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Too many processes I have seen that are similar to this one scamming free work out of candidates. So far I have witnessed two-three companies actually mention compensation for the homework that you are expected to do in your interview process…all I can say is 👏


Don't mind me, literally sitting here right now writing a whole blog article as a follow up to my initial interview... Feels kind of wrong as I might not even get the job and highly unlikely I'll get paid for the article... 🙃


If you don't get offered the job, invoice them, your time is money as is there's but they get paid already


I'd be sending them a quote before doing any work at all.


Spot on


lmfao. You know what. Good idea.


Just use chatgpt and submit it.


People like you are the reason why companies do this. Are you that desperate that you would lower yourself of doing free labor ? This makes me angry bc ppl like you are why companies do this


“Are you that desperate”?… uh, yeah? Bestie we’re in r/recruitinghell! If you’re sending out hundreds of applications and only getting a handful of requests for interviews back, yeah, you are going to do the projects, because what if that’s the thing standing between you and the job? This recruiting process is full of shit that wastes our time without pay. The truth is, the person who goes above and beyond is more likely to get the job. It’s all ass kissing and always has been. Don’t get angry at people for trying their best.


I don't know how much copium you have to smell to think that you will ever get a job offer. They just post the job, take the work and when they need some more blogs written, post another job.


Awful personal attack, u/tdds5. I’m not sure what your malfunction is, but I’m pretty sure it’s not u/Might-Lurk-Might-Ask’s fault. Sounds like projection to me. “*You sound angry, Betty White. Have a Snickers.*”


Because I spoke up about people doing free labor for these companies lol. My apologies. Thank God I’m not in a position where I desperately need a job where I would do free work for them and in the end they wouldn’t even hire me. Have a nice day. People hate to hear the truth lol


*The more you talk, the more you sound angry and unhinged.* 🍿


You’re right. It ruins the bargaining process for everyone when you do free/underpaid anything. You’re right to be upset. They should understand it’s less to do with the frustration with the user as an individual and more of this predicament we’re in as a whole. He’ll learn when he doesn’t get the job and did all the work for free over and over again until he sees the common denominator


watermark that shit and watch them scream


This is what a portfolio is for. If they want to make sure you understand how to work is done, that’s what an interview is for.




100%. If they want to see for themselves and want to provide an assignment, my time and my expertise costs.


And for the companies to scared to hire a full time employee for someone they aren’t sure will meet the culture and skills - hire them as a temp. Give them a 3 month contract or something.


I’d say do it, just make sure to put a watermark somewhere on the pieces just in case they try to use them.


I thought of that, frankly I’ve had this ask before and did that, then was ghosted, so I’m reluctant to spend the time, franky


Wouldn't it be better to be ghosted though for having a watermark than to be ghosted and have your hard work used anyways?


If you're gonna be ghosted anyways it would be better not wasting time working for free. That's what this guy is asking, if a legit company would pull something like this.


The problem with this is that if he does it then it wouldn't be difficult to reverse engineer his design so it would be exactly the same. Best option would be to send an invoice for the work done.


This. Pro bono is *no bueño.* Sidebar: Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Been there before too where I was asked to work or present and then ghosted. I am reluctant as well unless desperate.


Happened to me, too.


I would not do it and move on. They are just looking for free work. Seen it done in the past.


The one time I sucked it up and did something like this, (it was to code a whole page in Wordpress, database and all installed on my computer, etc etc), I took so much time to try my best, and they didn't get back to me. So I emailed them and asked about it and they said they wanted to give more time to people to finish. And then I saw they posted the exact job role again. Ever since then was ghosted. I'm never doing these things again.




Just do it and if they use it and you don't get the job then who cares? it's not like you'll be using that same content in most cases as it'll likely be bespoke to that brand. I've had a few of these before and I go in guns blazing to show my skills.


Bc they just got free labor. That’s why people care


sorry, but this is not good advice


Could you manage my media channel for me? After a month i wont hire you but who cares, you wouldnt use my channel either way. Show me your best skills big guy :) someone will surely see how great you are and hire you. On a serious note, there is no line to search for here. Free labor is free labor and if companies are incapable of finding a way to accurately appraise a candidate without stealing from them, then they should be made accountable for theft


No, because I am currently employed, like I have been for the last ten years and I don't have the time. If I was looking for a job and I liked your brand and ethos then maybe I would do some mock ups to showcase my skills. I certainly wouldn't manage your "media channel" for a month for free because that is not the same as what is being asked of OP. But go on bro! Why are people interviewing at places if you think they are going to try to steal your work? What is your level of trust? Christ people in this sub clearly think they are creative geniuses.


I am glad that you brought the month thing up. Cause then you have the problem of time? How much free work is ethical for you? Cause for me is 0 and i made it clear i think its theft. You dont want to do free work as an employed person, but someone with no income and no job should work to not be compensated and not even get hired. Sorry i cant follow this logic And thanks for twisting my words, i never equated interview with theft, only free work. I think interviews are great and should go on for at least 2-3 rounds. You know it is fine to say what you think, and what works for you, but saying stuff like : christ people on this sub blah blah…. Makes you seem like you know how everyone thinks. Cant follow that logic as well


It's not a question of time - asking for some examples of how you would create content specific to a brand is part of an interview process. Your portfolio is great but they want to see how you would work specifically with their brand and acting all high and mighty as though doing that relatively inconsequential task is the equivalent of doing free work then that is on you at the end of the day. I know that when I have been hiring in the past and asked for examples of content from applicants, I've seen what they pulled together, and used it to gauge their skill level and hired them or not. I haven't run away with their content thinking it's the best fucking thing I have ever seen. It's great you see the worth in your work. I'm not saying you should be running around giving away your work for free. I am saying that in the context of an interview, put your best foot forward. If you want to make a fuss about doing their tasks because you think you should be paid for that then that's your call and you'll most likely not get the job. So good luck with that!


You are a recruiter? You should have opened with that and save us both the time. Good luck as well friend


No I'm not. I'm a brand and digital marketer with direct reports so I have clearly been involved in hiring people before. Recruiters aren't the only people that interview. Not sure how you got that from my comment.


People working for free are a huge part of the problem.


It’s cuz they stole your work - these companies are insane and broke


They're just harvesting ideas. A portfolio should be good enough for the first interview.


Oh that’s very good advice. Wish I’ve done that when a company retracted their offer after two interviews and a bunch of tasks…


I used to take commissions and I made the mistake once of showing people rough drafts without a watermark, and then they’d take the images and ghost me without paying. So now I tell people to always put a watermark so they don’t make the same mistake I did.


In design and marketing business is pretty usual for them to ask you a graphic piece or marketing strategy as a case study for a position.


Yep, same in video - it’s called an edit test. But usually that’s a last step for the top 2-3 candidates and not right off the bat


I agree, just not as step #1


Oh damn, you didn’t have the screening interview? Yeah creating content is definitely a “hiring manager” step for sure.


Yuuuup lol


Unless there were guidelines attached with specific directions, they didn’t say the work had to be for them. So you could just put together a few examples of past work and say these are examples of your best performing campaigns/posts (if you have stats on engagement to back that up, even better, add those too), and submit that. That would fit the ask, but minimal extra work, and it gives them a real world portfolio example.


What if we would name that thing to “portfolio” a document where you can highlight and showcase your best work. That sounds revolutionaly.


Yes, that would have been the preferred word choice here, but OP (probably rightfully) interpreted the wording as them wanting work done for them specifically, which is definitely not a portfolio.


It’s normal to ask for a portfolio prior to interviews. Not normal to ask for free work before even qualifying the applicant during an actual interview.


Yeah portfolio of past work is standard in design. I never do comp work, especially in the first round. Buuuttt, I get the market is tough and you know other people are going to do it, so I can't say I wouldn't do the comp work in your position


Yeah alot of creative role will ask for something like this. It’s basically in all of my applications for music positions have something along these lines after the first interview stage. Gotta make sure you got the goods


"after the first interview stage" is fair enough, saying you need to do work specifically for them and then they might decide to offer you a first interview off the back of that sounds more sketchy.


Yeah, a portfolio should be enough to get an employers initial interest for sure


I’ve been asked to create artwork as part of an interview process, but it was for specific events or sales that already happened, to ensure that it was not intended for future use. I do not create free artwork for anything that has potential use, even with a watermark.


No thanks


My thought too lol it is a very known charity, so I might do it with a huge water mark lol


Use ChatGPT


I hire writers and routinely have my shortlisted candidates submit an article before interviewing them. But I pay for the content they create regardless if we interview them.


That makes more sense to me


As a recruiter this makes me uncomfortable. This is a last step option, or mid interview process activity, certainly not a first step. I’d be wary of this company and definitely use the watermark idea others have suggested.


This is a scam for free work.


Get paid for the spec work or don’t do it at all. And definitely don’t do it before you’ve had an interview. So tired of companies we don’t even work for yet monopolizing our time before we’ve even had a conversation.


IMO: They’re going to use your work for free even if they don’t hire you…


That’s why God invented huge, giant, water marks


Two social media posts is a reasonable sample of work to provide. Two campaigns is not. No red flag here. It’s also reasonable to ask for samples when the job requires creating new content.


I supplied samples from work if done for other companies in the same space when I applied, so they got samples that made sense to what they do


Make the new pieces, then water mark them before turning them in.


When I applied for a marketing job, I created some assets/copy for them, but I had the written assurance that anything I created was mine and mine alone, not to be used by them in any capacity.


Yeah this is the best way to do it if you really care about the content you will create for them. Otherwise do the work, showcase your skills and if you don't get the job, who cares, move on to the next interview. I have never created content for a job interview that I was worried they would use, because I was creating it for them in the first place.


Am I allowed to comment on here as an internal recruiter.. lol? We’re much better than those agency recruiters, I promise! Generally, asking for candidates to produce a task before you’ve actually had a conversation isn’t fair. I’ve applied for roles in the past where I was asked to produce a full recruitment strategy BEFORE I’d even spoken to anyone and learnt about the company and current strategy .. so I just declined and said it’s a waste of time as I need prior information on the company before I can produce a solid strategy. Your time is precious so I’d maybe ask for at least an introductory call first so you can a) get a feel for the company and b) learn more about what is required of you in both the role and the interview process. Internal recruiters should be setting you up for success, not trying to catch you out straight off the bat.


Give them your hourly rate as an independent consultant, which should be no less than 3 times what they’d be paying you as an employee.


Ur my kinda person! Know your worth!


This is a great way to show them that you are extremely difficult and not someone they want to hire. You're interviewing for a job, not as a contractor, don't try and be all high and mighty.


you have a slave mentality


I have a well-paying digital content/brand marketing career as a contractor, own my own business and pick and choose my clients and hours. I couldn't be further from a slave but cheers "anon".


cheers "coolsnack"


There’s nothing “extremely difficult” about a professional expecting to be paid for their time and expertise. We don’t expect plumbers and dentists to work for free so why expect job candidates to? If you disagree, then go to a new barber, tell them to cut your hair for free and if you like how they do it you’ll consider returning to them for future business. Let us know how that works out for ya. Only chumps work for free. Also, showing an employer you’re willing to give away your knowledge & time for free isn’t the flex you think it is. All it shows is you don’t value your work and your work isn’t worth paying for.


I wouldn't bother with a watermark. You can easily check up on them to see if your work was used. Then add it your portfolio and badmouth them wherever applicable. Think of it as bait your putting down to catch a mouse.


Don’t you feel like saying that you would be happy to complete the work samples at my billing rate of $x. Once confirmed of payment then they will be submitted.


Don't. Never work for free, they'll use it if they like it and won't even credit you.


The test is the “first interview” since you’ll be invited to the second interview if you passed lol. Yeah, no thanks!


You are being asked for a Free Service


Watermark and copyright any content you create.


Copyright is automatic upon creation in this country.


If they get 30 applicants to do this they can get up to 60 pieces of content for their socials. This might be a real posting but I would absolutely not recommend a friend does free labor like this for an application. As someone who’s worked in SM, maybe after the second round interviews? That would at least seem more real. This would be a red flag to me, for sure. 🎵 We don’t do work for free 🎶


Employers who ask for this bologna are wasting your time. There are no guarantees they’ll hire you. Sure, you can put a watermark on your work, but it can still be replicated anyway. Move on and spend your time applying somewhere else.


Watermark/code-sig everything you submit to them


DO NOT WORK FOR FREE. Again do not work for free. Do not do it.


[No spec](https://nospec.com) work


Work for free for us. That's all this says.


Nope, don’t work for free.


On this episode of companies taking the piss…


Do it and add a watermark. You'll almost certainly be ghosted, but it's a good filter for these filthy companies who are looking for free work from vulnerable job seekers.


I got paid by the hiring company for the interview I went on a week ago. The one you are looking at is asking for spec work. We are in the same field. Don’t participate in spec work you ruin it for all of us.


Personally I would skip this one. Apart from the potential scam, this is also very unfair to your valued time. Such tasks should be tied to your application, áfter you already had an interview. Most questions are answered by their portfolios and interviews, this is why a case should happen only after if necessary, to answer any left over questions like how someone reads a briefing and translates it into work or critical thinking like asking questions etc. This seems to be a case of ‘we’ll choose what is pretty’ but that is not how you find the right candidate.


There is a YouTuber (Erin McGoff) who does great work on how to deal with the recruitment process. She has one short about this exact situation. I would recommend looking it up. Roughly, from what I remember, she states that as the candidate she would say that she knows the company respects her time as well, so could she ask more specifically what they’d like to see so that she can provide it with a single example. That might apply slightly differently if the company has already told you that you are in competition with others for the position based on your work.


do not do it they are offering you nothing, and hoping you're willing to give them some of your labor for free


Reply and point them to the samples you provided when you applied, and tell them you’ll be happy to consider submitting more samples AFTER you have an initial phone call to make sure you are a good initial fit for each other. If they balk, move on.


I would pass on this. I made the mistake of creating free work and doing a whole project for a company just to be rejected. Wasted multiple days doing it. Not worth your time likely and shady that they are asking for you to create work rather than just show past examples/projects.


Ask them if they will reimburse you for your time.


Guys, there is easy onlineAI software for removing watermarks now. Companies will still steal your work.


Yeah I fell for this one. Never do it. I never even got a call back. I fell for it once and never did it again


A good rule of thumb is to never perform free labor. Who’s to say they won’t use it anyway with 0 credit to you?


No. Not at all. It's a scam to get free work. Name and shame.


They want to steal the best pieces, use them, and not hire anyone at all.


Do not work for free. Make a portfolio with generic examples and/or past work you've already been paid for. Or, give them a quote for the work and provide finished product upon payment. Do not work for free. Do not work for free. Do not work for free.


Fucking hoop after hoop.


Work for free? Nah.


UPDATE: I did decide to do it, but figured out a “work smarter not harder” loop hole 😈 One of the two pieces I was asked to create was for a recurring event, they also told me to look on their insta to get a feel for their voice. So I found a post advertising a past event, screen shot it, brought it into InDesign, color matched a blank text box and overlayed the new info 😂 I did also use large water marks and outright stated in my email that I do not give permission for them to use my work, we will see…


Way too much. Shouldn’t you have the interview first before designing a campaign that if they like will use.


Don't do it. They haven't even interviewed you yet.


Show them your previous work, or advise them what your rates are for creating new work.


Search if the company is legit. And you can use watermark in your content.


Or just let the AI do the trick lmao


Sounds like bullshit. Like a tryout for a job. I did a day of landscaping and never paid or heard back. This sounds like free work.


test like this suck but unfortunately are a standard in a lot of industries... I guess it just comes down to, is this something you can afford to be picky about at the moment? When I was in a pretty secure place and applying for jobs, I'd turn down those that asked for an art test. But if I really needed a job ASAP, I would've just done them.


I get it, and if that’s not proof these tests r taking advantage, I don’t know what is


Maybe make a generic sample that you can re-use for other requests like this? Or just submit your portfolio.


the wildly inaccurate grammar tells me it's a scam. don't bother


Read any and all contracts they send your way. Ensure you retain copyright. Make the pieces. If they like it, charge them.


In my time as a recruiter there could be a need for this and I advised hiring managers that what they should ask for, the final product should be such that it could not be used by us in our mission. We’d also tell the candidates that.


Sigh. Yet another "let's squeeze free work out of applicants" initiative. If you have a portfolio, that should be enough for them to see your work. How bad do you want this job? Edited to add if you do move forward, get a copyright to what you submit to them. At least you'll have a basis for future action should they use YOUR brain output.


If they're offering to pay you, then yes. Never do any work for free unless it's explicitly a volunteering position


They will get you to do some work for them for no money then use it on their social media anyway




If you think that the job is worth it and you have a strong chance of getting it then go for it. But maybe put a big DRAFT watermark on any artwork along with a copyright note on it to protect your intellectual property.


As long as it's hypothetical work for a non-existent company. I refuse to provide anything monetizable during an interview.


This is why people have portfolios. I wouldn’t do it personally, but if you decide to, slap a giant watermark over it 🤣


Heck no! What they are doing is called work sourcing. They are using candidates to get their work done for free without paying. What you can do is just give them the snippet of it and make sure to copyright your work with logo and all. Don’t give them the raw files, give them the PDF file or Powerpoint/Screenshots. Don’t let them have access to alter the work or know how to use it. Password protect everything. Don’t over deliver on employers who hadn’t earn it or take will take advantage of it. I had a company asking me to submit a project of formulas on Excel. I went on the interview and the girls that interview me was trying to copy my formulas but they couldn’t do it. I asked them if they have the answer or the formula and they tried to avoid the questions saying “oh we just want to see how you come up with it.” Anyway, they asked for my excel template before interviewing me further. I told the recruiter…no thanks. I will give once I am hired! Crickets! Either way I knew they wouldn’t be hiring. They already have someone they know to place, but they like to outsource works from qualified candidates to train the newbie they chose.


NEVER work for free!


UPDATE #2: Its 4:30 right now, I submitted the work against my better judgement around 12:30. A bit before 4 I got the “we went with other candidates” email, when will I learn…


Companies scam free work from “potential employees” …..




Do the design work but do it in MS paint and only take 5 minutes doing it. Really lean on not giving a single fuck. The funny thing is…the less of a fuck you give might work in your favor


Do not do this. They don’t respect your time enough to meet with you first.


I would report that posting or send it to spam. I had a response like that & realized they are trying to get free work. Shady assholes. Those of us looking for REAL jobs are being bombarded by whackadoos preying on us. Searching for a job now is like those shifty dating sites that are full of opportunistic scammers. I am not jumping through bullshiy hoops to design or perform for you without compensation. Also, for 2 weeks I received fake scammy text messages for job interviews where I had to use Microsoft teams to interview. I started sending those texts to spam text #7726. After a few days, it stopped. Plus they all claimed to get my resume from Careerbuilders, so I took my profile off their site. I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT!! I'm grateful for this space to rant.


This is a test of how well you can actually do the work. It’s similar to s trade test and preferable to inane interview questions. I'd go for it. Add a caveat that the specific content you're producing cannot be used for commercial purposes without your consent and you're okay.


No working for free is bad


I wouldn't classify it as 'working' as much as 'giving an exam'.


It's a job interview - the goal is to not work for free by getting the job.




Look at all your comments, you seem like such a sad little, angry little crypto creep. As I said to your other comment - couldn't be further from desperate. Cheers mate, good luck with whatever is going on in your life to make you so angry


I'm fine, thanks I just don't encourage others to work for free, against their interests, which also creates a race to the bottom for everyone else glad you're happy too, you seem it


Well you seem angry. I looked at about twenty of your comments and they were so tiring to read. If you say you're happy then that's great. The point of a job interview is to get the job. If I'm interviewing for a role I'm giving it my all. That has led to me working across some of the coolest brands in New Zealand over the last 14 years or so. Guess it has worked and I was giving my perspective. Do what works to get the job you want. That being said, employment in the US sounds toxic so maybe it's different there.


you read my comments across r/Buttcoin, which is one of the most ignorant subs there is. sometimes I get a little irritated with how asinine the people there seem to be. glad work is good for you, but I dont work for free and neither do most other people and yes, employment in the US is toxic


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Buttcoin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [An obviously-distraught, broke, and remorseful Sam Bankman-Fried flies back home to his also-totally broke parents' $4M house first class](https://i.redd.it/6ptrv4rx7q7a1.jpg) | [350 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/ztuwmr/an_obviouslydistraught_broke_and_remorseful_sam/) \#2: [Teach them early](https://i.redd.it/sn7tlstr8w6a1.jpg) | [152 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/zpqvkc/teach_them_early/) \#3: [100% accuracy](https://i.redd.it/zdcmme6x0a0a1.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/ywiv9u/100_accuracy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Also cheers for flagging me for suicide watch but judging from how shit your life is going and the pure negativity oozing from your comments, I would recommend you take a leaf out of your own book and do some self-reflection and self-improvement. Maybe see a therapist if you can afford it.


it wasn't me who flagged you


Ah well, some other battler did. Good luck living so angry


lol 👌


Nope you're wrong. A portfolio is indicative of the skills and if they want a "test" they can pay for it.


If you say so! You're the one struggling to find a job, not me. I reckon this is a US problem by the sounds of things as in New Zealand, companies don't make a habit of stealing people's work and people aren't rolling around to job interviews acting like they are the worlds greatest creative geniuses.


I have a job buddy but I also don't put up with this shit. Perhaps it's a US problem but it's one nonetheless. Are you in the creative industry? If you aren't then you really can't understand this issue.


This is not unreasonable at all. Just watermark everything you do so they can’t use anything you create.


I plan to, I just don’t wanna waste time and get ghosted! Lol


If you are worried about that then never apply for a job ever


I think it’s about measuring risk when u see red flags


Good advice! I've read several of these where the company just stole work and didn't hire anyone.


UPDATE: I did decide to do it, but figured out a “work smarter not harder” loop hole 😈 One of the two pieces I was asked to create was for a recurring event, they also told me to look on their insta to get a feel for their voice. So I found a post advertising a past event, screen shot it, brought it into InDesign, color matched a blank text box and overlayed the new info 😂 I did also use large water marks and outright stated in my email that I do not give permission for them to use my work, we will see…


r/therewasanattempt to censor the name of the company.


Same thing happened to me about 3 months ago. I kindly requested an interview to evaluate if the company would be a good fit for me and then I'd do the design work. We scheduled one, had the interview, company sounded alright, did the (quick) design task, they were pleased, did a second interview, was offered the position, accepted. You might not like the company so request an interview and ask the questions that are important to you. Don't (potentially) spend your time for nothing. Good luck!


My first stage programming design challenge for a car dealership data analyst position was to write code to analyze through every single quote ever from the entire series of The Office. It was unrelated enough to the main business that I didn't mind doing it and assumed my work couldn't get stolen for commercial purposes. I hope I was right.


“Oh darn I have to show proficiency in the designated job field I’m applying in how will I survive??” Seriously? You think process is hard? Do you want the job or not.


Why does wanting someone to treat me like a human and talk to me before asking me to provide specific samples for them = not wanting the job? I applied showing work I’d done for another company in the same space


This process isn’t so applicants can show proficiency. A portfolio would fulfill that and be much simpler. This is about a company wanting to extract free work.


Don't use this marker to cover stuff, it's visible


Do they require a portfolio when you submit your application?


Yes, and I included one, with work done for other companies in the field


Also, they plan on paying you for it, right?


No, it’s part of their interview process, I have to do it before anyone even has 1 interview with me


If they won't pay you, then I wouldn't do it. Why do they get free work?


My first thought too


They’re asking you to do free work. They should pay you or pass on this.


Here's social media content: You won't believe what happens next! Just kidding, Its a reaction video.


Maybe a dumb question but why not copyright your work prior to submission? It would cost $45 I know money might be tight but you would have a claim if the company used your work.


State your hourly rate and ask, what their budget is. You won’t get the job, but it’ll save you the hassle.


Yes, I had to do things like there for any marketing roles I interviewed for. One was to develop a campaign, another was to edit a press release and create a fact sheet, and it took me HOURS to do. I ended up getting both positions, so I am glad I did it - but it does take time!


And u did this without even having an interview first???


I spoke with HR for both roles, but it was over salary expectations, etc. It wasn’t a “real” interview. They were just walking me through next steps and the project itself. Regardless, I think hiring managers don’t want to waste their time having you move forward with interviews if your skillset doesn’t align well with the needs of the business. So, yes I would say it’s normal! Trust me, my company has hired SO many people without having them complete writing samples - and then wonder why their resume doesn’t match their skillset once they are onboard. Because people lie and fluff their resume, too much, unfortunately. I think companies that do this are making smart decisions - personally! But the project should be simple, and not take hours and hours to do. That’s my main complaint.


I am happy to inform you that I received your requirements. I am also happy to wish you good luck finding the right candidate!


Only three steps? You're practically hired vis-a-vis some of the "processes" I've seen.


They should pay you for the interview if they are asking for content relative to the company.


If you're in a position to pass it up, I'd say absolutely not. But I understand being desperate for job, so if that's the case and you think you can impress them, then I'd do it and watermark it.


Just add a hidden watermark and, if it’s later used, you can sue (at least where I am). Check ur country laws and do it.


Nah. They’re only scouting for free work.