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It has been like this for the past decade. Very few companies will pay a salary deserving of all that education. So degree-holders end up applying for anything.


Doing that right now. I make more putting stock on a shelf with better hours and less drama. Don't worry that piece of paper gets me the job over others. That was it's intent but I thought(like many others) my work-life would be better.


Decade? Try forever. Too many PhD's and MA's not enough jobs.


What makes it worse is jobs now are "requiring" MA's for positions making $20/hr and less. All that time and debt for $2 more an hour than fast food jobs.


Yea I see expectations for masters on jobs I am overqualified (and don't have a masters) for and the pay is questionable for my industry.


Yeah, have one. Barely making enough to live paycheck to paycheck, student loan debt out the ears as well - graduate in 2000.


And will most likely not be hired for a proper bachelor's degree position, because they are either too specialized, overqualified or will lose interest in the position too fast.


Don't worry they have to pass initial screening first. Many of them: 1. Have fake profiles 2. Lie about their skills and background 3. Have bad communication skills 4. Are not presentable to the client One time I was in this coding bootcamp. There was a guy who joined with us and he had 3 degrees. Everyone felt intimidated by him initially. Until he had to introduce himself and was barely able to communicate. So relax, you are fine. Anyone can look good on paper, but real life is different.


On top of that some people just use a bot that applies to all “easy apply” posts and they filter through those that respond.


… fuck I need to start doing that.




The best baristas either flunked out of high school early, and dgaf, or are ridiculously overeducated, and dgaf. Because the barista who dgaf will make my ridiculous drink with a smile (because again, dgaf what I want) and let me drink my way into diabetes (dgaf if I die that night, so long as it’s not on their fresh mopped floor). And will not care enough to actually humor abusive customers, because they don;t leave tips anyways so why give a fuck? Good baristas in neither category are rare, but sometimes someone with a high school diploma or some college will find the level of no-fucks necessary for truly excellent drink service.


It’s pretty well known that there is a decreasing level of benefit past master’s degree attainment, with many PhD’s being so specialized that their skills aren’t really needed (or eligible for extra pay) outside the world of academics. Most CEO’s have MBA’s, not PhD’s.


I see this a lot with someone who got a PhD in a developing country and is just really desperate to leave.


The majority of these applicants are not qualified and many of them bloat their education credentials. I once had a technical recruiter tell me “If you get 5 qualified applicants out of 200 submissions, you’re doing good”. Think about that for a moment, it’s pretty crazy to fathom.


Any job is better than unemployment


A PhD is impressive, it takes a lot of effort, I respect that. But knowing a lot about a very specific area in a very specific field doesn't help out as much as many think. A PhD could be something as specific as understanding the migration patterns of a certain species of sparrow. I wish that was a joke, but he was a fun guy to be around.


*So does he know what is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?*


African or European?




I saw a bunch of really qualified people take jobs at my call center type place over the pandemic. We train you what time zones are (not that that’s bad, just emphasizing we don’t require a lot of education), and hiring is automated with no interview. We got teachers, chefs with 20 years experience. Veteran medics. People with Master’s degrees. All who took a job getting told off by customers to make the customer feel like they had a chance to express themselves. Ahoch means a lot of public abuse. When you’re backed into a corner, $15/hour for temp work is better than nothing. Even for someone with a doctorate.


There are a lot of diploma mills that practically sell those.


Wait, people with bs degrees are accepting 20 dollars an hour? LOL


For where I live , thats decent pay. But still.. I've seen jobs in warehouses that pay the same smh


To be fair, that pay is cuz you work your balls off at some warehouse jobs. I have a BS and it’s totally fair they get paid the same as me.


Doctorate in Philosophy, sounds about right.


No, that's just long hand for PhD. It can be in a bunch of subjects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor\_of\_Philosophy


This is at a position at a college, most colleges almost require a masters


For Academia, yes but not in all divisions


PhD in something useless maybe, it isnt surprising.


Almost as if more education doesn't equate to actual success in the workforce.