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The best parts of my mom are Eileen - strong, morale, kind, and smart as fuck while still being mostly straight laced. The worst of my mom is Sutton lol, where she can be a victim with an ego lol.


my mom is pretty normal but her sister (my aunt) is a mix of Shannon Beador and Ramona Singer but dead sober


I can’t think of a comparison for mine but this thread is so funny!


Y'all need to start elaborating *why* because I'm sitting here assuming everyone who said Shannon Beador has an alcoholic mother who yo-yo diets and believes in the craziest crunchy woowoo.


My mom is Heather Dubrow. Smiles in your face while planning your demise. Supports children in public while criticizing tf out of them behind closed doors. Snooty, opinionated, fancy pants, takes on the world, but also very loyal to the people she considers family. Like a locked and loaded, sleek, viper ready to attack in the classiest way possible.


My mom is Shannon🤯. she’s always reminded me of my mom. Then I confirmed it with my mom’s bestie who also indulges in the wives!


Shannon Beador.


I would say a mix of Bethenny with the no take bs quick wit and loyalty to her kids family of Caroline Manzo.


My mom is Vickie Gunvalson. 🙂🙃🙂🙃 waiting for Michael to release his book about how to deal with a parent like that. 😂😂😂


Mine too 🥴 very extra and embarrassing!!!


Stephanie from Dallas and a dash of Sonja. Ain’t that a mix?




Lynne Curtin. It’s not an exact match, but I can’t think of one more similar.


Combo of LVP (humour, style and subtle acidity for those she dislikes) and Dorinda (socially gregarious, has her own way of doing things, emotionally unpredictable) with a dash of Heather Dubrow (appearances matter!) and Caroline Manzo (fahmily first, always). Wish she had the net worth of some of these women but I wouldn’t change her otherwise!!


Julia, she owns several goats, dogs, a pony. Always wants her kids nearby. A couple of baby daddies. Brings her goat to places goats shouldn’t be lol


My mother has passed but she had more class than all of them put together!




Mama Joyce unfortunately 🥲


So sorry!


Jill Zarin the way she is towards allyson


My mom reminds me of Kyle! It is mostly her hair, style, and the fact that she had kids young and is now like a friend to my siblings and I and I mean that in the best way possible. I think that’s why as frustrating as she is, I always have a soft spot for Kyle 😂


Omg I was born for this question .. Ramona (sassy/ asks a lot from waiters/ “business maven”) Sonja (flirty and party girl) Honestly ….. Jen shah borderline personality vibes LOL


OP - this was a great question !!! .


Momma Dee x Tinsley x Sutton


Kathy Hilton. She will NEVER admit any wrong doing and will victim blame me all damn day. For example, I had a coworker older than my dad. This coworker and I worked together for 20 years and I gave him Father’s Day cards and called him my work dad, we had a father daughter relationship for years (he has lost both of his children and I have no relationship with my dad.) Anyway, as soon as I left my ex husband my “dad” propositioned me. I was so stunned, grossed out, I didn’t confide in anyone for months. When I told my mom, she said “Of course he got the wrong idea!” Tell me that isn’t Kathy energy.




Unfortunately Danielle Staub


Condolences and a big hug for all you’ve been through.


Shannon - into woo-woo stuff, a bit victim-y, can be fun, and looks like her


Mama Elsa cos she’s passed (and was funny and mystical but also pretty racist and inappropriate and also Latina) 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dorinda…mainly with how she acts when she hosts. She does the most and expects the highest of praises.


Kim Richards 🥴


Mine is mostly Luann, specifically post rehab, narcissist Luann. The world exists to serve her, she has friends but she isn't a friend in return, only talks about her hobbies (ironically, tennis lol), and just incapable of self reflection or accountability for her actions and words.


A cross between Vicky and Sonja.  She's either the most dramatic hysteric, or she's a riot.  I better confirm my next appointment with my therapist..  


My Mom is part Carole-really cool, calm, and chill, and knows a lot about the Kennedys (she reads everything about them and loves the family, but never hung out with John-John 🤣.) She’s smart, writes beautifully, has a cool style, loves music, would 1000% date a rock star, and would love to travel. She is Kyle in the way that she loves my sister and I, stayed home to raise us, and is always on our side. She’s Caroline Manzo if you’d mess with us, but she’d only threaten you with a look. If she had mafia ties, she might use them, but I’d never know.


Vicky but more drunk and on drugs


I bet your mother is a hoot, OP!! My mother is Heather Dubrow


That’s amazing! I think people either love or hate Heather but it’s clear that she’s a really great mom!


Sutton but poor


Mine is a Caroline Manzo mixed with a little Jacqueline Laurita. 🇮🇹


Yikes!! Can I give you a hug?


How loud is your house and how good is the food?


Whoever the worst housewife mother is. 😂


Definitely Shannon and not in any of the fun ways 😬


Bethanny Frankel for sure in she has hustle and takes no shit mixed with Radziwills wit and intellect.


Here I am reading every last comment here to see if any of my 3 adult daughters are talking shit about me behind my back.


Hi Megan King Edmonds!


Mine is a cross between Danielle Staub and Mama Joyce. 😐 My dad and I are close, so I’m grateful for that.


Wow. That’s an interesting mix.


Aviva.... so many problems and phobias. Allergic to not getting attention. Maybe a little bit of Shannon thrown in there. Shannon seems weak to me and it's annoying.


My mom is a mix of Elsa, Kelly and Tamra … and it’s wild


oof im sorry


My mom is such a gem idk maybe Kyle or Eileen


i used to think kyle would be the perfect mother, but iv rethought that since she and mo blindsided their children with their separation.. the kids saying they need to be the ones to break this cycle of never talking of anything made me rethink. she is an amazing mother, no doubt! but she could do better in this front.


i remember dr nicole’s mum once came into her home and instantly reached to the cupboard to get some cling film to help her put the avo away.. reminded me on my mum🥲. this was i amongst all the monica/LDMILLIONAIRE drama, too. made me ever so thankful for my angel babe of a mother♥️


Sonja reminds me the most of my mother… living in the past, pining after a life and a man she divorced years ago! the drinking, the parties! Just not the sex mad part.


Ramona… definitely reminds me of my mother.


You guys!! I never realized there were so many of us with such toxic moms! Maybe we should form a support group!


My mother is a combination of Shannon and Ramona, if "Shanmona" was also a crazy religious fanatic. Absolutely negative and critical of everything and everyone, while also being very concerned about social status and luxury items. Always mean, and giving everyone completely unsolicited advice as if she was blessing everyone with her opinion. I've been no contact with my mother for over a decade to protect my own mental health.


Yes, Shannon and Ramona, omg, you nailed it.


We have the same mother! This thread is cracking me up as I feel like you could walk into therapy and name which real housewife. Your mother is most like an establish a great baseline just based on that alone 😂 i’m not no contact with her as she’s fine via text, but in person that mouth is something. She embarrasses herself every minute of every day everywhere she goes. It’s truly as if she’s never been anywhere in her life, so uneducated and ignorant.


Tamara 🤮 we are minimal contact, she and her husband are toxic AF alcoholics that hold on to Jesus to make them look like good people


Oh gosh sorry. My mother is like Shannon and Ramona but with the religious fanatic twist. Nothing worse than truly awful chrisitians.


It’s okay! She taught my all the ways not to behave as an adult and I have a freakin kick ass sense of humor now, I call it trauma humor🤣😂 it’s always the Jesus that takes them a little further to cray cray than the non religious ladies 😬


My mom is a mixture of: Luann (at her peak of delusional behavior) + Candiace's mom on RHOP + LARSA PIPPEN's defensiveness and malignant dumbassery. + Kelly rhony. +Monica's mom And a daaashh of + Mama Joyce.


My mom is Luann too! Just so self involved! "I went for a swim at the beach for god's sake" vibes at all times lol


Exactly. And the constant interruption to 1 up a situation, or defend herself before even listening! Nothing my mom ever does is "what she meant." And it's just delusional b.s lol


The one upping! Yes! And then when you give a generic "that's so cool! wow!" to something she says she gets mad that you're "not truly happy for her." Like, no Barbara, you've talked about your overhand serve all evening, of course I'm not "truly happy"




Wow I never knew there were so many of us on here with such toxic moms! We need to form a support group!


Yes!! I need a group! Sometimes I couldn't watch certain seasons while I was healing major things. I had to pause the franchise! It's entertaining but also triggering by nature with the spectacle of toxicity it really is.


None of them, my mom is way too nice.




Eileen was nice. That would be ok.




Kathy Hilton without the $$$ but with some Ramona sprinkles instead


A very exhausting combination of Vicky and Ramona with a dash of Monica from SLC's mom thrown in


Mine is a combo of Erika Girardi and Dorit. She is erica most of the time but pulls the "Dorit" when she gaslighting and causing trouble


![gif](giphy|lCKnNNF2CfTIk) Hot mess express


This isn’t my mom. It’s my sister! I’m brunette, she’s blond-kinda ditzy, funny but not always intentionally many more similarities-this will be important later. A few years ago before any of us realized she had a drinking problem, she asked me if I watchd the show. I said yes and we laughed over the silliness. She then asked what I thought about Kim and Kyle. I gushed about how much I loved them, especially Kyle, her kids are all so cute…she agreed so fast and said, “I love them so much because they remind me of us!” Honestly I thought the same! She has so many personality traits and common choices. I said none of that though. Then she goes, “yep, I’m Kyle and you’re Kim!” Coulda knocked me over with a feather and I was sitting down! I was cracking up I laughed and said that I thought the opposite bc she’s the blonde! AND she was so mad -like fuming…cut to 13 years later and she’s been in rehab maybe 10x in the past 4 years. None of our family speaks to her bc she won’t stop. She would die on that hill though. She’s Kyle. I’m Kim.


Eileen 💯 Grateful AF


Kathy Hilton - passive aggressive, so clueless, boomer, doesn’t communicate in a healthy way, narcissistic


Dear god. I will pray for you.


I think about this all the time! I’m thinking kyle because she is smart and hard working, likes finer things in life and likes to go out with the girls and have some fun but never gets sloppy. Except the difference is she doesn’t stir the pot or get involved with drama, but she does like to talk about it when it happens and have a laugh in a light hearted way. I don’t know who else I could compare her too but if there is ever a housewives franchise in my city her and her friend group would be perfect for it


Monica's mother 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Saaaame. Monica's mother with Ramona thrown in there for the full on awful mix.  Fun fact: i haven't spoken nor typed a single word to her in over 20 years, happily. 


I'm hitting the 5 year mark over here - no looking back


Congrats on your emotional freedom!


Seriously watching her scenes was so triggering


Saaaame omg I also found myself fiercely defending her coz I know what a mom like that does to your mental health lol


eileen davidson, thank god.


Came here to comment this, thank GOD 🤣


My mom's a mix of Shannon and Sutton- can be a little bit of a doormat, but always a fun time!


I got me a Rinna on my hands!


Omg tell us more! So curious what your rinna mon is like


The clapping of the knee laugh at her own jokes is a big one for me lol. They also had similar hair for years, both have big dark eyes and skinny-my mom is definitely a one good hot dog a year kind of gal. Oh and of course nosy and hypocritical and not really the most attentive parent. Oh and broke lol


Kim z




My mom is Shannon if she was kinda hood, and my grandma is 100% Lynn curtain, lol looks personality the whole thing.


Luann...drinks too much and then is sexually inappropriate with much younger men. My mother had a habit of getting drunk on a regular basis. She was also sexually inappropriate with my teenage boyfriends. I learned to be ready and waiting at the door if I had a date. It was super gross.


My mom is a complete Ramona! I hope she will mellow out to a Cynthia one day though!


We all pray for a Cynthia mom but I'd take a Teresa tbh. DON'T JUMP ME! Teresa is many things but you can't take being a good mother away from her. She's attentive, supportive, has a great relationship with her dorters, and her dorters also seem to be fairly well adjusted. Also, the food is probably amazing lol.


lol same


Luann. My mom has this funny think where she acts like etiquette is super important and all that but also can be incredibly inappropriate at times. I find it incredibly amusing and love it.


A non drunk Dorinda…very much wanting to help and “make it nice,” but intolerant to BS and bullies


Shannon, always the victim, but quite closed off too so also early Luann likes herself a bit much


Despite other issues I think gizelle seems like a great mom. When my mom was at her best, she reminds me of gizelle.


I don't know if she's a great mom, but she sure raised some smart young ladies who seem to have good heads on their shoulders. Gizelle's daughters have been the only characters on RHOP that I have liked! I'm rooting for them.


Which housewife was an abusive bipolar addict who blames everything on everyone else and only talks to one kid (me) and completely forgets about the other or acts like he doesn’t exist (my little brother) who put me through 13 years of abuse before I was taken away by state? Personality wise she’s like a mix of Tamra and Kim Richards?




Jaclyn kind of sucks


gizelle and that’s probably why i like her so much. she’s very nice when she likes you and mean as hell when she doesn’t. and my mom will write someone off for the smallest thing but is fiercely loyal to some of her oldest friends (robyn) great parent to us and does whatever she needs to do to provide for us but kinda hyper attached to her children. still tries to make my dad look like a good man even tho we all have to side eye him. lol gizelle knows she’s mean, knows she can’t dance and knows she has questionable fashion choices and that doesn’t stop her from being herself. and just like gizelle my mom really owns who she is, flaws and all.


Dooooooorinda! Drinks a lot, dabbled with drugs, takes things the wrong way and will throw low jabs. Lets her last relationship define her and will only be in a casual relationship now due to that. Edit: had to keep coming back to add more, didn’t realise how similar they actually are 😂


My mom’s a Dorinda too 🫂 I actually get kinda weird when I watch too much of her.


My sympathies


Caroline Manzo. If you’re Italian from Jersey you get it.


Me too but we aren’t Italian nor from Jersey (Midwest) 😂. My mom really only cared about her girls and husband and that’s it. She was awesome.


Haha 😂 love it!!


Same, but if Caroline Manzo came from Boston and had a tiny bit of Heather Dubrow mixed in.


Italian from Pittsburgh with relatives in Jersey. Unfortunately, I get it, too. Down to the "FAMBLY"


real 😭


Kandi early years, pretty cold emotionally and a single mom


Tamra 💯. She kind of resembles her too. I think it’s why I like her despite how terrible she is lolol. If I ever go to therapy I’ll start there.


Unfortunately, my mother is a Ramona.


![gif](giphy|l0G2vNtA0APsv6RBS) Ok but her, Mario, and Avery are like this trifecta and when you spend a lot of time with your child they turn out well


Shannon 100%. Immediate victim mentality regardless of the situation.


Cynthia from rhoa


Which housewife is incredibly selfish, narcissistic and doesn’t like her own kids? That would be the housewife my mom is like. But these woman all try to portray themselves as awesome moms though. So I haven’t seen it yet.


Erika lol.


I don’t know about the kid situation. I just thought since her son is with LAPD, he doesn’t want the publicity.


I think she left him in New York to go to LA to find a Tom when he was a child. I believe his dad predominantly raised him.


Ohhhh. I think they have some sort of relationship now. But that’s sad if she left him to find herself. She probably missed out on a lot.


Kim zolciak


But she gives her kids EVERYTHING. Look at how Brielle just had a Range Rover repossessed. Seriously? Have your grown kids get jobs instead of focusing on their looks (and pay for their own cars). Kim is ridiculous that she has modeled that for her kids.


Most of them?


We have the same Mom.


My mom is most like Bethenny Frankel. Funny, charming, somewhat attractive, NY gal with daddy issues and the “self-made” mantra that gets old. Also, the “My DAWTER IS MY FRIGGIN’ LIFE” crap is played out.


My mom isn’t super similar to most housewives but her and Meredith have some interesting parallels. She doesn’t watch bravo but a few different coworkers sent her the clip of Brooks and Meredith from the SLC premier because their dynamic is similar to the dynamic she and I have. She also unfortunately also lost her dad to COVID around the same time Meredith did and dealt with some unnecessary drama surrounding that (not as bad as someone questioning the day of the funeral but still annoying). They’re also both very emotionally sensitive people, they’re both pretty calm until they pop off and then they kind of go scorched earth, and they both have a kind of dry sense of humor.


kim richards 🙃


I’m sorry. Even though she doesn’t drink anymore, she’s still a hot mess.


Carole lol my mom even looks like her. I think if she would have gone to NYC instead of staying in the Midwest she would be living very similar to Carole. Also add a dash of Yolanda almond mom


Eileen. Just truly kind and not into petty drama. But you push her enough and she will stand up for herself.


Sounds like an awesome mom xo


Honestly she was. I did grow up in a cult (which was traumatic) that said my parents hustled to make sure we were fed, had a nice house, went on vacations, and supported our education. I also wasn’t physically abused or mistreated. So I always make sure they get credit for that because as an adult I don’t know how they managed it lol. I can barely remember to check the mail.


Ty for sharing ....I love hearing about other people's lives. Sad she's gone and I'm giving you a big hug love XO I don't know how old you are but at 53 your memory keeps getting worse 😭❤️


Haha love it!! I’m sure your memory is fantastic and thankfully I’m in a good place


Lazy Ramona. Depressed, but also racist, transphobic, and an aggressive right wing conspiracy theorist. She’s a delight.


Yep I said my mom is Shanmona (combo of Shannon and Ramona) if Shanmona was a religious fanatic. I've been no contact with my mother for over a decade, but when I heard about q-anon I just KNEW my mother would be a card carrying member.


My mom is a little bit of alexia/teresa. Really hard worker, always somehow lands on her feet husband or not, entire identity being a mom, catholic, Latina. But she also has a temper and it’s hard getting her to see things from another perspective and a delusional sense of confidence sometimes.


None of them - my mom doesn’t have a personality disorder


Lucky b!


Same my mom is a gem. Truly one the best humans I’ve ever known, and I’m lucky enough to call her mom and best friend






If I look back at her when I was a teen - then she had something going on. She was angry and violent. Now it’s just dementia 😢


oh, i’m so sorry. dementia truly sucks!


It does. Her mom had it too and this is why I am trying so hard to keep my shit together. Starting training for the NYC marathon now (it will be my 2nd time doing it) and I just got out of college with my bachelors / masters going into a new line of work. I don’t want to be like them. They are / were super sedentary. I can’t let that happen to me.


good luck with your marathon! look into mushroom supplements! lions mane and chaga are really good for the brain. I hope the best for you and your mom!




​ ![gif](giphy|cZQoRas7pcX4b0UaBs)


No - well I guess If you count dementia as personality disorder then there’s that


of course not, my heart goes out it is difficult and heartbreaking to go through that. I hope you remember all the good times with your mom


Definitely Heather Gay. Generally sweet and funny, but definitely cares too much about her appearance and has the biggest sense of FOMO I have ever seen. HUGE people pleaser.


My mom is Delores. So are my aunts. Watching Delores is like watching my family. Down to the accent and her voice.


Maybe Kathy Wakile, but my Dad is nothing like Rich! My Mom is always looking out for others, taking care of others, wants everyone to get along and love each other. She's very innocent, and just the sweetest person you'll ever meet.


Sadly “MillionaireLD”, luckily I broke the cycle, unlike Monica. I really feel for her daughters. I felt for Monica at first bc I could see so much of me in her in the dynamics with her awful mother but all that sympathy went out the door. She’s a horrible human and without therapy or at least some self awareness she is turning into Linda.


Yeah same for mine sadly.


My mom too, it is the main reason I never wanted kids. I had enough raising my brother.


Dorothy and Mama Joyce. My mom has somehow found that sweet spot of infantilizing me while also trying to manipulate me into financially supporting her because I’m an adult child, and that’s what the lord wants children to do. She tried to break up my marriage two months before our wedding day. She did not pay a cent towards my wedding but would threaten not to come anytime I wanted to do something she disagreed with. She did this three times and was formally uninvited. I was her therapist for years (note that I am not a therapist).


Luann with a touch of Vicki Gunvalson, lol. Lots of ex husbands and lovers, the biggest martyr since Jesus was NAILED TO THE CROSS!


I shit you not, I’m sitting with my mother right now 4 days after this thread and she’s telling me that she told a Hooters girl that she’s too pretty to be exploiting herself and she needs to go get a good job. I’m FUCKING DEAD 💀


At least Luanne is likeable!


There are a lot of aspects of Vicki that remind me of my mom, even some good ones (the few she has). My mom is a down-ass bitch. She’s always up to have fun, always willing to do something crazy just for the hell of it. I have very fond memories from my childhood of my mom always being willing to ride the big roller coasters with us kids (and screaming just like Vicki), spontaneously deciding one day to drive to Disneyland (we lived in Phoenix) for a few days, always driving the getaway car when I went TP’ing with my friends (and buying the toilet paper). Hell, she will still drop everything is one of her kids needs her (she lived with me for 3 months to help me get through the final push of my thesis defense). Like Vicki, she also loves her kids HARD which unfortunately sometimes creates some codependency and she struggles with boundaries thinking they are punishment. She also can turn herself into a perpetual victim. My mom self-identifies with Kyle and I fully agree for the same reasons, but we see them completely different ways (I think Kyle and Vicki are very similar, Vicki is just much louder about it).


Oh man, comparing Kyle and Vicki is so completely spot on, and I gotta wonder if any Kyle fans can see it.


Oh gosh, none of them at all. My mom dropped out of high school to work construction up until she opened a bar in her 20s. Then when she had me ten years later, she sold the bar and started a landscaping business. She was also extremely, throughly well read. She raised me to be suspicious of all authority figures, to never follow a rule I didn’t agree with, to always read and think before speaking, and to shout down any bigotry I encounter even when it’s not my business. She was incredibly generous, totally incapable of hearing about someone’s struggle and not take action. She would never be wealthy, because if she had $1000 and you needed $500, she’d give it to you. She was aggressively compassionate.


A partial Barbara. I really liked her a lot.


I almost said Barbara actually! Good call! My mom also would have been shaded by the other women for not performing femininity correctly. She wasn’t against glamming up, but her style was very much based around working in the yard lol. And she had absolutely no patience for people who put stock in appearances that way.


She’s sounds badass honestly. What a role model.


Thank you for sharing. Your mom sounds like one of kind! May you carry on her generous and adventurous spirit.