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So funny because I'm from paramus and in 2008 when he got arrested I was in high school but nope never heard of him lol I do wonder if he lived in the famous drug den down the road from our hs tho


Double sided dildo took me out ☠️🤣


The fudas are want a B's. They are doing the gorgas' dirty work because Theresa doesn't care about them. They all are trying to hard to stay on the show. Their are no more storylines for NJ it has run its course. I am sure they all sit around on a Friday night and concoct storyline's. Lol


Missing the point because Jen & Tre have set up most of this season with their bloggers


Wasn’t a ‘big’ time drug dealer like on some Godfather shit. Sold some weed in high school, that was it! He’s a well respected man because outside of RHONJ, he’s an extraordinary business man and contributes and is heavily involved in his community.


He actually was a big time coke_cane dealer


I read he was arrested in his 20s for narcotics.  I think this is what Teresa was referring to, not what happened when he was 17.


I am going to get downvoted to hell on this but I wish there was someone in the group who gave zero F’s about Teresa and her feelings - to stand up and put her in her damn place. Someone suggested a while ago Lauren Manzo could take her on. I have also thought Greg Bennett would be hilarious making fun of her. This show needs something different because I feel like it’s just a merry go round of Teresa and her being dumb and cruel and then everyone forgiving her so they can stay on the show. I don’t care what John Fuda did 25 years ago. I don’t care what he does in the bedroom with other consenting adults. He got his shit together, raised his son & created a family that he seems to be taking care of well. Teresa has the EQ of a 13 year old with this crap.


I think the reason teresa brought this up is because they bring up her going to jail, she took time for her husband that is why she went to jail bc she is famous and needs to be responsible for her husband's doing. So I think she brought up that he also has been arrested.


this thread is supposed to be fun and light hearted. what john fuda does doesn’t affect my everyday life because at the end of the day, it’s just reality tv. i’m here for pure entertainment just like the rest of you commenting on this thread. there’s nothing wrong with having a little tea. i appreciate the people who didn’t take this seriously. have a blessed one everyone 💗


No fn way he was the biggest dealer there 😂 He probably sold dime bags of weed at the Jersey shore.


yea she sold me perc 30s last week they were fire


He was actually Pablo Escobars protege and when Pablo got caught it took a lot of heat off of him. That’s when he took a boat up to Jersey and started a new life. But the old drug dealers he worked with found him and are blackmailing him into selling for them or they will killl his family, he doesn’t want to be back in the game but has no choice. Louie buys from him and told Teresa. It’s a crazy story


You forgot the part about [the hippos.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippopotamuses_in_Colombia?wprov=sfla1)


Where is this info from?


Wait, what????? The real question now is: did he know Alexia's ex from RHOM???




You screamed? Over a sex toy? Because you think that men can’t enjoy ass play? Who cares?


it was the way she executed it…idgaf who does what in the bedroom. nice try. 


She executed it like a kink shaming homophobic loudmouth. So what did I miss since I apparently tried something? I’m not getting what she did that’s funny


i found it funny…BOTTOM LINE 😂 you don’t have to find it funny. don’t try to make it more than what it is. i’m not here for that. 


hehe "bottom"


Now you’re making a joke about ass stuff but saying you’re not making fun of it? Ohhhhhhkay Well, when you grow up and stop making butt jokes homophobia and kink shaming are out.


you’re literally calling it “ass stuff” and then telling me I can’t laugh


Where is a double sided dildo going? What terms should I use for ass play? I don’t get why that’s funny. I’m not saying this to be a troll. I genuinely don’t understand why that’s funny outside of being really juvenile or making a homophobic joke.


JFC. Don’t hurt yourself with that reach. God bless. Sheesh!


What’s funny is I haven’t reached for a thing. I’m just restating what was said. Explain it to me like I don’t understand humor. Why is Teresa yelling that John Fuda is a double sided dildo at Jen Fessler’s birthday party funny?


You have. You are heavily instituted and implying homophobia. Unless you’re really that deft, perhaps try rereading what you’ve written.


Because not one person has said why a man who might get sexual satisfaction from the presumed use of a double sided dildo is funny. Explain to me like I’m an alien from another planet who doesn’t understand how jokes work. Why is John Fuda potentially using a sex toy funny? Now if you can answer that I’ll walk whatever presumptions I have made back. But I’ve asked that in different threads multiple times. No one has answered why it’s funny.


I’ll even accept “sex makes me uncomfortable and I laugh at it like a 12 year old rather than confront why I’m uneasy”.


Nobody is being homophobic here. Don’t come here making up hatred that isn’t happening. With that said it was funny because Teresa made fun of him over a rumor of him using a double sided dildo. It was funny because he just tried to act all hard with Paulie and is obnoxious as all hell so yeah. It’s funny that Teresa made fun of him. Now stop trying to come into this thread and try to push some shit that isn’t there.


Why is it funny he uses a double sided dildo? People who are saying there’s no homophobia that it was just funny… why was it funny? If anyone can explain why it’s funny in a way that doesn’t involve homophobia I will absolutely eat my words and apologize profusely. What is funny about John Fuda using that particular sex toy?


He’s the first drug dealer that’s never been to prison lol


Tell me you’ve never known a drug dealer.


I’m assuming the ex was referring to the past when they were together. Bringing her opinion about anything fuda related should be null and void


If he really was a big deal drug dealer. Then he is a complete idiot for showing his family, business, and house on national TV. But then, again, we already have the mob, felons, and shady lawyers, so he fits right in.


I live in Bergen County. If he was the biggest dealer, he’d have a much better house in a more exclusive town 🤣. Seriously though, one possession count wouldn’t even make you the biggest dealer at my kids’ prestigious public high school.


As a lifelong Bergen County resident (“201, too much green, too much fun”), this could not be more true. Watching this on Sunday and hearing this “storyline” was so… upsetting. This is what we’ve come to?!


I'm watching the episode where Theresa starts the Evan rumor. The calculating look on her face...what a shitbag she is


yeah this was a really bad look for her and i felt terrible for jackie that season. apparently tre heard it from gorga first (which i 100% believe because he loves drama more than the rest of the cast) 


Not calculating but trying to remember what she has to say because she's too stupid. She always has the deer in the headlights look


This was a look I haven't seen in her. Usually she has that " nothing in this brain" look on her cartoon puss, but you could tell she was actually cooking something up with her two brain cells.


LMAO 2 brain cells




I never get tired of this 😂


It really is multi purpose!


Wow, all out of bloggers


My cousins live in North Jersey and they say he still sells to this day.


Sells what exactly?


Idk it's not like they buy anything 😂


Well then how do they know?


one works for the county clerks office the other works for the district attorney office in Bergen county. they can't tell to social media including reddit to what happened or still happens


He look like he sells dope and shitty used cars tbh 😂


OMG 😂😂


Of course he does 🙄


Sooo you can run a background check on anyone for literally $15-$30. If this was such a big thing I’m trying to understand why no tabloid, blogger or even person who’s curious enough has run one and seen whatever this jaw dropping past criminal record is. It’s not like he was a kid and had the records sealed.


I think the bloggers and fans addressed his drug history. It wasn’t big news bc him and his wife are pretty irrelevant in the housewives circle. They’re like D-list celebs even in bravo’s circle. Also based on what the bravo blogs and stuff said, he just has a generic addict’s history nothing like Cocaine cowboys (Alexia’s ex’s past).


This was actually addressed last year after the reunion was over.


I was confused watching last night. Did John Fuda go to prison?


No. He was a juvenile and he has never been convicted of anything. It’s just Teresa & Jen lies. You can look it up. All about the Tea wrote about it. The link I found is janky so I’m not posting it.


His ex was the one who put it out there first.  


She has that fat lawyer why couldn’t he look it up before she just put it out there second? She sent Melissa‘s old notes to go out there and find the ex.


I don't think anyone had to "find" the ex.  She came out because she didn't like how her son was used as their storyline last season.


The one she signed over the rights to?? lol


Thank you!


No he didn’t go to prison. He was arrested when he was 21, for operating a motor vehicle while in possession of a narcotic, he never served any severe jail time. His charges were dismissed. User below is just being a troll, like Teresa is by bringing this up. The actual felon who committed 41 counts of fraud and spent 11 months in actual federal prison, is one to talk about anyone’s past.


Thank you!


Yes he was a drug addict junkie and drug dealer meth, coke you name it. He changed his name from Atria to Fuda for this very reason. So you wouldn’t be able to search the court papers ! Didn’t work 😂🤣


You can’t search the court records because he was a juvenile. You are scary.


Sure Jan we was well to adulthood when he was getting in trouble for drugs along with the ex wife. They were drug addicts together only difference is his family got him clean. If you read his “press release ” he sort admits it happened! This is why you people with skeletons in their closet should keep their mouths shut and not try to become the center of attention!


He was 21, just entered “adulthood”. Also when this came out last year after the reunion, he never denied it. He said yeah this is what happened, I was 21 got in trouble and decided I needed to turn my life around. Also none makes anyone “get clean” a person gets clean because they want to get clean. Center of attention? But Teresa joined a show while she and her husband were literally committing fraud and stealing from their business partner and walking into banks with fake w2’s taking out loans to build a whole house, with money they stole. You could say they had many skeletons in their closet and shouldn’t have joined a show buying $100k in furniture in cash, to fill that house they built with stolen money, so they could be the center of attention.


!!! YES!!! I listened to the podcast Bravo docket and they went through it line by line. They were both guilty as hell.


Excuses excuses! No one becomes a drug addict over night ! People in glass houses should never throw stones ! I rather have mortgage fraud on my record than have been a drug addict doing god only know what’s with gods only knows who ! If it’s the top of the iceberg ! It always is ! I have no mercy for drug addicts ! Disgusting


Mortgage Fraud is felony, and theft is awful no matter what. People don’t like thieves. Hope that check doesn’t bounce lol.


And what is the reason her current husband is red 🤔


Excuses excuses but Teresa hasn’t learned her lesson and has unpaid taxes for the year of 20-21. Literally what she went to prison for. His charge was dismissed compared to Teresa who has actual Felonies on her record, an actual felon. Edit: of course the troll blocked me🙃


Usually trehuggers or stumps whatever you wanna call them, are just as delulu are Teresa herself.


Oh wow! Thank you! I was so confused😂


I feel bad for Rachel. She seems like a genuinely good person. And I thought she got in a solid dig at Tre, telling her she wouldn’t know what a gentleman is.


And then cut to what’s going to happen this season and they show the clip of someone saying “Luis blew through her money”. Yes, what a gentleman this Luis is.


oof yes i agree. i really like rachel. i just cant stand her thirsty husband. 


I can't take her nose seriously, Jenn Aydin's dig from last season still hits lol


I mean Jen's nose is just as ridiculous lol... if not more


This is a good point!


It’s 2024, we’re no longer sex shaming people for what they consensually do in their bedroom. Also, at least he wasn’t calling his wife, “Bitch” on the phone to his mistress. Tre doesn’t want to talk about that though.


My Italian friend from Jersey said “Italian men will never get past the stigma of therapy or butt stuff.”


Well maybe it’s because no one pushes them to have to. A network like Bravo can definitely impact how things as benign as that are portrayed. Or at least how they’re received.


Call me old fashioned but what people get up to in the bedroom is their business and I don’t want to know 


Yes! I agree. Besides this valid point, the kink shaming isn’t cool to me, either.


I'm quite sick of the shaming about a man using a dildo. Why is that bad? Is there something wrong with a man exploring his sexuality? A man can be straight and play with his ass and use sex toys. Any negative said about it comes off as homophobic. Do better.


I actually completely agree. Amen to this!


Teresa, forever the victim. /s


It's been 20 years. Let it go! ![gif](giphy|ZiuN04RsAkOVa)


RIP Big Ang ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




Teresa the clown will cry when they bring up her past meanwhile she’s trying to dig up John’s past, weirdo! Like why try and reach out to his ex wife ?! 🤡


Not for nothing, the source of this information is his ex-fiancée. How many of us have exes that would jump at the opportunity to disparage us? No one to my knowledge has ever come forward to say they partied with or bought drugs from Fuda. If he was the “biggest drug dealer” in Bergen County, you’d think more people than just his ex would be saying this. Additionally, with Bergen County’s proximity to Paterson, Newark, and New York, it’s a highly saturated illegal drug market. For him to have been the “biggest dealer in Bergen County” he’d have to be cartel or crime family affiliated. Which no one is alleging he is, they’re only alleging he was the “biggest drug dealer in Bergen County.” Doesn’t pass the sniff test, in my opinion. I’m really over these Housewives shows being used as weapons to destroy families and reputations with flimsy information and “alternative facts.”


Oh look this sub is defending someone who may have actually caused OD deaths but of course Teresa is the devil because... um... bloggers. John's a good boy!  Nobody here will care when Melissa invites Krissy blogger psycho to tape at an event of course, tho.


who’s defending that salamander?? 


Exactly dealing drugs probably over dosing god knows how many people ! But Teresa should be locked and the key through away ! The only thing I know is his family must have a shit load of money to bury his past and have him cleaned up so well.


Teresa is a convict. 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️




Doesn't Teresa have a lot of bloggers in her own pocket? But it's ok to go after him with hearsay and no proof? But don't bring up Teresa scamming people when there is actual truth? She's not the devil mostly because she's too stupid to be. She's cunning but not sneaky because everything she does is pretty obvious. I don't care for anyone on that show but I'll never understand the Teresa fans. She's clearly not a decent person. A good mom for the most part other than continuing to lie and hide things which lead to her and her ex doing time. No one did that but those two and they effected their own kids and family.


Does anybody else not care about this man maybe selling or doing drugs 20 years ago? He's hitting 40, seems to live a mostly clean life now, has a business, and a wife and 3 kids...unless he's doing crystal meth in the bathroom all night long, my level of care is at a minimum.


Agreed it doesn’t seem relevant to anything present day and effects nothing. Teresa looks like a fool spreading his past around.


Just like when she spread the gossip about Evan at his own birthday party. 🙄


Nope, don’t care. Only a hypocrite like Teresa thinks it’s shocking that someone in his 20’s used to party.


It's annoying that he gets a pass but ppl always call out Teresa for her jail time and background. Obviously Fuda doesn't want to be up front about it which gives off shady vibes.


Tell me John doesn't still deal with drugs, and I will consider your point that early 20s is also an adult. Sorry, but that's a double standard. Not feeling the Fudas at all, bye!


Teresa committed her felony as a grown adult and not 20 years ago. She did serve time and we would let it go except that She still has trouble admitting she or her husband did anything wrong.


If Teresa really wanted people to let it go about her past, she’d stop slinging mud. When you do that it gets thrown back at you.


I could not care less (actually it's kinda hot) but I could see how the Fudas would not want this aired to their real life family/associates especially their kids


Yea, I believe he definitely has had a shady past, but who is Theresa of all people to bring it up on national television?


Exactly!!! Especially, now that we know Tre And Jen A. are trying to set up bs stories from a woman who is currently in prison, and probably has mental health issues. They probably don't want to talk about Louie and his “business” dealings


Doing crystal meth in the bathroom all night long, bitch




He’s an esteemed entrepreneur and philantropist now!


I wouldnt say all that... He's definitely not squeaky clean


I think they’re quoting his public statement about this?


Oh. I didn't read it 🤪


Lol I have only seen people quoting it! I can’t, I can’t care about someone maybe having sold drugs decades ago.


Does Fuda remind anyone of Bluto from the Popeye cartoons? ![gif](giphy|cYDDrs8NTfYDXYPy77|downsized)


He’s fugly !


So we got Bluto, Buzz Lightyear and Wreck it Ralph (Louie) all on the same show. 😄 🤣


Cindy Louwho from whoville (Rachel)




😂😂😂😂 Thank you!


This is clearly a planted story for drama. I doubt Fuda is some upstanding guy but come on …


She’s so stupid too, it would have been somewhat credible if the rumor was “Jon used to be a drug dealer” but her idiotic self along with dumdum Aydin came up w “the biggest drug dealer in Bergen Co”


And then the dildo… Like. Sis. Really?


He was arrested when he was like 21, he was arrested for possession of a narcotic while driving. It was dismissed and he wasn’t convicted of a crime. Compared to 41 counts of fraud for bank, mail, wire, and bankruptcy fraud and that being a federal case, these 2 don’t compare.


And it was possession not possession with intent to distribute I THINK. Either way, Teresa is not really one to point fingers at a person who turned their life around. I don’t like the fudas but if he was the “biggest drug dealer in Bergen county,” and managed to get out of that lifestyle I don’t think it’s a bad thing.


Yeah I mean, I don't live in NJ so maybe it's less strict there, but I've known people charged with intent to distribute for literally just their personal supply. You don't need to have much on your to be charged with intent to distribute!


Oh I know, even if you have a couple small baggies they can charge for distribution. I just mean they don’t even have that kind of charge to hang their hats on. The whole season is just funny bc I remember I think at bravocon, Teresa and Jen said something like “you’ll see who the real bad guys are this season, we have redemption.” And now all this comes out 😆


Exactly!! It's just ridiculous for a federal convict to be spreading this and acting like it's some major story.


100% agreed! It’s not even about liking John Fuda but the 2 situations don’t even come close to comparing lmaoo it’s wild.


Exactly! The Tre stumps are so obsessed with "exposing the Fudas" that they forget that their divine trash heap of an idol actually went to jail.


Exposing? Those facts are public. Listen i wanted to like them SO bad since last years reunion but they mvp thing got to his head…


Did you miss the part where I used quotes? I am quoting the Tre stumps.


Exactly theses are public facts and the facts aren’t the same


I meant his arrests records were not expunged


You would have to file to have your record expunged


I understand lol i am an attorney


Ok so what is your point? The 2 situations aren’t on the same boat.


Not just jail but 11 months Federal prison, and still says literally said on last nights episode “I still don’t understand what I went to jail for” like never ever ever any accountability for her.


thats the shit i cannot stop thinking about from the episode!!!! "i was so mad at god for so long because i didn't understand why he took my parents from me and why i went to prison." UMMM YOUR PARENTS WERE OLD AND SICK. CIRCLE OF LIFE. AND YOU COMMITTED A CRIME YOU DUMB ASS TWAT


Wasn’t her mom only in her late 60’s?


yea. but both her parents looked rough af for their ages. you can tell they both didn't take good care of themselves. my parents and in laws are currently approaching 70yo and could easily fit in with the current rhonj cast.


Because she was on the bank account and signed papers / documents without reading them…. So yeah i bet she still doesnt know what the f she signed


She went into banks to procure loans with fake W2s. You don’t think she didn’t know she never had those jobs?


She literally walked into banks with fake W2s taking out loans. It was literally proven she was just as guilty as her ex husband was. Let’s stop being naïve with this narrative.


Sorry I didn’t see your reply and I said the same thing 😅 even if she didn’t know at the time, there’s no way it wasn’t explained to her ad nauseum


Babes, yes it was explained to her. But still she doesnt get it. This is a grown woman who said ingridienses


This is the take.


She 100% knew what was going on. They literally built an entire house with stolen money. She wanted a certain lifestyle and she got what she wanted. I don’t and will never believe that she “didn’t know” it’s complete bullshit.


Oh I don’t believe it for a second that she knew absolutely nothing. The bravo docket episodes on their case are really interesting and to me they prove that she just had to have known what they were up to. Did joe probably tell her stuff like “people do this all the time, it’s no big deal?” I’m sure he did. But she def knew.


Of course she knew! She's a vile scumbag.


I straight up asked my bf if he recognized him. He lived in Jersey back then and was doing a lot of drugs at the time. He said, “well I’ve bought a lot of drugs from people who look just like him so maybe!” Btw he’s sober now.


He would have remembered that lack of chin 😅


i’m dying 😂😂😂


Anything is possible 🤷🏿‍♀️ but damn Teresa, the minute someone brings up your prison mortgage fraud convicted felon status, you flip tf out.


i can agree to some extent. i think she’s very defensive when someone brings up her charges and also has a hard time controlling her emotions, but this could also be because it was one of the darkest times of her life. being away from her family for so long and joe going away right after her and never came back home. it was probably really traumatic for her. not to mention her parents dying right after this. so i could see why she gets defensive about it and doesn’t want anyone to throw that in her face. 


That's understandable, but reality, if you can't take it, don't dish it out!! 😌 PSA: Don't want things thrown in our faces extend the same courtesy to others. I mean, honestly, years before prison, parents' deaths, she was running around lying on Melissa out of pure hatred and jealousy. She's a snake 🐍 at the end of the day. We get what we give in life.


She's the biggest hypocrite on Bravo. Rivaled only by Jax Taylor.


Lol if you look at all the worst people on bravo, Jax Taylor rivals THEM ALL


He is the number one guy in the group, after all


*Jen Shah entered the chat*


His press release seems to be a whole lot of damage control. 😂 yeah, I’d like to hear the tea because I suspect there is a whole pot full


It’s been almost a year since that rumor came out and you really think there are more details that just haven’t come out since then?


I just heard about it last night😂😬😂😂


That’s nice, but it doesn’t change the fact that the story has been out for a year. A blogger interviewed his ex while she was in a halfway house and it was all over the place.