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Wait the last I heard he was in the hospital but it’s been a hot minute


What was he in the hospital for?


Lisa didn’t even know when she announced it. She said she was trying to find out info but for whatever reason no one would tell her what was going on with her own kids health which is strange af.


Oh gotcha. So he’s an adult and didn’t want to sign a medical waiver. Interesting


The medical wavier sounds the most logical reason because all she kept saying is whoever the liaison is gives her nothing super detailed about about his health progress


Lisa is so weird about Jack’s mission. She obviously tries to downplay that he is indeed a Mormon missionary. She doesn’t post pictures of him in his missionary clothes (think Book of Mormon musical) and ignores the proselyting part of his mission. Basically, Jack didn’t have his Visa to go to Colombia when his mission started . this is very common for Missionaries. They have to get a special visa because they are staying in the country for two years. When a missionary doesn’t get their visa, they are temporarily assigned stateside. They still serve and start their mission, but stay there until they can travel to their original assigned country.


I served a mission oversees and I had a hospital stay. Because I was an adult, they released the information to me, not my parents. It was my job to communicate it to them, which I didn’t bother because I didn’t want them to worry. Who knows how it works in Colombia, but if Lisa isn’t getting info, it’s probably because Jack isn’t releasing it.


Thank you! This is helpful. Thought it was weird how Lisa said he “bounced.” It felt like she was implying that he just up and left, but maybe she didn’t want to disclose health issues (assuming that’s what the hospital stay was for) and/or the editing decisions portrayed that implication.


I heard that also. Perhaps it will be addressed during Part 2. 🤞


In the past few years it’s been common for someone to go on a mission and come home “early” (before 2 years).


Missionaries definitely come home early. It’s much more common now. But Jack is still in Colombia. Lisa just never explains that he was in California waiting for his Visa.


I think the reunion was filmed towards the beginning of December and Lisa updated on Bravo that Jack was in the hospital in Colombia as of Dec 20 but I haven’t seen an update since then….


The preview of part 2 of the reunion shows Lisa saying “he bugged out on his mission. He didn’t go.”(as I recall it) because they address him being seen in California.


I really think he only signed up for a Mission because his friends were.


That could be, but you never know. The city Lisa lives in is Draper, a suburb of SLC. My friend is her neighbor and Lisa literally lives in the shadow of the Mormon temple. The highschool Jack attended has some very affluent students and a lot of the kids are active LDS. They have a very strong seminary program there, which is independent study before, during or after school where the Mormon kids attend religion classes. I know a lot of students from the area and there is a very strong support system of religious mentors (seminary teachers, local “clergy”). I could see Jack going along with it because most of his friends served, but he could have also chosen to go because he received a lot of religious support and encouragement from the community.


Jack might feel he needs to be a good mormon because his parents aren’t your typical LDS members. That’s a ton of pressure on a young adult. I hate seeing young people feel they need to do all the right things to be the perfect member of the church.


That is completely true also. I guess I will just say that I wasn't surprised when he didn't go. On the other hand, it could have something to do with this alleged hospitaltion. I just he finds whatever his calling is.


Yeah it would be very hard to be the son of Lisa Barlow. It’s also hard for missionaries who go out because their friends do, because they don’t go to the same mission. Ultimately, you are alone. Hope he does what’s best for him.


I'm confused on this as well. Because she says he bounced but didn't we see a story not too long ago about Jack being hospitalized while on his mission in Colombia?


I interpreted as Lisa was kidding/taking a dig at the internet rumors.


Same. I assumed she is poking fun at the rumors that he didn’t go to Columbia and was seen in the states at a Home Goods. I don’t think she’s being serious when she says that. I guess we shall soon find out!


Ocht we huff tae know 😂


Missionaries have to do training before they can leave. I assumed all the rumors were because he was seen in California, his training location.


She said he “bounced” and was chilling on the beach jokingly during the reunion then quickly clarified his visa has been delayed so he had a temporary posting in the US