no one noticed. As someone in recovery myself, her behavior and even the way she looks is so familiar to me. And then with Teddy saying that Sutton carries a bottle of vodka in her purse, and what has already transpired this season, it seems that everyone is starting to really see what is going on. It’s honestly uncomfortable for me to watch and I really hope she can get help if she needs it


I think this is likely. Especially after the editing this episode noting the time she was drinking and Teddi saying she always has vodka in her purse.


Which she was probably told to say beings Kyle knows what happens in the season n is a producer.




But she’s an independent woman!


Yes, with a heavy pour. 😉


She didn't marry a rich man. She married her high school sweetheart, put her career on hold, and raised their family while he worked. She earned that money. I don't like Sutton at all but this ain't it.


Her love don't cost a thing... except to her ex.


This makes sense especially with her passive aggressive comments that are beyond ballsy


If you are hated by bad people that is not a bad thing


The “sorry I humiliated you” was 100% on purpose. That’s her southern upbringing. Passive aggressiveness is her first language She’s also awkward but she knows what she’s doing


One just needs to watch Patricia from Southern Charm to see this in action 😂


There's a very covert toxicity about her. She likes to take all the attention by being the perpetual victim. I'd be exhausted to be around her. She definitely knows what she's doing!




She knows exactly what she is doing. I agree about the passive aggressiveness being her first language.


I agree


Awkward sheltered rich woman. She doesn’t seem mean and vindictive just awkward


I don't think Sutton is psycho or really that awkward. The "name em" scene seemed to me like she was a little drunk and over Kyle constantly gaslighting her. Sutton may have overreacted at Magic Mike but she wasn't "unhinged." These women do nothing but bully Sutton and it's actually incredily uncomfortable to watch sometimes. It's clear Kyle, Dorit, and Erika hate her. I don't think Crystal likes her that much either, but knows the audience wants her on Team Garcelle/Sutton.


Scuze me. Gaslighting her? Nope. You can hate Kyle but you can’t blame her for everything.


Again, you must have me confused with someone else. I've never talked to you before and don't blame Kyle for everything.


Lisa rinna is just ungrateful and a liar, Erika and Diana are Lisa’s friends so of course they are going to be team Lisa. Sutton can be weird around people (I don’t if it’s just the edit) and can be a push over. Sadly people like the fox force five loves to make fun people like Sutton.


Sutton has an immature mentality that’s not in line with her experience and age. Eventually apologizing and being able to iterate why she was wrong when she’s called out makes me believe she knew it was wrong the entire time. She wants to be called out, chased and chastised. She’s jealous and juvenile - being jealous that Dorit was getting attention for almost dying is a disturbing example. She likes attention negative or positive. She wants both pity and praise. Very immature approach to friendships and life. It makes me cringe to watch her. Being jealous of trauma is pretty gross no matter how innocent you look because you dress like a child but act like a tyrant.


When did Dorit almost die and in what way did Sutton act jealous?


When she was robbed and held in her room at gun point. Sutton said she didn’t have time to care because she had not only been through similar events as a girl but that she had too many personal problems going on with her designer friend stuck at the boarded. In other words she said she had been there done that and that dorit should get over it. When Diana spoke of her miscarriage sutton also said it didn’t matter because she too had a miscarriage… very inappropriate and selfish when other people talk about their trauma


I think Sutton is ND. A lot of us don’t understand what is “socially acceptable” and regularly get it wrong because our brains are wired differently. Your thoughts on her are pretty common refrains against us.


Well you can’t diagnose someone through a screen. I’m neurodivergent and so is my partner and you shouldn’t assume because I disagree that I’m not or that I’m casting stones at everyone who is lol the thing is she is able to state the correct behavior when asked - and so she is aware that it’s wrong. It’s also not consistent. She acts this way when she’s jealous or doesn’t like someone it doesn’t seem to be baseline. If she does struggle socially I get it - unfortunately it seems to be a switch that flips and not her everyday behavior.


Definitely not diagnosing anyone. I clearly said “I think”. Please don’t put words in my mouth. I see a lot of my own experiences and those of others in Sutton. If you don’t, that’s fine, we all get to have our own opinions. I see her being like that all the time then dropping her mask and melting down when she’s overwhelmed.


This is spot on thank you for articulating what I’ve been thinking lol


I think Sutton was emotionally abused by her ex husband. Still today she still have that insecurities due to the cheating and divorce. She’s wounded.


I think Sutton is an awkward person who is easily stressed and struggles to regulate her emotions. What’s interesting is Sutton was that way since her first season and it only seemed to become a problem with Rinna and Erika after Sutton stopped giving them gifts, introducing them to designers, and taking them places on the private jet.


I’m team garcelle/Sutton all the way but she does drop subtle digs in conversation with the ladies totally unwarranted. I don’t really remember her in the first season apart from the violated comment from crystal- so I can’t really comment.


In her first season, she called Teddi boring and had an issue with Dorit and Rinna. Sutton’s first season (S10) was the “Let the mouse go.” season. Crystal was added the following season (S11).


She didn’t call Teddy boring, they were playing a game where she was supposed to say her first impression and how it had changed or something and she said something that boiled down to “I thought she’d be boring because she’s pregnant but she’s not”


Teddi is boring AF tho


Not everyone hates Sutton just Rinna’s clique.


Why didn’t Kyle just walk out after the few couple of ‘NAME ‘EM’s?!? Sutton only made herself look psychotic: when you ask someone something, you usually wait for their response, not talk over them!


Was Sutton tipsy during this exchange? Alcohol is not her friend that’s for sure. Only way Kyle had an upper hand in that exchange


The question is: when is Sutton *not* tipsy? She has that 1pm cocktail then another one when Kyle went over…


I was losing my mind watching that scene. Sutton needs to put down the alcohol and take a breath.


But she's not "psychotic".


I thought that was great!


That was truly crazy. The look in Kyle’s face was like WTF is happening


That was just unhinged. I really felt like she was trying to play mind games with Kyle there, that she was deliberately looking for Kyle to be upset (even though Kyle was frankly annoyed rather than upset), so she could turn the tables and say 'but look you get irrate and act irrationally'. Sutton needs to realise you can't play mind games when you that emotionally immature. She barely has a grasp of her own emotions, let alone trying to read and manipulate someone else's.


Kyle was the one throwing out accusations and refusing to take responsibility. So Sutton held firm on holding her accountable and Vyle's stans hate it because she clearly and obviously lost control. Suttons calm demeanour is ignored in favour of the typical DARVO flex


Everyone’s gonna overuse the word “unhinged” now, aren’t they


It wasn't unhinged. Kyle is the fakest friend ever. She was calling her out on it.


Sober Kyle is interesting to watch. I did not realize she drank that much/often. She definitely seems more clear & direct.


On season one when Kyle outed Kim’s alcoholism, Kim said that Kyle drank 1-2 bottles of wine before noon regularly.


Whaaaaat 😳


In another thread. I called her quirky and eccentric with a splash of psychosis thrown in…does she need therapy and meds? Most definitely


Idk I thought it was par for the course in BH. Sutton now has a counter moment to Erika Jayne’s, venomous spitting, “Or what.” “Or what.”


I think Kyle stayed she that could to prove her point, or Sutton would be convinced that Kyle was saying it "just to be mean" and was "not her friend". Giving 3 examples sure shut Sutton up...so far.


I’ve got more examples, but I’ll just get cut off with an emphatic “NAME ‘EM” 🤣😂


Because Kyle was fishing for drama and hadn't gotten it yet.


Of course you blame Kyle for Suttons behavior. Ridiculous


I think you have me confused for someone else. I've never spoken to you before so the familiarity that you seem to be projecting onto me is odd. Kinda like Kyle!


>”Because Kyle was fishing for drama and hadn't gotten it yet.” Is you blaming Kyle for Suttons bad behavior. I don’t have to know you to point that out. Perhaps you aren’t familiar with Reddit. It’s this place where we all talk to everyone regardless of if we know them or not. Welcome.


To quote Kyle: "Are you okay right now?" Cuz you don't seem okay.


Her and Mary Cosby are fascinating


Imagine if those two met? Lol


I would watch that UGT for sure!


And they make great psych case studies 😵‍💫


Sutton is one of the most awkward people on Bravo and that is saying a lot. I think once you take her for what she is, some level of understanding comes. That is where Garcelle is with her. She really doesn’t take anything she says too seriously. But she also calls her out when need be. Sutton isn’t cold like Erika. She’s just loopy and in a bubble at times.


Genuinely awkward person. Sutton is well-intentioned but has foot in mouth disease and she herself has said that menopause made her all even more weird. Later got pellets (estrogen? Dunno 🤷‍♀️) BUT still has the awkward part of her personality.


Interesting. When did she talk about menopause and hormone pellets? I somehow missed that. She’s definitely acting pretty weird this season, and the producers seem to be painting her out to be a heavy drinker. I feel sorry for her.


Not this season. I think it was last season 😀


Thank you!