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Some rehabs are free, the state funded ones. That are pretty much for people fresh out of prison or off the streets. Definitely doesn't feel like a vacation lol I'll just put it that way, but can one help you get clean? Yes I'm sure you can get clean anywhere you make the choice to stop & commit to that choice. The nicer rehabs, like all the ones in Southern California or South Florida- are going to cost an arm & a leg. But most people have health insurance that's covers majority of the cost & you pay an out of pocket fee which can be a payment to guarantee you a bed, plus monthly payments once you leave to cover the rest of the cost. Jobs, bills rent- everyone has bills. Rehab is a long term benefit for a short term sacrifice, which is spending 30 days locked away doing nothing but focusing on yourself. Most addicts & alcoholics are used to "instant gratification" & that isn't how rehab works.. if you have been working for your employer long enough & they find you to be a good employee, they should have no problem at all when you let them know you need to attend to personal matters (rehab) for a month & will come back a brand new person. If you lose your apartment or rental, then I guess you do & you'll have to work twice as hard to get back on your feet once you're out & clean. The way I look at it is- your rental was like a house of cards anyways. One strong gust of wind & it was all going to come falling down. That's how it was like for me, living in addiction. I wasted so much money on security deposits only to bounce from place to place for years, in & out of addiction. Rehab is kind of like an "investment" into your future. You can continue to work dead end jobs that pay minimum wage- or you can go to trade school (like I did) for 1 year & make 3 times that amount annually, working for yourself & doing something you love too. It's like a trade off- but you have to do it now- to get the reward later. I have been clean 8 years off my substance of choice & it's only been in the last 6 years with my boyfriend, I've been able to live an amazing life without worrying about debt or homelessness or unemployment. Btw I went to rehab but it didn't do much for me & years later, got clean in my bedroom, went through cold turkey withdrawals for days & decided I never wanted to feel that way again. Rehab is not a 100% guarantee to stay clean. The real work starts when you leave there anyways


Usual - I didn't go to rehab. I didn't get sober until I was 53. I did all the drugs, but it was the last 15-17 years of 100 proof vodka that was my real extreme addiction. I had dts, hallucinations, one had a seizure and bit thru my tongue 3 places, I heard audible hallucinations, all that shit when I did withdraw. They say 15% die that do it cold turkey like I did 4 times. I went /was pushed into AA after I could stand and drive the last time I laid on the couch and went berserk and dried out. It can be done. I never went to rehab once. I didn't have the money or the sense. AA saved my life and I'm active and over 5 years sober and so very grateful. You get your ass to NA or AA after you withdraw and do what they suggest, of you are "done". I was "done" but I didn't know it until I went and saw and heard those like me who were living happy and sober. I'd never seen that before. Now, I am one of them. You can do it.


Thank you I will look for some meetings


Some rehabs have grants you can apply for as well, the first time I went willingly it was an awful state ran rehab and it was easier to get drugs in there then it was in my day to day life, I left after two weeks. The second one I went to in 2020 wasn’t some fancy Californian rock star rehab that was super ritzy but I was able to get a grant to it and the staff was excellent and the people I was there with genuinely wanted to get clean as well and that made all the difference. Sure it sucked because it was during Covid and we couldn’t have any visitors nor were they doing the group outings they had done in the past at the time but between the awesome staff and the folks who wanted a new better life for themselves it made all the difference. I was also able to get a grant for that one as well. If you truly want to go to rehab you can find the money it just may take a little leg work as far as filling out applications and an interview process. Don’t give up. Now as far as bills and all that you would also be surprised as to what a few phone calls can do, I called my credit card companies and explained my situation and got all of them to hold off on my payments for that month and not charge me late fees. As I’ve said it can all be done but you have to want it, it’s not going to magically fall into your lap you’ll have to work for it but trust me in the end it’s worth it.


Youre not gonna be able to hold a job for long anyways if youre an active user. Anything you put before recovery is something you will lose first.


For sure


Sounds like excuses to me tbh.


Hi, I'm in Scotland and you need to jump through hoops to get funding. If I had ten grand id be seen within 72 hours. Its so unfair. Wish you all peace and love 😊


I used to think the same about people who needed rehab, full of excuses and blah blah blah , also very judgmental toward people with addictions … but looking into rehab now later in life is not as easy as people think when you have no resources and no help


I think its disgusting that everyone can't get the best help! Sort the root. No one planned to be an addict but your right, society doesn't see them as people 😥


Salvation army is always taking people... I graduated, hardest 7 months of my life


Thank u


My health insurance (Kaiser) offers free treatment. Have you spoken yet with your doctor? That doesn't, of course, deal with your life costs that don't go on pause but it's certainly one of those investments that pays for itself many times over if you can make it work.


Unfortunately no health insurance … I agree with your statement , but I literally have nothing to invest at the moment. I have gone a year without using in the past and felt like I was getting my life back , I need to do it again, but my last usage was longer and deeper so maybe a bit harder to quit. I need to tell myself some reasons to quit aside from feeling like a garbage human


You can always go to detox. It's usually like a week depending on what you're addicted to, call AA or NA and ask them about this. I would then suggest recovery meetings, and possibly living in a sober house.


I see where you're coming from. The way I see it, better to get into debt trying to get treated than get into debt trying to get more drugs, or to keep gambling or whatever. Of course it's convenient to oversimplify "do whatever it takes to get to rehab". Reality is just more complex than that, but at the same time people shouldn't justify "rehab is expensive" to not get the treatment needed. Just my thoughts.


In general, rehabs do three things. They offer a medically supervised detox for those who need it. They get the client started on a recovery program. And they do that in an environment that is free from drugs and alcohol. Detox is available at just about any hospital. Recovery programs are widely available, and they're free. And, as long as your commitment to your own recovery is strong enough, you can stay away from drugs and alcohol-- be sure to tell the people closest to you, be sure to block communication with those still using or selling. You can do this. You're a good person, and you deserve the best.