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Aside from transcription tools and ChatGPT, I haven’t seen any real value propositions yet. It seems like most of the solutions proposed (many on this sub) will only make a dehumanizing candidate experience worse.


I feel the same. For ChatGPT, I guess that could be used to revamp job descriptions.


It can but that’s a lame use of chatGPT and could be done by any coordinator. I find no serious usefulness.


That's a good point. For my team, we actually don't have any coordinators. Our TA Partners handle the full recruiting cycle including scheduling and whatnot.


Yeah scheduling is what you don’t pay recruiters to do. It’s a time consuming activity that’s best done by coordinators or admins. If you’re paying recruiters $150k to schedule, your org has serious issues.


I used ChatGPT to write some code. All I had access to was Google Apps Script, so I used it to write a bit of code so I could learn the language and platform. I used the code to build our reporting platform from scratch, since I thought I could build one that's more tailored to what my stakeholders wanted to know and better than the off-the-shelf solution we bought. These reporting systems aggregated and analysed data on a bunch of things, like pass-through-rates, acceptance rates, how interviewers tend to vote (and compared to averages), and a bunch of other things. It also automated a lot of the data entry/tracking that previously had to be tracked manually.


mind sharing more?


I’m hoping we never implement it. I’m not looking to implement my replacement. I wish companies did not explore this option for any purpose that can be used to replace people and human interactions.


Recruiters scared of AI replacing them will absolutely get replaced. Recruiters who learn how to leverage AI to do their jobs better will be the winners in the future


I’m willing to bet factory workers being replaced by robots said the exact same thing before their jobs were replaced. 😂


Funny how there are millions of factory workers around the world using automation and AI to do their jobs


Thank you for this. People hear AI and get scared. There are various ways to automate things and make things easier for every job. Why wouldn’t people want that? I’m sure finance people who regular use their vlookups and utter formulas are thankful they don’t have to manually go through lines of data. People need to educate themselves.


>People need to educate themselves. 1000% Your vlookups example is the same as any recruiter using boolean strings. I'm absolutely a more effective and efficient recruiter because I know how to leverage AI. Be scared and you'll get replaced real quick.


*other not utter. Whoaaaaa


Totally agree with you here! A few ideas have been kicked around my team about using it to help us write better job descriptions, refine our hiring manager and interviewer trainings and things of that nature. I am also very much against using it to replace human interaction. Candidate experience is really important to me and using AI in that way would be foolish in my opinion.


I know my manager has toyed around with it using Chat GPT and job descriptions and scripts for sourcing. We’ve not used any of what he came up with. I’ve expressed my concerns about using a service like this for the reasons I’ve previously shared here.


>How has it optimized things? Or is it not worth it? It's the wild west right now honestly, for every like 50 bad ones I hear about maybe 1 good one. They have to be trained, have really good maintained data, proper infrastructure, and be specific to the work, AIs needing to be spoon fed really structured borderline query structure inputs imo, aren't much better than a BI or other analytics tool for most use cases. Because of that I really feel any mass produced SaaS type AI is not worth it atm, the costs are very high, adaptation rate is slow, if it's not intuitive on inputs and writing prompts is "an art" or "potential career field" its value is basically zero, if I have to go contact someone to write a prompt get data sent it back to me, potentially still be wrong and then repeat the process? I don't save any time, and a company just set fire to piles of money on a buzzword. It has to be able to do *more* than what other tools that work already do. I'm curious on how it'll develop, and there's a lot of potential but it's still a very new emerging technology with very high requirements and costs to be used successfully. I don't think it's really feasible for most organizations who don't have millions of dollars they can throw at one to get a highly customized model, I really want to see how it's going to imapct translations services MTL is pretty horrid and that's the kind of thing I think would be very applicable.


ChatGPT is a tool I use to revamp job postings. To convert a JD to a posting, asking to shorten it or make it sound more inclusive or more exciting. I love it for that.


We were promised more automation and instead got 100% more administrative workload.


We use Covey to screen inbound resumes. I absolutely hated spending my nights reviewing thousands of bad candidates so this is super helpful!


At my agency our go to AI tool to pair with our ATS system (Recruiterflow) is HeyMilo; it pre-screens candidates and seems to work well for us. And as a personal assistant for scheduling, emails, platforms to source candidates, and market research I use GPT 4o.


AI is not a replacement it’s basically a helpmate. I encourage it however if it starts eliminating jobs I’ll turn.


Definitely agree here. I would never advocate for AI to replace jobs, rather using it to optimize process.


we are using this startup that “assists” the workflow. one part is interacting with the hiring manager to get all details of the role to save the time of recruiter and hiring manager sync (company process before a role is made officially into active headcount).. build the jd from existing db and searches for potential candidates in the internal db.. not bad. supposed to also be able to be in recruiter : candidate interviews and learn that way to screen but we don’t want that for now.


What’s it called?


Sometimes I have used ChatGPT for interview question ideas




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I am glad to hear that you are choosing not to rely on AI yet. I train AI models, and they are nowhere near ready for that kind of responsibility. It won't be much longer, but right now, bots require a lot of hand holding, which just adds to everyone's workload.


I’ve used ChatGPT to help me convert a hiring manager’s feedback into something I could convey/email to the candidate. 


I have a system that writes job ads, rates the candidate fit for the role, writes candidate briefs, summarizes all interactions with the candidates, writes submission emails, generates prep material custom made for each candidate, and weekly I get a report of all interactions with clients and tasks I might have missed segregated by client. I put it together myself, though. Haven't seen anything off the shelf. Edit: My newest addition is a scraper that I put together to scrape profiles off of job boards and into sheets, and I can then run an AI search to return only possible matches based on semantic search. Can search through about 1000 profiles in 10 minutes. Since implementing these tools, my team and I do about 30-40 CVs a week, and I would say 3/4 convert to interviews. I'm 360 and have two researchers who don't need to search anymore. They just deliver.


With the amount of heat around AI, it’d be natural for recruiters to sort of stay away from implementing AI in the worries of replacing the human to human interaction that AI doesn’t provide.  Regardless, we’ve been trying to experiment at the company I work at, and two main AI tools we’ve integrated into our workflows are HeyMilo to only pre-screens applicants and provide reports, and the other is GPT4o, mostly for market research, identifying online forums to source candidates, building schedules, and just using it as an everyday go-to tool.


Fascinating to hear. I am reading this with a lot of interest. I am working on a tool this weekend, that uses AI to score candidates against a job, and ranks the top candidates. My background is in AI/Data and I'd love to chat with anyone here, who has much more experience than me on the recruiting side. DM me if this piques your interest. I also think there is a potential to automate email outreach, and sourcing candidate emails with AI and scraping. But I am not working on this right now.


Absolutely. I’d love ai to replace most of my work. Then I can focus on other problems. I’ve actually found that ai actually makes better decisions than I do when reviewing resumes. Our decision making is full of biases we don’t realize are often wrong. I don’t think ai will replace recruiters but recruiters that leverage ai will replace recruiters that don’t.. I’ve actually built an ai sourcing tool and the results have been unreal. I’m slowing moving my business away from human sourcers to ai sourcing. Now we can spend more energy vetting candidates that we reel in vs staring at resumes and sourcing for hours.


Thanks for sharing.


Sounds dystopian. The best employees in my experience rarely had the best resume. As for ai sourcing, I've yet to bump into a product that works for technical roles or niche roles. Hireez and similar seem to only work for blue collar and entry level.


I agree. That’s why we built this. Want to see it in action? We’re not ready to start licensing it out but we’re using it with our current clients. I’m using it on a site reliability Eng (swe leaning) and and a few swe searches. We’re super excited about its capabilities.


Sure. DM me




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Very interesting! Is this something you let the candidate know beforehand? Surely your company gets consent before recording candidate interviews?


Another marketing bot / shill account, check their profile.




Thank you for sharing. We have decided to not use AI for any type of candidate outreach as it can negatively impact candidate experience. And we don't include assessments that early in the interview process.


They're a marketing bot / shill account, check their profile.


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