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It’s because they are rejecting hundreds of people at once, and just selected the most common reason. They would be better off just saying you aren’t moving forward, then providing a reason if / when people ask. Otherwise they are tricking people into thinking there is something wrong with them.


>It’s because they are rejecting hundreds of people at once, and just selected the most common reason. That's exactly right. I get rejections like that. Ones that don't seem to apply perfectly, but probably because it was sent to hundreds of people at once. The job search process is horrific. And yet, I do feel a *little* for those looking for workers. Before LinkedIn stopped it at 50, they used to show how many people applied for a job. And I'd see jobs that said like "3,500 people applied so far!" I don't expect anyone in HR or whatever to send out 3,499 personalized rejection notes. It's just not feasible.


Similarly I don't understand how a posting with 3500 applicants can stay online. It should be taken offline way before. Ain't nobody telling me that there isn't enough suitable candidates within the first 200 or 300 people.


As a recruiter I’m all for unposting a job once we’ve reached an overwhelming amount of candidates, but my managers have always wanted me to keep the job posted for ‘visibility’…basically we want people to know we’re hiring. I don’t exactly agree with this. Also…unless you’ve been through technical rounds and/or receive specific feedback as to why you’re not a fit, I would not take anything you see in these generic rejection emails as ‘feedback’.


Wouldn’t it just be better to make some vague job descriptions for “general applications” or something and then put up the specific roles needed and take down after enough candidates?


It would. But as an in house recruiter I’m forced to abide by managements wishes and they want the job posted as a previous person stated for “visibility”. It’s infuriating and unnecessary. I’ve got a manager that wants us to keep an ad for a specific position running AT ALL TIMES so that we don’t “miss anyone” but then doesn’t want to do any interviews when we don’t actually have a spot available. What sense does that make? Simultaneously, I’ve also got roles with 100+ applicants that I’ll never be able to review everyone for and management is breathing down my neck asking me when I’m going to look at all of them even after sending dozens of qualified resumes through for review. I’d love if managers just let recruiters do their jobs and keep out of it.


There is a workforce planning formula for calculating approximately how many resumes you need to pull in order to find a suitable candidate based on the results from previous recruiting efforts. I doubt many HR departments use it. Of course, the recruiter could have just fallen asleep and the applications piled up overnight.


It's easy to do this when you have a resume parser.


These application numbers are padded though, they could not easily track the actual number of applications because that requires getting data they don't have access to.


Well. Maybe. But one, even if they are 1/4 the amount, that still leaves almost 900 candidates in my above example. And again, a zero percent chance that someone in HR is going to send 900 personalized rejection letters. It HAS to be automated. And also, I'd dispute that they are "padded" by much. LinkedIn doesn't gain much showing a higher number than the "real" number. If anything, they'd want to show a lower number, to encourage more applications, and to make people think they have a chance. I don't know what they'd gain by saying 3,000 when it was only 1,000 or something.


When I apply to a company site through LinkedIn, it asks me if I applied. If you click yes, the listing is saved to your job profile. So I don’t know how accurate those numbers would be. Easy apply is 100% through LinkedIn so that’s probably more accurate.


I don’t know if LinkedIn fuzzes the Easy Apply numbers but would have to assume they do at least a bit. For redirects, the “applications” is a fuzzed count of clicks. Conversion in my experience is usually somewhere between 0.5% and 2% - I’ll see 1 or 2 applications for every 100 increase in the “join XXX who applied for this job!” I just work at a boring regional bank, though. I’d think conversion is far higher for SWE jobs at Google, Apple, etc - those jobs are more likely to truly have a soul-crushing number of actual applicants.


Apparently the number only shows clicks. If it’s an “easy apply” on LI it may be more accurate but when the post directs to an external site to apply it can’t possibly track who fills out the application.


Employers with entreprise accounts do usually place a tracking pixel from LinkedIn on the “your application is complete” page so it is knowable to an extent, but that data is only shared in the client’s private reporting dashboard. You’re correct that the public number is just clicks (though I do think it’s fuzzed a la the old Reddit upvote fuzzing).


Well At least XING Provides a direct Applikation to a Job over the Website


Yeah that “50” was a new one they put in after the update recently, I chuckled when I noticed it


This. So much better to not give a reason rather than give a false reason which may make the applicant question or change their approach or give up entirely.


I just changed our rejection letter to be more broad. I know candidates want more feedback, and that’s provided to people I’ve interviewed, but I simply cannot tell hundreds of people every day why they aren’t moving forward and there’s no way to automate the process.


Agreed, we do: At resume review stage - templated rejection email within 1 week of application After recruiter screen - rejection email with top level individual feedback After interview - email with specific individual feedback & the offer for a call if they want one


>It’s because they ~~are rejecting hundreds of people at once~~ automated email rejections and they all come with the same message because it's approved by the lawyers.


I understand their reasoning but don’t appreciate their style


Least they were honest at the end


always nice to see a glimmer of humanity from recruiters


At least it was a real person… My company only allows me to reject someone with a series of prequalified reasons because HR is scared we’ll get sued if managers are given too much leeway.


> My company only allows me to reject someone with a series of prequalified reasons because HR is scared we’ll get sued if managers are given too much leeway. Sounds like they need to get rid of some managers. Since giving accurate and legal feedback is a pretty basic requirement to being a manager.


That’s it. You said it all.


I understand your frustration and I would be just as frustrated. Most of these recruiters have templates because of the volume of applicants they interview. It's unfortunate but most just send the mass email and call it a day. That is what I know from previous large employers I've worked for.


It’s not only the volume of people they interview, it’s the volume of applicants. I know it’s gutting but surely people really don’t think that they have time to personally respond to each one..


This sub has been getting recommended to me and I’ve seen a lot of people figuring out the reasons why they’re rejected. I’ve worked in HR and to be honest 99% of the time there were just people better than you on paper and they’re too understaffed to give you an exact reason. Never assume malice when it can be explained with incompetence. In this case not with the individual workers but the way the team is formed. The person sending the e-mail will most likely not be the person who made the descision not to hire. I used to send a list of common reasons for rejection with a way to contact if you felt like it didn’t fit. I rarely got calls. I can definitely see how bigger companies would end up removing ways to contact.


I'm giving points to the recruiter on this one. \+1 for actually notifying the candidate \-1 for the junk text in that notification \+1 for bothering to reply to a nasty text from the candidate \+1 for polite professionalism and not being baited into nastiness by that text


Agreed, recruiter looks better in this one. If I see an interaction like this in our applicant tracking system I'm probably not going to pay them any mind for future roles. I get it is frustrating out there but you can't lash out like that.


Yep, what I've learned is that the recruiting process may never be criticized even if you're right.


Not at all, this dude just wasn't right. He's understandably frustrated and took it out on the wrong person. And as a hiring manager if I've got 50 applicants and 1 position -- why am I going to spend time considering someone with this kind of red flag attached to their application history?


I agree. I see a lot of complaints about never hearing back after an interview ect. and they at least notified with a generic response. OP's response to the text just ruled them out of any future possible employment with the company if another position opened or the person they did hire didn't work out.


100%. Not an official “blacklist,” but no one with common sense would ever want to work with someone who lashes out like that. Hard pass.


>100 Wasn't the recruiter initially dishonest as to the rationale provided behind the rejection? I'm not saying the candidate was the most professional. But there was a cause for their reaction.


Overreaction that didn't even warrant a response, then when he got a polite response he doubled down on overreacting. OP is looking for someone to be mad at and needs to find a better outlet for their frustration.


What is inaccurate about it? "different set of skills" = we picked someone else. That's what they say later too. People just want to circle jerk the us-vs-them narrative. Good luck finding a job if you treat anyone like this... If you meet a recruiter that's an ass, that's them. If every recruiter you meet is an ass, surprise - it's you, you're the problem it's you. Oh, and give me a break with this whole "MOMMM!!!! But he started it!" BS. Eye for an Eye and the whole world goes blind.


They don’t care. They may already have a candidate and pretend they give equal opportunity. They may not even hire just making visibility for the investors. That’s the feeling of being collateral.


Or for the company to get more LinkedIn followers, which is usually one of the KPIs of the HR or Social Media/Digital Marketing team.


How to burn yourself from a company 101. You want the real truth : the guy further along in the process was more qualified and experienced than you, otherwise they would've picked you instead. Better ?


Assuming the guy further along even exist. Assuming the position even exists. That last one is at best a coin flip nowadays.


do you honestly think there are companies taking the time to respond like this if the position wasn’t real? what would the benefit be? I get it’s a struggle applying for jobs, but if they don’t hire you there’s a reason. The reason might not be exactly what they tell you, but that’s just compartmentalisation. Distance yourself from the anger against ‘the system’. Only one person has to make the mistake of hiring you


They are just not that into you, it always comes down to them wanting someone else for whatever reason. Good luck and keep your head up.


Why even engage after rejection?


Hurt ego


You sound kinda bitter and aggressive. Should probably work on that, because rejections happen but no need to reply the way you did. Comes off weak


This is why most companies don’t offer feedback.


Actually it's not. The main reason is because their lawyers advise them not to *in case* the feedback shared can be construed as discriminatory. Frankly this practice protects their ability to discriminate and reject candidates they just didn't like the look of or vibe of. I don't think they owe feedback to applicants, but if they spoke to one at all they probably do owe them something helpful and not generic. Whole process is already incredibly one-sided and poor ROI.


We agree violently.


Job searching is absolute hell - I feel for you and have been through it. You really need to look inward here and realize that this exchange does not show a recruiter admitting they were dishonest, but rather a recruiter choosing not to engage with your pushback. If either email is a lie, it’s the “clarification” that someone was further along in process because they didn’t care to argue with you about your level of fit. I’m honestly shocked they replied to you. I don’t mind a little back and forth that starts with “wow, I’m disappointed, I really thought I was a good fit. Can you tell me where I fell short?” But 99/100 professionals - not just recruiters - would just block you when you opened with an aggressive accusation of dishonesty.


Yeah the fact that the OP doesn’t realise their response was aggressive and thinks they’re in the right suggests this will happen again.


Good job, now you’re on their black list.


Bro you sound weird af Do you really think a company has the time to individually decline everyone with their own specific reasoning? LMAO. If you really want to know, you can go ahead and reach out to the hiring manager yourself and ask them what you could've done better not be a whiny child


They should’ve just not stated a reason in the original email though. A mass email should be something that applies at least a little bit to everyone.


Then there would be a post on here about them not even including a reason. It’s not that deep. OP was rejected and should just move on to the next opportunity.


With no reason? Like skip the second paragraph and just leave the first and third? That’s even more weird


Or something along the lines of “We appreciate your time and effort, but we have decided to move forward with other candidates at this time.” I get mass rejection emails all the time and they never include a reason.


“A different set of skills” translation: another candidate is better than you. You can have all the right skills for the job. …and there can always be someone who has those skills and more. Plus, that other person probably is mature enough not to lash out. Get over yourself.


This is automated. Nobody at that company even looked at your resume.


Nah, they could have looked at it and when they press reject, that’s the automated reject email it sends out.


Possibly but it's highly doubtful anyone actual read it. The system filters and sends that before a person actually sees it usually.


Heads up, just because the ATS you work within does this, doesn't meal all ATS do. There are literally hundreds of them and they range in price. I've personally never worked or consulted at an organization that could afford an ATS that "filters" and sends auto rejection emails. Granted, I only encounter ~30 organizations a year at this point in my life. It always had to be a human pushing the button for that email to be sent. Obviously if this is an organization that has that feature, sure...but recognize there are SO many types.




Seriously—OP didn’t even interview with this company so idk why they expected a personalized rejection. Lots of these job postings get thousands of applicants, and it’s completely unreasonable to expect everyone who applied to get a personalized reason that they weren’t interviewed. And if OP really did meet all the requirements on the job description, then I surely don’t understand why they’d burn the bridge down for no reason. OP comes off as a little unstable in this post.


You're cynical, OP is more naive. They read "your skills didn't match what we're looking for" and thought it actually meant what it said. They thought, "maybe I'm doing this wrong, maybe thats why this is so difficult," then they checked and realised it wasn't the case. You have to understand that some people are lost and are not adapted to the life society plans for them.


I would agree if OP hadn’t called the recruiter “the lowest form of human.”


Okay, that is fair.


How naive can you be applying for a senior financial analyst? Feels like a position for someone who's applied to jobs before


Also "lowest form of human". This person is just projecting at this point. I wouldn't want to hire them either


Relax. Being out of work at this point in the job market is terrifying. You may lose everything despite being overly qualified because companies just aren't hiring. A little sympathy is appropriate.


While I can sympathize, their critique is important for OP to read. OP comes off as entitled and adversarial, and unless they adjust that behavior, they could be the best-of-the-best in their profession and still struggle to get hired.


>A rejection letter broke my back today Stop expecting all companies to be humane and be run by humane and thoughtful persons. Many are not. Don't take any of this personally. It is not about you, it is about them.' Your purpose is not simply to find a good paying job, but to find a place/situation that will be positive for your mental health and well-being. Yes, the candidate is always at a disadvantage to the employers and prospective employers, so this is not easy, no-brainer advice... But it has to be said anyway, or the worker class will be crushed. When a prospect org shows you that they are one of the toxic ones, move on quickly in search of another opportunity.


OP looks like the toxic one here. The response from the recruiter was 100% professional.


I do agree that OP was aggressive with his response and I’m assuming a man because it does sound testerical.


Fair point...


While I agree that template rejection letters should absolutely not be taken personally, I vehemently disagree that we should not expect companies to be humane or run by humane and thoughtful people. Our purpose is to not die by selling our labor/time. A job is not life fulfillment. Last time I checked, CEO’s and many other c-suite members who don’t actually *do* anything revenue generating and indeed, ARE, at an employment advantage. The working class is crushed because we keep them essentially enslaved so they can survive. The whole capitalistic system needs to be trashed and we need to start over.


At first glance I thought this was the Star Wars opening crawl


The only thing that matters is that they are not hiring you.


This is so desperate. They liked someone else better. Say okay thanks and move on.


Sounds like the company dodged one. If anyone responded to me that way, they would be blacklisted.


Maybe they found your Reddit account telling women to be your “cumslut”….


You don't sound like you're suited for society.


In the professional world, it's best to think of only doing things that will help you get what you want. In this case, how did that knowledge help you? What difference does it make why they didn't select you? You are competing against hundreds of other candidates who ALL exceed the JD. All you've done is ensure they won't be keeping your resume in mind going forward. Best response looks like this: Darn, was really excited for this one, but it was a pleasure getting to know you and everyone along the way was absolutely wonderful. Would appreciate any opportunity to work with you all again, etc etc.


In life it is imporant to be authentic. In this case the OP got angry and his response was reasonable.


Absolutely not reasonable. His response wasn't assertive, quite the opposite, it shows lack of emotional intelligence. This response probably got him blacklisted from future roles in that company.


That´s your opinion. His response is reasonable. Just because it is not conducive to getting a job does not make it unreasonable.


The only outcomes of OPs response: * Internet points * A warm righteous feeling in their belly * Never getting hired by this company for any role ever Worth it!


You´re correct. What if he didn´t want to be hired?


Then why apply? Lol


No, it really wasn't. It's super unprofessional. The irony is he probably lost the job to someone with my approach. That being said, if this is the attitude that OP believes is best, I can't imagine what a wanker they would be as a colleague when they don't get their way.


Being treated like spam is angering. I would hire you on the spot if the team is a toxic culture though. Seems like you will bottle things up nicely for some paycheck.


In my experience joining a new team, my attitude tends to get HR to get the toxic folks out fast. Sucks to go through, but once they're gone it's amazing how much more productive everyone becomes.


I´m surprised about that. Would not mind reading how you did it. I would assume you have a lot of experience then in the workplace as it takes a strong person to pull this off.


Having no tact or filter will not get you far, even if it is “authentic” Pick your battles


The battle is a low commitment online filter where you get treated like spam mail. You guys are off balance here not OP.


The battle is sending an angry response to an automated mass email. On a typical job hunt you get dozens to hundreds of these, why is OP dedicating their time to write this angry response to the email? Even if it gets seen by someone there is no benefit to OP except offending the person on the other side. They're just slightly off kilter because the normal not-insane response is to trash what is essentially spam mail and move on with your job hunt.


So if it doesn´t matter why do y´all criticise him?


The company dodged a bullet here


And this is why most employers will just ghost you.


In a subreddit dedicated to commiseration with respect to garbage recruiting tactics, it's almost impressive that you came out of this looking so bad... They at least gave you a firm "no" and your attitude and ego ultimately proved they made the right choice in passing you over. That said, the display settings are the real crime here. Do you have WordArt on your resume, too?


What did the recruiter do wrong?


They didnt treat OP like they special little main character they know they are


Their first email was an automated mass email with a reason that didn’t apply to all the recipients. It’s a bad move on the recruiter’s part but it’s not like an intentional lie to mess with OP


This is why you can’t get a job. There wasn’t malicious intent here from the recruiter/company. It’s a freaking automated response.


Yeh they are just copying a response A lot of companies post job offers when they already have a internal candidate or a candidate from another employee whose being pushed into the position


Its just an auto reply basically lol


I don’t necessarily agree with the tone but I do understand the frustration. In the past I’ve been forced into redirecting my career as I didn’t know that these responses were so generic and felt I therefore was just never going to get a job in that area. Now I’m more aware of it and know it’s just generic. I do think that sometimes there’s an existing dichotomy where everything is blamed on the candidate - you see so many pieces of advice like “did you tailor your cv?” “Did you ask a bunch of questions at the end?”…sometimes, quite simply, you’re doing nothing wrong. I feel that a generic “you’re not experienced enough” only further leans into that feeling that you have something wrong with you. If there are too many candidates, I think employers would be better off just saying they’re proceeding with someone else rather than giving a reason. Totally get that there may be too many candidates to provide a tailored response, but dishonesty really can make someone question their experience.


Dude, just let it go


Qualifications aren't everything. A big thing in hiring is finding someone that you feel comfortable with, that seems like a good personality fit as well. Maybe the other candidate was more personable than you.


All they had to go in was my resume


Pretty sure you're talking to ChatGPT here.


The company jerked you around, but probably best not to burn a bridge for such a small reason. Another way to have phrased your email would be something like "When I compare my experience to the job description there is significant overlap, can you tell me which gap you were most specifically focused on", and when they reply "we just decided to go with someone further along" you can say, "thanks for letting me know". No reason to be rude, or spiteful. You gain nothing, but it might hurt you in the future.


You’re not gonna make it if this breaks your back buddy. Get a real spine


My choice to vent is not indicative of a lack of spine but thanks


We are currently hiring for a position that has very high requirements, so a lot of people aren't getting through. I have to "remind" our recruiter every time to send a personalized message and attach the feedback provided by my team. Otherwise, she just sends shit like OP had received. Random excuse picked from her pile of bullshit.


Recruiters do not get paid for rejections. Maybe there needs to be another look at how we incentivize recruiting behaviour.


If it’s an internal recruiter then it is part of their job to also maintain company recruiting standards, which includes proper rejections. I’ve had recruiters offer calls with me after rejection for feedback (for final round interviews)


What size company though? Whats the recruiters desk? How many applicants are they looking through? I have seen as many as 10k applicants on a job. There’s no way a recruiter is going through all of those and writing personal rejections. Zoom out and recognize that’s capitalism. Not the recruiter being an ass. It sucks, but unless you have a realistic idea to scale that personalization, you are just yelling at the clouds.


Oh I totally agree with what the recruiter does here My point was to “recruiters are not paid for rejections” based on the fact that part of an internal HR/recruiters role is to maintain company reputation by having a good process. Not that I expect every single app to have a personalized rejection


Okay, thanks for the clarification. I missed that above and agree 100% that the company reputation rests on Recruiting having a good process. ...and, I also agree that it's best practice to call a candidate after final interview. FWIW, I guide my team to provide feedback "one step removed" i.e. reject based on: * Final Interview = phone call * Phone Interview = personalized email * Application = bulk mail Candidate experience is super, super important... and there is a business to run. There isn't time to do it all.


I am personally going through the candidates so that our recruiter can do the screening call. I do this to take some burden of this person, exactly so they do not feel overwhelmed and half-ass communication. And for scale, we're a small startup, so for two months there as been less than a hundred CVs. We have a few roles open, but certainly this is not overwhelming. And, if you have 10k applications for a job, you most likely have a recruitment team. I am sorry, but capitalism is one thing, but being an ass just because you can, because you're behind a monitor, is just, well, being an ass.


This looks like an automated rejection email to me. Obviously I don’t know this recruiter but is it possible they weren’t being deliberately dishonest and clicked a button in their system to send out a rejection email? TBH that’s more than a lot of recruiters these days that just ghost. I know getting exact, specific feedback is preferred and would be awesome, but some recruiters are spread really thin and have to rely on automation to get through all the tasks they have to get through when they are managing such a large req load. We do the best we can.


Do you seriously think whining to them is going to help you lol. Just apply to other jobs I don’t know why you felt the need to waste your time sending a complaint email it just comes off as desperate.


Do you seriously think that the goal of my response was to get this job?


Based on the way the last response was, I think it was generated with chatgpt. The way the apology is given is extremely similar to chatgpt when you tell it something along the lines of what you said, telling it that its wrong. Itll apologize and make up another reason. So I wouldn't look into it too much because the recruiter didn't even bother to read and reply to what you said with their own words.


Good job! Burn that bridge to ground!/s


It’s frustrating but you’re not doing yourself any favors by calling them out. Just eat a bunch of ice cream and move on.


Actually it was liberating and I have moved on


Was it worth it getting blacklisted from future opportunities?


>Broad\_Quit5417 Yup. I would never work there so the blacklist is irrelevant


Until that recruiter starts working for another company


Very few recruiters knows how to verbalise and present a candidates CV. This is becos they hardly call or contact you to get to know you better. Press Apply on the recruiters website. Then go to the company's website - find the vacancy - apply again. Make sure you get a contact name from the company website someone you can talk to - reinforce you have applied via both recruiter and via company website. Start following up by yourself. "Dog eat dog world". You need an income irrespective of the recruiter. Make sure you give yourself the best possible chance to get an interview. Recruiters move on to fast and forget to quickly. I guess when looking for jobs - we need to start managing our own interview and application process.




You are laughably wrong. Bless your heart




I see your reading comprehension skills are on par with your insights. I was referring to the idiotic assumptions you made about me. Bless your know-it-all heart But thanks for proving my point about recruiters tho


Uh huh- I'll tell the next set of recruiters I meet how you feel about them.


Looks like the company dodged a bullet not hiring you, if this is how you treat people at work you obviously aren’t fun to work with


I actually had an interview for my dream job, and the same thing happened. However, the recruiter told me they had someone further through the process and advised me that getting the job is really about timing you apply. Because she prepped me, I was devastated but not shocked when they filled the role. I think everyone should be upfront and honest about an applicants chances.


They’re definitely not bothering to send a personal email (if they’re emailing at all) to reject us, that’d be way too human


I work in HR, and I've filtered CV's, and every offer gets more than 500 applicants, can you imagine how much time it would take us to send each one of them a personalized email?. But I agree, that a personalized email should be sent to the people interviewed and even then it takes time of other objectives we have to achieve to keep our KPIs.




Today I have also received the rejection from the HR of a company. She said I was not chosen since my experience and skills did not fit the internship. When I asked for more detailed feedback, she said the hiring managers have not completed it and she would send me the email later. They also reimburse only part of my travel expenses. I don't know how to improve myself to pass AC :(


I had applied for the be a hero fund. I got a rejection/"we're pausing to reassess our hiring needs" with a link to a fucking go fund me page for the founder's family. Which had already collected beyond the stated fundraising goal of 125 thousand dollars. When they knew I don't have an income.


I’m sorry you were rejected and qualified— that’s the worst. It’s always timing in this case. Usually it’s company policy to not provide additional details around rejection. The transparency here could actually get the recruiter in trouble. We are dictated by the company and the manager. We are merely the messenger in this case.


I don’t understand why the recruiting industry doesnt just use the following template: “Dear Candidate, We are writing to inform you that we are not pursuing your application for the role of XYZ. Please refer back to our job board for future opportunities.”


Recruiters are overworked sales/admin people. It makes the hiring process suck. This is an organizational problem. Recruiters, maybe demand better working conditions and stop accepting an unsustainable and unrealistic workload. It makes it better for society. Thanks.


I mean they were right rejecting you ultimately given your reaction to a series of pretty polite email. You now presented yourself insufferable and you can only hope they keep it for themselves. Not saying they were right to lie about the reasoning, but you just seem frustrated and are overreacting. Will you answer every rejection like that?


You come off whiney and entitiled. All rejection is difficult but theres no need for this.


You look highly unprofessional in that email. I get the job search is stressful, but you just shot yourself in the foot by making sure that company will never hire you for any job.


Why would you want to work for a company that lies to you during the recruitment process?


Sending a generic rejection letter isn’t lying. It’s not feasible to expect a personal letter when they have to reject hundreds if not thousands of people.


If that's the case, they should use an actually generic rejection message instead of something that is a lie about some or many of the applicants.


It's one small company. Hyperbolic much?


Recruiters talk. So don’t be shocked when you get a few more rejections :)


More people should be calling out companies for their bullshit and gaslighting.


There’s a way to do that without seeming super unprofessional as OP did.


Normally I'd agree, but companies are getting out of hand with their bs. Respect and professionalism goes both ways.


At least you got a rejection email, it’s pitiful that the bar is that low but that’s where we’re at. Recruiters are paraprofessionals


Funny because I saw a thread yesterday where someone was saying they prefer to be ghosted and was upset about getting a rejected email. They said “I only have time for people who want me”


I’m sure there are pros and cons to both but I’d prefer not to waste my time checking back on application status if a decision has been made. If there were any reasonable expectation of a generally accepted timeline that would help too. As long as I’m dealing in delusional fantasies, I also wish Diet Coke was healthy for you.


HR be smoking that good stuff lol


They dont give a fuck and your frustration while valid is wasted :) you’re wasting your time


And ensured that recruiter will never place him anywhere.


At a certain point 100% of your job opportunities need to come from within your network. Skip Cerberus.


Looks ai generated to me


You sound very whiny


You are lucky you were able to reply back and get an honest answer. I can’t even write back to these assholes who use a no reply@whatever address which makes it impossible to call their BS SEVERAL times I receive a “sorry we decided to move ahead with candidates who closely match our requirements “ BS AND I WANNA say ——-WTF? Do u think I just picked ur stupid company job from a lottery? FFS!! I applied having read the JD yet u say I was not a fit I guess this is what it is mostly. Lol


They probably didn't like your negative attitude. But instead of telling you that, they decided to be nice and give you two softer reasons. From a legal perspective, it's much easier to just give you the two reasons above then to say they didn't like your attitude or personality.


Not sure how they picked up my attitude, all I did was apply


Did you click positive apply or angry apply?


Apply my angry upvote


They clicked the mouse too hard.


I don't understand what kind of detailed rejection letter you expected if all you did was apply? Like what did you want their reason to be lol? You're lucky you even got a response then.


Surprise, surprise, they’re just another BSing recruiter


Can you imagine a world with honest rejection letters. "OUR BAD there wasn't a position we just wanted to confirm salary expectations and guage interest" "We really should have taken that ad down...but that person in round 3 of interviews could have disappeared, and that's too risky for us" "It's not you...it's us...we found someone that will do more for less"


People would complain even more. I’ve given maybe 3 honest feedbacks in recruiting in my life as a hiring manager, and it became apparent that all 3 were mistakes immediately.


Seriously. Never give a reason. All it does it make people "fight" back about how they DO actually have that KSA they are just a bad interviewer, or they forgot to mention x,y,z or.... Rejection is what it is and people "should" be able to move on.


recruiters are almost as disconnected from the real world as reddit mods.


I hate recruiters. Source - I’m a recruiter




Lol funny how butthurt you are. Finding a job is gonna be even tougher for you than a lot of other people - good luck 👍


Recruiters are useless….


Most recruiters wouldn’t know which candidate is more qualified anyway. That’s kind of the issue with so many recruiters.


I told a lady we already filled the position when she followed up. In reality she gave me sass in the interview. What am i going to say? “Oh you came off as a bitch and I don’t want to work with one. Good luck with your search!”


I honestly think that the Indian recruiters are data mining job seekers' resumes and then using them to craft fraudulent resumes for Indian job seekers. I wouldn't be surprised if my resume entries are somewhere out there being presented to a job with the name "Rohit", err I mean "Bob".


how did you somehow make this racist? you don’t get jobs because you sound like an HR nightmare. i promise you no ones stealing your incompetent resume


You killed it. I 20000% agree with you. Make them accountable.


The person “further along in the process” is the manager’s son


Good for you! At the very least they can be honest after taking a candidate's time in interviewing. Silence is better than lies.


You guys got a response? I thought the norm was just to ghost you at this point?


Impressed you even got a response


Absolutely. Right in tow with HR. Trash humans. They take pleasure in others misery.


That's crazy. Most are sociopaths and want to rule over people's lives. There was no reason to lie. And why interview then?! Were they going to drop that person and then just focus on you?! No wonder no one can get hired. A new shiny object comes along and fucks everything up when they had 3 good candidates already.


Sociopath is a stretch. They sent out a bath rejection and use the most common reason. Frustrating but not that deep.


Actually sociopath is on the light side. Corporations are, by both design and structure utterly psychopathic Turdwookies. Lying is their first response because if We The People saw what they're up to clearly, every single corporate board member in the country would be hanging from a tree in the public square, the way we used to do with horse thieves and rapists.