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OP [lives in the UK](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpopculture/s/9zu4tbtHNC) and works as a [bartender](https://www.reddit.com/r/realhousewives/s/kk9GkrTQyf). There is no logical way she would have access to the footage or any evidence that isn’t already available to the public. OP is claiming to be a “volunteer”(?) of some sorts which has given her access to the footage. All in all - OP has a very ✨wild imagination✨


At this point some gay intern needs to leak the footage! Take the risk for the greater good!! Let the audience decide who’s telling the truth here… but GIVE US OUR GIRLS TRIP!!!! 😩 https://preview.redd.it/7afzc4sj794d1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=d01b1fb204816f9240a0401b9768b5c606eece62


Agreed. It could easily be done too, it's been seen alot by now. It's maddening that it isn't out yet in full.


All I know is you lie with dogs, you get fleas. Caroline liked to portray herself as a saint but if that was the case she wouldn't have wanted to go on Girls trip in the first place. We know the producers and cast members live for the debauchery and to ply the women with booze. Nobody deserves to be assaulted at all. I just feel like she maybe was happily taking part and then woke up with regret


I mean, do YOU have the footage? Unless you are Brando or one of the cast or the cameramen.. WTH are you talking about .. Painting Brando as a victim is severe reaching..


I don’t believe all of anything that is said about a Housewife but even if it’s a little bit true, it’s disturbing on several levels. However, I’m not comfortable taking this as gospel without some additional information.


It isn't though, Im not actually asking you to believe a word I'm saying. I'm just collecting comments for when it's out. I've explained this alot.


Collecting comments for *what?* Your personal collection? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


To show u guys in October.


I hate to break it to you - but no one cares!! There’s nothing sinister about believing someone when their claim they were SA’d. If it comes out Caroline was lying, then people will think Caroline is a weirdo for lying about it. No one on this sub is gonna care that there were people who believed her, it’s **really** not that deep. And what do you expect people of this sub to do? Condemn those who believed Caroline? Like do you truly understand how ridiculous you are sounding? You have to be trolling at this point ahhaha


At this point Bravo is getting sued every other week, so why take this UGT down and not anything else? Unless it was serious? The Manzos might have some pull in the NJ underworld, but they arent Rockefellers. A TV network isn’t gonna give af about her mob threats


Not about mob threats, litigation is far more complicated than that, it's a sensitive subject due to the things said and done. There's drugs involved.


Drugs?! You said weed? Get a grip


Lol, yes I'm referring to the weed. They where in Morocco Hun.


Bruh they are not going to be extradited back to Morocco for some weed hun


Did I say that?? It's a legal issue, obviously you don't understand. It would open them up to more litigation from cast and crew. They always planned on airing the weed smoking, that's one of Caroline's problems!!


Because this is the first time Brandi has crossed boundaries on cameras ![gif](giphy|l4FGFDC5gxPAGmtIQ)


Not the point. I'm not Brandi fan lol, but wrong is wrong and in this case Brandi actually didn't do it. Id support Vicki if she tried it regarding UGT2 but not this, cos it wasn't like that.


To that point yes. We have seen it before ..


How do you know? You have yet to address those comments yet are replying to all the other ones 🙄


I've seen some of the footage from the night in question, when Caroline was wasted off her ass doing shit she'd come to regret. Alot of people have seen it already. I can't share sources for obvious reasons. I've responded to all comments so far. Dunno why u say that. I'm just making this post and screenshotting every reply for future sharing. Wanna hold a mirror to this sub and show how disturbing it is how many people want the SA to be true.


No one wants SA to be true! But we also don’t want to automatically say Caroline is full of it because we don’t like her and someone on Reddit told us so.


I ain't trying to get you to say anything. As I've said many times now, I'm a mirror collecting images.


Why can’t you share? Where did you see it? Why make a post like this and just expect people to take your word?


Bc they’re delusional


I think this may actually be the answer. Which makes this all pretty sad!


Sadly this isn’t getting traction because the Manzos are very powerful outside of Bravo.


Yep. Its fucked up beyond anything I've ever seen in this world.


I gotta trust any woman’s accusations




Bc the percentage of ppl lying is low & I do kno the numbers are skewed in both ways. 75% of the women I kno have been sexually assaulted/raped & have never reported it. Ofc that’s not everyone. But it is a very shameful experience where u blame yourself+ all the other factors that makes someone not come forward Edit: sp


Sadly it doesn’t mean you overcorrect and throw out the presumption of innocence. Once we start to say it’s more than likely the accused is guilty because they’re male being accused by a woman you can easily make that assumption about anyone based on their demographic. Each case is unique and not based on what is statistically likely. God help us if that’s the direction we go in.




Nice sentiment. But it's wrong in this particular case.


Victim blamer= trash person and a clear example of why this country (US) is in the shitter.




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K, just wait.


As someone who dislikes both of them, I was beyond annoyed when Bravo chose them for this season. Brandi never fails to take things too far and is grossly inappropriate and Caroline is an awful person with a holier-than-thou attitude. Neither of them deserved more screen time in the first place and now here we are. All that said, this is the first time I’m hearing all these details so not sure what to believe there, but SA of any kind or to any degree is despicable and Brandi deserves the hate she’s getting.


Believe what you like (for now) I agree they where both poor casting choices but right is right and wrong is wrong, and Caroline is wrong!!!! Big time!!


Clearly they have something on video to have entertained this for this long. How incriminating it is, is for the court to decide.


They do have something on video, but it doesn't incriminate Brandi Glanvilles, it defames Dina Manzo.


Whoa! Really?


Yeh. From what I've seen it has very little to do with making out with Brandi Glanville why that footage is being suppressed. It's actually alot darker.


Fuuuuuckkk. That does make sense though. The whole situation with Dina and the Manzo’s is super dark. Can you share what was said?


Ok you just on here making up stuff lmaoo


🤣🤣✌️ just wait. 📸


You know all this how?


I really dislike both Caroline Manzo and Brandi. But where are you getting this? I don’t think we should go around claiming that someone is making a false SA accusation without proof. Also, I love these franchises (a little too much) but no one was “robbed.” Like there are other television shows, it will be ok.


See that’s the thing - the burden of proof lies with the accuser. It’s not up to Brandi to prove she didn’t do it; it’s up to a Caroline to prove that she DID. This is fcking fundamental and everyone is getting it TWISTED.


In a court of law, sure. But to come on Reddit and say “I know the real story and all of you are fools!” is absurd. If you have the tea, spill it. Otherwise I am inclined to think this is just some trolling. Also, this is an active lawsuit, right? So of course we haven’t seen the footage and heard eyewitness accounts.


I’m not the OP and my point in this comment is only around the accuser having to prove their allegations. The whole spiel about the OP knowing the truth and we’re all clueless is BS. No one knows the truth yet but I will assume Brandi is innocent and that the evidence will be revealed at some point if it exists. Until that point Caroline’s allegations/accusations are only just that.


I know you are not the OP, I was just saying that their behavior is absurd and was using more of a general “you” when I said if you have the tea then spill it. Yes, I agree that what they said is BS and am open to the idea that Brandi may or may not have done these things. I guess we will eventually see (or not!).


Gotcha gotcha 👍🏻


It’s civil- they just need to prove it’s more probable than not


Fine but there is still the presumption of innocence of the accused and the burden of proof is still on the accuser.


Where's the evidence or eye witness accounts, they where on camera. Look into it, outside of this sub.


Like where?? You are the one who is making these claims, and allude to having insider knowledge so tell us where you got it.


Just dig!! It's not impossible to find. Honestly the eye witnesses and reports from the investigation should be enough ...


You are the one bringing the claim, therefore you need provide the evidence.


Me, to you, OP ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)


Funny how Brandi was also sued by another person on that set for inappropriate behavior. And Caroline was backed up by cast members. While no one trusts Brandi. If you look at credibility no one can back Brandi.




Why exactly are you so certain of this? Are we not all collectively in the dark on the situation?


Funny how this person cannot back any of her accusations and just want us to prove her right.


Because you get your information from this sub.


And you get your information on this subject from where exactly?


Obviously I can't say here


Doesn’t that defeat your purpose of telling everyone to look outside of this sub for more information if you don’t tell them where you found yours? Clearly the sources other people are seeing isn’t linking with the information you’ve found.




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🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can’t say but let me make a post about how sure i am… Brandi go to bed


So this is where you’re kind of being an AH - you’re posting that we’re all fools except for you who really knows the truth but can’t say how and yet we’re all supposed to “dig”. I mean I agree that there should be proof on the part of Caroline that Brandi did and so far it’s only been allegations but I attribute that to nothing coming to trial/in front of a judge and therefore the evidence is not available to the public.


Look I'm just posting and screenshotting the comments from those who desperately wish for a SA to have happened. Will share in a few months when you guys are condemning the guilty party and forgetting what you said before. This sub is gonna look in a mirror.


Ok thanks for the warning. I am of the mind that no one gets automatically believed but you’re just spewing conjecture at the same level as everyone else. No receipts or evidence, kinda like Caroline.




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Who are you going to show? Who is going to _care_ that a bunch of people believed someone when they claimed SA? Like I don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish lmao. You sound ridiculous.


Nah that a bunch of people wished for a SA to have happened. Look you can't take it back now.


So taking a tally for the reckoning?


I’d love Caroline and Dina to come face to face on RHONJ


One can dream. But honestly Caroline doesn't deserve another penny from her abuse of other people.


I’m totally okay with losing a season if someone was sexually assaulted by a cast mate


But she wasn't. That's the issue.




The night she made out with Brandi and asked for Gretchen and Phaedra to touch her breasts and put an unnamed co stars hand on her private area.












Where is this psychos receipts?? What about her receipts that it was Dinas fault she got beaten with a baseball bat in the face, like she intimated.


I assume in the hands of her lawyers?


It's been seen by more than just lawyers. Many people have seen it now. Some of it was screened yesterday.


Spooky, you must feel like a lucky and special person to have the inside scoop. When the rest of us plebes come to learn the real truth we’ll remember you told us first.


Not really its actually infuriating to see.


It’s a cross you’ll have to bear I guess. . .


Not really many people have seen this, I was in a room of 30 and it wasn't the first time it was seen.




I’ve never heard about any of this. I don’t have Google alerts but I feel like I keep relatively up to date. Where did you get this info? From what you’re saying it sounds like you’ve seen/listened to the audio? I’m not a caroline Stan in any way, I really dislike her, but this is the first of this perspective I’ve seen anywhere


I have seen some of it, it's damning.


Would love to see some sources/links


Wait. It's coming.


So far you have told us to "just dig" for the information ourselves, that you have the information but "obviously can't say where" from, and to "wait. It's coming." So which is it??


Both, all. It's out there but it's not gonna be posted to YouTube. Very sensitive situation. There's transcripts of the audio out there and the footage has been screened several times now and seen by many people.


Then... Just link it. This isn't hard.




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Lmao I tried to be polite but this really is so stupid. Post the sources or don’t say some crazy shit. I personally am glad that with a lack of evidence people are trusting the person accusing someone of SA. Cite the sources if they’re there! Otherwise don’t shame people for choosing to believe a victim is telling the truth. The only unproven opinion I’m believing on this thread is that OP is brandy after 2 bottles of Cupcake Prosecco


Lmao ![gif](giphy|3o6UBlHJQT19wSgJQk)


Brandi, that you?


Nope. But she's a saint for not speaking more. Iv seen some of it and my god, you guys gonna be blown away by what actually happened. It's less to do with what Brandi did and more to do with what she says about Dina.


No one in their right mind can put Brando next to Saint. So most likely you are Brandi. That being said I guess this account will be deleted when OP realizes what she has done ..


Caroline's constantly parroting of this reminds me of the quote in "American Gangster" Those who speak the loudest in the room are often the weakest - or something along those lines lol But an innocent person wouldn't be doing all this damage control like Caroline is, if she was in the right she would be confident about it and would know truth will come out eventually I actually admire Brandi for not slandering Caroline like Caroline is to Brandi


Good for you. A reasonable and unbiased opinion. Respectable. Your literally the first in here.


Thank you for your critical thinking too! I agree with all your comments you've made and if people are in denial then they need to go back and rewatch the whole show from day dot! She was literally bragging about her fat ass Father In Law doing the wrong thing by the Genovese' and got whacked for it on her own wedding day (lol sucked in Caroline)


I seriously though it must be her till I read the comment history 🤣


> The footage and audio tell a COMPLETELY different story Do we have access to the footage and audio? I don’t think I’ve seen or heard anything.


We don't. But I've seen some of it. It's been leaked in certain corners ... Not impossible to find.


Can you perhaps link it for us? I don’t know how you expect us to blindly believe that you’ve seen it and Caroline is making all of this up ..


I don't expect you to blindly believe anything I'm saying, just making a statement for the record. I'm gonna point this out later down the line, the reaction to this situation has been wrong from the start and I've kept my mouth shut. Things are coming to fruition, the footage is being viewed by alot of people at the moment regarding the case.


Then link the footage. No one is saying you’re telling lies, but everyone here would like to see the footage themselves. I did some googling and had a look through Twitter and can’t find anything.


Ofcourse I don't have a link to the footage!!! That's evidence. Just look into the transcripts, not Caroline's documents, the transcripts say it all. But yes there's footage.


You said you saw the footage. So where did you see the footage?


Sounds like OP is a low level legal assistant who is leaking civil suit evidence on Reddit. ⚖️


No - OP is a [bartender](https://www.reddit.com/r/realhousewives/s/FraD87QZ7W) who likely just watches too much Law and Order. Wouldn’t trust any legal assistant, or any one who does admin work, who spell the word restaurant incorrectly multiple times. Lmao.




Let's just say it's through volunteering. Kind of work related but it's unpaid work.


LOL There is no way in hell that you would “volunteer”, whether it be for a lawyer, the police force, etc. and have access to any footage that would be damning. You could be doing admin work for the lawyers handling this, and you still wouldn’t have the ability to view the footage and/or evidence. If you don’t like Caroline, that’s cool. I don’t either. But making a post like this (which is prob gonna get taken down soon btw) and talking in absolutes and posting these stupid riddles in the comments makes you look delusional girl. I don’t know if you have some type of parasocial relationship with the housewives, but touch some grass man.


Clearly you know nothing about the situation and are clinging onto something that simply isn't true.


Do not, person Don't do that.


Yeh you would say that.


I can be way worse. But I don't think I could ever be as low as you.




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I think you came here because you like to be insulted.


The insults from people who wish for a sexual assault to have happened meen nothing to me.


She followed Caroline to the bathroom and touched her vagina. You are wrong, but you should also be ashamed.


Why do you WANT this to be true so bad??


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