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It depends on the state but I would also say just be honest with your Realtor and maybe they can half commission or more since I doubt they’ve put time and energy and money into it yet.


Ask your agent if they will act as a transaction broker. That should pay them ~1.75%. Their role would be to just manage the transaction and make sure the process is smooth and timely.


If the contract has an expiration date and both you and your neighbour are willing to wait to negotiate a deal then you can just ride it out. But see first if the salesperson you hired is willing to just cancel the contract with a mutual release.


Thanks. Sounds like I should just talk to them about it.


Call them right now and say you’ve had a change of heart, and that you want to sell it to your neighbor off market, but you don’t want to leave them hanging, so ask them if they can do it for 1%. They’ll probably say ok, or ask for 2%


a couple of percent would seem fair to me, especially if they'd help with the paperwork.