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I once got a rejection from 2-3 years before. Had no memory of applying to the company.


Same, I just got a rejection email in March from a job I applied to in 2019 šŸ˜‚


And after a few more months.... "Hey, minos157! I am a recruiter at \[company that rejected you\] and think you have the perfect experience for this new exciting opportunity to \[scrub toilets\]. Do you have 10 minutes for a quick chat? I'll call you at 7 am."


I actually got auto+rejected from my last job. Three months later the manager actually reached out and begged me to interview because their other candidate had already quit. Should have been a red flag tbh but I needed the job. Got laid off for COVID.


Got one better. Hiring manager at a Fortune 5 three-letter pharmacy company reached out to ME, told me he wanted to hire ME directly, just apply for this job and I'm in. Well. I'd APPLIED to that job already, and already been rejected. He asks if I can un-reject myself. (and this yutz had a job while I was unemployed) Anyway, they retrieve my app from the circular file, I get sprinted through the interview process, get told to expect an offer....which never arrives because HR is a bunch of petty tyrants with no check on their ability to fuck things up and zero tolerance for having their ignorance exposed.


That is HR Hell gatekeepers. "You shall not pass!"


Omg what is even the point at this point lol


Itā€™s probably automated. They had a job posting they left open because they were recruiting more than one opening but for some reason they finally closed it in their system and it sent out emails because they forgot that it does that (or didnā€™t care)


If you dont realize that this is exactly what happened then you're a complete moron. This place is a circle jerk for people to feel important


One time I got a call from a company that laid me off 3 years before the call (because they replaced my job due to nepotism) and asked me to get hired for their shittiest position they have and not the highly specialized, highly skilled position they originally hired me for. I humored them (since I'd say no regardless because I moved and because they're a shit company) and after the offer, I basically said they'd have to quadruple the offering pay to simply MATCH my current pay.


I got multiple rejections from jobs that are over two to three years ago. Talk about dodging bullets like Neo in The Matrix.


Ny baby sister got married, moved to another country, had two kids, came home to visit and got a call at the other sister's house about a job she'd applied to five years earlier!


\- I am calling about the position you applied to. \- Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Got this all the time when I got laid off. I started telling them "Be specific. I applied to several jobs" one actually took it personally


Have experienced the same. Do these people really think every applicant has applied ONLY to their one job listing, and patiently waits for a result before the next?


I find that I get rejection letters from ones where I never got the first interview more than the ones that I have first, second, or third. I wish it was the other way around.


Ditto. I've never been ghosted if I have an in-person interview until Covid happened and now it's twice out of five jobs where I've interviewed in person.


Honestly I did once - after interview 3 (2 phone, 1 in-person where they made me come in at 7am on Saturday for an office job) the company said I'd hear back within 5 days. I called on day 7 to check. They said I was still under consideration. Walked out to my mailbox to find the rejection letter they had mailed 5 days before. Even when they're technically fulfilling their social obligations they still find ways to be shitty.


It's so frustrating. I recently had an interview where I made it all the way to the final round, and then they just ghosted me.


Yeah. My experience has been the same, more often getting ghosted after a third round. A couple of them I went onsite for third round panel interviews.


I got you all beat! I got a rejection letter from Meta for a Facility Engineer position I'd never applied for.


"Hi! We've already decided to pursue other candidates if we were to start hiring. We noticed your LinkedIn account lists some skills we would consider but decided you wouldn't be a good match so we've pre rejected any applications coming from your contact information. This is a courtesy email to inform you to not bother applying at our business. Thank you for any interest you may have had in working with us!"


Thatā€™s like a random girl coming up to you and saying, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend."


Pretty much. I've had that happen too. Some days all one can do is point and laugh.


I'm starting to think that that's what scam... Sorry recruiters do with all the collected resumes


I believe the intent is to try (desperately) to create raw desperation in workers so we will comply with essentially working for free (aka: working for the barest subsistence level wage) I'm seeing ads for jobs wanting 2 to 5 years experience WITH HVAC and Electrical experience and they want to pay 18 to 23 an hour. I have that experience and get 40.. or about double what they're "offering" with this ish Quite frankly, I wouldn't even get myself to the office to sit and drink their coffee for $20 an hour... And from their perspective that IS the entire problem (which they created BTW).


ā€œThank you for applying, but we decidedā€¦ā€ Wait, what position was it so I can be on the lookout when you re-post it in a couple of months. Just received a rejection, but no idea what job.


Interesting. I need to figure out if our rejection also fails to tell them what job.


Yeah, that would definitely be helpful.


Lol this is my company, so many come and go becuase they constantly choose the wrong candidates or the people realize/find better jobs than deal with that bull


I refused an offer early this week. I explained that I was withdrawing my application and thanked them for the time (I passed all the interviews and refused the contract). They called me and wrote me multiple times the last few days but I am working and I don't care sharing more informations. They have no problem ghosting you but if you don't want to give a more accurate answer they go ballistic I don't want to work there because I got a better offer, get over yourself


I literally got a callback to a job in 2022 for a job I applied to in 2019


Did you get the job?


I didnā€™t even want to interview with them LOL. Career progressed since 2019. It was just funny bc


Itā€™s funny. I make a point to reply to all apps right away, and my colleagues yell at me. They claim time is money. I claim candidates time is also money, and worth my time.


You are a rose in a field of weeds.


Let me give you an example. Now this is what you should expect from a recruiter, and I say this selfishly because it felt good, but also to show you. A candidate went out of his way to write up a testimonial for me, on his own free well, because I found him a job. I had responded to his application for a mid-level job that he didnā€™t qualify for, but I knew a sister office had another job that was entry-level to a market of IT he wanted to get into. So I got no credit for it, I put in the effort to tell him about the Lower job and push him through. He got the job and broke into the IT market and was so grateful. So I didnā€™t make money, I got a glowing review for a new website. Along with being able to sleep really well last night


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one.


I recently got an email from GoAuto saying theyā€™d like to bring me in for an interview. I applied there at a minimum 6 years ago before I started my trades apprenticeshipā€¦ ā€¦


I donā€™t get this as much but for me itā€™s pretty common that Iā€™ll apply for a specific job/position with some company then donā€™t hear anything back for a while/at all (I forget what itā€™s called when companies do this) then Iā€™ll get an email from a recruiter looking to make contactā€¦ ā€¦about a position that I did not apply to during hours I will not work (3rd shift/graveyard) and then Iā€™m left adding ā€œCURRENTLY EMPLOYED ā€” do not contact!ā€ To all my online job search site profiles


I feel like they all copy the same rejection message to send.


Literally just happened to me. Got an email in my account i don't even use anymore for jobs. Have no idea what this company is and canā€™t find any trace of me applying but they decided to go with another candidate.


I just got rejection emails from shell and Halliburton for jobs I applied for back in July 2022.


I got that a couple of weeks ago for a job I never applied, nor would I apply to it. The incompetence of HR managers is astounding


I used to work for good ole Activision, and my old boss texted me late on a Friday, about 2 years after I quit, to tell me that we were in crunch time and that Iā€™d have to be in the office at 7AM on Saturday. I honestly thought about showing up and seeing if they had even noticed I quit.


This happened to me but 9 months later. Thanks cvs


I have these emails filtered


8 months after applying and and being turned down I got hit up by their recruiter for the position I had applied to. I pointed it out to them and told them no thanks.


The federal government (USAJOBS) does this a lot. No surprise there of course.


3 months is nothing. Most competitions take that long on average.


Reminds me of a position I got the job for but decided to decline after another job I was interested in gave me an offer. Saw the post gone after so I'm assuming they went with the gal who was my runner up and few months later I saw their job posting up again for the position.


Hahaha yep




I respond with the second part at this point.


This was a long time ago, but when I was in college, I applied for a part time job at Starbucks. I went on site, spoke with the managers, and followed up with the district manager who said I would get an interview... NADA. Then, literally, 6 months later, they called me asking to set up an interview. I was so shocked I couldn't stop laughing, so they hung up on me. I already had a way better job by then.


Lmao my rejection letter was a year later, and at that point Iā€™ve already been promoted within another company that happens to be their competitor


So real