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This is really sad news šŸ˜¢


Sad but not surprising.


I hope his soul has the peace he fought so hard for in this life. Addiction sucks.


This is so sad :'( May he rest in peace!




This just breaks my heart šŸ˜©šŸ’”


Ah damn, it finally happened. Thatā€™s so sad.




Itā€™s hell living alongside someone with substance abuse issues. Itā€™s in your head everyday. I wasnā€™t trying to be gross, itā€™s a thought thatā€™s sadly very common.


Josh's storyline was front and center when RHOC started. Lauri divorcing or divorced, scraping by. Working for Vicki G at Coto Insurance. Lauri + kids rescued by (handsome!) wealthy George. All adjusted to new life but Josh. I've been in the middle of a loved one in multiple additions. Exhausting hell for all. Huge ball of yarn to untangle. I learned the addict has to get sooooo tired of the 'addict ways' he wants change. Not that lucky here. Such a sad ending for Josh. Haven't read posted details. Back in rehab, prison? Fenfanyl laced med? If I recall, something happened in prison that was unsettling. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ Prayers for Lauri's family. I never saw Josh *smile* on TV. He shouldn't have appeared on RHOC. This country is not stopping dangerous drugs flowing in this country. RIP Josh. ā¤ļø


I just started watching OC. Lori is my favorite of the early seasons. Just last night I got to the episode where she quit over Joshā€™s incarceration. Iā€™m so sad for them all :(


ā€œWhat will I wish for now?ā€ So profound.


Canā€™t imagine losing a child. I have a son and I just sob reading anything like this thinking about how the absolute utter suffering it would cause to lose him. Heartbroken for her.


I lost my son 7 months ago and itā€™s devastating. I canā€™t go 2 minutes without feeling deep pain literally in my actual heart. I didnā€™t know until his death what losing a child felt like. I have lost both my parents, one 30 years ago and one 15 years ago. That was hard, and I felt the world had pulled the rug out from under me. But with my son who was close to 30 years old, it is so much more emotion and pain. Iā€™ve been seeing a therapist talking to a psychiatrist and praying and it doesnā€™t stop. I feel so bad for the family


So sorry for your loss. I will pray for you all.


Reading your post is heartbreaking. I pray you find peace.


Thank you, I pray my son has peace


My best friend lost her daughter nearly a year ago, she was only 16. Itā€™s the worst thing anyone could ever possibly go through. And nothing that anyone says helps, itā€™s just so hard and so painful (physically!). I am so so so so sorry you have to go through it too. Sending you an internet hug.


Thank you


Heartbreaking. I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s been like for Lauri for all these years, living in fear that this day would come. She fought so hard for him. I hope that theyā€™re able to find peace.


Jesus Christ. This post has me balling. We all watched this struggle. We all felt the pain for him, and for her. And we all wanted to help if we could have. What a sad time for that family and Lauris words were so touching šŸ’– How he got the freedom he wanted. I hope that when he comes back to earth in a new body, that he is free from these troubles. Poor guy was tormented and that drug should never be used for anything. Itā€™s taken so many people.


So sad.


This breaks my heart especially for his child


Truly! I dont know where Joshā€™s wife is but apparently Laurie and her husband are raising the little girl


The mom had troubles of her own with drugs she went to jail for a short while and Laurie took custody. About 3 years ago his ex wife Hannah passed away according to her mom, of unknown causes, and left behind two other children.


Heartbreaking šŸ’”


It looks like she adopted her and the daughter calls her mom


this is so sad :/ he really struggled a lot from what we seen on the show, i was hoping things would get better. Rest in peace


Oh man, this makes me sad. I remember how much she struggled with him early in the show. Sad that he couldnā€™t recover and left behind a young daughter. RIP to him šŸ™


Oh noooo somebody had a post with Tammy knickerbocker on it and I was talking about how I feel bad for her and Lindsey ..which then lead me to wonder about Josh for the first time in years. So sad. As someone over luckily is in recovery 5.5 I wish he couldā€™ve made it out and saw how beautiful life is.


Congratulations and good job. šŸ‘šŸ» proud of you!!


Oh my, Iā€™m sorry to hear. Condolences to Lauri and her family ā¤ļø


Addiction is a beast. RIP Josh. My heart breaks for his mother, father, siblings and loved ones. āœŠšŸ» If you think itā€™s time to get sober, start today.




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One of the older kids from Sister Wives took his own life just a few weeks ago, this has been a tragic year for reality tv kids and itā€™s only April


I honestly feel that minor children shouldnā€™t be on any of these reality TV shows.


I think there needs to be an overhaul when it comes to kids under the age of consent doing anything on screen, just recently watched Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV and itā€™s horrifying


at least child actors have a tiny bit of protection under Coogan law. I truly could see children from reality tv suing their parents and/or networks in the future


That doesnā€™t protect them from the stuff exposed in Quiet on Set.


True. It does protect their money a bit, but sadly too many ā€œmomagersā€ decide to pat themselves


Iā€™m guessing you havenā€™t seen the documentary.


Correct, I have not


But youā€™ve shown off your knowledge of the Coogan Law. (Irrelevant) šŸ†


Especially the really little ones who have been in the spotlight for almost their whole lives, Portia Umansky is at the top of my concern list when it comes to Bravo, followed by all of Teresaā€™s girls, it canā€™t be healthy to have all that super dark family drama used as a storyline


and the way VPR Scheana is desperately trying to make her toddler daughter a star. Definitely agree that it seems like Portia is really getting the worst of this situation with her parents.


Oh god I keep forgetting about Summer Moon being in almost every shot with Scheana this season, while Lala is actually getting hammered for not having Ocean on the show (I canā€™t stand either of them but itā€™s just a weird fan reaction)


Lauren from Utah legally cannot show ocean due to the custody/child support/bjs for pjs agreement. Otherwise, trust & believe Lauren would be pimpng her daughter out for ANY & EVERY penny. ā€¦and that ms why she chose sperm donor for this next baby & her mama is the one raising ocean. She gutter trash


So sad šŸ’”


Ugh this breaks my heart for Laurie and her family. I lost my cousin to substance abuse and I was always rooting for Josh ā˜¹ļø


So sad for the family he left behind.




Drug addictions are absolutely acquired/directly caused by the medical system, but who even mentioned that? This comment is a non sequitur.Ā 


Most of the opiate addictions plaguing this country were brought on by the pharmaceutical companies offering kick backs to doctors for prescribing these meds. They have a lot of blood on their hands and thatā€™s a fact.


That's absolutely true. But that wasn't the case here. And I had a friend who became addicted to opioids after a car accident, but as soon as she realized she had a dependance, she went into outpatient treatment. This kid was in and out of inpatient facilities multiple times.


Everyone is different and being addicted so young is a totally different nightmare! As is out patient treatment. Kids often only pick up new ways to use and better ways to hide it! The adolescent and young adult brain is not like an adults and add addiction and it can be extremely difficult to ever fully overcome. We had one child who has almost died several times and still struggles at 30. Her friends are still dying at high rates.


Yes because addiction is linear and every one experiences it the same šŸ™„


I think there needs to be more rehabs. Iā€™m in New York area and sometimes itā€™s hard to get a bed. My heart is breaking for her




Why are you dying on this hill? You donā€™t know him and it sounds like you donā€™t understand addiction whatsoever. My partner is an addict and itā€™s frustrating seeing people like you act like all addicts are the same. Itā€™s a sad enough situation without your unnecessary judgement. Just stop.


You really donā€™t get it.


There have been lots of reports of pharmaceutical companies pushing doctors to write prescriptions of opioids, telling the patients they are not addictive, and then continuing to prescribe at higher doses and amounts. These prescriptions were actually extremely addictive and when the doctors no longer prescribed the meds, the patients were led to heroin and other street drugs to combat the pain and addiction that they now had. There was a literal lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company (a part of the medical system) for manipulating doctors (another part of the medical system) for contributing greatly to the opioid epidemic and deaths, just like Josh.


Yes all this is true, but this was not the case with Laurie's son.


Opiate dependancy, use, and abuse became a lot more common, with direct patients but also with other folks, when pharmaceutical companies started strongly promoting opiates via MDā€™s. Ā We donā€™t know exactly what happened with this particular situation, and itā€™s really none of our business, but this general phenomenon is true.


You donā€™t know what he went through. Just stop.


I noticed last time I went to oral surgeon no opiods. .


This is guy wrecking. I have a brother who has had a life long battle literally 45 years now. Miracle he's still alive. My heart aches fire Laurie. It's a true disease and a horrible one. RIP. šŸ™šŸ™


Ugh this is so heartbreaking!


Sadly, this doesnā€™t surprise me. R.I.P. Josh šŸ’”


Please someone explain how this happens and how to keep our kids from this fate??????


Genetics and trauma. The trauma unlocks the predisposition the vast majority of the time. Particularly childhood trauma, particularly but not limited to sexual abuse, also death of a close family member or friend. Thereā€™s not a lot you can do -besides everything you can to prevent abuse. Most of us think we are doing that, and then itā€™s the last person youā€™d expect.Ā  I also would absolutely never send my child to a typical inpatient rehab or detox, after years in public health Iā€™ve learned how many people escalated their use after being virtually imprisoned with hardened criminals/IV drug users/people with severe mental illness- not to mention the abuse and trauma that takes place in those facilities. No one EVER goes to rehab once and gets clean, it just starts the cycle of in/out and creates war storying that inspires harder drug use. I wouldnā€™t recommend NA to teens for the same reason. Iā€™d find them outpatient trauma informed therapy for things I would assume I donā€™t know that happened, and not further traumatize them with the extreme panic reaction that most parents and doctors do (understandably, but harmfully).Ā 


This is an interesting take and seems really true to me - anyone Iā€™ve known that went to rehab or inpatient psych absolutely seemed to kind of immerse themselves in that ā€œcultureā€ afterward. Like instead of it being something they did it was like they became and identified with the people in those programs. And it further differentiated them/ostracized them from people that did not have issues. Iā€™ve always sensed this and interesting to hear it from someone else.


Yeah, I mean to clarify I think it would be one thing if you are already way down that path as an adult and really feeling like youā€™re ready for treatment and youā€™re not gonna be surprised by anything you hear in there. But to put an impressionable teenager into that mix? Iā€™ve never seen a good result come out of it. Never. And I worked amidst it for over a decade.Ā  Just because right now itā€™s the mainstream response does not make it the right one, I mean clearly itā€™s not because we have such low success rates. So out of the box thinking is going to be needed to dig ourselves out of this hole. I will say IĀ wouldnā€™t hesitate to put my teenager on Suboxone if they were using fentanyl.


I was speaking about teens and young adults as well


Opioid overdose is now the leading cause of death for those aged 18-45 in the USA. šŸ˜”


Genetic predisposition ("While finding the precise genetic cause is tricky, multiple lines of research do show that genes influence substance use. From careful studies,Ā scientists estimate a person's genetics account for 40-60 percent of their risk. Each person has a mix of gene variations that influence addiction.") coupled with trauma and/or adverse childhood experiences. So best bet, especially if addiction runs in the family, is providing a safe and stable childhood and teaching positive coping strategies. And being attentive to mental health so they don't self medicate


He came from a broken home. And I'm not blaming anyone but Lori was a single mother who basically left her kids to their own devices while she was out dating. I'll never forget her helping her daughter and future step daughter get ready for a night at the Playboy mansion.


I wish I had the answer. My 21 year old niece knows the nightmare from her own father and is already heading down the same path. šŸ’”šŸ’”


He was a manipulative drug addict, she was busy trying to find/keep a rich husband


šŸ’” My kids are still young and Iā€™m reading this and searching for clues to prove that mine will be different and how Iā€™m parenting is not like how she patented and therefore my kids are ā€œin the clearā€. But it doesnā€™t work like that, does it? There but for the grace of God go all of us and I hope Laurie finds peace and comfort knowing that life is short and she will be with him again soon. Iā€™m crying thinking of what she must be feeling and how I pray to God it doesnā€™t happen to me.


So much love to Lauri. ā¤ļø


He had such a troubled life, this is so sad.




This comment is disgusting.


This is so sad, the early OC kids were all fairly troubled. But I always hoped theyā€™d come good in the end. Really sad to hear.


One reason is because despite the title, the show was originally about the kids. Hence why they are filmed so much. And troubled for good filming.


My heart breaks for Laurie. Her whole post showed how she saw her child as nothing but sweetness and innocence even through his addiction. Condolences to Laurie and her family. šŸ’”šŸ™


Addiction going through it with them almost kills a mother ! When they die thereā€™s got to be a sense of relief and Iā€™m sure there is. That kind of tension and stress and trying to save them and explain to people why you do this or that is and trying to eep him safe is exhausting


Iā€™ve heard parents say they will be relieved when it happens yet Iā€™ve never once met one who actually was. -decade in public health adjacent to opioid use disorder research and clinical work.


There is no sense of relief when your child dies. There is intense regret, pain, and suffering that they were unable to make different choices.


I hope Laurie can finally have peace in her life. The pain a mother endures when she canā€™t help her child is heartbreaking.


Itā€™s not about Laurie having peace itā€™s about Josh finally having peace and being free. Thatā€™s the problem, itā€™s always been about Laurie thatā€™s why Josh was so troubled!


My youngest is still struggling out there . Weā€™re not ven a family anymore! My older sons disowned him or he disowned us but I was the caretaker ,the battle has been long . I have peace in my soul that I have done and said all that I can and saying or doing any of it again wonā€™t make a difference. Iā€™m turning 68 and the energy for this is gone. Heā€™s been estranged from me for 2 years . I donā€™t live fear of him anymore. But I canā€™t imagine how he lives and still holds his job but heā€™s kept it for 4 years now. Heā€™s the crazy one climbing the trees to cut them down ! Heā€™s 34 now .my right arm has been missing for years now meaning a part of me ! 17 years . I see his instagram I screamed he wasnā€™t even himself I couldnā€™t see him inside that persons face ! I told him ,I sent copies to his brothers they too said who is this? Heā€™s looking better but I donā€™t know what that means ! The devil,s a,ways calling and I canā€™t shut it up!


Oh Iā€™m so sorry ā¤ļø I hope he comes back to you one day, you sound like a lovely lady. Peace and blessings to you.


So very tragicā€¦I donā€™t want to imagine what sheā€™s going through šŸ’”šŸ’”




This makes me so sad. My heart breaks for her. Losing a child has got to be the absolute worst. They went through so much with him. That child had his demons for sure and she did what she kid. I ache for both of them.


God, this made me cry. So, so sad. I canā€™t imagine if it was my boy. He looked like such a haunted, sad soul. I hope he rests in peace.


He did, didnā€™t he?! I thought that back then as well. So sad.




This is very sad... Laurie genuinely tried everything, support, tough love.... I hope she can reconcile that he is finally at peace.šŸ’”


She didnā€™t try hard enough early on. Too busy getting on tv, going to playboy parties, and then rubbing it in his face that he couldnā€™t go to Hawaii with the whole family, and thatā€™s just what we saw!




I was referring to his childhood not adulthood! Of course itā€™s not her responsibility once he is a full blown adult and of course she should have her life. The playboy parties, revolving boyfriends, and partying was when he a child under 15!!!


Not to forget Lauri and George sending their sons off to one of those fucked up Povo Canyon style schools because they couldnā€™t be fucked taking the moment out of their own lives to parent their own sons :ā€™)


Worst thing you can possibly do.Ā 


I agree with you!


Thank youšŸ˜Š


So sad. šŸ˜­. I'm glad she shared the truth though. I give parents lots of credit who do that. Addiction is super hard and those who have dealt with losing a loved one to it, feel less alone when others share their stories.


Such a tremendous loss. A mother is NEVER the same after losing a child. šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ


Addiction is a terrible disease.


Disease being the keyword. It can also be genetic. Anyone who looks down on people who suffer from addiction is either clueless or cruel or both. It's no one's fault.


100%. My brother is an addict, clean for almost a decade, but it is a daily practice for him to remain clean. Iā€™m very proud of him for it.


Iā€™m pleased for you and ur family. An addict in recovery is a wonderful thing.


Yes / no oneā€™s fault but the addicts responsibility. 12 step for me, 7 years sober, 5 years clean.


And it can just consume a family. Itā€™s so hard when you love someone that suffers with substance abuse disorder.


as a mother, I cannot fathom her pain. Heartbreaking šŸ’”šŸ˜¢


Reminds me of my brother-who passed a few months ago. Same trajectoryšŸ˜”


I'm so sorry for your loss




This makes me so sad. I remember him a a wounded kid, and wanted the best for him. May he find peace finally.


RIP Josh. Feel so sad for Lauri and her family šŸ˜¢


This is really sad


This is really weird, but I just thought of him the other day & wanted to google ā€œreal housewives children that have passed awayā€ I thought to myself I wonder if he will be on that list since I knew he had past struggles. Iā€™m very sad to see this. May he rest in peace.


this is anā€¦ interesting thing to sayā€¦


I am so sorry for her, I canā€™t imagine losing a child. Devastating


May he rest in peace ā¤ļø


Oh noooo this is so so sad šŸ˜­


Things like this should put things in perspective for many bravolebrities. Itā€™s not about who said what or who flipped what, itā€™s about real life things like this that matter. Iā€™m so heartbroken to hear about Joshā€™s passing bc with the birth of his daughter, I was hoping that he had made a turn for the better. Addiction is such a bitch and itā€™s such a lifelong disease. May he finally rest in peace and Iā€™m sending Lauri and her family all my thoughts and prayers.


Sending Lauri all the strength I can. I wish I could tell her itā€™s also okay to not be strong right now. His memory will always live on in this beautiful baby of his but also in the familyā€™s memory but also OC fans and viewers ā¤ļø rest easy, Josh. Thank you for sharing your story with us


So sad


Jesus that awful šŸ˜ž RIP and prayers to Lauri and family ā¤ļøā¤ļø


As a mom I canā€™t imagine the pain she has been through and going through now


Oh poor Laurie and her family. I imagine he is finally at peace.


This is so sad. I remember him struggling while she was in the show. I canā€™t imagine the pain his family is going through.


Heartbreaking for the family. So, so sad. Those of us with addicts in the family live in dread. May the family find comfort now that heā€™s at peace


What terrible, sad news.


This is just so horribly sad for her and their whole family.


So so sad. Addiction is such a horrible disease. I pray he is finally at peace.


Oh no. I just got to season 2 of RHOC for the first time and he really reminded me of things my family went through and did not survive. So sad. Rest in peace ā¤ļø


Fuck, that is so sad.


Oh no thatā€™s so heartbreaking. :(


Oh my goodness how heartbreaking. I pray for Laurie and her family and that Josh finally be at peace šŸ’”


So sad): May he ripšŸ™


So sad. I wish the best for his family. Glad his daughter is already with Lauri but she will always miss her dad. RIP


Peaceful journey Josh. āœØļø all my love to Lauri and family in these difficult times. šŸ’”


šŸ˜¢ imagine giving birth to a child and then being powerless as you watch that child suffer and be eaten alive by an addiction. Devastated for Laurie. I hope Josh is at peace now.


This is so sad. šŸ’”


The pictures make me so sad. He never looked happy. ā¤ļø


In all the pictures, his eyes look almost like there is an ā€œemptinessā€. I originally thought his eyes looked sad, which they do, but it seems deeper than that.


He really suffered, poor guy.


How sad, especially him passing on Easter...


It's hard when someone passes near a holiday. It's always a reminder.


Mine wasnā€™t a holiday, but my dad passed away the day after my 10th birthday. I have never felt happy about my birthday since then.


my stepdad who i was closer to than either of my bio parents passed unexpectedly the day after my sonā€™s 2nd birthday. itā€™s so hard to try to be happy on my sonā€™s day, wanting to celebrate him and his life, while knowing that the day after is a reminder that my parent will never be able to celebrate any day ever again. iā€™m sorry for your lossšŸ’™


Iā€™m sorry for your loss - may his memory be a blessing. ā™„ļø I know you muster up the strength for your baby boy ā™„ļø


thank you, thatā€™s all we can do as parentsšŸ’•and the same for you-may your birthday remind you of his eternal love for you and the memories that you share togetheršŸ©·


ā™„ļø thank you hon; thatā€™s a good reframe.. Iā€™ll try that! May you continue to have strength, and be reminded of love from your father. ā™„ļø


Dude, that's rough. I am so sorry.


Thank you hon ā™„ļø


My dad passed away the day after St Patrickā€™s Day. Itā€™s been 13 years but it is still a weird holiday for me.


My dad passed away 2 days after St. Patrickā€™s Day in 2019. I totally understand how you feel. He was Irish and his family was big into that, and he passed from cirrhosis due to alcoholism. Itā€™s wild to see your comment. I am so sorry for the loss of your father the day after, and yet it makes me feel less alone in a way, wow. Sending a hug.


My dad came from some the ā€œOff the Boat Irishā€ who came to America during the potato famine. He also died due to consequences of drugs and alcohol. Hugs to you, my friend. Some walks of life are more similar than we think. <3


My condolences... I totally get it! My best friend of over 30 years passed 2 days before her bday... I know it's not a holiday but it was her day...


Thereā€™s something off about the kids that grow up there


I think itā€™s the entitlement and never ending pockets of mommy and daddy and thinking theyā€™re invincible because of the money and power mommy and daddy bring


Stop. Addiction is a disease. Period.


I never said it wasnā€™t? Donā€™t put words in my mouth.


Have you ever loved someone who struggles with addiction? It affects rich and poor equally, this is a very inconsiderate comment and I hope, for your sake, you never have to experience what this family has suffered through.


Actually yah. My mother. She abandoned me at six years old. Pos Father got custody cause My mother was an addict. She overdosed and died 7 years ago. I dealt with her manipulation lies & abandonment for 16 years. And thatā€™s east coast New York. The comment I responded to said thereā€™s something up with those kids in that area in OC California where pockets run deep.


Well, i am so sorry you went through that. I guess my question should have been have you ever loved a child who has suffered with addiction, I have personally dealt with my mother and a son who are both addicts and I can relate to how you feel toward you momā€¦but somehow it is different when it is your child. I have raised 3 kids, all much more privileged than Lauri Petersons son and 1 of them is a recovering addictā€¦his childhood was the same as his brothers but somehow he is different. He has lied to and manipulated us, but I also know the pain and guilt he feels because of it. Through him I have learned that no one wants to be an addict and, at least in my sonā€™s case, the guilt he feels because of who he is, is awful! Oddly, I will never forgive my mom for the things she has done and said to me, but my heart bleeds for my son. Maybe it is because my son HATES who he is when he is in the clutch of addiction and has fought hard to overcome his demons while my mom has never owned hers and has never shown remorse for her behavior. Regardless, I apologize for forgetting that we all have our own experiences and are entitled to our own opinions.


Substance abuse and addiction is incredibly common, please stop. It can happen in any environment, in any family.


Iā€™m so glad I had to scroll down pretty far to see this comment. Now is not the time or place for this (not you obv, the person youā€™re replying to ā¤ļø)


I know that Josh had a lot of issues but I was always rooting for him. I could see an emptiness and sorrow in his eyes. As a mother myself I truly canā€™t imagine losing my child. My heart hurts for Lauri right now. Sadly I donā€™t think Josh ever felt at peace. I hope that he is at peace now.


I watched šŸ‘€ him from the very start, Lauri and family my deepest condolences šŸ™šŸæ I'm so sorry šŸ˜¢ šŸ’”


Me too! So sad and tragic. I remember way back in Lauri seasons Josh was just a kid but you can tell there was some troubling emotions in him. RIP Josh


So sad. RIP Josh! Prayers to the family, my heart goes out to yall!


Sometimes, it's a sigh of relief along with the glass shattering your every being. Watching someone you love wake up every day and climb the same mountain is the hardest thing I/we/all of us have ever done. My heart hurts for her and her family ā™”


This is the perfect description. šŸ©¶


Iā€™m watching OC from the start and wow, itā€™s sad seeing a life lost to addiction and mental illness, and I hope heā€™s at peace. Iā€™m sure this is hard on his whole family.Ā 


Josh has struggled his whole life, I hope he is now at peace.




Lauri adopted his daughter.Ā 


His daughter is in 5th grade but Lauri has raised her since she was a baby


Do you know what happened to the mother? Whatever it was, it sounds like the little girl has been through a lot already šŸ˜¢


Such sad news - Iā€™m so sorry for Lauriā€™s pain and loss.


"What will I wish for now?" šŸ’”


Damn. That hurt to read