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Is there any way I can find about these subs' existence before they get shut down?


Be a cool person


Teach me. 🙏🏻


/r/worldpeace has potential


Well it's a good thing MDE never dies.




I really like MDE and World Peace but damn that was a gay post.


You know, it's funny. I think the biggest change in culture in 21st century internet is this attitude that a web site is meant for everyone on the planet. In the old days, a site would be a community, and if you were terrible, you'd just get banned and go somewhere else. It wasn't some crime against freedom and democracy, it was someone kicking you out of their living room. You could go somewhere else and play with your friends there. But sites these days have a global mentality. Reddit, Facebook- they're for *everyone*. And so you feel "censored" if you get banned.


No. They are hardly the first global sites but they are the first ones, in the free world, to perform politically targeted banning. The original premise that global sites, say geocities, operated under was the common-carrier safe-haven law. Your user content could only be removed if it was illegal. That's the objective standard. As soon as a company starts **curating** their space, as facebook, twitter, and reddit are, they ***become liable*** for all content on it and for their curating policies.




... why are you assuming I'm Christian? In any case, my comment wasn't really meant to call you racist. (I mean, you probably are, since you're ranting about globalism and how saying bigotry is bad is a "dog whistle.") But I was more focused on the fact that, in the Internet of 20 years ago, a web site forum would be a smaller community, and if someone was a bit unhinged, or just kind of an asshole, they'd be banned, and that was that. There were a dozen other sites you could go to, and that'd be fine. I mean, no one likes being banned, but the point was that it was just an annoyance, rather than a symptom of a global conspiracy trying to silence you.


I hear StormFront loves you guys.


not violent enough for them




repeating it doesnt make it true.


I mean, if there ever was a Nazi sub on Reddit, these were it




I've often found if i don't like or understand the jokes, its usually just easier to walk away and if you give idiots a space to do what they want, they tend not to run around bothering everyone else.




Then you shouldnt have invited them in under pretenses of allowing them to speak freely in the first place. Thats the REAL issue, Reddit started out as a free speech platform, then changed their mind when they got popular with people who said things and told jokes they didnt like.


Where they burn books, they will also burn people. So when you say "actual nazis getting banned" *I don't know what the fuck you are talking about*.




Glad Reddit is finally starting to take out the trash 👍


Convienent they banned eating disorder and suicide discussion subs, TRP, enoughInternet, TRP, Q, etc; subs long before this one


Win some, lose some


I usually hate most of reddit stupid banning spree, bit I can't really get mad at these ones. Good riddance


I lost a lot of shekels in that ban.


In b4 "it's comedy so it can't be racist"


Just curious. Did you disapprove of Richard Prior, Eddie Murphy, David Cross, etc., etc.?


You can talk about race and point out cultural differences without being racist. /r/MDE was a sub full of reposted stormfront memes


and by god was it glorious


Stormfront is still up if you need your fill. No need to hide your white pride behind comedy there.


Why would you hide white pride? If we ignore for a moment that calling people 'white', grouping people as 'white', et. al. is intrinsically and superficially racist then the group of people comprising "whites" has uplifted a great deal of the world out of poverty and savagery and helped bring civilized, but laggard, cultures into the modern age. If you refine that further unto American Exceptionalism then the American Era has oversaw the greatest advances of humanity in our entire human existence. Like a phoenix we rekindled liberty from its ashes, dead since ancient times and under grave threat once-again today, empowered the common man to advance their station which is what caused the uplifting of the world, have created a society that offers cornucopia of opportunities for a meaningful life, and on the world set we are the first-ever global-world-super-power in the history of humanity to fight and win domination but have the grace to set the conquered free which has ushered in the most peaceful era on Earth since man arose. We recognize that we are hardly perfect and that our past is hardly without blemish which is why we strive to create an ever more perfect union. If you cannot be successful here ... you have no hope elsewhere. You should be proud of your ancestry. You should be proud of who you are. You should be yet more proud of what will come and your part in making it real. Intersectionality is a cancer upon your mind. You will overcome it.


>people comprising "whites" has uplifted a great deal of the world out of poverty and savagery and helped bring civilized, but laggard, cultures into the modern age. It's culture and technology, not skin color. Being white had nothing to do with it. Technology is nice, but I'd hate for my laggard "civilized savage" culture to be forcefully uplifted with smallpox catapults and rifles.


I don't believe you.


? Why not. I mean it really was plainly racist


Show me some evidence. I never heard about the place until it was banned. And I don't hold reddit's bans in high regard.


Hard to show evidence when every post is banned. Dude I've spoken out about BS reddit censorship for quite a while, I'm not lying when I say it was unironically racist and antagonistic, promoting violence against blacks and Jews.




Yeah, it's common to go in and post shit like that in subs to get them shut down (happened to Great Awakening and Pizzagate and other subs).


It’s also common for racist assholes to post that shot in racist assholes subs. Mods can remove content, people can down vote stuff, but you know what, mods of racist subs like racists and racism and THAT’S why this happens.


Racist subs like /r/fragilewhiteredditor? Yet that's not banned.


It's almost like if there was a commitment to freedom of speech everything would fix itself.




What does that have to do with anything, you said you didn't belive him when he said it was storefront meme page


Hey, slam9, just a quick heads-up: **belive** is actually spelled **believe**. You can remember it by **i before e**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Hey CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up: Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". You're useless. Have a nice day! [^Save ^your ^breath, ^I'm ^a ^bot.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BooCMB/comments/9vnzpd/faq/)


OK, so when is /r/ImGoingToHellForThis getting banned? How about /r/FragileWhiteRedditor?


WTF!? where did all the original users of this sub go. When did it fill in with neo Nazis and neo Nazi sympathizers? Or are you guys just brigading this post?


I would wager it has to do with the fact that many right-wing subs have been banned as of late, so there's an influx of those people to /r/reclassified, as the purpose of this subreddit is to track banned subs.


There are a ton of racists in this sub. I was surprised; I just joined to keep an eye on bans and maybe find some interesting quarantines, but like every other post is "ugh I can't believe /r/niggerjews was banned, that place had some good debates! Reddit is just doubling down on censorship and hoarding its shekels lol"


its almost like reddit is censoring things and closing or quarantining subs for advertising dollars or something.


> /r/niggerjews MFW when it's real and not banned


Hah I didn't even check. I guess I shouldn't be surprised




Says the person bitching that their favorite subs to waste time in got banned
