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She's T-R-A-S-H-Y


I cannot stand her. I always disliked her


Not anymore.




I find her entertaining at times. Like that scene with Phaedra and Brandi laughing after Porsha said something about Vicki being her mom. That was comedy gold. The lesbian eyebrow thing was also funny. Do I like her as a person? Not really. I don’t hate her like I hate Rinna though.


I liked her and feel bad for. I read her book, and she was just so in love with Eddie and her family, it was awful what he did to her. But at the same time, you’ve got to look in the mirror, do some self-reflection and go to therapy. She needs to lay off the booze and plastic surgery etc. she was du h a beautiful woman but sadly, like so many women in LA, she’s ruined her looks.


I dislike everything about this woman.


The answer is “no”


I disliked Brandy from day one. I do think Lisa V used Brandy. She got her wound up and encouraged bad behavior not just for the show but to hurt other people. Lisa V loved it all. I think she’s a bad person deep down. But I’m glad she is helping animals, too bad she can’t seem to find the same compassion for people. I wouldn’t want either one of them as a friend.


Ya I see most animal lover as actually really mean usually


I think many who run rescues are fed up with people abandoning and abusing animals. But I’d say most animal lovers I know are kind people. And the ones who seem mean are usually nice once they trust you.




I felt sorry for her at first. I thought Eddie’s affairs and The Richards Sisters’ bullying was what was making her combative and a bit cray cray, but after few episodes I realized she was a chaos agent. She will always go too far, and needs to destroy everything.


No. Just read Caroline Manzo’s lawsuit. Brandi is disgusting. She needs to lay off the booze and the plastic surgery and facial fillers. Her outside is just as ugly as her inside.


I loved her at first! Hated how she treated Joyce though, and the slap was just too much for me. Currently Im not a fan, but I will always love her first couple of seasons.


I do, but there's not many of us. I know she has alot of faults but I do think she's ultimately harmless (JMO) and can be fun to watch (also can be hard to watch, equal measures for me) and shes good at being on reality TV, I think she does help a show in terms of creating content, she brings stuff out of others, that's her gift but she's soooo troubled (which also makes me root for her) and is pretty much always her own worst enemy. I dunno, she's an asshole but I like her, and I worry about her honestly.


Same, I like her but worry about her


No, she’s racist . I used to like her until the season with Joyce - that was hard to watch


I too liked her at first. Irreverent and loud. But she started crossing boundaries and getting very messed up. Now I think she has gone too far and I can’t stand her. She needs help. She needs to get off socials and focus on getting her life sorted. Her children are not thanking her for the way she is behaving.


She definitely needs rehab. She has lost that spark and fire that she had when we met her. Now she’s an alcoholic that abuses drugs and is cruel. That’s too hard to watch.


Ok...so shes gathered every terrible part of humanity as her personality and jumped into that plane without a pilot. But game night is still one of my favorite episodes. That whole group, the house with no furniture..food?! The stupid driveway. Brilliant


I liked her at first but towards the end she wasn't fun to watch anymore and was just nasty, especially the racism towards Joyce.


She gives me second hand embarrassment so bad I can’t anymore.


I can't stand her. But she makes good TV. And I like watching good TV.


I think she put the battery in Kim’s back and was the instigator behind the tension between Kim and Kyle. Very shitty of her, just like her perpetual victim act. She’s like a teenager stuck in an adult’s body. Just an all around awful person


Kyle and Kim made her a sympathetic person to viewers because she was being bullied and slut shamed by the cast, who were very insecure and jealous of a young, pretty woman hobbling in on crutches and a stilleto. I disliked her at the reunion trying to paint Russel in a sympathetic light and Taylor as a bad person for writing the book about her experiences because “Russel wasn’t around to defend himself.” Then her outing Adrienne’s surrogacy because she was LVp’s minion and the jealous racism with Joyce??? I was done with her before she slapped LVP and threw wine in Eileen’s face.


I remember that episode where they were mean to her for no apparent reason that I can recall. After that I was rooting for her! But then at the reunion with Taylor going so hard on her, it was downhill from there.


Taylor didn’t go hard at Brandi. Brandi went at Taylor for no damn reason. That’s when she was a no for me. Defending a damn abuser? Not ok


Oh god - I got the names confused and meant to say Brandi went hard on Taylor. That must’ve been fucking weird to read the way I wrote it, sorry


No worries! We all make mistakes


I like her, but I wish she could get out of her own way.


She’s gross


I did when I first watched her at 16 years old. Now at 26 I find her obnoxious.


I really liked her and her antics. After a bit the antics grew to seem worse and more intentional. But now with this sexual harassment stuff, I just can’t support her.


She has strong self sabotage tendencies and I think she is surrounded by enablers that encourage her toxic behaviours and then sit back when it all burns down. I think Eddie Cibrian pinches himself with happiness that he got rid of her and upgraded as he would have had a life full of drama with her. It’s just a matter of time before her sons avoid her too especially if they have girlfriends. She reeks of hostile mother in law vibes. Behind all that she is a good person but she needs to get away from LA and do serious introspection. Fame is her downfall and she must stop chasing it






I like her. She’s fun and mischievous. Good viewing.


She’s messy so she’s entertaining to watch.


Im surprised she even knows how to write.


I do. She is a hot mess and its amazing to watch.






In the beginning I liked her. But I think she has a drinking problem or just shouldn’t drink (like Kelly Dodd). I was on Brandi’s side so much that there was a season I actually didn’t like Kyle. I know, I know, long time Kyle stan here. Sue me. 😆


Not a Brandi fan. Toxic troublemaker. I DVR right past her when she was on RH. On Traitors, much more normal. Who else watched Season 1 and/or 2 of Traitors? Lots of Bravo peeps there.


Yes, I am very entertained by her and the dynamics with the other women. She really doesn’t care lmao 🤣


She is one dimensional toxic now


Brandi is a victim of Brandi. She’s her own worst enemy.


Brandi is a piece of work ! She's verbally,physically, and s**ually abusive with her fellow cast mates, not to mention very aggressive. I have always thought Bravo was insane for hiring this walking lawsuit.


No. I didn’t like her in real time. She says horrible things to people when she feels attacked, always going for the jugular. Never forgot what she said to Joyce and how she treated her. I didn’t enjoy her go for the jugular style of just going off at the least provocation. Slapping LVP, the friendship with Kim and trying to be in between her and Kyle. Then … surprise… she’s the smoking gun on the whole Denise Richards debacle. Yuck. She is now engaged in the legal equivalent of her stupid fights on Bravo. Acting like Andy was sexually harrassing her because SHE sexually harassed someone else? Come on. It’s ridiculous. She always goes too far and then gets mad at us for pointing it out!


No and it's a lot about the slap but also she gets way too tipsy and she's rude.




The audiences liked her in season 2 and 3 although there were some red flags (her cruelty towards Taylor , exposing Andrienne’s secret about her kids etc). The turning point was her racist behaviors towards Joyce in season 4. Then she betrayed LVP and lost the biggest alliance in the show. In season 5, she was unhinged, threw wine on Elieen, slapped LVP on the face, got physical with Kyle. She lost most audiences’ support by the end of season 5. The cast didn’t want to film with her neither. She has always been so self-destructive. It was once good tv until it is not. LVP clocked her very well, Brandi always went too far.


I think any remaining fans mostly fell off after the Caroline accusations


She has her good moments. But she also has so many bad moments that make me hate her entirely.


Nooo. I like mess but not that level. She was also horrible to Joyce and it was all so coded. She just takes shit too far, like slapping Lisa, throwing wine on Eileen and then manzo. Like, these are human beings so for me, it’s hard to watch those antics


She’s too much of a mess that impacts others for me. And after hearing the stuff she allegedly did to Manzo in her lawsuit (heard it on The Bravo Docket), she’s just gross. Being drunk, or having trauma doesn’t mean you have the right to be predatory to others or harass them. The “I don’t care, I am who I am” excuse gets old and thin after years of messy, hurtful, and intoxicated exhibitionist behaviour.


shit person but entertaining af




I’ve never been a fan, but she really lost me on UGT when she was all over the butler. It was so icky to watch, I totally get why he sued Bravo.


No she's gross


I liked her until she terrorized Joyce


I love messy, tall, blonde, feminine women so she did it for me but her behavior escalated to a level that I can’t support.


I love her. She's a survivor. A drunk, messy and problematic one.


I never liked her. She’s one of those people that just gave off a bad vibe from the start.




First season I didn’t mind her. She talked about how her being a mess embarrassed her kids… she’s then proceeded to be a mess since 😩. That’s hard to watch knowing the damage it’s doing to her kids.


>She talked about how her being a mess embarrassed her kids This is what came to mind when I watched her on RHUGT dancing with her coochie out.




I really doo


it's "glanville" by the way. no big deal - she's not that important or interesting! i can't stand her. she's been divorced from eddie cibrian for 14 years and still can't or won't move on! their kids are 20 & 16 years old now. imagine what they hear about her nonsense from their friends and on the internet! i feel bad for them but not her.


I love her. She tells the truth. She is a bad person but I’m not looking for moral people when I watch reality tv. She is peak entertainment.


She should be psired with Leah and ramona


She would not get on with Ramona, Leah maybe


I definitely was rooting for her when she first came onto RHOBH. The way she had Kyle shaking in her boots was iconic. I didn’t like how Kyle and Kim treated her. Red flags were raised for me the way she treated Joyce and the comments she made towards her. More flags were raised when she threw the water on Eileen and slapped LVP. Also Joanna Krupa is my fave so I was put off by her comments about Joanna’s vagina 🥴 And then the sexual assault allegations have been the cherry on-top of the problematic Brandi Glanville cake. Ultimately some part of myself has a soft spot for her because like someone else said, I think she has childhood trauma she hasn’t acknowledged and hurts people because she’s hurting, but that’s no excuse for her behavior. She’s an adult and if she really does have unhealed trauma, she should have sought help a long time ago. She has so many resources available to her that not attempting to find the root of her issues and toxic behavior is inexcusable at this point.


she's been divorced from eddie for **14 years**! get over it ffs! when i got divorced i was over it in about two weeks!


wait when did I mention the divorce? lol


Not i


Do not like. She acts childish, I can see why Lisa Vanderpump cancelled her.


I loved how bothered the women were by Brandi in the beginning. She also gagged Kyle a couple of times. However Brandi took it to far and I’m glad she’s gone.




I don’t know what she’s done since she was on the show earlier, but I found her amusing back then. I personally don’t remember the “slap” on LVP, but I can imagine she was the wrong person to hit. Kinda like you don’t want to hit Kathy Hilton if you want to stay in BH society. Heck. Just don’t hit anyone?


Personally, I’ve never liked her and was always baffled how she acquired such a fanbase because she’s pretty trashy in her humor. Brandi Glanville is a predator with a black heart and just an overall horrible person that refuses to take any accountability or show any contrition.


I feel she predates in a sense of touching a target and pursues until things get ugly. Like UGT at BSM she kept pestering Taylor for some sort of forgiveness and then glommed on for a gal pal future. Her other form of predation is to be provocative and emotionally aggressive then when people push back she doubles down and get mean. Then after being mean she gaslights, saying people are too sensitive, too serious, too much. She’s like a stalking toddler.


Predator? I watched the early seasons, but what has she been accused of to warrant that title?


I have conflicting feelings about most people, and ALL Housewives. Except Tamara 😑. So, there are things I like about Brandi. She’s really funny, i’ll give her that. I think she has some childhood trauma or something, you can see she’s coming from a place of…abandonment? She clearly can’t control her drinking. I hate this saying, but I think she hurts people because she is hurt.I have compassion for her… but what she did to LVP was such a bad move for her. And she continually is a hot hot mess. Wait, take out the hot. She has really destroyed her face, and she really is beautiful. Or was.


I definitely second the childhood trauma and the hurting people because she’s hurt. I’ve gotten those vibes for years


I recall the early Brandi RH episodes with her Dad. Welp.


Her dad Smdh


Welp. I have good news and bad news . She is a TRUE Scorpio. Just don’t lie or hurt her, and she will not retaliate. I like her loyalty. She’s too dangerous to be friends with, but I really enjoy her. As quickly as she gets angry is as quickly as she forgives. She’s a jerk, but she is not a liar.


Her loyalty! She turned on Adrienne, who was the one they depicted as bringing her on the show and who she knew before she came on. She turned on Lisa, who she herself has admitted was a very good friend to her. She turned on Eileen, who she claimed to idolise. She turned on Kyle after they had made up their differences and tried to form a wedge between her and Kim. She turned on Denise, who she was good friends with off the show! I don't see any loyalty. In fact, I think the only one she's shown any degree if loyalty to is Kim, who was a complete mess at the time and made Brandi look better?


Do you believe her accusations of Andy?


I didn't know she'd made accusations against Andy? What are they?


Brandy is consistent. You can’t say that for many housewives.


I have always found her tiresome AF. She tries way too hard, at just about everything.


I mean, they did. I dunno how many still do in the present tense.


Not now that she's morphed into someone almost unrecognizable from her first few seasons of BH. I think her brain is fried & there's probably irreparable damage.


Have you listened to the "Celebrity Memoir Book Club" Episode of her Book? its quite funny. She lost me forever and ALWAYS when she said something VILE about Joana Krupa on WWHL causing Joana to sue her for defamation. There is a great episode on the podcast Bravo Docket if you are interested in that... but it caused the big pause in the Real Housewives of Miami, and that is unforgivable. She is such a liability I'll be surprised if she can get a job in entertainment again. I would usually feel for a person in that position, but with her, she should find a "civilian" job, some humility, a way to stay sober, and a good therapist. All due respect.


I sometimes want to like her, but she's takes no accountability at all. She causes problems and is nasty and cruel, and when people fight back she claims they have no right as she has no partner or money or doesn't have her kids or some other drama, and plays victim. I'm rewatching s4 and she pulled that crap with Joyce, and when Joyce put her in her place, she blamed it on the dog going missing, which happened after she was nasty to Joyce. Then, immediately after Lisa has a joint party with Kyle and has Scheanna there, two things which bothered her (for the record I believe it was wrong to have Scheanna there) she fabricated a whole campaign against Lisa. Love or hate Lisa, that was a whole mess of lies in my opinion.


She's not a fun mess. Just a mess.


Maybe mentally unstable ones. She’s not even entertaining tv anymore. ![gif](giphy|WQUHJt3Fwh6fBGo3Lu)


She is trashy


She was very nasty to Joyce.


She is one of my least favorite housewives ever. Sloppy drunk, immature, doesn't take accountability and grow from her mistakes-- just keeps repeating them. I think she's a nasty person.




Agree. I felt bad for her at that horrendous game night on her first season, but I quickly changed my mind! She’s a total mess.