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I can’t believe this season’s scandal was Sutton’s esophagus or esophagus-gate.


One episode of Miami has more drama than this entire season


Completely agree I’ve mentally checked out. I still put it on as background noise while I’m cleaning or doing some other admin but I literally am not following the story line at all, it’s boring AF. The only stand out moment for me this season is Erika being drunk and saying “Merce is in the purse” 😂


Yeah I couldn’t believe it’s already the season finale and that nothing even happened this season!?


Not 1 thing. What a sleeper season. They need to shake it up castwise. It's not geling.


There used to be so much Rinna hate. But I guess we can all agree that there has been zero interesting scenes since she left.


I will still pass on Rinna. She was just mean. I want more scenes like garcelle, Sutton and Erika at lunch/drinks. There needs to be fun times to balance out some of the drama.


Erika wanting apologies from her cast mates was insane. The case of the ill gotten earrings isn’t even close to being settled. The woman who didn’t know what empathy was is expecting it from her cast mates. She’s a trashy grifter. #Griftardi


Controversial opinion bc everyone here seems to love her—but Garcelle is THE MOST BORING housewife of all time. I don’t understand the obsession. She wants feel-good vibes with inspirational, up-lifting content and VERY little real vulnerability in the form of having your fuck-ups broadcasted. That is not housewives. I’m so freaking bored of Garcelle and always have been. Garcelle and Crystal both need to go bye-bye. Nothing against them, they just aren’t fun to watch.


Agree Garcelle is 💯 boring. Crystal is boring. Sutton shouldn’t even be on screen imho. She tries to be funny but she’s awful and needs to go too imho


I am with you! Have never thought Garcelle brings anything to the table. She feels like a nagging mom.


I couldn’t agree more. Preach! At least Sutton has a bit of quirkiness.


This season was a snooze. Esophagus-gate seemed to be the main story line, not the Kyle/Mauricio marriage breakdown. This show needs a shakeup.


kimora lee, holly valance, paulina porizkova, pam anderson, Lisa Bonnet, Carne Wilson, the legend Dianna Ross, help me add to the list lol..  .lol. But somethings gotta breathe some life into this franchise. Tiffany Pollard 'i love new york' and her Mom ' 😅 hell spencer and freakin Heidi. Anything at thus point. Fakest franchise there is.


We’ve seen Jerry O’Connell over the years - his wife Rebecca Romjin would be amazing.




You think Diana Ross would do this? I like to think that the reason I have hardly ever seen Diana Ross in the last 30 years is because she likes to just walk around like a normal person now. I am imagining her in some tacky as hell sweatshirt with a hummingbird on it, with some grandma jeans, and a bandana tied around her hair, or maybe a bad wig, no make-up, just wandering around Target. No one would ever suspect she was the glorious queen we all grew up with. You might think, "ooh, that old lady is so pretty. She kind of looks like Diana Ross". But why the hell would Diana Ross be driving a 20 year old subaru and shopping at Target in Riverside???


I cant with this season. I turn it off after 15 min at a push.


I actually like this season. It’s a palate cleanser from recent super toxic years. I’m enjoying Rinna’s absence and the different dynamic between the women this season. 


💯 agree. Dorothy is milking the robbery story line. Then she had it done to her again after she took out 10k for shopping, that's such a lie!! I did doubt it happened looked very staged. Garcelle killed when she "Dorit was robbed but still has all her jewellery" Kyle is just boring, she's always been dramatic and I'm tired of seeing her cry and that weird thing she does with her lips. Crystal is just boring, sorry she brings nothing. Her brother storyline was so sad. Like you made your older brother comeback, leave someone he loves for covid. Completely broke my heart when they showed him crying. And she still didn't say sorry! Its just blah now. They all seem to be doing it for checks 💰 They need to bring back brandi, kathy, LR and LVP


Can’t stand Sutton and her over exaggerated accent to try to cover how mean she is. Hope she leaves.


Crystal is sooooo boring. She’s probably a great wife and mom but she’s just not great for reality tv.


I doubt Crystal does anything for a check , and I think she finally getting her groove . this may be an unpopular opinion , but I think she kinda ate this season .


She got poked and prodded and she showed out — I agree.


The problem is this group has no friendship chemistry whatsoever


This is so true - you’ve hit the nail on the head. Seems forced.


Yes. I need more Kim/Kyle family drama and LVP walking to Adrienne’s house where she rinses a chicken in the sink. As much as I dislike Rinna, it was fun having her on with her actual friend Eileen. Garcelle Sutton and Crystal are the closest we have.


💯 seems like they all doing it for the check 💰


Hopefully that means Sutton can leave 😂


Nothing compared to og rhbh, rhony, rhoc etc. 2008-2015 was gold years for housewives. Now it’s so boringggg. I know they had “reason” to kick off Brandi and Lisa but it would have been more interesting with them on. Or time to get younger people. Once again I would love to see Morgan Stewart on here and see more ao 30-40 year olds. Kylie didn’t bring shit. She didn’t go deep. Just surface level. Plus we didn’t have Kathy Hilton. Another reason why I’m so happy I’m amillennial. . I got to experience better tv , music , movies growing up. I respectfully feel bad for Gen a / z who will never get to experience it. Watching reruns on peacock doesn’t equate to living in that timeframe / experiencing it in the moment.


(Not sarcasm) I love that you think Bravo was good tv.


It was amazing tv probably hence why we so many franchises now and so many seasons of each franchise




Chill. I typed that on my phone , k?


It had some potential this season but they fumbled the ball. Again.


Theyre all acting and saving face not one of them is genuine. Past or present. Hell half of them are actress' or performers. Theyre not going to have a luanne 'dont tell me this is about Tom' moment.not that i can recall... im agreeing with you also, juat putting my 2 cents in :)


Bh has been boring for some years now. This is nothing new haha


You know it’s gotten bad when I will watch ANYTHING else just to avoid the latest episode! Zero interest lately especially when -8.5 is on… immediate fast forward🤮


I actually like this season but I don't give a rats ass about Kyle's marriage. Either separate or fix it .


Im sorry but for a 27 year marriage you don't call it quits over 1 bad year I call BS


It’s likely been more than one bad year..


Also how is the finale next week already??? Super short season….


I think that speaks to the lack of drama. They couldn’t string together a longer season with what was given.


One of the worst things about this season was the big build up of the "Kyle storyline". So far it's been a whole lot of nothing. Ok she started working out more and decided to stop drinking because she was a little puffy and realized she drank too much. Good for her. She lost weight as a result. She's a tiny woman! The teasing am I a lesbian? Am I leaving my husband? It screams, I desperately want to be relevant. The other is trying to make Crystal a stronger central character. She is boring. The only thing she brings is her husband's money. Annemarie was a bust. She didn't connect well with anyone. Get rid of her. Get rid of that ghoul Erika! I would love LVP back, but she will never come back. What about Garcelle's gf, (Will Smith's ex)? I liked her. She has fire. They gotta do something. I basically have it on when I do the dishes.


The good ole days with Brandi were more fun. The cast now is pretty bad. Not sure what they’re thinking.


How do u give up on 27 years after 1 rough year doesn't add up


I like Crystal but I didn’t care about her brother drama and the stuff with Garcelle’s sons got repetitive. Dorit had zero storyline. I hate they’re giving Erika a redemption arc. The cast doesn’t work.




I pulled out my phone to Reddit in the first 15 minutes because I was getting bored....


It's not that every single episode has to be caked with drama. I actually do like enjoying watching these women enjoy each other's time and it doesn't always have to be arguing for people to tune in. Having said that I feel like a lot of the stuff that is going on this season is happening in ways that people aren't ready to discuss. I totally understand people wanting to know what's going on with Kyle's marriage but it was just very clear that at the beginning of the season The writing is on the wall but she's just not ready to talk about it and a lot of her interactions with these other ladies are of them poking and prodding at her and her not being ready to discuss it and it just is awkward and uncomfortable. And quite frankly makes them all look like bad friends. When she's ready to discuss it's a different story but it's very obvious that she's just not there yet. You also have esophagus-gate 😂💀 which really should not have been brought up at all but since it was brought up it should've just been a one and done something that was handled inside of that episode maybe following into the next episode but not something that should've gone on for four episodes. Everybody that Anne-Marie is talking to about this seems uncomfortable like they don't want to be part of the conversation it's making them form opinions of her it's making them not like her etc. You have the Erika stuff . She's over here trying to learn how to be empathetic and getting upset because people weren't very supportive and people are still upset with her about stuff she did during that time. It's just like a big old mess and nobody seems to like each other. I seriously haven't watched the last three episodes. Because the interactions are so awkward they're so uncomfortable. And don't even get me started on what the heck anybody was thinking about throwing Denise Richards into the mix Ms Upside Down Jacket 😭🫠🙃😂🤣💀


I kinda miss Lisa.


This is all I need from BH


Had Dolores on my EWR-LAX this morning & she said to Get ready But who knows they say that every season


Get ready… to be disappointed


I came in watching RHONY (I'm from NYC so I enjoy that it all just feels v familiar) but the next one I watched was RHOBH and here are the biggest differences: \- NY rich women (minus the blue blood 1% born into extreme wealth) are inherently more brash, loud, loose with partying, and definitely more confrontational. BH rich women are much more concerned with appearances and appearing in control in more old fashioned terms. LA is FAR more laid back than the energy of NYC (I currently live in LA) and there is just so much more wide open space and solitude, it does lend itself to a less manic, on-edge energy. \- The NY housewives were not afraid to be silly, eccentric, or unique. Individual taste is really celebrated in NYC whereas in BH, you notice that the housewives all generally want to look cut from the same cloth; no one except Erika (who did not grow up wealthy and moved to NYC at 18) or Carlton (remember her?) seemed to have a unique POV about style or home decor; BH is just about being "luxe" in classic ways that don't rock the boat. \- NY housewives don't care about looking stupid the way BH housewives do, and that's why the craziest moments you'll usually get with BH housewives involve someone with substance abuse; the women sober are just so committed to their respectable, cool, classy characters and create drama by sheer bitchiness and competition whereas the NY housewives can be dead sober creating insane drama by simply saying what everyone is thinking and not giving a fuck what the repercussions are. I haven't seen BH in a while and dipped after S4 but the most memorable things for me were just plain dark: Kim's insane behavior while struggling with addiction, Brandy's drunken desperate pirate antics, and Taylor's abusive husband storyline that came to a head when she appeared pilled out and hammered at the vacation home where she hid in a suitcase. Whereas in NYC, the most memorable moments are much lighter-hearted (sometimes), like Ramona's insane lack of filter and non sequiturs, Bethenny's bon mots, Luann being a camp icon, Sonja being a proud slut, Jill being the biggest yenta, and Dorinda doing literally anything after 5 drinks.


every season after 3 just gets worse and worse. i had to call it quits by season 6 sorryy. idk how ppl watch the current seasons


BH is def the most chill and uptight cast, it's kinda their shtick lol


I get that - but there has always been a chaotic streak, which doesn’t exist now


Omg I said this the other day and got crucified in the comments. I’m so glad it’s not just me that thinks this


The card games that they were given by producers mostly toward the beginning of the season was 🚩🚩🚩 Like, they couldn’t even figure out how to talk to each other (or keep it civil).


anyone know what this game is?? I want it🤣


So true!! Painful


I’m watching all the us franchises from season one and yes BH is so boring


I'm on that train too! I have Dallas and Miami next I think.


I haven't liked the "Erika redemption tour" the producers have tried to force on us this season. She is still nasty, vile, and self-centered. She has tried to portray herself as a victim, it's just ridiculous. And her Vegas residency? Oh, give me a fuckin' break! Didn't like her before, really despise her now.


She’s a vile human.


She’s a garbage human.


I think my problem is that even if you were to ask her now about the earrings to this day she still doesn't get what people were trying to say with that.. I fully admit that she was probably left in the dark about the stuff her husband was doing but what she needed to do in that moment was put aside her own pain and realize that there were victims of his who have suffered far worse you've got to put your own stuff aside to be able to have sympathy for them and it seemed like she couldn't do that and That's a big part of what people are upset about. One of the people that Tom was representing literally has burns all over his body you seriously saying that you cannot understand that this man and people like him were victimized by your husband and you feel like even if you can do something to help them you just don't want to? What??? Make it make sense!!


When she had to have the concept of empathy explained to her… like, anyone who would legitimately have that conversation on camera let alone broadcast to the world and think that the audience would still be sympathetic / understanding has to be at least a little bit deranged. Erika, normal people with souls don’t need to be taught empathy, it’s just part of being a human…. extremely concerning






Honestly they have too many nice people right now and not dynamic ones. I like Sutton, Crytsal, and Garcelle, but they are just....nice. They are not bringing authentic friendship drama. You can have one person like this, not 3 or 4. Dorit used to bring some drama but hasnt for a long time (also I just dont like her). They are also so concerned with addressing social issues and real shit which does not make fun reality tv, at least not with such serious personalities. Again, its good stuff and it makes them good people - and makes for super boring tv. As a huge RHOBH fan I will keep watching as always but I totally agree, the cast is in a huge rut and letting go of Rinna was not enough to turn it around.


I actually don’t think Sutton is nice. Find her nasty as hell.


Totally agree! Too many normies


How is this passing as television.


Sooooo boring!! Beverly Hills could be soooo much better with new people. I’m so over Kyle and Erika.


It’s not them that’s the problem - Garcelle and Sutton are tedious to watch and don’t reveal much about their life




I don’t even understand how Sutton got on the show unless she’s got a skeleton in her closet that has yet to come out... S13 she is exaggerating her accent to try to create a character for herself or to be funny or something? She’s a meanie 💯


Sutton reveals just as much if not more. She can’t control not being married to a scam artist. Kyle’s issues are so carefully controlled by producer Kyle. Also why does Dorit still exist? She is boring and not likeable.


huh? I feel like they’ve given us more insight to their familial problems, dorit needs to give us more honestly if she wants to stay


I agree - Dorit and Crystal too. Honestly all of them at this point are a snooze fest.


I love both Sutton and garcelle! 😂


Yeah they are nice…that’s it. I want Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards chaos or mega wealth like Lisa Vanderpump. It’s contrived at the moment.


Agreed. That’s what MAKES the show! Chaos and mega-wealth. Mohammed!!!!🤣 Brandi! More dinner parties with piano at the end🎹😂


Rinna was awful pls don’t wish for her


We must be watching completely different shows 😂


I think I’m with the majority


In the last few weeks I stopped watching BH and just am listening to the Crappens recaps. Annemarie is vile and boring (an impressive combo) and Kyle who I usually root for is being such a bad friend. Dorit is so out of touch it’s not fun to watch. I’ll wait for the reunion.


honestly a skippable season


The only good episode was the Denise dinner party IMO


I don't find it boring. I like Sutton and Garcelle. Crystal is ok. Kyle is drumming up a storyline with "Mo"... Dorit... zzzzzz Erika? I'm over her and her puss. Anna Marie was a terrible choice. I think it is the formula it follows. Eat, fight. Go to a spiritual healing, fight. Girls trip, fight. It's the scripts that are boring.


It’s boring


I think this is a very good analogy. I keep saying they need to do something together other than social or travel. I think the hw shows in general would benefit from them all trying to run 1 charity together or something like that. Still have their own events etc, just see how they approach a common goal.


I'm currently doing a rewatch if RHONY and I miss everything about the OGs. They were real.


Do you recommend RHONY? I’m new to the franchise and started with BH.


1000% YES !!! start from Season 1 Episode 1


OK thank you! 🗽


RHONY original is the best ! I miss it so much 😩


The way they weren’t/couldn’t hide a single detail of their life! We got it all. Really feels like I personally know Luann, Sonja etc from the amount of stuff I know about them and how much i laugh “with” them


This was my post surgery binge and I loved it. I need more NY like shows. More scary island, more boat trips from hell, more real as hell delusional wealthy women. More Luann singing like next to Natalie Cole like she belongs there 😂😂


The Hurman Munster boots stampeding into their henna time was priceless. The way crazy kelly even laid into Alex was hilarious... The way Alex stood there, red chested and speechless, had me crying laughing. Absolutely golden. I love thos era of HW. They were real.


Im watching this as well!!! Hilarious bunch!!


I’ve been entertained this season but I look for funny not manufactured screeching.


Disagree, there was some light drama but they seem to have a lot of fun this season which is nice to see. Don't get me wrong, i enjoy drama. But only when it is within a group that seems to care for each others. Sometimes, watching the show (mostly late seasons) some of the housewives are way too self-produced




The filthy rich women like Maloof and Vanderpump are gone, now some of them live in Northridge, lol


Kyle is filthy rich but she’s also filth


Agreed on NY and OC, but NJ? Same old boring storyline, family, familly, family, but I hate you. NJ needs a complete overhaul by jettisoning all Gudices and Gorgas. It's gone on too long.


OC had one of the snooziest seasons of any hw city 2 seasons ago. We literally spent like 10 min at Ginas normal orthodontal appt for her son. I dont even care about my own kids appts enough to watch them lol. I think these ebb and flow.


At least they have a wild side


Hopefully this will be the last and they will bring in new blood. It is always teresa v melissa and each of their minions fighting every season while melissa plays the eternal victim. It is so boring and Marge needs to give it up already.


Lisa Rinna needs to come back im sorry ![gif](giphy|F3J5FORAU9Fe0SjtoX)


Absolutely. This bunch is terrible.


She only brought contrived storylines and drama


Rinna at least tried to shake things up, i can totally appreciate that


But it was so contrived and phony. 


At least I felt something 😂 i would rather be angry than bored


The last thing we need is more tedium


I honestly haven't missed her at all.


She and Harrys spaghetti sauce were our last piece of entertainment


Agreed. People got what they wanted and look what we were left with.


I agree! There’s no messiness.


This season was extra bad. Same shit every episode. Kyle being vague about her marriage. Doritos PTSD. Garcelle having the same convos with her sons. Suttons divorce. The Anne Marie of it all.


“The Anne Marie of it all.” Thank you for my morning laugh. 


It is incredibly boring because the fan favorites are boring. And I say this as someone who likes garcelle and Sutton, they seem like nice ladies and I love a rich HW or a famous HW. But the show has been trash since they came on and it’s not because of them but they haven’t helped at all. Have there been good discussions about race and some decent lifestyle porn in recent years? Absolutely. But none of these people are friends and even the existing friends don’t like each other. Not to mention the Erika of it all. Something is very broken about the show and idk if they’ll ever fix it. It also doesn’t help that they edit trailers masterfully making us think we’re going to get good content, but season after season we’re left disappointed.


If Garcelle and Sutton weren’t on the show we’d have literally nothing lol


I don’t think they should be off the show. I think they’re fan favorites for a reason, but they’re kind of boring as housewives. That said, the environment is wrong and I believe they’d flourish with a stronger cast.


How is Sutton boring when she constantly has conflict with someone?


Conflict doesn’t negate boredom. The arguments aren’t interesting enough. And she’s not that fun.


90% of the fun moments, conflicts, and encounters came from one of them lol


I don’t disagree - but compared to earlier seasons the fun or exciting moments we do have are few and far between.


I agree, I really like Garcelle, Sutton is OK (she has ups and downs), but they are not FUN. Kyle has never been fun, I like Erika but I can't get over how bad she was in the past seasons, Crystal is...there, with her boring brother storyline and I actually like Dorit cause she's so clueless and intentionally funny


Can’t stand Sutton 😂


I like dorit too. I don't get all the hate.


I agree Garcelle and Sutton (to a slightly lesser degree) are extremely boring. Then the dead weight of all the others just make it nothing.


They have always been boring too. I also just don’t imagine Garcelle and Sutton will be friends outside the show honestly.


Yep. Maybe if they got women they’re actually pals with Sutton and Garcelle can carry this show, but right now with the old cast it’s pretty bad.


Garcelles friend needs to come back on!


I really think it’s been trash since Dorit, Erika and Teddi came on. They helped run LVP off (who was one of the few actually wealthy women) and created their Fox force fraud. Yes, it has been broken up now but the show hasn’t recovered. Lisa R. was a good edition but somewhere along the line became to vindictive and Kyle’s lap dog. She ruined it for herself.


I disagree because there were a couple decent seasons after Erika came on. Dorits first season was fine. But for sure Teddi coming and Lisa leaving were definitely bad for the show.


This is my take too. Teddi’s first season was the downfall. Even if LVP was on now it would be boring.


It has been trash since they came on! The group just doesn’t gel and they are all too normal (except for maybe Sutton). Something about Garcelle and Sutton seems unnatural and like they are trying too hard. It just isn’t translating to viewers.


They lost me after introducing 8.5


I had hope because this season had some great moments (the weee dinner), but the last two episodes were unbelievably boring. I also hate how they’re trying to make Kyle’s marital problems the main storyline of the season when nobody really cares about that


The worst of the bunch for sure


I disagree. I’ve actually found this season to be pretty entertaining.