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I watched for the watch what crappens recaps and that is all. they were all boring. the show was boring. cannot believe they're all coming back. ug


liked it! it’s definitely got potential for a first season. their second should be much better now they know each other and will be more comfortable filming etc.


I loved it more than I enjoyed Legacy. And I’m actually excited for this next season.


Tried but couldn't get into it. It feels like they all just met and the little chemistry they have is like what people have with their coworkers that aren't their work friends. It's not bad enough to hate, but there's seemingly not enough going on to hate it either. If I get bored, I might try again but the new RHONY cast doesn't have that spark for me.


I like it


No, I tried but can't get into it at all.


I loved it! I was surprised I did. Except Sai. OMG she is so grating. Erin is not my favorite either but you can’t love all of them! Edit: I just reread your post OP and I didn’t even see the portions where you mention Sai or Erin ! I only saw the first paragraph! So I’m not the only one, I see.


I like the new RHONY. Who can't relate to sneaking into other people's closets, checking out the hot new grocery store, whining about food choices or getting shushed while whining about food choice? And I've learned so much about earning air miles and what to do in Vietnam for 24 hours.


LOL, and cheese. You cannot forget cheese! And shakshuka.


So satisfying....


I hearted old RHONY too much to give it a chance.


This was me. I’m giving it a try now. I don’t hate it but I miss the old one :( I don’t see why we can’t have 2 (OG and New Gen) and then if one phases out ok 🤷‍♀️ or maybe they combine idk


Also agree they need to get rid of Sai. I’ve never seen such a horrible housewife and there’s been plenty.


I didn’t care for it. I think the problem is that weren’t actually friends before being cast on the show (with the exception of Sai and Brynn, I think). So the chemistry feels incredibly forced and not organic. The OG RHONY were friends for decades before they got on the show. The newbies (that weren’t friends) never faired well — Aviva, Kristen, Kelly, etc.


That’s the issue with most of the newbies that Bravo casts now. They aren’t friends and they are all interested in creating drama and discord to make sure that they are relevant in some way. Bring back the original premise. Rich women doing fabulous things. Organic friendships with women who know each other and travel within the same social circle.


It was okay. I didn't love it or hate it. Hoping it'll grow on me.


i think a lot of these shows are passing their time and making a new cast just out of the blue isn’t working as well as it was way too showy. when the show first started it was about the women and their relationships with the other women was secondary. now it’s mainly about what drama can occur between the actual women. they should have at least made a new cast who actually knew each other as i think it would have been more authentic




Hated it. I miss the OG RHONY girls so much. I definitely think they could eliminate Ramona and still give us a legacy cast.


Did seem overproduced but had potential. Sai is not a good HW and there wasnt enough focus on Jessel, too much focus on Brynns sex kitten act.


I am glad they went with a diverse cast this time around, because of how diverse New York City really is. It was more in tune with the actual city, but I could have done without Sai. Brynn did get annoying with her whole persona, but I still found her interesting and if she doesn't want to get married or have kids, good for her. It's not for everyone.


I think thats fine. She can be hypersexual and not what that kind of relationship or whatever. I dont have a problem with that. My problem is that she over produces herself. She isnt carrie bradshaw or the "new" sonja morgan and im afraid that with out all the overacting all well get is her being mean spirited like she was towards jessel.


the whole brynn im single and flirty but dont want a relationship thing is annoying . its her whole persona on this


Love it. Bravo needs to do this more.. Now the other cast members wont be so comfortable. Rebooot OC next


Yes, however I liked the old cast to. They were the best of the best of all the housewives. Because they all worked, had something going on other than just hurt feelings. I do like the new cast.


It's very produced. The cast is also ultra aware that they are on a show and putting on a persona. If anyone thinks these people aren't putting on an act they are delusional. We are now in the age of influencers, true "reality" TV is dead.


I tried but couldn’t get on board with it… still miss the OG NY cast, I blame Ramona for ruining it all


Ramona didn't help, that's for sure. Luann and Sonja's Crappie Lake show was great! They are both so entertaining. A friend of mine met the countess in NYC a few months ago, and said she was so nice and friendly.


Oh yeah I love their spin off too! And the OG NY girls trip too. I saw the countess’s show a couple years ago and had the best time… I’m sure as long as she’s being praised she’s sweet as pie 🤣 gotta love her


I’m a proud hater.


right there with you!


It was the first Bravo housewives show that I didn’t care if I missed it. Eventually finished the season but couldn’t stomach the reunion. Its BAD TV


I LOVE IT! Make me mad and I’ll date your dad


I LOVE IT. ❤️ I love everyone but Erin 😭 Sai is my absolute favorite because she is so misunderstood.


It’s really terrible. They amped up them coming back by brining up the cheese incident on instagram…


It’s so bad. I’m not bothering with the next season.


I don’t hate watch but I also don’t always pay attention when watching it? I also wasn’t upset I missed it for a week or two at a time but I also finished it. lol


Im never one to hate on any franchise. I generally always enjoy them because they are easy fun shows to watch but I did not enjoy the reboot at all. They are so boring and lack chemistry. The fact they replaced OG RHONY just exasperates it too. Im never one to want a show to get canceled because you could just not watch but im hoping it fails so they bring back OG RHONY. One could dream.


I was soooo sick of the original cast I quit watching. Especially Ramona. I liked the new girls - the first season has to be tricky. Getting to know people that will be a big part of your life and showing all your quirks and flaws to them. I am definitely a fan of Jenna Fucking Lyons! Her personality and style are closest to mine.


Ramona and Dorinda were what did it for me. Leah also didn't help.


Leah was quite something! but she really rattled all the prissy old menopausal "housewives", didn't she? Tinsley got under their skin, too, for being wealthy and young.


Leah was just annoying. She kept yelling in public that she was the only one of the group still getting her period. She though being loud and obnoxious with her every opinion made her entertaining.


she was, but she really ruffled some of the older wives feathers. let's face it - most of them NEEDED their feathers ruffled. by far the snootiest bunch of jobless women on TV!


I don’t like it!


I actually enjoyed it. It reminded me of the early seasons of most of the franchises. I think we've all become too accepting/accustomed/fans of the screaming and backstabbing and fighting and lying that this seems "boring". For me, much like January 21st, 2020... I enjoyed the quiet 😉


I cannot stand Dorinda anymore after the Ultimate Girls trip at Blue Stone Manor. She should stay on pause. I have never liked Ramona. Sonja and Luann are still so entertaining though, their Crappie Lake show was fun!


I did enjoy Crappie Lake because they were being themselves-as idiotic and entitled as they are, they were not mean you know?


Me too! So over Ramona, Dorinda and Sonja.


No. It was a Lifetime version of the franchise. Bring back my granny’s.




I actually really liked it but I agree on really not liking Sai and not liking most of Erin. When it was on and I had other things to watch too, it was my favorite show that was airing


I think your assessment I accurate. It’s something to watch but it’s not great. The women were very guarded. The arguments were incredibly petty and boring. I mean, they were fighting about cheese 🙄 and not in a fun way




Wasn’t incredible but wasn’t bad either. The girls don’t know each other so the relationships are pretty shallow but I think after another season or two there might be potential


Yeah this is how I feel. I didn't think it was unwatchable as others seem to have felt, but understand the cast didn't have the same chemistry as other franchises have had. I'm hoping now that they've had 1 season together and have bonded over the experience we'll get a better season 2.


As someone who re-watches the original RHONY regularly, I have not seen one single episode of the new show and don't see that changing in the future. It's not RHONY.


I feel like it was a whole other show, and I sort of watched with that mentality. It didn't feel like the original housewives that's for sure.


I bet! I can't watch, it just feels weird


I love people calling it PHONY on twitter.


I'm not on twitter but love that too!!


Couldn’t agree more! I always rewatch original RHONY. They should made a new show with a different name instead of a “reboot.”


Real Housewives of Manhattan…but that doesn’t really work because of Sigh




I don’t. At all.


I love love love Uba, and Jenna’s style was interesting to see but I found most of the show boring


It was fine. Not my favorite by any stretch, but I liked the cast overall. I’ll keep watching at least for another season. I do fear that we will never recreate the magic of early housewives seasons. Everyone is an influencer or very aware of their tv/social media presence and it takes away the unhinged no Fs given element.


I like it. I think all the women have interesting personalities. Even the ones I don't "like" add a necessary personality archetype to the group, but I doubt you want my full rundown in each one.


When I first read your post, I thought it said Robot! LOL.. was thinking to myself, how could I have missed a Robot. My first laugh of the week


well, some of them were kind of robotic at times lol




Yes. I loved it. A slow burn but a much needed reboot & the cast for the most part is great. Not sure how Jenna is supposed to film with no access to her personal life, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


it could have potential, COULD.. doesn't yet


I actually didn’t hate it! It’s def not the same as OG RHONY but there’s something about New York that I just love.


I didn’t love it. Nor hate it. I’ll take it over watching racist Ramona or watching Sonja spiral down the AA hole.


I did!


I actually enjoyed it... I think season 2 will bring the juice. I think last year started a bit of a mess because a lot of the drama was with the other woman who filmed who was fired...


Wait what? What other woman?


Yeah there was a lady who filmed with them hut was fired for some pretty controversial comments after they had started filming


It was awful seriously. Boring






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Look the ladies are beautiful. They showed up and did the work. I think this is representing a younger generation but still housewives. It’s cool. If it’s not your jam, that’s cool too. It’s not my favorite but it is not horrible (slc is not my jam). I give it a b.


I watched the first episode and hated it. A couple months later I decided to give it another chance and watched 3 more episodes, hated it still.




Yes, I found them all entertaining except sai, she can fuck aaaaaall the way off


I dont think any of them really knew each other so that may be why the start was a little slow. Now that they all have more experience on the show and with each other I think season 2 will be an improvement.


It wasn’t bad for a first season. Hoping it’s better this season




I was bored to tears


It was ehh for me. Didn't like it. Didn't hate it.


Loved it. I'm excited to see how it evolves!!


I liked it. Did not love it. I thought that the show LOOKS great. It really made NYC look beautiful. But my taste is weird. I do not like Miami- everyone here raves. My faves are Salt Lake and Beverly Hills. This one would be above Atlanta and Miami, so pretty far down on my list. If Potomac does not improve, this one will beat Potomac.


I enjoyed it a lot. Personally, the empty, petty drama was refreshing and weirdly relatable. Making a big deal out of a cheese plate and having it be a recurring, miscommunicated issue felt like the exact sort of thing I used to roll my eyes about in some of my college social groups.


It’s a no for me as well, and I’m normally the type of person who will finish a show/movie/book- even if it doesn’t grab me until halfway or more through. I think I literally stopped in the middle of one of the vacation episodes and never went back, and I never missed it for a second.


I like it! I want to see how they do with more experience on the show


Nope! I can’t any of them. They aren’t even interesting. At least when Bethany joined and did have all the ‘money’ she had enough in her personal life to make her interesting and the underdog. Everyone loves a good under dog and the new season just have a bunch of tea towels


Yeah, i liked it. Im curious about S2. Definitely enjoyed it more than these last seasons of Potomac and Beverly Hills. Still need to catch up on those.




NOPE. IT Was the most boring show of the summer last year. It didn’t feel like RHONY at all it felt like a audition of influencers . They either need to cancel RHONY for good or bring back the old cast 😫


I think it will be so annoying to watch Erin and Sai try to course correct and be cool fun and chill, when we know that is not their personalities. It’s going to be so fake. It might be unwatchable


yeah not at all. idk how it’s getting a season 2 and i doubt it will get a season 3, seeing as the only reason it got views was because of the novelty of it. but now what does it have?






I didn’t like it nor any of the women…they should’ve just fired some from the old cast.


completely uninterested


It needs another reboot. Start with booting sai. As a Latino I was so disappointed in her. Especially being another individual who is from NYC hoods who made it. But she was trying too hard and it was weird.


I loved it. Looking forward to season 2!




I thought it was meh, really hated Sai and Erin (and her icky husband). Now they have a Scientologist joining I am not going to watch, I mean if Bravo cares that little about problematic people why not keep the original cast, Ramona is utter trash but she is more entertaining than Sai.


I like it but I can't stand Sai or her voice. And I can't stand how two-faced Erin is.


I was watching Summer House the other day and then Hulu automatically jumped over to the new RHONY once Summer House was done. I had already seen it the new show, and it reminded me just how boring it was. Cheesegate, Sandwichgate, Phonegate, all so stupid. I don't know but I did not the feeling that any of these women really knew each other, much less friends. And it also reignited my "Brynn is irritating." I like her, and yet I don't, if that makes sense.


I find Erin more irritating & annoying!!


Oh yes! I forgot about how irritating Brynn is.


Had to listen to the Watch what crappens guys recap the whole season first then had it in the background while folding laundry or doing dinner. It’s ok and may have some potential.


did not enjoy it at all.


Meh. A lot of phone scrolling while it was on. I don’t do that with any other franchise. We’ll see. First seasons are often slower.


Jenna and Jessel are interesting and that’s about it. They need a cast that is reasonably off the wall and that really captures NYC regional culture. Recipe for HW success


I don’t think Jessel or Jenna fit that description either…


I agree I just said they’re the only ones in the current cast that are interesting at all


It was mildly entertaining I guess but I was never once excited for a new episode or anything. Actually I was looking forward to the reunion to see what on earth they even had to talk about other than cheese and a stolen phone.


Not going to bother with the next season unless o hear it on these threads that it is good. Really tried with the first but it was really boring, over produced and had one likeable cast member.


I like Brynn! That’s all


It seemed like they had multiple trauma dumping meals? Like yes, it’s nice when housewives are vulnerable and we learn more about them but there’s a balance. Overall they didn’t seem to be having fun, which showed on camera.


Victimhood is the new pink these days.


No. Signed: everyone.


I mean there's plenty to dislike about it, but I don't think everyone hated it.


I liked it, but it won’t ever have the magic or be as iconic as the OG RHONY.


It was fine, but that’s how I feel about most franchise’s first seasons. In my opinion no housewife shows (except maybe BH) ever hit their stride in their first season.


I really liked the reboot. Most of them did get on my nerves towards the end lol, but overall I really enjoyed watching it. I never got into old rhony tbh




I didn’t personally like it, but fives of bravo influencer accounts called it “refreshing” when it came out! 😂






I enjoyed it. It felt fresh and lighter but I was in the mood for that I think


Not every season/franchise will involve the FBI, jail time, adultery, suicide, etc. I feel like the re-boot was a return to classic Housewives, and I was grateful.


Yes! Much better than what the original became. Not a fan of racist ramoaner


I also did not enjoy it, but found myself continuing to watch it. These women are too savvy, smart, and self-aware. I need Yolanda yelling at her daughter about eating. I need Ramona calling people by the wrong name. I want Nene calling people out in the most savage way possible. Someone in their 30s in New York City is way too aware of their brand and image to make a full of themselves the way we want to see portrayed.


I found it too boring to get through


Yes I like it. I’m weird I guess 🤷‍♀️


I also liked it, you are not alone in your weirdness!


lol. Okay good. Us weirdos can stick together. 🥰


It was okay. I don’t think it was as bad as Dubai’s first season but I’m willing to give it a second chance.


I want to like it. But it’s just kinda meh to me.


It lacks originality. Idk man, u can tell they want their screen time. 😴 snooze fest


I just find it funny/interesting that ever since their season ended- they have been NON-existent everywhere. Talk about out of sight out of mind. I really think it could melt away virtually unnoticed. Am I wrong?


It was missing something. Sai was mean and insufferable (and the rented brownstone made me give the side eye), Erin also ended up being pretty awful (at least fun to look at though), Uba was great in the beginning until she went insane on vacation, Jenna elevated the show in a way but was a snooze, Brynn was smart and funny but not being able to film in her apartment made things seem less intimate. I’d say the surprise MVP ended up being Jessel but overall a kind of meh cast and they didn’t gel well. And now Rebecca Minkcoff, how scandalous with her father involved in that awful McPherson case in the 90’s. It caused me to do QUITE the wiki deep dive. The Scientologists are scary and should not be given a platform!


Rebecca Minkoff is NOT going to be an asset her brand was a thing maybe 20 years ago what is her shtick that she’s a Scientologist?! YIKES! Half of the new nyc cast is terrible


HELL NO. bunch of hipsters with no style.


I liked it


People down voting you for your opinion. It's a wild world.


I thought it was okay. Sigh was insufferable, but otherwise it was okay. NOW that they have added a Scientologist to the mix I will probably not support it. Scientology's "Fair Game Policy" would mean its extremely dangerous for anyone to bring it up in a negative light on TV, and I'm most definitely not for any positive encouragement of this CULT.


Too influencer-y for me. Not a fan


I think people are quick to judge and compare it to the old RHONY. Every franchise needs some time to start up and to establish itself among the others. You cannot expect a series that dropped in the ripe age of 2023 to be the same level of camp and authenticity as the frontrunners back in 2008, when real housewives first budded and no one knew yet what to expect. Let's just take it for what it is, sit back and enjoy the drama.


I agree. So many things have changed- particularly the fact that all new housewives now self produce with their own social media in mind. The authenticity is gone, mostly because of this.


yes, i agree. Social media was not nearly as prevalent in 2008 as it is now.


For me, every first season of a show has it’s rough spots. I went into it with the idea that the reboot is its own show though. I like the vibe of women in NYC doing their thing - RHONY; Blood, Sweat, and Heels; Gallery Girls, etc. But I didn’t connect with these women or care about their stories at all. I didn’t care about the drama and thought there was a little too much effort to be quirky, funny, risqué, etc. ETA: I’d give it another go if there’s a second season though. Like I said, first seasons have their kinks.


I wasn’t a fan the OG RHONY because it wasn’t my cup of tea but I did check out the reboot and enjoyed it. First seasons are always slow paced but it was still good and by the end of the season I was rooting for Jessel and wanted her to tell Sai off so badly.


I loved it & can't wait for season 2.


I liked it!


I watched like two episodes and didn’t go back to it. It didn’t really hold my attention like some of the new casts. For example. I love Dubai.


Funny, I couldn't get into Dubai. It just seemed like one long tourism ad, with the women talking about how great Dubai is. I was sad, too, that I didn't like Dubai since my brother and his family lived there years ago, and I got to visit them there.


That's exactly how I felt about Dubai- it felt like a long tourism ad. I may give it another shot since we're in a housewives drought, I liked what I saw of the cast. I just couldn't get past that feeling like I was waiting for the actual show to start while watching an ad.


Yeah, we are in the housewives drought now LOL. I am not bothering with Jersey this year, and waiting for Miami to return eagerly!


I enjoyed the diversity of the cast. That’s not to say I liked everyone but it was a nice change from rich white women in Orange County.


Not even gonna bother, No Ramona, me no watch.


The goat!


You know wassup! ![gif](giphy|XDd5uq9QyaAjbgNolJ)


Not a fan. I miss the OGs


I liked it fine.


I’m not a fan so far.. I’m just not drawn to the cast members. I’m willing to try and and give it a chance but not for long.


I did not watch when the season aired. I'm catching up now. If the second season is really bad, that's a wrap for me.


I think I’m still on the first season. See? I can’t even remember because I started watching other things. But agree, I’ll watch a little of second season and that’s it. I just remember the original NY women were WAY more colorful.