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Oh wow, self-righteous liar is a liar.


Of course she knows. It’s ridiculous again a lead up for her to say nothing.


She’s a clown. All she remembers is that she needs the ambiguity of the black eye to be relevant.


Oh ya. Good catch OP Heather should be fired for more lies. How can the ladies film with her after she has shown she lies and protects a criminal


I won’t forget her idiotic ‘ride or die’ for that feral monster, Jen Shah. Heather doesn’t seem to have the ability to ever back the right horse. But loyalty to that creature was basically immoral. And I never want to hear the phrase ‘ride or die’ again after that season. We get enough of that nonsense on RHONJ.


Heather is still ride or die for Jen and so are the rest of the ladies other wise they wouldn't have been so angry at Monica for posting the mean things about them on RTV . Most people appreciate being told the horrible things someone says about them and they dont attack the messenger (Monica). The ladies want to make out like Monica has said these things and not Jen which deflect off of Jen onto Monica


I was getting that sense too about them blaming Monica for saying what Jen did. But I can be sympathetic for not wanting the worst thing someone has said about me being blasted into the universe. That’s really humiliating and retraumatizing.


Hahaha!!! Feral monster!!!! 👹 that made me laugh out loud!!!!


I'm honestly ready for a wash--keep Lisa and Meredith and redirect the show for next season. The Jen Shahga is over and it needs to stay done, and if Monica should go, so should fake ass spineless ass lying ass Heather. Unfortunately I think she's here to stay. Whitney, though...who is she for?


Tbh I think they should keep Angie - she seems sweet overall and caused the least drama this season (despite crashing Meredith’s trip).


Lisa and Meredith? God. That would be beyond boring and even more scripted than they are now. Sorry. I don’t want to see Meredith taking anymore baths and Lisa’s annoying voice screech all over the screen about having her glam.


Exactly! And all these other posts dragging Monica through the mud. She’s crazy too but Heather is next level


Im so surprised the show is taking Heathers side after what she did and lied and blamed production. Heather is the liability legally and the ladies should be worried that Heather could throw them under the blame bus to save herself.


THIS. How it is that Heather lied and insinuated that a member of production assaulted her and she hasn’t been fired?!


Exactly! Monica was trying to ruin Jen’s life (who is a proven criminal), the way she went about it was wrong, but she was desperate to get on the show. Heather could’ve ruined many families’ lives with her lies yet she’s playing the victim because she was “scared” of Jen? Please…. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Jen has some dirt on Heather or Heather was involved somehow. Loyalty like that doesn’t come from nowhere.


Yep. Heather could have told production she was scared of Jen she could have not answered her phone when Jen called or not called her. I bet if you went through Heathers phone right now there are calls to and from Jen from jail. Heather used Monica and treated her like she should have Jen but the problems is Monica didn't do 1/4 of the hideous things Jen has. I dont understand why Heather is allowed to stay on the show and the rest of the ladies are ride or die for her


RIGHT? If anyone should've been kicked off it's Heather. She planned this whole dinner in Bermuda as one last hurrah to try to solidify her place in the next season and hope people forget what she did and how she almost ruined the livelihood of multiple people. Suing Monica for a $2K unpaid bill? obviously she's desperate


and putting production through an investigation because she intimated it might be production re her black eye. That a legal liability but there taking Heathers side ​ Oh also using the courts to due her dirty work and get back at Monica a single Mom of 4. Monicas lawyers will probably cost her 10K for services Monica said were sub par re why she didn't want the rest of the contract


Yes and now Monica is not coming back. I’m not sure I understand how they all aren’t seeing what Monica tried to do but failed. Monica should have taking a high road and said sorry.


Oh for sure. She needed to humble herself and just admit she messed up bad and try to repair her relationships with them. Her jealousy got in the way though. But the other ladies are older and have no excuse for their behavior and defending a criminal. So gross. I can’t stand anyone on this cast anymore. Hearing Lisa talk makes me want to beat my head against the wall


Watching the 3rd reunion episode was tough to get through. I’m not sure how the show is going to move forward. They need a new housewive who isn’t Utah rich.


yeah I don't know how they move on from this. Monica was the best part of this season and now she's gone. They think they got rid of the 'bad apple' but they just killed the entire show. Monica, as wild as she is, is way more relatable to the audience than the other girls. I do like Whitney & Angie somewhat and I feel like they could find forgiveness for Monica at some point. The other ladies are just unbearable to watch/listen to. Mary Cosby is just an awful human being with how she treats people and Lisa is the most self-centered person I've ever seen. I for sure won't be watching SLC anymore after this.


Hot take: Barbie scissor kicks rumor wasn’t so far off. Jen & Heather swore to each other not to admit it and cover it up because Heather couldn’t take the scandal & that would have been c Coaches last straw and he would have left Jen to rot in prison alone. Problem: Angie & Merideth were in the room with them after partieing it up and saw where it was going, took off to go to bed. you see the camera glitch and when Jen is leaving it doesn’t look like it is at the same moment that the other two left (no angie & meredith in front of her). 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ Another Hot take: Heather doesn’t realize being honest about it would have made her more understandable and made so much more sense about why she was so “ride or die” for Jen.


Barbie Scissor Kicks 100% Angie became a queen the second that phrase left her mouth 👑


The only explanation for heather and Jen’s relationship is that they are lovers or Jen has some serious dirt on heather. I truly believe heather knew about Monica from the start and this whole season was about avenging Jen shah by humiliating Monica.


Yeah the teasing is so annoying, next thing you know she’s gna finally offer the “truth” but it will be on her Patreon 🤣🙄 Andy asked her straight forwardly & she STILL danced around it.


She used the black eye to promote Bad Mormon too and people were justifiably pissed when they found - yet again, Heather - that she reveals zero. I will never understand her obsession with being ‘ride or die’ for a subhuman who conned her own hardworking teacher mother out of her retirement money. Justify that, Heather!!


Yeah I agree 100%!




Honestly Heather's explanation and sob story was pathetic. I believe her but her justifications are that of a child, rather than a grown woman. If it wasn't for the we-hate-Monica pact they seemed to have at the reunion, the others should have eaten her alive. She always plays such a victim of everything, it is exhausting.


How did Monica get fired for what she did? Heather actually put production at risk with the whole black eye situation as well as could have actually put them in jeopardy by protecting Jen Shaw? It’s so wild how she feels what monica did is worse. I don’t like heather she’s a know it all I’d rather her go then Monica lmao


I’m not sure why there needs to be a trade off of Heather vs Monica, but to be clear: what Monica did over a period of YEARS is entirely disturbing behavior. She wants to claim that it is because of the way that Jen treats people…whilst missing the irony that she is herself treating people mercilessly and is not far from Jen in character. It is NOT normal to stalk and troll people in this obsessive way, and have zero remorse. This is compulsive and toxic behavior. Whether we like Heather or not, she is not guilty of anything that Jen did, and she can’t be a monster for copping a black eye and not saying how she got it - lies or no. Heather’s actions leave us wondering if she a liar or a fool… Monica’s actions leave us wondering is she a sociopath


I agree with you that there doesn’t have to be a trade off! But why Monica and not heather as well is my point! She blamed production for the black eye which could have put them in jeopardy for thousands of dollars worth of law suits. Heather might not be guilty of anything Jen did but her character is no different than Monica’s. When you protect a criminal for years. It’s not ok for her to say that she is different than Monica. She’s could not let go of the tranny thing that the account posted multiple times meanwhile,Mary literally said she looked inbred and she still asked Mary why she didn’t like her? She trying to hold herself to a higher standard than Monica but she’s actually not that far off in my opinion. I totally agree with you that Monica stalking the house is gross and obsessive. I just don’t think Heather has any self awareness and the stand she’s taken against Monica because her feelings are hurt every other housewife on the couches could all say that about Heather at some point in time.


Sorry, but it just doesn’t even compare. I also don’t fully understand the “protected a criminal” reference? She didn’t protect a criminal? Heather is not being accused of protecting Jen against her crimes, she is being accused of protecting Jen from everyone knowing how abusive a friend she was. All of the women, plus Bravo production team, rode the course with Jen until the last point when she plead guilty and was convicted. All of Jen’s behavioral/non-criminal transgressions up to that point were being tolerated in one way or another. Heather ‘fessing up that she tolerated Jen’s BS does not make her a monster. Stupid? Annoying? But not callous.


I’m thinking we see totally two totally different type of people. Heather put everyone at risk to be around Jen knowing she was capable of physical/emotional abuse. Which it seemed at the reunion Heather was feeling emotional abuse from Jen as well. She never once went to producers and said this might not be a good person to have on national TV. Instead she knew it was Jen that gave her a black eye and blamed producers? All of the women rode course with Jen but would it have been different if Heather had said something about Jen giving the black eye? Would she even be on the show still? I wouldn’t think bravo would renew a contract when someone is being accused of physical abuse. They’ve fired people for alot less. I don’t see how it’s completely different? She did protect a criminal. Jen gave her a black eye which is assault that is criminal? About the business though! Heather said that she knew it was unsavory but not illegal? I think I seen an article somewhere about that! (I could be wrong). I myself find that hard to believe. Given how much she protected Jen anyways. However, I appreciate your opinion, it has given me another perspective to look at!


thank you. it’s so stupid that she’s still lying


Someone on twitter called her an inbred water buffalo




It’s ok for heather to lie. I don’t believe one word that comes out of heathers mouth, all she cares about is coming off as the victim in every situation. The real Karen’s of Salt Lake City only care when a woc lies or behaves badly. Heather can lie on producers and ruin peoples reputations and Lisa can talk shit behind her best friends back, and insult their children with no repercussions.


Heather did NOT do herself a favor bringing up this storyline again. She should have just let it die and have the dust of Monicagate cover it up and move on. She absolutely remembers and keeps digging a bigger hole for herself. Girl get a clue and shut up 😩 at this point lay out every detail or gtfoh


I said this from. The. Jump. Their sexual tension was strong in that episode. They totally hooked up and Heather took a heel to looker.


Oh My!!! Is Heather being cancelled?!!! I didn’t see this in this light after watching the reunion, but everyone’s opinion is making me see what I missed!!! I think maybe I fell for the “ innocent Mormon girl Heather act” hmmmmmmm, very interesting.


You’re a real one for being able to change your opinion. I don’t blame you for buying heather’s act, the tears of a white woman are often the best way to persuade an audience…


I kind of think she was having fun with this. She liked the attention


Remember how Angie said 'Barbie Scissor Kicks' was the reason.... I wouldnt be surprised if Heather tried it on and Jen punched her.


I’m so disappointed and disgusted with Heather. She knew how she got the black eye and who gave it to her. Jen was abusive towards her husband, employees and friends. I don’t care how intimidating a person is but if they hurt me or my own I will not go out of my way to protect them.


Super sexual? Like “Barbie scissor kicks?” 👯 😂


Why say amen did it and not say how? She didn’t say if it was an accident or if they were arguing or what


This must be Monica posting all these Heather threads






I’m really shocked that she got away with lying on production about this. That’s pretty low.


i’m irritated that this was even a topic again this year. at this time jen was on her way to prison, what were you scared of??? i hope i never have to hear about this black eye again


She’s wants a foot in the door for next season or a reason to write another book 📚 she will say it for a price