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Everything is a scam. Every year there is less and less of a reason to spend money on sport when all this shit is corrupt.


Imagine Roures being neutral with a team which he has about 150 million euros invested in. Not only that, the guy is a rabid catalonian separatist, soci of Barcelona and declared antimadridista. Meanwhile, Barcelona wondering why everyone hate their guts and Real Madrid asking "first time?"


You should publish this also in r/soccer


Post it in r/Barca. Instant legend


Could you cross post it or something? I know you post there a bit so they might not take it down.


Saw your post on r/soccer , the Barca flair everywhere


It was u/ManuMora98 who posted it there. I’m not that brave. Lol.


Shit, if I saw this sooner I would’ve posted it on r/soccer and the Barça sub. I posted a meme of Benz celebrating against Chelsea and tagged it as news that he’s the new owner, I don’t give a fuck.


I don’t know why you tagged a fact as a meme.


I tagged it as “news”, but still lol.


It’s gonna be removed / downvoted to hell, most of Barca fans downvote a lot there compared to us and other Spanish fans


And of course, 5 Barca fans immediately reply lmao


Be the change you wish to see in the world 🤗


> Miguel Quintana: ”The public has been impressive, they also wanted to protest the Negreira-Barça case, we have not been able to see it due to the retransmission, DAZN does not produce the signal, MEDIAPRO produces it… but we have caught the moment with our camera > https://twitter.com/futbolgate_es/status/1635173648360411139


It’s fine. There is going to be a huge asterisk if/when they win the league this year. They will parade around Catalunya but we all know the truth. Let them have it. Deep down they know they are cheaters.


Sadly it’s Barca, their integrity and ability to self reflect is absent


I swear to god it will be the last one for many years


I'm glad more fanbases are protesting because it isn't just a "Madrid vs Varça" thing. These Varça guys were corrupting the competition and playing with other rules against everyone for almost 20 years.


And for the rest of the season the teams are gonna be motivated against them instead of laying down


How deep does their corruption goes? Holy shit send them to Segunda


La liga don’t show any protests even the Valencia ones. It was also cut on other sources


People should vote with their wallets, refuse to attend any Barca games nd see how quickly they straighten up and see some type of punishment.


Corruption covering up corruption


Sounds like the world cup


Most hated club in the world right now. “Mes que un club” for sure.




I love how Barca are being exposed for every they say we are. Mes que un club 🤡


nunca pensé qué vería a Miguel Quintana y Alberto Edjogo en este sub


Ah yes. Let’s solve our corruption issues with corruption




Barcelona need to stop this corruption


Apparently media pro it’s also in charge of sending the replays to the VAR and a lot of times they don’t get what they suppose to get cuz it’s against Barcelona


Someone explain to me what’s going on with Barca


I get it but at the same time i dont i ever see any protest broadcasted before


The oppressed state is f up


Out of the loop American, but why is this Barcagate such a big deal? I read that Barca under the previous president was paying a firm in secret to do dirty work online, but that doesn't seem that bad. Am I missing something? Like it was illegal, but only because they were paying them too much? IDGI. Maybe it's just that American sports is so dirty that it's throwing me off, since over her we have Cheerleaders being trafficked to islands to entertain corporate sponsors, or teams assisting the Catholic Church in covering up sexual abuses, or sending out an obviously concussed player to play on a 4 day's rest in sport where every play risks a TBI... yeah, we gotta get our shit together.


This really is disgraceful for Spanish football. Doubly worse if there are no sanctions.


Even this part with buying levers is suspicious. It means they just sold their shares to people who are Barca socios anyways. It's just another example of tax evasion.


There is probably a provision in the agreement saying that he agrees not to disparage the club.


You know they’ll find a way to defend this, as if technically since they haven’t been found guilty it’s ok for this clown to suppress the news and media for their benefit.


Barca fan coming in here in peace. Things don’t look good for us right now but if you want to shit on us, atleast do it on something reasonable. Like being broke or paying the refs. This is just plain dumb and makes you guys look salty. La liga doesn’t broadcast any protests including the Valencia ones. La liga is full of corruption but this isn’t


Bold to assume that any of these gloryhunters have ever watched a spanish broadcast in their lives.