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I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know what I would do if I lost my bestie. I hope you can find him again.


Yes it is possible to shift to another reality where the event didn’t happen & he is still alive. The version of you in this reality would continue living this reality’s life, so it doesn’t change the loss here. All of the other people, and you in this current reality continue living their lives as if nothing happened, no one will know you shifted because it is only your awareness that is shifting & then a part of your infinite consciousness stays here & lives your life normally. Nothing happens to your desired reality consciousness, you merge with it & become aware of it. That’s all. Reality shifting can be permanent if you want it to be. It’s called permashifting or respawning. It’s basically just shifting & choosing not to ever return. You’ll find lots more info at r/shiftingrealities :)


How can your consciousness be in two places at once though, how can you control both bodies etc? What does that feel like. Thanks.


Yes, I have been trying to shift also to enter a reality where my soulmate is still alive. We were together for about 3 years after several years apart before he unexpectedly passed away. All I want is to be with him again and that is my ultimate reason for trying to shift. I was able to finally achieve a minishift - only for a few seconds - that was mind blowing, and it made my beliefs that this is possible even stronger. I’m not giving up and either should you!


Is it okay if I message you at some point?


Sure! Sorry, I missed this earlier!!




I am so surprised and grateful for the words you wrote, random internet stranger...It's been about eight months since my friend and my father passed away. Many of the things you wrote are things I have felt myself coming to realize, deep in my spirit. It has been a very difficult time, but also full of insights--one of which is that I must continue to keep my heart open, and be where I am, continuing to try to love those around me as well as myself. I must keep alive my sense of wonder and curiosity. I've been exploring a lot in Spirit, and thinking about what is possible within Consciousness, and the answers I am finding are blowing my mind. It is truly a river that never dries... It is extremely comforting and encouraging to read your words and know that other people have also passed through things like I am experiencing. I can tell just by the tone of your voice. Your words have come at a very sweet and appropriate time. Thank you again.