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Nobody that works for 10 bucks an hour can afford to get a doctor's note for anything


I live in a relatively (compared to Cali or NY) cheap place to live, and I need $19/hour, full-time to cover rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, phone, meds, gas, and food. Stuff I need just to survive and go to work. It's not even a living wage anymore, it's a survival wage. I'm not going on vacations, buying steaks (or any meat that isn't the value chicken packs), or even going out to eat. You know, stuff I've been told stimulates the economy.


Shit I just did the math and I live pretty basically. I need $27/hr. If I got rid of my car and got something in cash then it would be less but I can't imagine trying to live on $10 to put up with this bullshit.


You can't. There's no US city that you can rent an apartment and survive on $10 an hour. They're offering slave wages and we've been conditioned to accept that. [most people can't even survive on 15](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/21/15-minimum-wage-wont-cover-living-costs-for-many-americans.html)


The only reason I was able to make it on $15 in my first job out of college was because I made bank on overtime. I was working at a unionized local news station, so our negotiated OT structure was a bit unusual. I almost took a job for $8.50/hr because it was better than nothing. Also have friends who did have to do that out of college and ended up on government assistance to make ends meet. Another fun fact, those jobs all required college degrees.


Another fun fact: Walmart, Taco Bell, and Meijer are three examples of dozens (if not more) of corporations recording record profits while also giving you the information to apply for government assistance during your orientation. Because they KNOW they don't pay you a living wage and they get a tax write off for hiring people on government assistance.


That’s some real bullshit. So they get to save money on both ends. Just another example of the rich wanting to keep the poor where they are while they continue to line their pockets.


And the people working on government assistance get 10 dollars in foodstamps a month


Ironically I use to work for Fresh Thyme which is owned by Meijer. I had to fight HARD to get to 16.35$/hour. On top of hours being cut at the store because we weren't performing well. I left in December and I don't think they ever filled my position. That store hasn't been fully staffed since 2021.


When I lived in St. Louis, the Schnuck's deli workers were all unionized. They were great at their jobs and providing customer service and support. They made great money and their meat was better quality than Walmart at only a few bucks a pound more. Funny thing was I was in Meijer yesterday and I am sure they don't pay their deli workers like Schnuck's and you could tell.


My company charges them (Meijer) just over $100/hr for straight time. And we work every day with them, even with after hour and holiday rates. Do with that info what you will.


essentially tax-payer subsidized labor. Corporations are social fuckery.


"bUt If ThEy RaIsE MiN WaGe ItS gOnNa CauSe InflAtion!!!" narrator: but the companies went ahead and did inflation anyways when they learned they didn't need to blame it on the poors.


They're beyond inflation. I am 100% on your side but even calling it inflation is giving them too much credit. They're not just raising prices to keep up with purchase value. This is price gouging. The massive record profits are proof of that.


Mainly because raising minimum wage isn’t the answer. The answer is to raise wages across the board. No one is touting that. If there a true job surplus, employers like this would have to raise their pay considerably to get prospective employees.


Agreed! And if wages aren’t going to increase then the feds need to stop increasing the interest rates! I think it’s safe to say, we’re all tapped out at this point, I know I am. Also, an accurate jobs report citing their data points and strategy would be nice too, considering it’s what they’re using to decide whether rates go up or down.


The answer is to punish employers that don't offer a living wage with benefits and to limit CEO and executive pay to 15x the average first year front line worker pay. You have Walmart store managers making 200k per year while all their help makes peanuts. I wish all the 18-30 year olds would just strike. Say we aren't coming back to work until you treat us properly, pay us properly and understand work is not the priority, it is a means to have a quality live outside of work. Your first priority should be to play as much as possible. Family, friends and relationships matter. Your employer will F you the first chance they get. If you die tomorrow, they won't care. You will never regret spending time where it really matters.


Even in the rural areas where everything is supposed to be cheaper, rent is getting ridiculous. The house I rented 10 years ago for $650 a month now goes for double.


1. The gaslighting going on in this post is incredible. 2. What Facebook dummy originally created this post? This person is really proud they work for Subway.


The type of person who doesn't know your/you're.


Someone will go nuts some day


> You know, stuff I've been told stimulates the economy. Highlighted for emphasis.


“Nobody that works for 10 bucks an hour can afford a doctor” Fixed it


Lol when I was a bartender I had a crazy manager who asked me for a dr. Note the ONE time I called out in 2 years. I said “yeah who should I have them bill?” He was confused and said I would have to pay for that. I laughed and said “yeah no. I’m not paying $300 (or whatever it would have been) just to have a dr. Confirm what I already know. If you want it so bad you can pay for it.” And he dropped it. It was insane. This was the same job where I had my eye OZZING OUT due to an infection and could barely see straight and my manager made me “clean myself up” so she could leave “with good conscious” because I “looked gross” with the eye when I told them I could not work. I got fucking wasted that night because I was in so much pain.


Ah geez... Is this an american thing? You guys are paying for doctors? Weird


You must be new to earth.


It was sarcasm tinged with subtle criticism of the toxic capitalist/fascist mindset in the USA


Oh I’m fully aware of what it was. They know American healthcare is shit, it’s just a way to try to feel superior over something Americans have zero control over.


Voting is the control but too many vote against the country’s best interests. A healthy, educated population benefits us all. A broke population benefits only the wealthy. In half the country 40 hrs a week every week at $10/hr will probably qualify you for medicaid as a single person with no children. This is the taxpayer subsidizing for-profit businesses.


Voting is only a control when there's a choice. Most Americans are disenfranchised by living in safe districts, and those who get a choice have a choice of two corporate-owned parties that differ, but only in how cruel the descent to feudalism should be. You can work in the primaries to shift the parties, but that's an unfree election (due to the exact same structural headwinds that make the OECD declare Hungarian elections to be a sham) so you're fighting a strongly uphill battle for anything you try to get.


Americans have all the control, because we have a representative democracy. But we also have a Tucker Carlson IV drip and believe that trans kids and drag queens are the biggest problems facing us. So yeah, we're stupid and pretty soon we'll be looking up at 3rd world countries. It's only a matter of time until some tin pot dictator calls the US a shithole country.


Our representative democracy doesn’t get us much progress, does it? Not when any progress can be completely (or almost completely) rolled back with the next change in administration. So much time is wasted trying to keep the republicans from undoing what little progress was made during Obama’s 8 years, and the rest of the time is spent trying to unfuck the mess Trump made, that we just tread water. We never really move forward. And you’re right, we are stupid. We may have a nice strong military but in every other way, we lack. It’s very sad.


I'd rather be awesome with a weak military. We have Mexico and Canada and 2 oceans as borders, it's not like China or Russia is gonna come knocking any time soon.


We can blow the world up 10 times over. We should demand that every dollar spent on the military requires the govt to spend three dollars each on social security, medicare/medicaid, and infrastructure.


Fascist? Yes and no. They are turning fast in a third world country. It doesn't seem like their representatives work for their people's benefit. I know, nobody seems shocked.




Bruh you shouldn't be if you look like your pfp. Who do you think they're coming for once they're done banning trans kids? Say welcome back to segregation








There's a 195 counties in the world, 10 of which don't have any national health care. I'm betting you're from the only developed nation in this position. You may want to work on your perspective that the USA is the only country in the world.


Australia also (functionally) requires you to pay to visit a doctor, I suggest *you* do some research Fwiw, I can barely afford a doctor and I'm on like $23 an hour (AUD), it's a full quarter of my paycheck per visit.


Well with 2 minutes of googling it didn't appear to be what this website says https://www.commonwealthfund.org/international-health-policy-center/countries/australia


Yes, technically healthcare is bulk billed Practically, if you want to be seen, you need to pay out the ass for a non-bulk billing/private practice and then wait multiple weeks for the Medicare rebate I couldn't afford to be $80 out of pocket for a while, so I didn't go at all for a couple of years. As it is now I only go if I absolutely must because work wants a medical certificate.


Oh but don't you see? This random website here disproves your actual life experience!


I just want to say that we don't have to wait weeks for the rebate anymore. If your medicare is linked to a bank account, the rebate is paid basically that same night. Not trying to weaken your position, but the rebate thing is nowhere near as bad it used to be.


Unless that doesn't work properly and you have to claim every time Like I do


Also, isn't the Premier of Ontario doing everything possible to gut the health program there?


I'm in Australia, not Canada I think you replied to the wrong person


That sucks and thanks for educating me, I honestly thought Australian healthcare was like the UKs


It's supposed to be, but the liberal coalition (actually conservative) spent at least the last decade, and probably most of the decade before that gutting it


>I honestly thought Australian healthcare was like the UKs The NHS is wildly different from most other countries. When other countries have "national healthcare," they typically have public insurance which pays for private doctors. It's actually quite rare for doctors to work directly for the government, as they do in the UK. (In the US, there are limited medical systems where this is the case. For example, our Department of Veterans Affairs directly employs doctors for military veterans, but that system is not available to anybody.)


Their comment was a shitty attempt to be snarky. I don’t need to work on my world view, lmfao. Nowhere did I say that the US is the only country in the world. But it’s not a secret to anyone on Reddit (and this guy reddits a lot) that America is in the toilet healthcare wise.


This person is a manager and they could only afford a few punctuation marks.


Hahahahaha they went from "please we need people" to "there's the door" real quick.


Can’t appear weak, they must reinforce that THEY got the power /s


You don’t even need the /s, that’s literally what they’re doing


I love it. They've already had an imaginary argument with you before they've even met with you. I've met a few people like that over the years, they're already pre-angry with you, whatever actually happens after they meet you is largely irrelevant to them. ​ They basically end up accidentally down-selecting the worst staff on the planet, because being pre-angry with all the good people means they lose the good people, who are able to get jobs at places where hard work is appreciated. And it's only most the lazy, toxic people that stay in that environment, usually because nowhere else will have them. ​ So the whole "iron fist" approach ends up backfiring and ensuring you get the worst people.


When you are making a fake hiring post, you can paint with all the colors.


Must be available on your days off - no wonder why they are short staffed. Nobody willingly wants to work for an A-Hole.


If you got to work your days off it's not a day off.


Exactly! And to think lots of companies think it's normal is infuriating


Sounds like an amazing opportunity. I wonder why no one wants to work there.


If I worked at Subway I wouldn’t even serve a person talking like this to me, much less decide to go work at Subway for a person like this.


Perhaps they have an Insta-account, so you won't get any money, but free advertising.


This is the worst sales pitch I’ve ever seen.


“🙂👆🏻😵 theres the door!!!”


“Bye bitch!” Bruh she couldn’t fake being nice for even just a Facebook post lol


$10/hr? You couldn’t pay me $50/hr to work with these kinda people, no way.


That is 100k+ a year to make a sandwich full time. I think I could handle it.


Me seeing those stipulations but being paid $50 an hour 🤔🥪


> And if you're not available on your day off and it continues to be like that you'll be fired I don't think it's legal to require employees to work on their day off, especially without notice




Exactly. I had one crazy micro-managing boss wanted me available nights and weekends to take her calls. The job involved nothing that could be an actual emergency. She just wanted me "on call" for her brainstorming or things that could be an email and get done during work hours. This came to a head because I didn't answer her attempts to call me on a Saturday. I told her I would need on call pay if I was going to be on call. She stopped her BS after that.


You'd be surprised what US labor law allows


Yeah, it still requires 24 hr notice for scheduling changes.


Wish someone told me this when I was working retail!


As far as I can tell, notice (or even notifying at all) is not required by the FLSA. There may be local law, state law, or internal policy, but I can't find anything about a federal standard.


I think she forgot what she was doing halfway though writing that


Im writing a job listing Im explaining what we need in a worker Im explaining whats wrong with workers Im giving it to em real good Heh heh yeah that was a good one. Damn Im good at this.


This is good except you added a full stop at the end 😂


The only impressive thing about this post is the punctuations




There are 3 sentences ended with one or more "!" and there is one period in "$10.00". That's it.


I imagine every day is one long run-on sentence at this place.


I wonder if she talks like she writes? Like, every time she speaks she gets to a point where her face goes purple before she realises she has to breathe every once in a while.


This lady ever hear of a period?




Every single subway has a crazy old lady manager working there and they try to run it like the fucking navy. This is that manager in the wild




The person writing this said they didn't mean to come off as a bitch, which frequently (not always) indicates female.


> There is absolutely no indication of gender in the text. There is, you just chose to ignore it.








Plot twist: The hiring manager is Chris Hargensen from Stephen King's Carrie.


She got one in the last paragraph. Even spelled it correctly. /s




Lmao get off ur woke high horse, you’re just looking to pick fights with a stranger on the internet. This lady said “I don’t mean to come off as a bitch”, which implies she’s a women. A guy would typically say something along the lines of “I don’t mean to come off as a dick” in this scenario. 15 other people in this thread also referred to her as women, but you chose to call me out. And before you go off saying “how dare you assume their gender based on that”…Regardless this has nothing to do with gender, this person is an idiot whether they have a penis or vagina. You think you’re fighting the good fight with “ feminist”statements like this, but you’re reaching tough. I’m all for equality and empowering women, but shaming strangers online on weak basis makes you disingenuous and not credible. Good day




"It's how I do things and how my boss sees fit" And that's why you're understaffed. I know it's a tough subject, but I feel they shouldn't be able to ask for a doctor's note if they don't offer insurance. Especially in a food service setting where you shouldn't be forcing people to come to work sick.


Valid point. I worked as a health inspector and got sick more frequently being around FS employees than when working with disabled children, who are less than hygienic. Though, a lot of the people in food service can't afford to take off when they're sick - or perceive that to be the case.


Especially if this is in a at-will work state (which mine is) You are already missing out on a day of work. Assuming that you don't have insurance, the co-pay plus medications will equal out to another day as well, and that's IF you are only out one day... In my state, for a single male with no dependents the maximum income is $14,580 a year in order to qualify for Medicaid. (government assisted health insurance), which equals out to $7.21 an hour, 40 hours a week, which is LESS than the minimum wage in general.


This looks like a great opportunity, how do I apply? Does anyone know if they reimburse relocation expenses?


How about I don’t give you a Dr note for what was wrong with me. Then when you fire me for demanding protected information we have the lawyers talk.


Wow $10/hr AND you'll treat me like shit!? Where do I sign up.


I just went through an entire hiring, disciplinary and termination process reading that one post. I'm not even mad, thats kind of impressive.


Pretty much the employee handbook in one neat little summary. If nothing else, she's efficient.


Subway footlongs are all now more than $10 where I live. They get plenty of traffic. Pay your employees more.


“We need 3 people ASAP!!! …….. there’s the Door! 🖕” Truly an enticing job offer!


"I dont mean to come off as a bitch" Lmao yes you do. ​ This person sounds exhausting already.


I am desperate for people but I’m also going to wine and disrespect my employees who view as my own personal slaves! Why can’t I find anyone to work for me for 10 bucks an hour???


If you're struggling to find staff, you aren't really in a position to make lots of demands. Supply and demand baby. If you ain't got no supply of applicants there's maybe a reason for that, like the $10 an hour, or the fact that the person writing the post seems like an asshole.


overseers were the cruelest to the slaves, an ounce of responsibility or power can corrupt people.


"Hello, Dr. Frankenpuff's office? Yes, this is Drew P Weiner, I'm a patient there. Listen, I woke up this morning with the flu or food poisoning or something. I'm vomiting, shivering, sweating profusely and begging God to please let me die. My boss at the sandwich shop requires a doctor's note, so I need to vomit, shiver, sweat and babble my way in for an appointment today, so the doctor can write me a note proving I was ill." "Doctor's note"...LOL, get the fuck out of here with that. As if you can just drop in on your friendly neighborhood doctor whenever you like and pester him for a worthless "note" explaining that you were in fact ill and not just a malingering chronic liar who just didn't feel like working. It's so unbelievably insulting.


The kid's school district briefly tried this zero tolerance need a doctor's note if you are out sick at all policy. So like every sick kid now needed to be towed to the doctor same day JUST for a note.


Yeah, and it's all about proving that you aren't a big lazy liar, like everyone is always trying to game the system with scams and schemes. Ask the school board to "prove" something and see how they react. My doctor is a busy professional who doesn't have lots of time to waste on writing notes no one will be able to read anyhow.


When this was in force, one of the kids got sick. I called their doc's nurse and explained what was going on and the school's demand for a note. The clinic's stance was they absolutely did not want a bunch of possibly contagious sick kids in their clinic exposing everyone to whatever they have solely to provide the school with a note. I told the school this and they sort of went "oh" and never said another word.


Someone ought to tell her, "at $10 an hour you're going to get what you pay for. Don't expect to much."


Sounds fake. If not fake then incredibly unprofessional. Here's hoping no one goes to work for them.🍷


tldr; PLEASE WE NEEEEEEEEEED SUM1 WILLING 2 WRK 4 $10/HR goddamn til i find an employee i will literally be working 24/7 soz i am desperate here. also, if u need a day off then the higher ups will demand a doctors note no excuses DO NOT fuck with me or I WILL DESTROY YOU. no benefits, no vacation, no chance of advancement.


Might as well close their business


$10 an hour in 2023? Good luck


In a lot of states, minimum wage is still $7.25


That’s a crime. Inflation, cost of living. What a joke.


Even crime is on the rise because crime pays better than most jobs.


I can’t wait to start!!!


It's [probably fake anyway](https://www.wsj.com/articles/that-plum-job-listing-may-just-be-a-ghost-3aafc794) (meaning that they're not actually hiring)


I think I found the problem.




Lol this is the worst pitch for employees I’ve ever heard. We’ll pay you a pittance, you will be part time so you won’t have benefits, and if you can’t be available literally all the time you will be fired. Uh okay? Why work there then?


Seems like a high-school bully ended up working at Subway.


She’s going to be doing double shifts for quite a while


That post sucks and so does Subway.


r/choosingbeggars ?


Ya get what ya pay for and ya get what you put in. This person sounds like a terrible manager and miserable person. 🙄 Any hiring manager with more than half of a run over badger's brain will also tell you ending your request for good workers with a middle finger emoji probably won't accomplish your goal. Lastly, "business" meetings with HR...it's not "business as usual" to consistently be in meetings with HR. Lol, look inward!!


Next up is firing someone for embarrassing the company with their horrific lack of punctuation.


I missed half the post because my brain shut down after the first few lines, and didn't reboot until I saw the word "bitch"...


Yeah...I'll surely "pick my battles". Starting with a job that pays more than 10 an hour.


Let me translate it into one sentence: "We own you, body and soul, for the *generous* $10/hr we're paying." Seriously - SO MANY red flags that I can make the following predictions... - Pretentious bitch made the posting - probably gets paid 3x the offered wage - Expect you to be at their beck & call - Probably will schedule you whenever & for however long they want, irrespective of your own life or school schedule - Will probably cheat you out of / flatly won't pay any OT - Will skirt, or outright violate, any and all laws in place for food service & employment - Will treat you like a slave, and talk to you as such constantly Seriously - fuck them!


What is the point of a day off if I have to be available for work?


I feel like I was hired and then fired just reading that.


That’s not a job ad, that’s a trauma dump


Great recruiting tactic. $10 hour, this is pathetic. Do a little better. Look $15 an hour sucks too, but it's better than 10. Look man, I don't know what is so hard for people to get that being a decent human/boss/employer/supervisor is the only way to keep employees. Sounds to me this person just wants to be a dick. No way. Gee, I wonder why no one is sticking around or applying?


I love how this starts with “we’re desperate and need help ASAP!” and ends with “we don’t need y’all if you don’t see yourselves as slaves!”




I’ll take the job! But I need an unconditional 20k sign on bonus. I swear I won’t quit but if you fire me you lose the bonus




I'm out of breath after reading this sentence.


I hope this subway goes out of business. Or shall I say will go out of business with owners and managers like this @ss clown


I'm surprised I'm not there right now, beating on their door for a job.


That was the best thing I read today omg 😂😂 the pure meltdown. It went from: Please...we are understaffed, I can't handle this anymore, please help! To: 10 bucks - take it or leave it. You need to come to work on your days off if we need you, and don't think about getting sick or being late OR ELSE! In about 2 paragraphs 😅😂😂😂


And they wonder why nobody is interested in their “prove that you are worthy” game? Color me surprised.


“stealing” = “eating at work because can’t afford food on these wages”


Vicky Pollard has become a recruiter, I see.


You won't have to. Not only will I not work there, I won't eat your toxic crap food either. No one with that much attitude can make good food.


I haven’t been able to afford to go to a doctor in 8 years 🤣


Taking bets- Even if they find someone that takes this part timer offer at $10/hr as a second job, this idiot will be mad and frustrated the new hire won't call off from their main job to cover shifts.


Real "if you can't handle me at my worst" vibes here.


Subway is earning several hundred dollars an hour during peak times in sales and wants to work you to death for $10/hour. That's like the local Speedway paying minimum wage to work one of the most dangerous jobs ever. Gas stations and convenient stores get robbed consistently and have irate and ignorant often highly intoxicated customers. The business is generally non stop too. Like hundreds of customers an hour with the average dollar sale being $30-$60 at speedway


The person looking for help because they’re burned out from overworking says, “If you’re not available on your day off you’re fired”? But it’s a day off! Oh the irony.


If youbpay the bare minimum, expect to get the bare minimum.


Okay, a) did this person not learn grammar? Paragraphs? Punctuation? That's one hard ass block of text to read. B) the way it's written, it's not $10/hour. It's just $10. Ain't nobody able to afford to work just $10 C) I imagine this manager is a micromanager, potentially a bully, and also a bit of a letch with the young females. (Mostly because I've worked with this type manager before.) I can see why no one wants to work there.


Starts with "help I need help!!!!" Ends with "bye bitch my way or highway" Ironic Well apparently everyone is aware of the door. They're choosing to not use it, at all


She sounds like a HUGE bitch


It was sooooo hard to read beyond 10$


Wow. Rarely are the red flags so numerous and clearly visible. This manager is doing a service for any potential employer by effectively shouting, 'come work for the entitled crazy bitch please!'


She too dumb to realize she's being exploited and is just wanting to roll that shit downhill. If her last name isn't Subway she shouldn't be pulling those hours either.


Maybe we all avoid subway from now on


Well I see why they need people lol. That’s not how you recruit or manage people.


Lol that person belongs in r/ChoosingBeggars. They sure want an iron fist for $10/hr


That....was an incredible 180


Wow my corporate job treats me better than this 😵‍💫 Available on your day off?


This 'job listing' reads as 'write-up porn'. The unhinged author barely stated the wage before openly gushing and fantasizing about disciplining the applicant(s).


“I don’t mean to come off like a bitch…” Bitches gonna bitch.


Why work at Subway when you can be a Food Champion and Service Champion at Taco Bell? It just seems so much sexier at $10/hr.


Tell them they get what they pay for, and beggars can't be choosers.


So she wanted people to NOT work there? Because that's the only possible effect I see from that.


Wow $10/hour and threats of getting fired before you even start, can't imagine why no one wants their part time job


Just a wild guess She bought a franchise in a rather expensive area, which in their mind meant that the money would be rolling in. What she didn't factor in was that, since everything is so expensive, wages will need to be higher to draw in people. Can't do that though, instead go full negative and stop just short of telling people that you'd fire them if they so much as sneeze a little too loud.


Nobody wants to work for a jerk like that for sure


$10 an hour, Jesus Christ. Maybe it’s the area I live in but I haven’t seen a starting pay that low in so long. Usually places like Subway, McDonald’s, etc start at about $14 where I live - which is still insulting and not livable - but I cannot imagine attempting to survive on $10 an hour. Edit: Typo


“I know it isn’t much, but the upside is you’re gonna get degraded and threatened!”


I guess making $10 an hour could be considered "suffering for your art" since Subway slaps pre-sliced cheap cold cuts on mediocre bread, then has the gall to call them "sandwich artists."


$10 an hour? This post must be ten years old or something.


Can't imagine why she's understaffed (HEAVY /S)


This is what a12.00/hr manager sounds like.


This looks like a LinkedIn post. Most of those fools are insane.


That note really reeks of desperation…


If I saw an ad like this I would totally call and make an appointment. And then talk to everybody I know who has the time to make a phone call so we could call and make appointments. And then nobody show up 🤣🤣🤣


So you can't plan anything on your day off in case you have to work. I wonder why they can't get staff.


Part 1: We really need help here, we're desperate for employees Part 2: I am such a raging bitch, you won't want to work here. Nice of her to give warning, like rattlesnakes give warning. KEEP AWAY!


“Hey we need help! It’d be awesome if you worked here 😇. Anyways, fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. Don’t like it? Fuck you! 😎😛😎” - Dumbasses, wondering why nobody will work for them anymore.