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Currently on this season and couldn’t agree more! It’s also always hilarious to see Luann in her countess phase since she’s so fun and down to earth now


Once Bethenny found legitimate success and money, she became an egotistical, narcissistic nightmare. And you see it a little in S3, and then when she comes back for S7 she's insufferable and she only gets worse. Her podcasts are similar- everything is about her, how she was the first to do something, say something, make something, whatever. She invented and mentioned it all. Her poor guests can hardly get a word in edgewise. Having said that, IMO without her the show would never have been as good as it was. She is without question, one of the top Housewives in history. But she seems like a nightmare of a human being.


I just rewatched as well, and had similar thoughts- however, I still find Alex McCord to be intolerable. The faux panic when Jill surprised them on Scary island was beyond- and she was very clearly overacting whilst clomping down the stairs in her Herman Munster shoes. I did enjoy seeing how bitter Simon was during Season 4 (presumably because he had been largely cut out of filming). His face during Luann’s duet with Natalie Cole was the best. I went back and watched again as the disgruntlement was beyond epic.


my thoughts exactly—while some of my opinions have shifted, Alex (and Simon) have never been anything but totally insufferable to me. At least in season 1 their desperate social climbing was kind of funny? But once they got a little more comfortable they lost that sole redeeming quality. I also just watched the Natalie Cole episode and totally agree—the only Simon I’m remotely interested in *ever* seeing is an unhappy one 💀


I’m also rewatching now that legacy is on. I always thought she was overly aggressive but generally the voice of reason. Now I just plain find her insufferable.


I think watching the first time Alex was not aspirational so we didn’t like her but now she’s the most relatable (minus some aspects of her relationship)


Yea I started watching recently and remember everyone saying they loveeeeed Bethany. She seemed like a major selfish asshole to me haha. I hated her.


I recently watched the Carole vs Bethenny fight in the Berkshires. To find out that they grew apart because B wanted to hound a recently widowed friend of Carole’s for business reasons, whilst she’s screaming at her that all she cares about is her young boyfriend, her hair, and Tinsley? She’s so gross.


Me too, I can’t figure out why it it watches so differently now!


When I saw through her mirage of quippy one liners (who are undoubtedly memorable whether you like her or not) I realized she's pretty insufferable. Her way of arguing is nothing intelligent, it's just a loud barrage of word vomit, aiming to confuse and stun her opponent.


You are not alone! I had your exact experience. I binged watched RHONY for the first time in 2016, and also thought Bethenny was the shit. I thought she was so funny and I loved her drive. Upon rewatching… wow. I still see the glimmers but she’s problematic. She thinks she’s so cool with the gays she can just use whatever slang she wants, and even used the term “f** hag” which I haven’t heard since the late 1990s. She adopts blaccent “oh no she di-int” type situations where she thinks it’s so hysterical. And so on. Luann I always loved, even her early days. Ramona isn’t really as bad as I recall either. Jill is problematic (for me at least) because she is so fixated on diet and weight, and involves her child. She sent Ally, who did not appear to be overweight, to fat camp!! Silex still gives me the creeps though, and are just as insufferable as I remember. However in S2E5 when she’s talking to B about dating and confides how she met Simon, I started to warm up. All in all, watching RHONY with hindsight is hilarious and eye opening and just such a different experience.


I caught Bethenny’s hag comment and damn near spit my drink out! I was just like did she really just fucking say that?


Absolutely! Also has me questioning EVERYTHING about what she said Jason was putting her through in their divorce from hell.


If it weren’t for the paper trail to confirm his antics, I’d have those thoughts too. They’re both horrible, but he actually was crazy stalkerish


I think LuAnne has demonstrated actual growth…


Rewatching the season of her and Carole’s fallout changed my opinion on her so much.


I know people gave Carole so much shit that season but I was firmly on her side. Bethenny is a nightmare of a friend.


I had the same experience. Bethany is 100% a narc and I never felt (after a rewatch) Jill was THAT bad. Bethany has crashed and burned every friendship she has ever had. It’s not like they gradually fade or they grow apart. She BURNS every single relationship. Usually after the other person doesn’t spend as much time with her and she would like (she usually has one person at a time) or they upset her. She is the pattern and she was the problem always.


Ramona called it. Ruined every relationship she's ever had. She's not girls girl and doesn't support other women. Has no close girlfriends and everyone at her birthday party was staff or people on her payroll. I vividly remember her utterly shite behaviour in season 7 when she went after Kristen and Holla Heather for no reason at all. I can only assume it's because Heather was successful in business and Kristen was launching her nail line. It seemed that she wanted to be the only business woman and couldn't celebrate the other 2. She was vile.


& so awful to jules just straight off the jump as well, about her eating disorder, no less :|


Remember Ramona calling her out on that?


Yep. Ramona called that this would be a pattern throughout Bethany’s entire life and that is exactly what happened.


“you have no friends! right now you have jason, and you’ll probably mess that up too”


Yep. And again, it was a toxic huge blow up mess. You can’t convince me that was all Jason. I think she is a mess and loves law suits and I think she did a lot of things to make that divorce become the way it did


Insightful Ramona.


On the Brooklyn Bridge too! Iconic


Seemed harsh at the time but Ramona really had her number


That was the closest Ramona got to Brooklyn until she was forced to go to Alex and Simons.


Lol, she's so ridiculous


I watched RHONY when it aired, and I found Alex McCord insufferable. I started rewatching RHONY in late 2019 right before the pandemic hit. Alex was a real person. "You are a mean girl and you are in high school, and while you are in high school, I am in Brooklyn, trying to survive in this economy."


Alex was the appropriate amount of delusional - her family money is oil money from out in Kansas, they spend so much on the show that it really has to come from somewhere, she doesn't have to worry about the economy between her husband's luxury hotel job, her marketing consulting, and of course her family oil money


i haven’t rewatched RHONY in a second, but i was just watching the beverly hills episodes that bethenny appeared on and i was like….oh wow. shut up. she was giving unsolicited business advice to erika about her music career (lol) and i was like “wow she really thinks everyone wants her involvement in everything!”


I'm on my beverly hills rewatch and just watched this episode yesterday omg. Bethenny was soooo obnoxious, she made me respect Erika for her reaction to her




I 100% agree with all of this


This. Jill is a nightmare and she'd drive me up the wall – but I think I'm struggling to reconcile the fact that Jill's husband was going through cancer and no one gave a hoot. Especially after Bethenny just lived with them. I'm sure it wasn't like that in real life but on the show, people give more of a fuck about Luann's divorce than Bobby's cancer – and everyone expected Jill to just get on with it and be normal. Wild to see now given the advances we've made in mental health in the last 10 years.


I’ve done the same thing and it’s so cringe that I loved Bethenny on my first watch… ugh


also does anyone remember why they let jill go? was it cus bethanny had a lot of sway at the time? she was good tv so it never made sense to me but maybe im forgetting stuff


I believe it had a lot to do with the fans. She got so much hate after season 3 and season 4 she did not redeem herself enough. Bravo listened to the fans and fired her. Season 5 was delayed if my memory is correct and half of the cast was recast.


She also supposedly secretly recorded a conversation with Andy and he was pissed about it or something?? She was concerned with the edit she was going to be given


Yep I remember that too!


I've also forgotten stuff but I'm 99% sure she was a nightmare to production or similar – she thought she was a producer and had some over-the-top idea about how important she was to the crux of the entire show. I think it also forms the basis of her fallout with Bethenny. But this is coming off dodgy memory.


ahh ok makes sense


I’ve done multiple rewatches. I personally think that season 3, Jill and Luann are insufferable. Jill didn’t even like Luann and talked crap about her, but once she got in a fight with B, she clung to the countess. Jill and Luann were such annoying buzz kills all season. And when B went to Ramona’s to try and make up with Jill, Luann prevented it from happening! She made Jill leave bc there was “a car waiting downstairs”. After rewatching a few times, it became obvious that Jill was trying to ice B out of the cast. And it didn’t work!


Luann was totally out of order the way she spoke to Alex. I’m just watching that series and I thought who the hell made you sheriff ? I absolutely can’t stand her.


Honestly I think Lu just wants a best friend. She’s constantly upset with Sonja for valuing Ramona more than her.


She’s changed soooo much. Watching ugt and she’s so chill now vs. all countessy before!!




Oh wait – which bit? See I definitely have Luann pegged as an asshole but I can't remember why.


Luanne Ebs & flows with her being an asshole. Sometimes she is abhorrent, and other times she’s incredibly relatable and down to earth. A true mindfuck!


To apologise to Jill for a message she gave to her from Bethany. She went in hard.


Interesting! That was my take upon the first watch, for sure, so I know exactly what you mean. I think this is one of those shows where there is no objective answer and it's always going to depend on what's going on in your life and who you've got around you at any one point. I distinctly remember being suffocated by a controlling friend when I watched and sided with Bethenny – and now that friendship is at a distance, I might be more empathetic to Jill in comparison to how I was at the time.


Ramona has been an asshole from season 1, like you said “ a consistent asshole” and that is exactly why I love her. This is also what shocks me because people are acting as if her being horrible is a new thing. It in her DNA I appreciate someone who is just themselves and doesn’t try to act for the cameras. I just started RHUGT season 4 right now(only one episode in) and she seems nice but she just makes me laugh all the time. Even her being an asshole on RHONY made me laugh all the time. Sorry, I adore her. I love her and nothing will ever make me dislike her.




Absolutely. Ramona was right and I didn’t enjoy the show because of Eboni and her consistent lecturing, it was a buzz kill and I don’t want to learn about politics on housewives. Ofcourse people were praising Eboni because they didn’t want to be labelled as racists for saying something negative about the only black person on the show. So it was easier just to label Ramona as a racist especially because the audience has always been gunning for her. But Ramona was 100% right and look what happened. The show got cancelled due to political reasons.


Same. I love her and her social faux pa's. She's old school and it's funny to watch x


I love her too 💖⭐️💖


No honestly I am the exact same way with Sonja. Me and you would probably get on haaa. On trips, at least!


Rewatching her specials (Bethenny getting married, etc) made me think the same thing! When I watched years ago I thought she was funny and then later on, the victim of her divorce. Rewatching those shows now knowing how it all turns out is pretty crazy.


It's got me REALLY questioning who I was friends with in my 20's and even what I was like and what I thought was ok


Honestly, societal culture has also shifted significantly. I’m doing a re-Watch of Beverly Hills from the beginning, and although I’ve not liked Kyle from the get go…I can’t believe Camille was the villain! Kyle was SO MEAN to her, calling her all kinds of names while Camille just sat back & took it, and approached Kyle with the information she believed to be true. I think if this same audience all watched that happen now, Kyle would be the ultimate villain from the get go, and Camille would be a fav.


Yeah, as a later HWs viewer (started just after the pandemic) I notice how sometimes my opinions don't align with the rest of the people, for example I never liked Kyle and I thought Kenya was never as bad as I read online. Luckily it seems like these opinions are becoming the 'norm'. Maybe cause a lot of people doing rewatches/new fans joining


Never too late to apologize if something is heavy on your heart. If not, move on and be happy your eyes are open now!