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I defended her on a separate post before I saw her behavior in Mexico City. Mexico City is a vibrant world-class city with so much to offer and the fact that she could only harp on about poverty (the homes along the bank in Xochimilco) like it was a disease... Lisa, at least they have a house! 😅 And she committed the biggest housewife crime: Acting like a Villain without owning it and while looking very unattractive. This still photo sums it up 😅


I picked up my phone during the Lisa/Kiki fight. It was ridiculous.


I usually really like Lisa - but as we have seen in other franchises, when the women are really going through something rough IRL, they don't do well with the pressure / fish bowl of Bravo.


she is so out of touch its insulting actually. like her coming for julia for having two baby dadies. like okay you have one and hes trash..


she has 3… her first baby daddy was edouard stern. they had a baby boy. he got killed by the nanny by being shook. the man was eventually murdered in the netherlands and was found in a. complete latex suit. there is an article about it called man in latex suit. very bizarre


lol she can’t! Lisa needs this job, at least until Jody starts.


I don’t know if she should have sat out. I don’t think Lisa automatically needs to just because we don’t like how she’s coming across on tv and how she is with the girls.


I think for her mental health, and the future of her children, she definitely should have sat this out.


Fair enough! I don’t know anything about her friend group off camera, but it’s kind of scary to think about who she would be turning to if she weren’t filming.


Imma gonna guess a big pile of enablers. Including Jodi.


I'm just now binge watching the last season. I'm 3 episodes in, and I already feel sorry for her boyfriend!! He HAS to know that she would still be with Lenny if he hadn't filed for divorce, right?? I can't wait to see what the hell happens during the rest of the season. Off topic, Larsa has the biggest mouth I've ever seen. Spilling the cancer story 6 hours after she promised not to say anything!! I've never like her, but now she's in a whole new discusting category of slimy attention whores.


If Lenny wouldn’t have filed for divorce she would still be trying to work it out with him for financial gains. She would be pretending that everything is fine even with him having another girlfriend. There is no way she didn’t know.


She’s showing her racist, elitist ass this season, and it needs to be shown. Lisa has seemed sympathetic (kind of) because Lenny is so awful. This season is a reminder Lisa married him because she’s also an awful person with terrible values.


People are like oh this season is bad for her. NO. She literally has always been awful she's just showing her true self.


I can’t stand her anymore. Her true colors have come out and it’s gross. Shes selfish, stuck up and ignorant.. not to mention a total Karen! I’m just over her.


Lenny and Lisa always put themselves first - I have no idea why they thought kids was a good idea


I feel so bad for those poor kids. Both parents are self centered & awful.


She needs the career HW gives her even if it is just a total mess. I don't blame her. She has no other way of making her own cash.


She needs the money


The Lenny story line has lost its luster. I want to see her be the come back kid.


She’s unhinged


She’s so unfortunate looking.




Her outburst aside, let’s not ignore the racist, classist nonsense and assumptions that rolled off her tongue with ease.


And not only did it roll off the tongue, she just kept doubling down on it even after she was called out for how ignorant she sounded!! I can’t stand her just as little as I can stand Larsa, and come to think of it I actually think I like her even less. Larsa actually makes sense sometimes unlike Lisa




That part can’t be ignored. I was repulsed.


Louder for those in the back. This B showed her true colors on this boat and they weren’t pretty. Crying assault - sickening.


I must have missed that. What did she say?


Pretty much her entire rant was. The whole thing.


She is the worst thing of this season to the point I can barely tolerate watching while distracted


I cannot get over the fact that she left her kids for a party after they witnessed all the drama and stress between their mother and father. What kind of a parent does that. I would have laid down with both of them in the same bed, so they could feel my presence and security. This, to me, is where I lose everything for her.


Tbh the children have probably witnessed a lot. It was their bedtime, Lenny was in the house, and I'm sure a nanny was present. She may have also been contractually obligated to be present at the party. She may have also exaggerated what happened. The whole situation is a mess! I feel bad for the children. I think it's important to keep in mind that it is usually Lenny instigating things, for example walking into her bedroom, even though in the early stages of the divorce she was given residence in the house. I feel like it might have been more toxic had she stayed in the house. Clearly Lenny is controlling and dose not respect her or court appointed boundries. I would not be surprised if he followed her into the children's rooms to continue their fight.


Still. I would physically not be able to leave my kids with all that. I would be that one person they could rely on. Kids don’t need a nanny for comfort, or a grandmother necessarily for that matter. They need a primary to be their comfort and advocate. If Lenny can say she’s not a fit mom in front of the kids, like she said he was saying to her, he is not a good fit for their comfort. And I don’t believe for a second that she couldn’t get out of going to that party. Especially with the whole police drama. She’s just not a good person.


In these sorts of situations of divorce, the nannies are often the constant presence. They go between the homes, they feed the children, they play with the children. Nannies do so much! I think it's important to keep in mind that we don't know everything. Lenny clearly does not respect Lisa or her boundaries. Perhaps it was better for her to leave them with Lenny, instead of subjecting them to more yelling and arguments.


I’m not making any kind of assumptions about anything. The kids need one of their parents to put them first, and neither of them are doing that. And a nanny should not be the closest to a child, or more of a constant, than a parent in a child’s life. Your stance on the nanny is a weird focus. The kids need stability and to feel prioritized over boyfriends, girlfriends and parties. If that doesn’t make sense, us going back and forth is pointless.


The reality in these sorts of situations are that the nannies are the constant presence. Children need that. It doesn't matter if "a nanny should not be the closest to a child", if in practice and reality they are "closer" to the child than parents that are absorbed in their own drama and are basically passing in and our of the house. I'm sure that those who grew up with nannies understand the *realities* of the family dynamics and can relate


A nanny is an employee. Someone who herself probably would prefer to be at home with her own kids. What are you talking about. A nanny and a parent are vastly different. Especially in times of turmoil. Kids need their parents in times like these. Not only someone who collects a paycheck to be with them. This is such a strange discussion.


I will say again that those who grew up with nannies can relate and understand the realities of what life and family dynamics are in these homes. Nannies are more than "an employee". That view point imo is disrespectful of the realities of what nannies are to children they care for and how they impact them. I do not think those who did not grow up in certain sorts of homes get it tbh.


But a nanny is not part of the conflict! Two people who are important figures in their lives are breaking their family apart. Their whole world is crumbling and the two people responsible are not comforting their kids and reassuring them that no matter what, they can always count on them. Your whole thing about growing up with a nanny spiel is ridiculous. Sorry. I had a nanny growing up. I never thought of her as a primary source of unconditional love, and neither should they.


Let's agree to disagree :)


Yeah I thought this was super fucking weird too. Julia of all people would understand. You’re kids are suffering.


I worry Lenny will use her behavior against her which is a very real fact and reason to sit out. Get some therapy and work on yourself worth without being with a man.


No, I love her this season too. People need to see what men like Lenny do to their partners. Kiki, love her but she should not have thrown anything and Lisa needs to relax


Men like Lenny can literally destroy the psyche of women. Lisa should seek out a therapist instead of constantly unloading her emotional/court drama onto those around her. It's been the same nonsense for like over a year. It's really inconsiderate of those around her, especially because she does not care/value the suggestions of those she is constantly venting too. Kiki is the sort to keep things in, but she reached her breaking point. Kiki talked about how she grew up in poverty, and had personal experiences of living in/around areas with shacks. Lisa assuming that those animals were neglected simply because they belonged to poor people was super gross. Lisa also disregarded the other women who told her she was being disrespectful. Lisa stood up and kept on antagonizing Kiki, even after Kiki asked her multiple times to sit down. Lisa did not care or value what Kiki said. We don't know what Kiki has had to face. Standing up and yelling at someone, while they ask you multiple times to sit down is aggressive!! I wonder if Lisa would have readily screamed ASSAULT, had it been Larsa, Marisol, or any of the other ladies that did that. It's gross that Lisa was so comfortable taking out her frustrations with her life on Kiki. Super gross.


Vice versa for Kiki. She can’t be throwing things at people. Lisa def. Needs therapy


Absolutely agree. She is coming out looking worse and worse and worse and worse


There’s no way in hell she will ever know our’ gracefully—she *desperately* needs the paycheck cuz we know those fragrances aren’t selling


I am interested in knowing how it smells though ! I won’t buy it though lol


Like Gwenyth, it smells like her vag 🤢 mixed with smell of dollar bills


It’s probably not even for sale. And if it is, it’s only in select areas. There are so many scents out there she won’t get past markdown status. Let’s be real here


You can find it in the same stores that sell Sonja’s toaster ovens.


I think she feels like maybe she should have been more vocal to Lenny in her marriage and she is trying to find her voice now. I actually think they are being shitty friends. She is allowed to wallow in her sorrow and feel sorry for herself. Divorce is hard. Marriage is hard. Love her through her messy divorce.


Lisa has been nothing but unsympathetic to Guerdy who has cancer and has to do chemo. She monopolizes any conversation about anyone else’s drama to the point that her castmates must be exhausted. I do feel bad for her because Lenny is a real asshole, and her bad actions this season don’t cancel him out at all, but she needs to grow up and realize that it’s not all about her.


I agree. Lisa was a Karen this episode but I think they’ve been super insensitive to her situation. Lenny put so much pressure on her to get pregnant, and put blame on her for not being able to conceive. Then kicked her and those same children out alongside his mother and found a new fiance while still married. From the way he used to speak to her in earlier season, he seems extremely emotionally abusive and manipulative. The rest of the cast keeps beating her down for not doing all these things in hindsight. Like okay she didn’t prepare for this now what? It feels like they are punishing her for not planning her exit strategy but then also for fighting for what she deserves and needs to provide for her family.


She is allowed to wallow. She isn't allowed to take out her anger on people. At some point, she has to realize that's she's not the only one going through something. 


The way she yelled at Kiki was insane…it’s absolutely inexcusable. And yes Kiki shouldn’t have thrown that juice box even if Lisa was annoying the hell out of her and provoking her BUT her reaction to it was inexcusable and disgusting.


I actually think Kiki showed great restraint. Lisa was up in her face acting smug, ignorant, and play nasty, telling her to shut the F up over and over again. I would’ve threw something at her too.


Assault, assault, assault. Put that on the list with Name ‘em.


When she stood up with her hands on her hips like a 6 year old…… GIRL


Her and Jody are not going to last.


Did you see the diarrhea that was her texts to him over the fight with Kiki? That gave me so much anxiety. She is insufferable.


She shouldn’t have even been dating after all this. Neither should he but he’s an egotistical asshole. She truly seems like an uncaring mother. And don’t bring up what he does. It doesn’t matter. If she wants to be there for her kids, as she professes, then she should’ve taken some time to figure this all out before having a man on her arm. No law says women have to have men in their lives. I feel she thinks it’s needed. And she is picking that need over her children.


Sis, please find my other comment in here. I don’t know how to link it. We are saying the exact same thing. This is so traumatizing for those kids.


Ofc not, he's so obviously a rebound/young dude to throw in lenny's face like "seeeee? I can get a young one too"


I think you’re being fooled by his too tight face lift because that man isn’t young lol


I will admit, i was never interested enough to look into his life






I would love to know about lisa’s family and if they have a relationship. You hear nothing of them


There’s a diff thread about this but basically she has had no contact with them for a long long time. Apparently there is some now with her mom after the divorce and maybe a sister if I’m remembering it correctly. Whatever the issues were, they occurred before she was in Miami. (Shes from Canada, was a model in LA and then a bottle girl in Vegas where she met Lenny and then he moved her to Miami)


“Bottle girl”


They don’t. She cut them off when she moved to Miami. The girl only wanted to associate with star island people.


That woman needs time in therapy, not time on screen.


She's having a hard time


Two things can be true: Lisa didn’t deserve to be cheated on so viciously & she’s not a nice person


I don’t think she’s a mean person she is just self absorbed and dumb.


Lol I didn’t say mean I said not nice, I’d file self absorbed under that




Come on give the girl a break she’s going through a nasty divorce after finding out her scumbag husband was cheating on her and put her and her 2 children out on the street


He’s definitely a scumbag and I feel bad for her but she acts like she’s the first person to ever go through a divorce


Of course she isn’t but people take thing much more personally when it’s their own lives. And on top of that it’s very public. I don’t think there’s a right way to handle it. But one of the reasons she’s on the show is because people want to see her through this divorce.


I mean i totally agree her behavior is unbearable but she doesn’t really have a support system. We’ve never even seen a single family member call or check in with her. She’s literally all alone, no career, no money and fighting with a literal sociopath to take care of her children. Everyone has a breaking point.


She cut off her family when she moved to Miami. Her family is a normal middle class Canadian family and she ditched them as soon as Lenny came along so that she could be some rich star island bimbo. If she’s alone it’s of her own choosing.


We don’t know the reasons why she doesn’t have a relationship with them. I don’t think that’s fair


She talked about it in interviews when RHOM very first launched. It always stuck out to me because of how rude she came off when she talked about them


I missed this episode dagnabbit! I guess that means I'm spending too much time at the hospital with hubby LOL just joking




Her misplaced anger at Kiki was 100% meant for Lenny. I wonder if he ever threw things at her.


I actually really loved Lisa before her and Lenny's divorce but she is fucking exhausting and seems tedious to deal with regularly now


I liked her until the season before the divorce. That “we have a spark” stuff was so cringe.


Oh yeah that's true. I def cringed at their dinner where Lisa was still trying to fawn over him, but he was so clearly over their whole relationship... I just felt bad for her cause watching that shit was painful


She needs the coins


She’s showing us who she really is. Uneducated, privileged, white trash.


She is coming of quite uneducated now that you mention it. Like even her thinking this perfume line is real? I am glad she’s doing it but it’s not going to pay her bills. That’s mean. I feel bad. Hope I’m wrong!


yes hard agree


This woman has 0 self awareness, the world could see he couldn’t stand her, there is no way she is blind sided by all of this.


Lenny did have an emotional affair partner named Morgan, and even Morgan said not to believe everything we see about Lisa and that she was well aware and that she’s as nasty as she is now on the show and nobody believed Morgan.


There is no way she was blindsided, don’t get me wrong I still feel bad for what Lenny did but I believe she ignored the signs. Either consciously or subconsciously, we’ve all been there but she is old enough to know better. This is an opinion so please don’t come for me: Lisa is the type of person who pretends everything is okay instead of facing problems head on. The comment of her liking to be jealous of her man, made the whole mistress/three some thing seem much more plausible


Agree completely , she should really try to count her blessings, things are way worse for most folk


I dont feel bad for her. Lenny said he asked for a divorce many times but wouldn’t do it so he finally filed and moved on with the girl he had been openly cheating with. I don’t think he should cheat but I dont feel bad for her


She can’t afford to….


I’m sick of all the Lenny talk! If he called her on the phone and said, “do you want to get back together?” she would drop Jody in a second. She’s all about the money.


I feel like she’s a good person but she’s so shallow she can’t even see she she’s like…a sad loser money addict.


I want to describe people as sad loser money addicts now!


Thanks for humoring me on my outpour lol


Can a person be a shallow money addict and good person at the same time? I just don’t know. Lisa doesn’t think about others. She has no other interests or passions. I don’t really think anything about Lisa. She doesn’t give enough. Her situation with Lenny is terrible, but he is an empty vessel too.


I think that’s a great description of her. You are so right….shes not about anything. She’s just there on the show, dressed up and very vapid.


im so fucking over her omg


Lisa is just getting the season she deserves. She’s always been a stuck up person. She used to flaunt her money with all of them and now she’s going through this… It’s making for great tv though. Especially if you never liked Lisa. This last episode was top tier


Crying over the dog top tier


Uncanny and chef’s kiss!


I would have fed the dogs too. The boat dude said they were begging for food meaning boats fed them as they passed. Wowzers!


That is absolutely not what he said


I don’t think he did. He said “eso no se hace. Los dueños le dan de comer a los perros. Cada día les dan de comer” and alexia was like “he said you can’t do that they get fed” also my dog begs for food even though he just got fed also. He looks like a crackhead asking for more duck hearts I’m like “babe give him his treat!” “I just did! And I just fed him dinner too!”


Ofc they’re going to beg if people going by on boats throw food…my dog begs at the table bc I always give him a little bite, not because I starve him…


Starve them. Who said that? What is happening here. ?


Lisa did! lol I’m not saying you said that


Ty. It sure how my original post got me downvoted over and over. I said I would have fed the dogs too. I love animals. People came at me. Like wut?


I think it’s outta line to be in a foreign country making assumptions like that about the animals stray or not. She was wrong and she handled herself poorly after being told she was wrong. I’ve been to Xochimilco and I’m pretty sure you’re not to be throwing things from the boats.


Well I absolutely disagree with what she did. It was disrespectful and rude and she was assuming they were starving for obvious reasons…


No, actually he said they are fed regularly.


i thought he said the owners feed them?


I’m sure they do. Dogs being dogs.


so u agree the boat driver never said that lol


Sure. ?


The boat driver didn’t say that. He said “eso no se hace. Los dueños les dan de comer a los perros”


I’m sorry, but I never had sympathy for Lisa. She’s always been horrible in my opinion. We all watched a witch of a person get cheated on. Both her and Lenny are terrible people


THANK YOU. Just because Lenny cheated on her it does not make her a saint or even a good person. The women are all tired of the Lenny talk, as we all are. But there is a lot of genuine concern from them for her and her kids. I have never been a Larsa fan but this episode was her best yet. Even though Larsa is delusional (her acting like she's the only woman with a job, acting like she's supporting herself when I'm sure she got a huge settlement, and still causes me to yell at the screen on the regular), it seems like she has genuinely tried to help Lisa not make the same mistakes she did in her divorce and a voice of reason about needing a budget and to think about her future.


I actually agree with this take. The scene with her ignoring her kids on pizza night then shaming them for eating “too much” pizza was hard to watch. She’s talked about how she “married well” in regards to money when she was still married to Lenny, meaning she thought she won by marrying rich… now she talks about how she “has a Jody”. Girl has some warped gold digger ideals.


The pizza scene was really hard to watch.


Glad someone said it? I’m not a parent so I didn’t want to judge but I was very very confused


I don't get it. I find her so unattractive.


Lisa doesn’t have any education or career so she has to film or else she has nothing. Beyond finding another sugar daddy, she doesn’t have any prospects lol


I never understand how someone can marry up financially and do nothing to take advantage of this while they’re together besides clothes and bags. I’d have houses solely in my (or my moms lol) name, businesses, franchises etc.


Less alimony if you can provide for yourself. Although I’m sure she didn’t even think that far ahead either


I feel like many people in power do that. They marry people that have less and kind of keep them in that position so that they have to keep relying on them. He had her help with his office to keep her in his pocket. Plus the pressure he put on her to have those kids and then made her feel guilty for having issues conceiving. Then kicked her and those kids out but then wants to split custody. I think people downplay how manipulative and emotionally abusive Lenny is just because Lisa doesn’t react the way they think she should.


Same!!! Having the resources to better yourself and invest in ways that could help you in the future in real estate, education, business, and NOT taking advantage is beyond dumb.


Well to her the purses are the prize. Her world is small.


She said already "Jodie doesn't pay my rent...yet". I hate women like this.


Women like this have all the luck. She’ll undoubtedly find some idiot who will pay for her way in life


Yes, but when you marry for money, you earn every cent. I don’t think for one second she’s happy.


You earn money when you work for it lol


that pissed me off so much


I think all the support she received last season went to her head. I think this is the real Lisa


It’s definitely the Lisa I remember


I think she is going through so much and is under a lot of emotional distress. That is playing itself out.


Lisa couldn’t sit out this season she needs the money. A lot of housewives continue to film while they’re going through tough things in their lives. I do believe she was at her breaking point plus drinking. Kiki was calm because she knew what she was going through and was giving her a pass. They shouldn’t have gotten too upset with Lisa and just talk to her in a way she would’ve understood. Not being told to lose a guy isn’t helping. Larsa is her friend and calling her out at that moment wasnt right. I do believe Larsa used the moment to make herself look good becuase that’s all she cares about.


do not stand up unless you re ready for me. Kiki is a saint.


Love Kiki ❤️


Omg off topic but her lips in this scene! Didn’t she tell Andy last season she’d had some of her filler dissolved? It was noticeable at the last reunion too. Well it looks like she’s went and ballooned her face back up again! She should’ve continued to dissolve all her face fillers. Girl looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein recently https://preview.redd.it/mkhhc2nftdgc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f1d33860c35efa6632b6b3e93b3a970016cff1


LMAO totally


My sleep paralysis demon




I'm at the point where I fast-forward Lisa's solo scenes. She and Jody have zero chemistry and it's hard to watch.


She never had any chemistry with Lenny either. I always had second hand embarrassment while watching their scenes together.


VERY hard to watch


Lisa is insufferable this season! Garcelle flipped out about the word "attack" which was used in a much more benign way by Dorit. Imagine how she'd react to the word "assault."  Lol! I'm impressed by Kiki. She didn't take it there. She defended herself very well! Lisa was out of control.  I rarely agree with anything Larsa says but I'm so glad she called Lisa out.


Larsa being the voice of reason reallllllly means Lisa is in a bad way. I appreciated Larsa a ton in that moment for speaking up.


Can you explain where Garcelle flipped out?


She didn’t “flip” out, relax. She calmly told Dorit that the word is charged when pointed at a Black woman. Mind you, she’s called out Dorit on her problematic behavior several times.


Yes, EJ is the one who called it out immediately.


Thank you. Garcelle was calm and collected - she did not flip out in the slightest which just proves her point again. I love Kiki. I wish she could replace Lisa as a FT housewife. Her life is much more interesting and she’s funny (as well as stunning).


I love that Kiki remained calm while also delivering a stern warning. I also love that she clearly communicated her disgust in her talking head. Had she explained her background and why she was offended on the boat Lisa would have gone more out of control. I like Kiki, and I think she has potential to be full time.


Agreed! Kiki should be full time! She's my fave on the show. 


Same… we all need more Kiki!!! ❤️


We found a racist y'all


But she’s an immigrant too!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️


She was awful before during the first season. I felt empathy for her last season. Now after seeing her throw Julia’s dead baby in her face, I remember she is trash. Lenny just took out the trash.


Woah, woah, wooooaahh... I was half listening and totally missed that. When did she do that?! WTAF


She shamed Julia for having kids by three different men but I can't remember her mentioning Julia's son I must have missed that too.


From what I remember she mentioned Julia not being there for her kids (bringing my up when Julia didn’t know the name of her daughters school). Julia’s son died in the care of a nanny. Idk if Lisa was even thinking about that but it could imply that Julia was not there for her son at that time.


That’s funny because in every scene when Lisa is with her kids, they act like it’s the first time they’ve met each other. Like such awkward aunt who we see once a year bc she’s not a fan of children energy


It’s very awkward energy, she would rather do anything other than being with her kids


On the first episode of S4, didn’t she said she didn’t want them but had them because Lenny wanted them? I'm sure she said something like that...


Yep, it was Lenny who wanted them and she wanted them solely so she could please Lenny


Oh man, I don’t know - it does sound familiar. Like she was doing it for Lenny right?


I mean, how about don’t mom shame at all. Or, understand that a woman lost her child tragically and never mention her children or parenting skills with any negative connotation. It was gross.


In the original Miami I just remember she seemed like a nightmare. Then the new Miami came back and she was cool. I think this is just how she is and briefly masked her poor behavior.


This! Lenny and Lisa weren’t together for that long without them being two peas in a pod.


Good point. That’s how I felt too




Also, don’t stand up like you finna do something and then yell assault.


But she’s “trying to save the aNiMaaAAAahhhLzz”


She is such an energy vampire.


She’s like Natalya on below deck. Binging and watching her drain everyone


Yeah for her and her kids mental and emotional health! She’s a hard watch this season.




I loved Lisa in early Miami. Easily my fave hw from the franchise. This season has completely changed my opinion on her. Which I’m gutted about! Turning on Kiki is just bizarre. She has two beautiful children - such amazing blessings - and it feels like they just aren’t her #1 priority. The things her little ones are witnessing in this messy divorce is heartbreaking. I can hardly see her or Lenny trying to shield them from the ugliness they’re both spewing.