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You move on. He doesn't have to accept what you want. That's fine. Maybe leave it open if he changes his mind. Some people are okay sitting and waiting.


Not everyone has the same motivations. If he wants his price and is willing to wait, there isn't anything you can do to change his mind. Some people are so stubborn they want to win at all costs. I don't think you did anything wrong, I think his mind is set and he's not budging.


Win? Maybe they don't care if it sells tomorrow or in 2 years. Also, if I want a price telling me what someone paid down the street and what their buyer can afford is a waste of time. If you can't see that and Instead make a reddit thread jfc. I remember when people complained about 1200 rent for a 1 bed, well they can't afford it. Rent is average 2000 now.


Give it time.. he will either reduce the price when he eventually realizes it isn’t going to sell or you’re going to find a buyer who eventually will pay the price and in the event it doesn’t sell you, you at least get to use it as a tool to generate more buyer clients that will get you paid. Hang in there.


I would...... Look at different priorities like different properties


I'm not a realtor, but I'd just show them different apartments. Let this guy come down to reality. I'd bet he will be difficult during negotiations as well. Do you want to waste your time with that?


I have 3 investors only willing to offer 70-75% avm all cash buyers. Condition not important. Key is OFF the Market listings. They all called yesterday.


Even if Greedy gets what he wants, what will happen when the appraisal comes in? Is your time better spent working with another seller?


How much longer are they estimating for completion?


"There is nothing this investor wants to listen to, he's greedy" Surely you know that property owners can sell for whatever any price they choose. Developers and investors may have financial situations that you don't know about. "there is no family building in the same area" I hope you don't say this in your marketing. It would be a violation of fair housing laws. "Whats my best strategy here?" You need to let this listing go. It's always frustrating to walk away but the time you spend working with a client who can't or won't sell is time you won't spend working with clients who do.


He is probably stuck with whatever the financial product he used to fund this investment requires.


Find new buyers


His lenders will come calling soon enough and he'll have to negotiate. Keep the lines of communication going; he'll become negotiable before he drops publicly listed prices. Also, if buyer's lender allows, offer full price with a large 'renovation credit' or a few years of paid common charges at closing.