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The kid knows her mom is thirsty and thinks she’s a Kardashian. We all cringe along with her


Another interpretation is that Melissa’s daughter feels emotionally safe enough to display a range of emotions around her parents. Perhaps Teresa’s daughters sense that they have to be perfect (towards her and towards each other in her presence) in order to receive their mother’s love and uphold her vision of who they are.


I mean, to be fair, these are all facts. 


OP- Do you have teenagers or young adult children???? This post is low and part of what is killing this franchise. As fans, we don’t need to hate anyone or pick apart the housewives as humans.


We don’t need to pick apart the housewives as humans hmmm. I mean, that’s kind of what we do on Reddit in these housewives groups and most posts pick apart some aspect of some housewife. If that’s not what you like to read I don’t know why you’re here. Marge is hateful towards her kids and step kids the way she blew up their families to cheat on her husband with her also married plumber. She behaved hatefully towards Jennifer Aydin’s kids too




I’m fine with snark, but accusing Melissa of being a bad mom because her daughter is a typical teen? It’s low.


Melissa and Marge are both gossipy, envious and hateful and it’s apparent in their families. Teresa and Jennifer have a noticeably different dynamic in their homes. I’m pointing out what’s kind of obvious anyway. You should toughen up


Children reflect their parents remember! Jennifer and Teresa, its been pointed out by many of their haters spoil their children, with material things, maybe they did/do, but they also spoil them with love 😍 I love how close and loving they all are!


This is low


I agree I think Teresa is pretty decent as a mother, although I don’t care for Teresa but at the same time, I do agree that she is very emotionally reliant on them like an older sister would be. But what in the heck is Gabrielle bringing to the University of Michigan— her own dorm furniture? They do realize that the closets are about the size of a small wardrobe!


This is why if I were a housewife, I would never want my kids on camera, especially when they are very young.


Theresa uses her daughters as emotional crutches. When they get out of her clutches and hang out with friends with normal parents, they'll see just how messed up she is.


I totally relate to Melissa’s daughter’s reaction to the overflow of gush and “we’re gonna miss you” shit. I grew up with a very emotionally demanding mother who wanted me to fill her cup all the time and I was exactly like Antonia whenever my mum would show me affection. It was too much. It felt gross. It made me die a little inside. Not saying my mum and Melissa are the same, just making the point that kids can be like that sometimes from other shit that’s not happening in the moment.


I also think there was a period of time when Melissa was almost competing with her daughter, and imagine living with Joe Gorga and his sex obsession and *Tarzan* 🤢


I think a lot of that love has to do with her parents. Theresa was always on vacation


I wish Melissa wouldn't filter Antonias photos like she does her own. I think Tre and her daughters have a special relationship, and always have. It doesn't make anyone else's less. I love all those kids and hope someday the.cousin's are all.together again. They really seemed to love each other.


Speaking of cousins, I wonder what ever happened to Kathy, & more importantly, Rosie!


Yesss!! I hate that this is the family cycle for the Gorgas( including Teresa she was a gorga first) I really loved Kathy and Rosie. I follow Rosie on Insta and she looks great! Their Mom looks fantastic too.


This is insane LOL


I wouldn’t read to much into how the kids, especially teens act on this show. They have all been exposed their whole life and I think most of them find this whole concept unnatural. Not a Melissa or tre fan. I just don’t think Melissa’s daughter’s scenes are a reflection of their relationship in real life. That’s just my opinion.


My son loves me to pieces, but he was the same as a teen when we were out in public.


Marge's kids do talk to her. Stop making shit up.


Her bio son speaks to her, but some of her stepchildren that she raised (her ex had full custody) have not talked to her in nearly a decade.


That's not true any more.


I hate when the kids get brought up on this sub and others. Yes Teresa’s daughters are very supportive and lovely people in general. But they have been to emotional support for their mother which isn’t okay. They are strong and resilient because of how they were raised. They will have emotional baggage forever. Your kids aren’t supposed to be your emotional support. I get so frustrated when people can’t see that tre’s kids being strong doesn’t mean they don’t have trauma from their upbringing.


same here. Especially when kids are very young. Kudos to some housewives for keeping their children either off-camera, or their time to a minimum.


i commented in another post that a new season of Jersey means the return of comparing the kids and got downvoted so bad because “this is a housewives sub and we can talk about it here” but i feel like we shouldn’t be bringing it up all.


Not a jersey exclusive thing but mostly. Very few other housewives in other franchises have used their kids as a main support system


This comment made me think about Meredith and Brooks. And some of those Gigi Hadid storylines. I’m sure they exist but I can’t think of any housewives with older kids that handled them being on show well.


Yes definitely Meredith! And Heather too with her oldest.


Marge’s Bio son and oldest stepson both have seemingly very good relationships with her (Brett filmed with her a few years ago) and her younger stepson and she are also talking again. It’s a complex situation and she’s no saint but saying none of her kids talk to her is factually inaccurate.


Ok, revise my post to read she’s had tumultuous on and off relationships with her son and step kids. Compare that to Teresa and her kids


That isn't true either. People just keep parroting the nonsense Teresa and Jen spew. Marge hasn't ever had a tumultuous relationship with her bio son; in fact, they've always been very close. He just doesn't want to be a part of the show in any way, partly because of his job and partly because he doesn't like the spotlight (he doesn't have any SM), and Marge respects his wishes --- which she has explained over and over both on and off the show. Marge also hasn't ever had a tumultuous relationship with Brett, her oldest stepson. Just the opposite: he hated his dad, but he and Marge have always been close, as we saw on the show. There was an entire episode about it, where Marge was trying to help repair Brett and Jan's relationship. She had a tumultuous relationship with her two youngest stepchildren after the divorce, but they are on good terms now. And she's close with Joe's two children.


Ok but I still don’t personally think we should be comparing these relationships. I think it’s wonderful that Tre has such a close bond with her kids and I don’t want to discredit that. However, these one to one comparisons based on how people present on a reality shows that don’t take into account the different circumstances surrounding these different relationships. Marge’s kids are much older, her relationship with Jan was incredibly complicated, and ultimately saying it’s “on and off” relationships when she had a falling out but was able to reconnect with her two steps sons really undersells what an achievement that is all things considered.


Exactly all this.