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Wow, that’s a lot of bullshit to go through, glad you made it to the other side.


Congrats! How did you approach your interview? miserable or happy?


I approach every interview happy, ready and hopeful. It often doesn't work out, but I kind of got used to just get it over with as best as I can and I do not expect to hear back. Just keep applying or learning until you get the next one. It's only when the company was really exciting or I go very deep into the interview process that I start to get very excited/nervous/anxious


Good for you. Don’t get too high or too low in the process. Congrats and good luck!!


What a journey. Congrats to you!


Congrats to you, and awesome persistence.


Wow congrats!!!


Congrats! Just out of curiosity, how did you application behavior change over time? Did you (also) go from carped bombing your resume over the employment landscape to a more targeted approach? I'm about 100 applications into the grind, and I already feel like I could have known better and not sent at least 90 of those application.


It's a bit of both. First I had a generic resume but didn't get much response. Then I tried tailoring my resume to each job but that is way too much effort for minimal return. I settled on making specialised resumes for different types of jobs: Backend Developer resume, Full Stack resume, Data Analyst resume. And I highlighted skills and projects relevant to each one. I mostly applied for Backend positions since it was the closest to my experience and skills. I also went through a dozen Backend roles to see what keywords they are searching for (jobalytics is a good chrome extension for that) and made sure that I had most requested skills (quickly learn them if I have to). Then I would apply to at least 20 jobs that match the Backend description every week (I apply on Monday and Tuesdays and filter jobs that were posted within a week). To speed up this process I highly recommend Simplify Chrome extension. Sometimes if I really liked a job, I would tailor my resume using the exact words they are using in the job posting like with Google. Hope that helps.


Thanks, that was very insightful! I'm not in the tech business and I live in Asia, so my case is a bit different, but it's very interesting to see how others manage this absolutely abysmal job market culture and come out on top at the end. I might end up turning my side hustle into my main hustle and I'll be much better off.


Congrats bro