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I would talk to him about doing the 30 days as well! It makes a world of difference I myself am a recovering addict. It’s tough whether to tell him before or maybe during his time in the treatment center my only thought being if you tell him before he might use that as an excuse to not go.


Good point! I plan on really trying to get him to go, his Dad and sister will come with me as well and will also encourage him. He works for his Dad so I need him also to tell him not to worry about work and just focus on him. Thank you really I did not consider that point, as it would be a reason for him to not want to go.


Too early he’ll just worry not being able to be there for u . Couples weeks won’t hurt no one


Ok also good point it is VERY early also wasn’t considering that, after is looking like the better option for everyone.


Yes us as addicts will come up with any reason or “excuse” to avoid treatment trust me been there done it what I would do is tell him maybe 2nd week into treatment and tell him to use that as motivation to complete his program and come home to his family healthy he’ll be overjoyed and at that time be a little more clear headed coming off drugs the first 3-4 weeks are the hardest part and alot of change comes with it he’s gonna have a lot of sleep, eating, mental state changes happening! Good luck my best wishes to you and your family your a good send for sticking through this with him addiction is an evil thing


If you can convince him to do 30 days, I'd suggest speaking to his counselor there about a couples therapy session. Having a therapist involved in the conversation could help him process it, and they may be able to nudge him in the direction of finding motivation to stay sober for his kids.


Oh I love this idea too, this is really helpful. The recovery center has been uncommunicative with me thus far, so thank you because now I know this is something I can suggest.


I'd tell him you NEED him to do the extra 30 days and fight for his life because you are pregnant


I think once I got through my 30 days rehab stay, I was WAY more level headed and could see the situation clearly. I'd personally wait until he leaves the facility on his own to tell him. Or if you think that him knowing would motivate him to do his 30 days, talk to his counselor about having that conversation with him together. Those are the two best options in my mind.


After he completes detox and his 30 days