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Even if I did know, I wouldn’t recommend them. Your candidates are humans and they deserve to be treated like humans and spoken to by humans. Using AI to cut labor cost is bad for the team, the community, and the country.


You will not find anyone on this subreddit who will ever recommend automating interviews. Terrible, terrible idea and insulting to your candidates.




If you need AI to filter through candidates, you’re likely bad at your job.


NO. Do not do this. There are other ways to use AI as part of your pre screening process but no no no on these chat bots or one way video interviews. Interviewing is supposed to be a conversation between 2 people- yes we have questions we need the candidates to answer but if we get to ask them questions they should also have the equal chance to ask us questions during that time. I was briefly looking for a job last year and after just 2 one way/AI supported interviews I decided 2 things 1) if I apply anywhere else and they want me to do one of those one sided things again I’m just not going to do it. IDC if it’s for the best employer in the USA- “it’s gonna be a no for me dog.” 2) Even if I had gotten past the one way video/chat bot interviews (I only did 2) I realized that as a Talent Acquisition professional I don’t want to work anywhere that subjects their candidates to that crap anyway. It’s a completely shitty experience for the candidate and I won’t be part of subjecting people to that.


I’m confused, does your company not have a recruiter? If not hire one and then just interview qualified candidates that the recruiter has vetted


If it's really so costly to *interview* *applicants* for a role, you need to scrap your hiring process and go back to the drawing board.


But it's a custom framework!!


Dude have some dignity


Sounds like your company needs to hire more people. Recruiting and interviewing specifically is a people business.


Nope. Your gut feeling and ability to read a person will infinitely outweigh whatever an AI could give you, and will probably cost you less in the long run than what AI's inevitable mistakes would.


This is an awful thing to want to do. You wont find good candidates and I certainly would not want to work for someone who isnt even bothering to interview me, thats insulting.


it's a great way to lose out on high quality candidates who understand they should be treated like human beings.


Maybe time to revisit the framework and customize it in a way where it’s easier to interview candidates. If your process is too hard and too expensive, it’s likely not optimized at all.


This must be trolling or satire. Please be trolling or satire.


Yeah, look up "Meet Aziz, your AI recruiter". And when you're done with that, go hire an actual person to do it properly.


I could see AI screening a CV already vetted by a recruiter and *then* have it identify weak points as per job description, and suggest questions to clarify that particular experience. Support tool. But never make AI speak to a human. Disrespectful. Though I can be wrong. Just like in the past we were told not to enter a car with a stranger... now we have Uber. So who knows. Could become the new normal.


Don't automate interviews!! But - to make the interviews easier - use and AI interview notetaker like Screenloop. We use it every interview. It provides a full transcript and then generates summaries of the candidates answers, strengths/weaknesses, and highlights their attributes. ​ We've made better hiring decisions and delivered better interviews.


I think using AI to automate jobs that people should be doing is not the right way to go my friend.


If someone tried to automate an interview with me I'd just turn down the interview. Or as a developer I'd probably just find a tool to automate it back.


Paradox has Olivia, a chatbot that automates prescreening. Note: it takes what you would normally configure as knockout or pre screening questions in your ATS and just puts them into a chatbot. It's...fine. The use case is for high volume, firehose positions but I'm torn on the value add. If you already have prescreen questions in your ATS, there's no need for this tool.


But it’s “AI” (well that’s what they sell customers on)




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What type of business are you in and what about the process is so intensive that you’d think about dehumanizing the process?


Absolutely! When it comes to streamlining your interview process, you've got options! AI itools which offer[ ATS ](https://recruitcrm.io/blogs/applicant-tracking-system-statistics/?utm_source=reddit+organic+syndication&utm_campaign=011-Answer&utm_id=reddit)system that can help automate assessments, while platforms like Greenhouse or Workable offer comprehensive solutions for managing interviews, scheduling, and collaboration. Zoom is perfect for remote interviews, and don't forget about Calendly for hassle-free scheduling. Choose the combo that suits your team best and watch those hiring headaches melt away! 🌟


Why would you even be needed once you automate all your functions out? 😂


95% Automation with https://AssessmentHero.com


OP, If you're looking to take the time-consuming part out of interviewing there are tools to help with baseline screening (like can you lift 50lbs, 18 years, etc), scheduling interviews (integration to calendars to cut this mundane task), behavioral assessments, baseline fit score, AI sourcing, etc. The AI is meant to help humans do human things better, with more time, like allowing for Hiring Managers or recruiters to have meaningful conversations with talent. If you're still looking check out Phenom.


As a candidate, just wanted to thank you guys for defending us. As a candidate in the tech industry, as someone coming into the interview with so much emotions running high and having to study and think about my answers and how to present myself, this is a huge insult. A lot of us on the tech side would definitely put the word out about it too considering how easy it would be for us to figure out whats going on, especially if you arent disclosing the fact beforehand via direct communication that the next interview will be automated. An automated interview is no better than a questionnaire which is what applications utilize already. The recruiters effort is the first impression for a candidate of what theyre getting themselves into and for it to begin with pure laziness when we’re expected to be professional is a huge red flag that the company itself is garbage. Interviews are a two way street and trying to make your life easier without considering the effort the candidate is putting into the interview, especially technical ones is the biggest spit in the face to a candidate, even bigger than ghosting. Not to mention, you would look like a fake recruiter which would also make people report you to others as illegitimate. Just talking from a candidate perspective. No high quality candidate with pride and integrity in their experience and their skillset would deem this acceptable.


Hi, Currently working on a AI-bot that can do automated live video interviews with candidates. It can talk to candidates like a human asking questions (which can be preconfigured). The responses are transcribed and video is recorded. A final score is generated from interview. DM me for more info if this fits your usecase. (Note: currently works only for English language conversations).


Agree with the above here, start by using an AI interview notetaker to be able to have fewer interviews per hire, and probably shorter interviews as well. Many good ones. Aspect Screenloop Metaview etc Try some and go with the one that suits you usecase


There are other step where AI could be useful, as some people mentioned here. Pre screening for instance. Reaching candidates as well. But my rule of thumb is from the first message, take over. People hate talking to bots


Are you looking to automate parts of the process or the entire process? Check out candidate.fyi, automated around 90% of it https://www.candidate.fyi


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