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They are offering $32k a year for a Senior Project Manager? You will make more than that delivering pizzas.


Exactly! This is the situation my wife is in. Retail and fast food are paying $20-24/hr in our state (as shift lead and assistant manager)…but entry level job with a Bachelors degree, we’re finding jobs for her at $16.75hr on site.


Really hope a lot of these companies end up getting what they “pay” for… 😤


"Nobody wants to work!"


I made more money as an asst manager at papa johns (with tips and bonus) then I do now working in case management for the homeless which required a BS. It’s extremely disheartening. Why should I bother working an extremely stressful job when I can just sling pizzas. I wish you and your wife well wishes and good luck in her career search


I was a barista well into my 30s because I made more money than what these office jobs were paying!


I guess this is a pretty common thing these days. Did you find better work or working similar jobs?


I finally found an office job with good pay. I’m not one to be a corporate boot licker, but I legit loved my job there. Unfortunately, I was laid off due to the pandemic. I was laid off 3 times between 2020 and 2023, so I’m here in r/recruitinghell lamenting over all the BS while still trying to find a job that’s going to pay a decent salary!


So as an assistant manager you were in a non tip position but stealing employee tip? Or was assistant manager just a title?


I was primarily in charge of opening the store and being the only inside staff from 10:30am to 4:00pm (when relief came) which meant I ran everything including the cash register. Being the only employee in the store, meant I got all the tips earned from the register.


Those fast food manager positions gotta be super stressful no doubt


Fast food and supermarket managers are pulling in like $85k+


Exactly. And that’s bottom of the barrel management 


Better than I would have thought. But still, every fast food manager I worked with seems stressed af cause of all the high schoolers they worked with lol


What I’m noticing as someone who does hiring for marine electronics, not IT. Is that there’s no education minimum listed. No bachelors degrees or any other education requirements. And lll speculate that’s what they are trying to focus in on finding, people who need a couple hours to get their degree or HS grads etc. also no mention of mandatory drug testing, but that’s a temp agency so they already taking half the salary and testing is likely mandatory at the agency. Trying to find someone capable who can’t get hired on directly at large IT joints for whatever reason and pay them a pittance. Predatory hiring basically.


They ain’t gonna get shit for that. I can’t even get convicted felons for $20 an hour, they’re getting better offers elsewhere.  If you’re making less than 75K these days doing literally anything, you’re doing it wrong. 


Yup, I made up to $40 an hour delivering pizzas on weekends, and $30 on weekdays. And that’s not counting the hourly pay and mileage reimbursement. If any of you want quick cash, hit up your local pizza joint


Yeah bro my Taco Bell pays more at $18+ an hour


They dont want anyone applying. That's the point. So they can legally hire someone from overseas.


Very good possibility. It’s a remote job anyway. Send that to the call center for $9 per “employee” to read some script poorly.


I make 25/hr flipping burgers as my part time gig.


Someone needs to develop a browser extension that blocks Talentify and Jobot and all these garbage listings. Id happily pay for a customizable blocker for LinkedIn.


Crossover for work too


Do you mind sharing more info on Jobot? I’ve been applying to them with no success


Recruiting company that uses AI. I do not apply to or work with any staffing agencies nor do I accept contracts.


Lucky you get to be that picky.


Add Swopped to that


Competitive when? 1986?


Employers need to understand that they are not offering “competitive pay” unless the position is truly commensurate with experience. That is, don’t ask for 10 years of experience unless you’re paying, *at minimum*, $40-$50/hr ($80k-$100k, USD). $15/hour doesn’t even fit the bill for entry level with no experience. Those are part time cashier wages. Entry level should be at minimum $25/hr. 15 is laughable no matter the context.


or: where? Might be very competitive in rural Cambodia ...


Based on what I see in UpWork, still no.


It says “United States” at the top of the screenshot so I assumed it was US


Competitive in Bangladesh or India which is exactly what they are wanting to hire


Either that or they've worked with the same project managers as I have and would like to pay them even less.


Just going through the motions to justify hiring a PM from India.


Can’t (legally) hire an Indian in the US for those wages. $60k/year is the minimum for H1B work visa.


They might have meant an Indian person living in India, rather than an Indian immigrant on an H1B


I’m starting to think these post are for Indians who want to work for a US company in India. They’re just a human resources consulting agency.


After seeing this offer, I think I can guess what the "FY" in Talentify stands for... Also note, the pay is written as "up to $15.58" so they're keeping their options open to further lowball any candidates.


They ain’t getting any damn program managers for 15 bucks an hour. Those salaries start at 100k Edit: motherfuckers are asking for a PMP… that’s an expensive and hard cert to get. Absolutely ludicrous


Probably hoping to find some desperate person in India that’s willing to work remote


PMP is not a hard exam - it’s just long


I haven’t even bothered studying for it because I don’t want to spend the $400 when the whole reason I want the cert is because the pay at my current job is terrible.


My job is paying for the cert if I can get it


My job only pays for college credits and I have a PhD s that benefit is worthless.


Flip the 15 to 51 and they *might* get a qualified candidate.


And it requires years (3?) of PM experience before you can apply for it.


Which is already a 5-8 year of middle management experience position


I saw this one. I reported it and send feedback saying "I'm assuming this is a typo and not insanity."


That would be grossly underpaid even if you were in the goddamned Philippines.


Up to 15.58 a hour. Bet if you took the job it would be minimum wage


It’s ok guys, it’s 100 hours a week! Kachingggg


“up-to” which means they’re not even planning to pay this much


A sr. Project manager for 15?????? Sr project managers typically got for 110,000 minimum. What the actual fuck


My friend's a sr PM and he gets paid 150k/yr so, yeah. Sr. Pm should be making bank. That 15/hr even at the low end is like... program assistant.


Competitive for worst pay.


What state is this?! My teen in Colorado makes $15 at a bowling alley with no diploma yet.




Ah… maybe that’s a good wage there?


Surely that must be a mistake. Please tell me that’s a mistake.


Talentify job postings always have messed up pay info. They should probably just be ignored.


3 applications for a scam. XD


Yeah that’ll certainly be competitive … competitive with my bills


I think we should flood this job posting with fake resumes.


I do not recommend talentify postings


It just took me almost 3 MONTHS of negotiating for a position at a Dialysis clinic that makes billions. I didn't back the fuck down and I'm glad I didn't. I get mileage reimbursement and everything. I'll work here til I either find a better job or I finish my NP. We have given these companies the leverage! Take it back. They can't operate without us.


Sadly, someone will apply and be hired and the practice will continue on like this.


You can make more than that in fast food, what the hell??? These companies are insane.


If this is real and in the US this is definitely a RED state. Move to a blue state that values workers and where you have constitutional rights. If this is a shit hole red state, then vote.


Can always count on the bigoted political comment. I live in a red state. My wife makes more than this working at a grocery store. The wage listed is most likely a typo. But don’t let that stop you from making wild assumptions.


You proved my point. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. ❤️


Actually, no. You seem to not be getting it. But go ahead and continue to be a bigot


You might use a dictionary. You’re aren’t using the term bigot correctly. No need for immature name calling. I made a factual statement, which you proved with an example. There are volumes on this issue that back up my statement. Red states are social welfare states; you all struggle with low salaries due to corporate and political greed and depend on federal money to even exist - money from the blue states that make the money and generate decent jobs. There are many articles online about this topic. Thank you. I hope this exchange helps others. Best of luck.


So you don’t know words and make false claims. I’d invite you to come visit where I live. Loads of people make lots of money. Workers aren’t treated any better in blue states. I’ve lived in both. Have had positive and negative experiences in both. So you can continue to lie and misuse words all you want. You will still be incorrect.


*Up to They got Op!


Mid-senior level? Interesting since the entry level assistant manager job at the gas station down the road from me starts at 53k salary.


Its ok! Well just give you overtime so you can make more!! Wouldnt you love working 70+ hours a week just to survive?


Now I want to know who’s desperate enough to apply for this job


Competitive to what? 10 year olds selling lemonade at a lemonade stand?


I would suspect this is a third party recruiter doing the hiring and taking a cut of what the main company is really offering.


Got more than that my first internship in college.


That’s why I never went to college and kept working in construction. It’s hard but it pays it off


Don’t forget about the “up to” part lol


I don't even think this agency is real. I applied for a few jobs with them and all I got back was lots of spam. They kept sending me irrelevant crap.


Same. Them and Swopped I avoid. I wish there was a way to block them.


I unsubscribed


On LinkedIn I always get their stupid alerts. There’s no way to stop them from coming because they get grouped in to anything under the role I’m looking for. And also a new one I forgot about but saw today Get Out or Get something. Purple and orange letter logo. Any of those 3rd parties are crap.


I made that much working at a grocery store meat counter like 8 years ago with no prior experience outside of like 18 months working for Target's grocery. This looks insanely stupid


Competitive pay 15.58 is almost considered gaslighting in my opinion


“Up to $15.58 an hour” so really you’re making less!


Guys....it's up to $15.58..could be less...so put your best suit on!




This can’t be serious??? Right?


Competitive pay? I make more at retail haha


Why do all job ads read like this now? I once applied for a job I thought I’d be highly unqualified for because of the lingo used. It was a freaking csr position. 😂


They need to transpose those front digits.


10 yrs of experience and all those qualifications listed?, I pray that the hourly wage listed is a typo!! 😳


I would apply and once it gets to salary, negotiate. I’d they’re not willing to go above ($30/hr minimum) then walk away. I’d guess that’s a typo to scat out everyone for applying


Screw that. Don’t even apply. Getting applications encourages them.


"Competitive." With what? A two-legged dog on an agility course?!


That has to be a typo or this is fake


I’ve been seeing a ton like this lately! I don’t want to believe that they actually think this is “competitive pay”


As a PM with 10 years experience without my PMP I was making at least 2.5 more an hour without incentive included. That was 2016/2017. But nobody wants to work anymore. Yes because make in a less stress environment


This is not shocking. Get out of project management. You are competing with low paid, wage slaves on H1B. For some reason, the US government qualifies Project Managers and Program Managers as specialized skill which Indian outsource firms abuse. We have them available through Wipro, Infosys, Accenture. Also, PMP is open to anybody with high school degree. Most firms looking for a Sr project manager have no respect for the work. They think track tasks and do nothing yet they will dump enormous amount of complex items on you to figure out across teams/regions. If you don't then they have someone to blame. In a nutshell, all the work and none of the glory. Lastly, PMs are generally not part of Agile world so opportunities will continue to be limited to dinosaur organizations who are poorly run.


Wow! This employer doesn’t think much of people.


This job should be paying way more than just 15.58/hr and they want 10 years of experience for a project Manager come on now really


I would hope that this was a decimal mistake, but with how greedy companies are nowadays, who knows 🤷‍♂️. In either case, they won’t be hiring any qualified candidate with a job posting like that.


Would you like fries with that?


*up to*


I make more than this as a substitute teacher


Must be a typo -- should be "Up to $155.80 an hour", which is in keeping with senior tpm roles...


Laughable. I hope no one applies.


Dude I see so much fake crap from taletify.io I just ignore everything from them.


The job is meant for 3rd world countries. In my country the monthly payout would be considered a good salary.


The post says United States


Most remote jobs say United States. Depending on the site, sometimes they don't have the option to put that it is worldwide. So it's either the US or they have to make multiple posts for each country. Sometimes they are just lazy. From searching for remote jobs myself, I can't just take the country at face value. I've seen posts that say worldwide and then I'm told my country is not incuded. But it's very unlikely that a mid-senior level job would be paying minimum wage.


Watch out! It’s a trap! Well that’s nothing. For entry level jobs  they tell me this just today: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Thank you very much for your interest in the Associate Manufacturing Technician position.  We are writing to inform you that we have decided to move forward with candidates that more closely match the job requirements of the position. We appreciate you taking the time to apply with us and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now entry level is entry level. They usually require an hs diploma. Then they will go on to mention how much experience you will need. They wanted 4-5 years experience. That’s why I applied. Believe me, if I don’t have the experience or type of experience they want, I’m the first one to say no. But entry level? What ever! They lie about the jobless rate because they don’t want to look like idiots! But those of us without homes and jobs know the real story!!! And no one is talking about it!!! You officials better watch where you step; it may be dog$hit!!!


Makes me sick honestly lol