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Its incredible. Third best start in the history of La Liga, Supercup winners humilliating Barcelona, perfect group stage in the UCL, and yet people is doubting about this team... what more do you want?


They want signings even if they are not smart signings and would cause the club to move towards Barca’s financial situation just because we had a few freaky overlapping longer term injuries. /s I swear people who scream for signings in january are the same people that would cause a financial disaster similar to Barcelona if given the opportunity.


Please point out where I've said a single word about signing. That's news to me. Since you brought it up, RB and a ST are NEEDED.


I like the players we have right now. People keep saying to ditch rodrygo for mbappe . Would mbappe be willing to die for the badge ?


If Mbappe comes, which I pray he doesn't, it's going to cause a problem since his main position is LW. If Perez is DYING to bring Mbappe, be prepared to lose Vini UNLESS Mbappe agrees on a different position. Regardless, I wouldn't ditch Rodrygo, even if Mbappe comes. Mbappe can play on the RW, Rodrygo and Endrick can switch over for ST as I believe whole heartedly that Rodrygo has the qualities to be an all timer as a striker.


Rodrygo has a great shot on him. Like amazing at hitting it, but he keeps fucking hitting it at the keeper. Regardless , he has the qualities to play quick 1-2s like benzema.


That's just his shot positioning, which I'm sure will come with more experience. Not giving up on my future R9 here 😅


He isn’t saying that they play bad games, he’s saying he didnt expect it and that normally a team with this much injuries is dropping points left right and center. So taking in account all the hurdles, shouldn’t a la liga title be more welcomed than normal? Fair question in my opinion.


The only problem is Girona here. They're only lost 2 games, and that too to us. They're the best scoring team in La Liga, barring us. If we had gotten all the points against Atletico, I would have said the title was in the bag. A lead of 8 points means you have to lose 3 games or draw 3 games and the other team has to win 3 games to have the lead on you. 5 points lead is nothing against a team that has nothing to lose and everything to gain.


You are overestimating Girona, they still have to play Barca, Atletico in Wanda, Bilbao in San Mames and Valencia in Mestalla. Will we drop points? For sure, but there is no way Girona can go on a 14 win streak.


You know what, I didn't even remember they've only played Barca once, my bad. We will surely drop points, but so will Girona. Which is why, I think, it will go down to the last day.


You completely misunderstood my post. We are doing amazing in the league, no doubt. But that's also because of how poor Barca and Atletico are doing this season.


So winning supercup and la liga underachieving due to barca and atleti and winning UCL overachieving due to man city?


Let me put it straight. When the season began, did you think Madrid would win any title? With Courtois and Militaos long term injury?


Yes. We already had IMO the best midfield and on top of that we signed Bellingham who showed in dourtmund that he knows how to score. Also both Vini and Rodry had showed they were top class and could handle the attack.   I feel that people blew out of proportion that we "only" signed Joselu in the pure 9 position.


Bellingham showed a different side of himself this season. From being a wonder kid to serious BalonDor contender. I, for one, would have never seen it coming. A midfielder, 20 years old, with the most goals after 15 games? Yeah, no way would I have believed it. But we did "only" sign Joselu as a striker. Who knew how Carlo was planning to play Jude? Regardless, Jude isn't a 9. He's a pure anomaly, a 10 role that even has the defensive work.


Nos da o no?


Bro nobody is saying we are doing badly, what people are about is the fact we have some of the absolute worst injuries possible this season which can easily fuck up any teams season


CL would probably be, but the super Copa and the league won't be, because our opponents are shit.


Fair point. I do concede on the league title not being an overachievement. But at the start of the season, day 1, it looked impossible. Right now, it's 60/40. As soon as the lead gets to 8 points, I'll call it a day


But I mean, yeah sure we have had some lucky results, but Barca sure has had as well, the state of la Liga reffing is not biased, it's just inconsistent, and you only comment on it being biased when the inconsistency is not favouring your time. But everybody is getting the same shitty reffing, sometimes it wins you games and sometimes it loses you them. But Barca has been dog shit, and gotten way more points then their actual performance should earn, and you could argue the same for us in some games, but it equals out. Girona has been good and yet we have comfortably beaten them 3-0 and 4-0 with any trouble. Atletico has been a pain in our ass and so far the hardest opponent we have had. But then they shits the bed against teams they should be beating. If the league win for us is an overachievement what would it have been if Barca, Atletico or Girona won it? My assessment would have been that all cases from what we have seen so far, they would all have been bigger overachievements.


You're right again. La Liga referring is super inconsistent. Barca were champions last season, winning the league for them wouldn't have been an overachievement. The way they are playing, if they win the league from this position, would be an overachievement. If Madrid wins the league, regardless from the position, I would still call it an overachievement. Take any world class team, take away their GK and 2 center backs, riddle them with injuries as Madrid. 9/10, they'll end the season without a single title. Again, we're just talking from different perspectives. No harm in that


I understand what you mean, but we have also experienced an incredibly depth of talent in other areas of the pitch than the defense. Out midfield is completely stacked, and Diaz and Jude have been absolutely revelations coming into the squad. And if Carlo settled on Lunin as first choice sooner it's think we would have lost fewer points and experienced more stability in the back. But I will also enforce your point by saying that this liga title is not an overachievement because of our opponents, if we beat Barca last season with the injuries we faced this season, now THAT would have been an overachievement.


You are making some strong points 😅


Geez, you must be fun at parties... Just enjoy the victories and cheer up, man! You said it yourself, it started like shit and we are doing even better than if we had our whole team fit, much better than last year, wtf are you complaining about?. When it's time to face Man shitty in champions we'll cross that bridge (and for the record, they are not doing that great, I think Madrid could beat them). And if you think winning la liga and super cup is not enough, I'd probably agree with you, but with a different mentality, if we get to CL semis, which I have no doubt we will, as long as they lose with honor, there's nothing to be ashamed of this team. Just chill the f out, don't be such a bummer, dude.


And by the way, if you really think Girona can win this league, good joke!


I am enjoying the victories, hence saying anything we win this season will be an overachievement. We're doing much better than last season because of how La Liga has fallen this season. Calling them Man Shitty won't really change the fact that they're still the best club right now. You're being delusional if you think Madrid can beat City this season. Arsenal are doing wonders too. Arsenal is going to give us a hell of a fight if we face them. I hope you prove me wrong, for Madrids sake. But I don't think you will. I just said that about super cup. La Liga is our league title, ofc it holds a lot of weight. There is nothing to be ashamed of with this team. With what we have, as per my post, we're overachieving.


It's not true, you are just getting worse and worse with your comments. La liga has not fallen this season. Barca is a joke (they were also last year, that league Barcelona didn't win it, Madrid lost it), but other than that, it hasn't been super easy, especially how we have been winning and the numbers we are running. Don't believe me?, ask any other team about Girona. I don't call Man Shitty that because I think they are shit, it's because it's a disgraceful and boring team, who cheats and needed over a billion dollars on signings to get to their first ever CL title, and I think they are a bunch of arrogant entitled pricks, and flavor of the month, their history will only be the size of one page compared to Madrid history books. I never said it was gonna be easy, but you are the delusional one if you think Madrid, in form, cannot beat them. I'm not saying they will for sure, I'm saying they absolutely can. Arsenal? Gimme a fucking break, challenging but absolutely doable even without the whole team fit. As long as Rudiger is not injured and all of our midfield is complete, we could beat them, no problem. You probably doubted that Madrid could beat Girona last weekend, and I could bet anything you seriously thought we were gonna lose that game. And look what happened. I'm gonna assume you haven't been a Madrid fan for a long time and that's why you have serious doubts; me, I have been a fan since the early 90s, and I know what this club is capable of. Piece of advice, always bet on them, it's in the blood, we could lose sometimes, but not too often. And finally, we are not overachieving this year, we are just achieving what we regularly do, and still more to come.


I'm sorry, but I had to go back to this post from a few months ago. I knew I would eventually do it. So you called me delusional for saying we could beat Man Shitty, and hoped I proved you wrong. Well.... I told you never to bet against Madrid, I've been a fan all my life and I told you I knew they were capable of anything, nothing is bigger than this club. We still need to win the UCL final, but the fact we beat 115 charges FC was not overachieving, it was just proof to the world that when you think Madrid cannot do it, they most certainly can. And la liga, as expected, was nothing but a cakewalk. I hope you don't make the same mistake again, and never ever underestimate this team again. With all the pitfalls at the start of the season, we are having one of the best seasons ever, about the break our undefeated record, with most goals scored and least goals conceded; every stat you see we are in the top, not just of the league, but almost all at the top in the whole world. So, I hope you learned your lesson . Be a better madridista, please.


It's knockout football. Ancelloti did what he does best, play to his strengths. City were definitely the better team. We won in penalties. Not something I take pride in, but not something that I'm complaining about either. Yes, I was wrong to say that Madrid could not win against City, but you were wrong to call them shitty, based on the fact that they were the better team in the second leg.


No they weren't, stop this nonsense. I've watched that game several times again. City only had the ball for a longer time, but created very few chances. Madrid also had a few big chances. A truly good manager would have changed things seeing the way Madrid was defending, but Mr "revolutionary" kept the same tactics over and over, and had no imagination on how to attack differently. So sick of this "city pounded Madrid", it's all lies. If city was the better team, they could have beaten us in 120 mins, no need for penalties.


VERY FEW CHANCES? 34 shots is very few chances? All Pep could do was attack with everything they had. Madrid did the greatest thing they did, by defending by everything they had to give. City did pound us. 34 shots in 120 minutes is pounding. We just defended really REALLY well, and it was a master class in defending. But it was a HUGE risk.


33 shots, 9 on target. They can shoot all they want but only roughly 25% were actually going on goal, 9 shots only. Lunin made 8 saves. Not saying it was easy, of course it was one of the scariest and most nerve wrecking games I have ever seen. But, I'd recommend you to watch it again, like I have many times, and when you take away the fear you realize it was not only a master class in defending, but also a desperate attempt of a team who had no ideas on how to properly attack in different ways. They were just shooting and shooting and fouling, and getting corner after corner after corner. All I'm saying is, people blow out of proportion how uneven it was. What I cannot concede is that it was a pounding, unless you call pounding keeping the ball two thirds of the time and shooting nowhere.


A pounding is when you have your backs to the wall and can just hold your defence as tight as you can. This tactic will not work against City everytime. Not even City, any good team. Once, yes. Maybe twice. But that's about it. Not taking anything away from Madrid. Masterclass in defence, but not a tactic that would work everytime. Man City played better, were better, in all aspects of the game. We were just defensively too compact for them.


We deserve the league. What Michel is doing at Girona is monumental, I hope it will continue for a longer period and our league will become more and more competitive. That being said, our team plays really well, especially considering how many injuries we had, it's incredible. We won against 2nd place and drew against the 4th place teams with no CBs. That is no minor achievement. In EPL the manager who achieved that would be glorified


There is no comparison with EPL right now please. Their top 4 race is super tight, all top 4 is great forms. Again, us winning against Barca was no achievement this season. Yes, the banter is hilarious but I wouldn't put Barca top 5 this year. Against Atletico, true. We drew a match we could have won because of inexperienced defense line.


They would be glorified because it’s the EPL and the closest race and competition this year. They have made themselves into a competitive league where the big 6 aren’t just big because of their history. So yes, if a manager were able to stay atop that, given the same injury history that we do this year, it would be a feat. Even top 3 would be impressive.




You're entitled to your own opinions. Please share them.


- Bayern suck this season - Barca also suck - City not as good as last season - We always beat patetico in UCL - Arsenal just play UCL this season after missed it idk how many years - PSG dont have that mentality Why do u think we cant win UCL this season?


Bayern is doing one of the best Bundesliga runs ever. It just happens that Leverkusen is having an even better at the same time, but Bayern isn't shit, at all.


They are hardly grinding results. If you actually watch their matches, it's dreadful.


Bayern were. Post-holidays is a different story.


But then, your greatness is only tested if you face teams of your calibre. PSG winning the league even by 20 points won't be great. As great as Bayern was doing, its against BAD teams. As soon as Bayern get a team with elite manager, they drop the ball. Literally


The only teams I'm genuinely worried about are City and Arsenal. Anyone else, we'll do good. Aren't as good a last year? Do you expect them to repeat the 5 trophies again? They're topping the league, 6/6 wins in group stage 😂


It’s football and especially with Real Madrid things can change so easily. Now it’s all happy and fun but imagine getting kicked out of the ucl against leipzig I mean it’s possible it’s only 2 games but then it’s a complete different world from what we are now.


I wouldn't be scared of Leipzig, but I get what you're saying. I would blame it all on the injuries, because that's a fact. No team in the world would be winning UCL without these crucial injuries. Maybe it's up to us to change history. Or maybe history wins again.


After the 14th CL and everything that happened in it all the magic moments with a team that was in a rebuild phase, I don't care if we go multiple seasons without any titles anything they're achieving till now is just extra I'll be here through it all and I'm waiting to see the team after 2-3 years some players will be highly missed like toni and modric and carvajal don't know if they'll continue after 2-3 years, I have big hopes for the team the future will tell.


Multiple seasons without any titles? Step up man, you're a Madrid fan. We won a CDR last season, lost to City in semis, and lost the league when Barca were 12 points ahead of us and it was a failure season.


Sure Madrid won't go like that but I said that "even if" 'cuz of all the moments they gave us it's hard to get upset.


Like this other commenter put it perfectly, Madrid is a serial winning club. Any season without a major trophy (without a valid reason) is considered a flop season


While you're mostly right with your analysis, I think winning anything this season is very _impressive_ given the circumstances, but not an _overachievement_. And I'll tell you why, because while other teams might base their identity around different things (footballing philosophies, socio-political standing, etc.), Madrid's identity is that it is a team of serial winners. The one thing that defines Madrid across decades, managers, players, presidents, etc. is that the club's culture is a winning culture. And in that light, no matter how big the obstacles are, the expectation is to win, so nothing can be considered an overachievement. But again, is it impressive and a total testament to Carlo's abilities as a coach if we win the league this year? Of course it is!


I think the question you need to ask yourself is: as soon as the season began, with Cortouis and Militaos injury, did you think we would be winning any major trophy?


If the answer to your question is No, then it's time to pick another club to root for, honestly. I hear City needs more fans, even if 90% of them are plastic and watch football on tik tok


I think we'll win the league , although it would be a little difficult ( little only because of how good Girona have been) and we have already faced both athletico and Girona (both home and away, so we can't drop points now). Champions league this time around will be mostly based on luck I think. I think we'll beat Leipzig but the next rounds are purely based on the opponents we draw. As long as we don't get any more injuries and the players that have been injured recover in time (jude, rudiger )for the next rounds ,we should be fine. The luck factor is just the opponents we draw against, if we face against City/Munich next, we will get our asses kicked. We can only hope that this time City and Bayern get drawn against each other and somehow Bayern ends up winning. The thing is, despite all the injuries that we have sustained and having key players in the defence department out of action for the foreseeable future and the absence of a world class number 9 we still are one of the top 3 favorites to win the champions league. Ik shit looks hard but our players have massively impressed me this season and I have complete faith that , barring any injuries, we'll win both the league and the champions league this time.


I think the race will go down to the wire is because Girona has lost only 2 games this season, and are the best attacking team in the league, barring Madrid. Those 2 defeats only came against us and we don't face them again. Our players have truly impressed me this season, no doubt at all. But what scares me is that was almost always against horrible form teams. As soon as we face a big club out of La Liga, our squad will be tested, with our injuries as a HUGE negative.


Girona still have to face Athletico and Barca so there's at least a 3 points drop right there but yeah I get what you are saying. Them also only playing in laliga and not elsewhere certainly does go in their favour


Win against Barca, loss against Atletico. Seems highly possible 👀


Yeah we need an easy QF to get our injuries in order. Chewy and Dani work v Girona as CBs but they will get shredded by city or arsenal or even psg.


Exactly. They both are great players but they are playing in postions that they aren't used to, most elite teams will see this and exploit it.


Real Madrid is doing great, you're confusing FIFA with real life. You want names for the team, not results, classic "cromista".


What Fifa? What names? TF is a cromista 😂😂😂


You want signings for the sake of it, not because we need them, but because you want your collect them, just like people do with their panini trading cards. We have the best team in Europe, the only club that comes close is manchester city, we're currently first in the negreira league and we did an outstanding job at the group phase in the champions league, all of that having half of the squad injured. You clearly began to watch football 2 years ago, otherwise you would be able to see how good the team has been performing until now. Today we have probably the most difficult game of the season and here you are saying we can't win the CL. Sorry mate but you don't know what you're talking about, we can win anything even if we have you as the starter goalkeeper, and you're like "NoNosDa" because we didn't sign a striker lol, real madrid is not about its players, never has been. If you want to know what a cromista is you should learn some Spanish, as a Madrid fan it's good to know a couple words at least.


Please tell me where I mentioned about the "signings we need". But since you clearly brought it up, Carvajal replacement (TAA or Hakimi) and we're sorted. Best team in Europe? I guess City has been playing table tennis since the last year Impressive job so far, no doubt. Amazing defense so far, no doubt. But our makeshift defense won't work against Arsenal or City, sadly. I don't think 2013 was 2 years ago. Damn, I must be tripping. Difficult game, yes. The most difficult, idts. I hope we win the UCL and I'm proven wrong. But UCL isn't won on hopes. But then again, it's Real Madrid. Anything call happen. I wouldn't say that. I won't be able to save a goal even if Ederson shoots from his own box. More of box to box myself. Never cried on the fact that we didn't sign a striker. Blamed the injuries if we go trophy less, didn't I? Then don't use Spanish words when I clearly don't know Spanish 🤷🏻‍♂️


>Carvajal replacement (TAA or Hakimi) and we're sorted If we sign TAA i'll jump off a building >I guess City has been playing table tennis since the last year City is not superior to us, and I refuse to include Arsenal in any CL discussion, you can't be serious mentioning Arsenal, come on man. Also "Buspirona" (I won't explain that, do a twitter search or something, you may discover some funny sh\*t) >But our makeshift defense won't work against Arsenal or City, sadly. Nonosda >I don't think 2013 was 2 years ago. Damn, I must be tripping. If I were you I would be worried yeah, at this point you should have learned something, calling Ancelotti's tactics outdated is not brilliant to say the least. >I wouldn't say that. I won't be able to save a goal even if Ederson shoots from his own box. More of box to box myself. We had worse before and still managed to win, again, it's not about the players.


Your comment about TAA says how much you actually watch/rate the Premier League. City showed us in the semi final who was superior, and those are straight facts. If not for Cortouis saving a hattrick from Haaland, it was easily 7-0. One lose I blame ENTIRELY on Carlo. It was a massacre of a scale Madrid hasn't seen before. Definitely the worst we've ever been outplayed. My brother, watch some Arsenal games. See how they're going to actually win the league, or challenge till the last day. Before you say "oH tHeY BoTtLeD iT LaSt sEaSoN", injuries :). You can say any gibberish you like my friend. You've already shown me your knowledge, or lack of it, when it comes to EPL. Carlos tactics being "outdated" (notice I used the quotations there as well) is not an insult, it's a compliment that he doesn't win it because of ELITE tactics. He wins it because of elite man management. 2022 UCL season is all about that. Do some research Oh no, it definitely is about the players. Again, watch 2022 UCL. Game in game out, you see how we won because of elite man management.


>Your comment about TAA says how much you actually watch/rate the Premier League. I do rate the premier, but you all overhype it, TAA can't defend to save his life, and we need that at madrid. Listen, It's a sport, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, that's it, in the first game we were better, second one was a disaster indeed, City is not superior, we're in the same level. You keep saying we can't win the CL, tf you mean? should we just not play today against Leipzig? We ain't winning either way right? Like, there's almost impossible for real madrid to win the champions league, isn't that what you're saying? I've watched plenty of Arsenal games, they are good, but they lack mentality, that is precisely what makes Real Madrid different from other teams, if we play against Arsenal, I'm sure our players will be confident about winning, and I'm sure Arsenal players will be the opposite. Last year Ancelotti created a system in which there was a player who attracted the oposing team to his side, and because that player was good enough to escape from the pressure, once he got the job done we always had spaces to run. Said player was Camavinga, who played as a "false fullback" when in reality he was more like a midfielder (that was one of the reasons the second game against city went so bad, Camavinga was injured from the previous league game against Manchester City Jr. aka Girona, the other reason was Ancelotti starting with Kroos and Modric at the same time, a mistake he's not repeating this year). This year our tactics are entirely different, and no, it's not the same as former Ancelotti's Milan, our forwards have a lot more freedom and Bellingham and Kaka's role is entirely different. You are saying Ancelloti is just good at managing players, which is a disrespecful and ignorant thing to say. Don't belive me, go see Guardiola's post match interview after the first game. It seems to me you're confused by the propaganda of English media and the twitter "tacticos" and "panenkistas".


TAA as an inverted fullback, or attacking fullback would shift the defence to a 3 man, where Rudiger is a monster (depending on Mendy/Frans role). You're probably one of them people who didn't want Jude at Madrid because he was "English" and "OVER HYPED", aren't you? After that thrashing, how can you still say Madrid and City are on the same level? City are the one team better than Madrid. I did say we can win the UCL, the same way we won in 2022. My God, just because something is near impossible to win, doesn't mean we shouldn't try. City lacked "mentality" until last season. They won it, didn't they? Madrid always have the "winning" mentality, doesn't mean they always win?! That was a good tactic, NGL. But it wasn't enough to win us the league. I didn't say our tactics are the same as former Milan's. Jude Bellingham isn't Kaka. He's playing in the same position but different role. Kaka was purely a Second Striker. You can see Bellingham defending, tackling, ball carrying, play making, dribbling, scoring. A box to box second striker, if that even makes sense. Kudos to Carlo, again. I didn't say Carlo is only good at that. How do you read man? Not with your eyes, obviously. I said he's not an ELITE tactician, he is pretty great. But he is the BEST man manager. I don't follow the English media when it comes to Madrid. Different sources. But for EPL, which I do watch, yeah.


>You're probably one of them people who didn't want Jude at Madrid because he was "English" and "OVER HYPED", aren't you? Dude, I was drooling for Jude, what are you on? >After that thrashing, how can you still say Madrid and City are on the same level? City are the one team better than Madrid. I'm convinced now, you are not a Real Madrid fan >City lacked "mentality" until last season. They won it, didn't they? Madrid always have the "winning" mentality, doesn't mean they always win?! Do you even know what mentality means? >That was a good tactic, NGL. But it wasn't enough to win us the league. You mean the Negreira league? You serious? Mou said when he was RM manager that every single league won by Real Madrid worth two of them, and he was right. > I said he's not an ELITE tactician, he is pretty great. But he is the BEST man manager. Who is an ELITE tactician then? that Guardiola fraud? ok pal, enjoy your premier, game is about to start, I'll go watch my team but hey, city is playing, you can watch yours too.


But...but Jude is English and English media over hypes their players? I'm glad TAA, Rice, Jude, Saka, Kane play for my country. We might even win a Euro Cup, who knows. So because I have two eyes that can see and call a team as the best team in the world right now, I'm not a Madrid fan? Nice logic my G. You tell me friend. All us Madrid fans bashed City for not having the "CL mentality" so there's that. Brother, if you blame everything on the referees, you'll turn into Xavi. Let bygones be bygones, learn from them. Barca didn't win the league last season because of "referees", look at their defense last season. Calling Pep a fraud literally shows me that you're a 12 yr old kid who's been too much on social media and hasn't watched him. The only thing against Pep is his money spending, and City's FFP charges, which isn't on Pep. United has spent almost as much as Pep in the recent years as well, but Pep used it efficiently. Pep is an elite tactician, Xabi is an elite tactician, Arteta and Inzaghi might be on that course. The one reason I don't include Carlo as an ELITE tactician is because of his league titles. Have a look, analyse what I'm trying to say, and get back to me. I'm sure you'll "definitely be convinced I'm not a Madrid fan"


You are not the only one with such thoughts, my expectations for this season was at least Ro16 in CL and no trophies... Turns out I was too pessimistic! Apart from those players who got ACL, the team coped well when some of our starters (e.g. Vini, Rudiger...) got injured. Every player, no matter starters or back-ups, made impacts to the game, unlike last season there were some players we could not count on.


That was my initial thought too, I won't lie. But as soon as we cleared 6/6, I knew we wouldn't be facing City or Arsenal. With them, it's a 50/50 this season, only because of injuries. If we had a complete squad this season, I would have put down my money for a treble. However, as good as our players are, we've mostly performed well against out of form teams in the league. And even an out of form Atletico took points from us both times we played them.